
Omniverse task completer

Main character is character who discovered the contract of primordial chaos, and signed it, leading to journey across the world.

Genesis_writer · Anime und Comics
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7 Chs

Chapter 3 ( Special sign-in rewards, birth of the twins)

[ Task has been confirmed by you. ]

[ Transmission to the Shinobi world will begin in 3..2.. 1.. start. ]

As the countdown ended, a black swirling portal appeared sucking him in shaping his body into the baby that would be in his mother's womb.

As this whole this thing ended.

Genesis found himself in the black place that was slimy.

[ Host has been transferred to the shinobi world .]

[ As per the details mentioned in task content, host will awaken the sign-in system. ]

[ Initializing the Sign-in system, system launched successfully. ]

[ As the seeker has entered the Shinobi world, host can sign in for the first and only special time. ]

" sign-in" genesis immediately shouted in his mind.

[ Sign-in reward for only special sign-in: Mutation. ]

Genesis didn't understand what would this reward of mutation would mutate.

Genesis opened the description of reward mutation.

[ Mutation: Mutation will mutate the bloodline, elemental affinities, and other things of seeker that seeker has to discover on itself.]

[ Do you want to use it ? ]

Without thinking genesis replied instantly, " hell yeah, use it."

[ Mutation is taking it's effect. As host is baby in the womb, changes will be done easily and will not experience any pain.

Bloodline: uchiha has mutated into the zencha.

Sharingan will evolve into ultimate balancing eyes named zentagan, when awakened.

Elemental affinities of fire and lightening will evolve into the Light and darkness.

Other things needed to be discovered by seeker on his own.

Mutation energy is overflowing, which can harm the host. so, mutation energy will mutate someone that near the host for the safety of seeker.

Since, nearest being to the seeker is sasuke the twin, then mutation on the sasuke will begun.

Attempting mutation, mutating bloodline- denied by the will of the world.

Attempting mutation, mutating sharingan- denied by the will of the world.

Attempting mutation, mutating elemental affinities of fire and lightening- energy is insufficient to mutate both affinities, mutating the lightening element- attempt successful- evolved into the golden lightening.

Reward of the mutation has been used. ]

Just as the genesis read these notifications of the system, he was shocked to the core by the facts like if chose to use the mutation after years he would have to suffer the a lot of pain, he himself could be in danger because of the excessive energy, mutation in the bloodline, sharingan, elemental affinities, other thing is that excessive energy has taken the mutation on the sasuke.

More shocking thing was that this whole process also involved the will of this world.

Genesis stayed in his mother,s womb for three months with his twin sasuke. But, to the bad luck of genesis, he did not received any sign-in chances for these three months.

In these three months, fugaku uchiha had taken the good care of his pregnant wife mikoto uchiha. Although he wants to show his true affection to his wife but he is a uchiha and patriarch of uchicha clan at that which is why he have to aloof face and expression on his face all the time.

In konoha village, situation of uchiha clan was getting bad because of the danzo and bitterness in the relation of uchiha clan and village itself.

Fugaku Uchiha, a proud and stoic figure within the Uchiha Clan, awaited the birth of his children with a mix of anticipation and responsibility weighing upon his shoulders. As the head of the Uchiha Clan and a highly respected shinobi, he understood the significance of this moment and the future it held for his family and the clan's legacy.

When the day finally arrived, and Fugaku was informed of the birth of his twin sons, Sasuke and Genesis, his heart swelled with a potent blend of emotions. Pride, joy, and a profound sense of duty coursed through his veins. The Uchiha Clan had been blessed with two heirs, destined to carry on the prestigious bloodline, after his bigger son named itachi uchiha who was genius of league in his own.

Fugaku entered the room where his wife lay, his eyes sparkling with a mixture of warmth and determination. As he gazed upon his newborn sons, a surge of love and protectiveness enveloped him. Their tiny forms captivated him, their potential palpable even at such an early stage.

He approached his wife, gently cradling her hand, and whispered words of admiration and gratitude. In that intimate moment, he promised to be a devoted father, a guiding force for Sasuke and Genesis as they ventured into the world of shinobi.

Fugaku envisioned a future where his sons would excel, not only as skilled shinobi but also as individuals of unwavering integrity and strength. He saw in them the potential to uphold the Uchiha name with honor and integrity, to bring prosperity and unity to the clan.

He took the both son in his arms named them sasuke and genesis uchicha, the big and small twin respectively. Both child was cute, while sasuke have mature kind of aura even as the child, and have usual black hair of uchiha clan, on the other side genesis has the mysterious vibes, cute and innocent aura, and genesis have the hair of grey colour which was different from all other uchiha.

But, everyone ignore, because both twins have same face, and same hair style which is of somewhat spiky type as the uchiha clan.

As after seeing the both sons he started to place the sons beside the mikoto uchiha. sasuke was peacefully placed there, but genesis didn't let go of his father, by grabbing the father with his tiny hands.

Mikoto teased his husband saying, " it seems genesis love his father most."

At the next moment, Fugaku uchiha saw the tatoo type symbol of golden and dark black coloured swords on the both arms of genesis right and left respectively.

But, he thought to himself how could it be a tatoo, because he was just born, then he realized that his son born with some mystery in himself and is the blessing of the god. Then, without being noticed by anyone, fugaku looked toward sasuke and saw the golden couloured lightening mark on his right arm. Which make more excited then ever but didn't show it on his face. After that he leave his these thoughts return to normal himself while slightly smiling to his son.

Itachi came into room and asked for holding the both brothers, after getting permission he hold them like they are fragile glasses which needed to be protected, and said with a very low tone to both brothers, " brothers i will always protect you both, all my life."

Although itachi didn't want others to listen this but as both mother and father are ninja they both heard it and smiled towards their children in response at their love and bond.

The day went on like for the family.

On the other side, Danzo Shimura, a man driven by ambition and a desire for control, received news of the birth of twin sons to Fugaku Uchiha, the head of the Uchiha Clan, with a mix of calculated interest and hidden resentment. As an influential figure within the shinobi world and the founder of the clandestine organization known as Root, Danzo recognized the potential impact these Uchiha heirs could have on the balance of power.

Behind closed doors, Danzo's mind spun with thoughts and calculations. He saw the birth of Sasuke and Genesis Uchiha as an opportunity, a chance to mold and manipulate the future of the Uchiha Clan to his advantage. The potential strength and influence these young Uchiha heirs could bring fascinated him, and he was determined to exert his influence over their development.

Danzo's reaction to the birth of the Uchiha twins remained carefully guarded, hidden beneath a facade of polite interest. In public, he presented himself as a supportive ally, offering words of congratulations to Fugaku and the Uchiha Clan. However, behind that facade, he began to formulate plans, contemplating how to exploit the twins' potential for his own gain.

His desire to control the Uchiha Clan, to shape their future, and to ensure their allegiance to his own vision of a stable and obedient shinobi world, burned within him. He knew that the Uchiha Clan possessed immense power and influence, and he saw the birth of these twins as a means to further his own agenda.

Danzo subtly inserted himself into the Uchiha twins' lives, observing their growth and development from the shadows. He sought to influence their training and nurture their loyalty to his cause, carefully sowing seeds of doubt and mistrust toward their own family and village.

His actions were veiled in secrecy, manipulating events and circumstances to push the twins towards a path that aligned with his own desires. Danzo understood that if he could control the Uchiha heirs, he would possess a formidable force to shape the future of the shinobi world as he saw fit.

Behind closed doors, Danzo meticulously planned and plotted, orchestrating situations that would fuel the flames of discontent within the Uchiha Clan. He saw in the twins a means to ignite the embers of Uchiha rebellion, a catalyst for change that would ultimately solidify his own power and influence.

Though his reaction to the birth of Sasuke and Genesis was carefully crafted to mask his true intentions, Shimura Danzo's mind churned with ambition and manipulation. He saw in the Uchiha twins a potential pawn in his grand game, and he would stop at nothing to bend their destinies to serve his own ends, regardless of the cost to the Uchiha Clan or their individual well-being.