
One Piece - The Collector

Thrown into the world of One Piece. Follow the adventures of Telflaire Hunter. Watch him establish his family, power and how it affects the flow of events in the world of pirates. Just try it, First time writting a fanfic. People! Just don't be too harsh and btw English is not my first language.

TrumpetSoap · Anime & Comics
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24 Chs

12 The Pirate and The Marine


[System detected: Current body has foreign powers detected. ]



[Conditions Adjustment Completed]

[One-Time Cloning: The current body will be cloned, but one body will be cleaned out of its Devil Fruit abilities. Both bodies would share the same memories no matter how far they are apart. After the cloning procedure is done the option will be unavailable in the future.





Do you agree to the terms and conditions?]

"Yes! When did I ever read such a thing even in my previous life" Hunter then selected to proceed





[Cloning Started]

Hunter also thought that even if his potential would be cut in half. He still feels he could still be one of the strongest people in the world not to mention two bodies.

With the right devil fruit and haki training, he will still be unstoppable.

But thankfully that was not the case.

Then his consciousness started to fade away putting him to sleep.






Hours had passed.


[Cloning Procedure Completed]

[Clone body will be sent and activated through inventory]

Hunter then started to regain his consciousness.

He started feeling his body if there was anything wrong.

"I still feel the same power." Hunter then proceeded to stretch and test his body.

As nothing could be visibly changed. He then calmed down.

He went outside and looked for a secluded place then he summons his inventory.

The item, the clone body was encased in a blueish cloning tank. Although scientific, it still looked magical, as it was only done in a couple of hours.

He then proceeds to break it and the place starts to glow a bright light that lasts for a couple minutes, which then starts to fade away leaving only a naked person.

The person looks exactly like Hunter from his frame to his unique set of eyes.

After dressing up his clone with the same set of clothes.

What he plans is to send his clone to continue his Marine career and also to spy and he would sail the vast world of One Piece.

As they share their memories they wouldn't need instructions.

"From now on I'm gonna start to build my own forces. As I can't use my other name now. I'll just use my wife's name. Her name was Helena Hermés, The Hermés Family" His family will always have a special place in his heart.

The other one wore a cloak and then both of them went their separate ways.


A week later.

Hunter and Zala went to Flevance.

The White City was beautiful with no signs yet of the Amber Lead Syndrome.

The place looks like it can only be seen in fairy tales. The people were wealthy and joyous.

Singing and children laughing can be heard everywhere. A prosperous city.

But as they didn't know, darkness started crawling and started reaching for their throats.

Then a bloody scenario will unfold

As they look around town.

Hunter met with a doctor. He also left him with a message "The will of D....When all hope is lost find the Hermes Family."

As the incident didn't happen yet he left Zala and assigned her with a single mission.

For the following weeks, he intended to hunt his targeted pirate and find a secluded place to continue his training, as he was still trying to adjust to his new body.


Arthur Hermes that is the name he gave himself.

Now that he can freely use his power. The first he did was to change his appearance and try to make himself as old as he currently is.

"I'm a forty-year-old man, it's just felt weird looking young." His face started then to contort, transforming his face.

With an appearance he is comfortable with. He also chooses to change his clothes. He now donned a black suit and pants. He looked like a mafioso or even an assassin.

He already had a direction as he finally used his compass.

With his preparation completed, he started sailing across the sea.





Also somewhere in the Red Line a Fishman is seen climbing to the top.

As he plans to free the slaves under the Celestial Dragons.

A very tough and courageous endeavor.

The man climbed with such determined look on his face.

Believing nothing can stop his mission.


Arthur arrived where his compass pointed, the Rochsons Isle.

Base of the Rabbid Pirates.

The sun hangs with such scorching heat but the place looks like a paradise, If it wasn't for the pirates crawling around this place it would be like a vacation island.

As Arthur was nearing the coast, he didn't want to dock and be seen by others.

He wore a cloak and used Geppo to arrive at the island. Perfectly concealing his presence.

As he traipses around. Investigating. People were looking warily.

Moving towards his target he notices the unwelcoming looks.

A large man stopped him from advancing.

"Do you want to die? Turn back or else". He smugly told and looked at Arthur.

As the pirate continued glossing over how terrifying this place was, something came wriggling around Arthur's back.


He split the man in half making it a bloody scene.

"Ahhh!!! Murder!!!" shouted one of the pirate's comrades.

As he continued to move forward he also continued his bloody onslaught.

Anyone who came across Arthur died mercilessly.

The place was terrifying, heads rolling around, bodies were cut in half, organs were seen everywhere and the ground was flooded with blood.

It looked like a scene from a horror movie.

If anyone could witness the scene they wouldn't believe only a single man would be the culprit for this incident.

As the series of murders happened. The captain of the pirated group Hound Dog.

He was aware that an enemy attacked their base.

But when tried to look through the slats of the door. What he witnessed terrified him to his very soul.

He already thought to himself that he couldn't defeat such a terrifying monster.

As he decided to abandon his comrades, he locked himself in the office and hid underneath a secret room. Thinking the monster would leave on his own.

As the wails and screams slowly dies down.

The door was blasted away. Fragments of the door flew everywhere.

As Arthur entered the room. He didn't find anyone. He then looks into his compass.

He activated one of his abilities. He felt the changes in his eyes. His vision turns darker but now he can see anyone or anything that emits heat.

As time went by he had forgotten about this thermal vision.

"So there you are". Arthur then smashed the floor.

Now the entrance was wide open the man inside was on the floor and he looked terrified.

" w what do you want? I I can give anything" the man said as he had hope that he could be spared.

"You have something that I own" as Arthur already declared ownership of the item.

"P P Please take anything that you want, just spare my life". The pirate was begging on his knees.

As he was waiting for an answer. The tails of the monster moved in a blink of an eye.

He was stabbed in his stomach, pried away in four directions scattering his body all over the room and painting the room with his blood.

He then proceeds to look into one of the boxes of fruits, at the center of it. There it was, a red heart-shaped fruit resembling a strawberry.

Arthur always thought of himself as not an overly aggressive person, but when he walked around town investigating he found out about the terrible things the pirate group had done.

They pillaged, raped, and killed women and children.

They are the kind of people that Arthur thought that don't deserve any kind of mercy.

That is why he went and brutally massacred all of them.

And now that he got what he wanted.

As this incident would be discovered. This will be an enigma in town as the lurking monsters that hunts evil and be known as the "Butcher in the Rye."
