
Omniverse task completer

Main character is character who discovered the contract of primordial chaos, and signed it, leading to journey across the world.

Genesis_writer · Anime & Comics
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7 Chs

Chapter 4 (atmosphere of family, and feeling of powerlessness )

From the moment they were born, Sasuke and Genesis Uchiha brought immeasurable joy and love into the lives of their parents, Fugaku and Mikoto Uchiha. As the twins grew, their distinct personalities began to blossom, painting a beautiful picture of family dynamics within the Uchiha household.

Sasuke, with a competitive spirit burning brightly within him, always sought the attention and approval of his older brother, Itachi Uchiha. From their earliest interactions, Sasuke's eyes would light up at the sight of Itachi, and he would eagerly follow in his brother's footsteps. They would spend countless hours playing together, training side by side, and Sasuke would revel in every moment of Itachi's presence, although sasuke went for the assigned missions for the most of the times.

Itachi, with his calm and nurturing nature, would patiently guide Sasuke, teaching him the ways of the Uchiha Clan and honing his skills. Sasuke longed for Itachi's praise, finding solace and inspiration in the bond they shared. Their sibling relationship was a source of motivation for Sasuke, driving him to become stronger and prove himself worthy of Itachi's love and recognition.

On the other hand, Genesis had an unyielding affection for their father, Fugaku Uchiha, even though Fugaku's stern and distant persona often concealed his emotions. Genesis found comfort in Fugaku's presence, delighting in every opportunity to spend time with his father. Fugaku, though not overtly affectionate, cherished his time with Genesis and recognized the unique connection they shared.

Mikoto Uchiha, a loving and devoted mother, watched her family with an overflowing heart. She cherished each moment, capturing the beauty of their interactions, and went above and beyond to ensure their happiness. Mikoto would prepare their favorite meals, delighting in the smiles that adorned their faces as they gathered around the table as a family. Her nurturing nature extended beyond the kitchen, as she engaged in playful activities with the twins, fostering their growth and creating cherished memories.

The Uchiha household was a blend of love, duty, and unspoken emotions. Although Fugaku rarely displayed his happiness outwardly, the glow in his eyes whenever he observed his family spoke volumes. Deep within, he was grateful for the bond they shared and found solace in the knowledge that his sons were growing up surrounded by love and support.

As the twins approached the age of two, their personalities continued to develop, weaving a tapestry of love and unity within the Uchiha Clan. Sasuke's competitive nature only grew stronger, pushing him to new heights, while Genesis basked in the warmth of his father's presence, his admiration for Fugaku unwavering.

Through the guidance of their parents and the love that permeated their home, Sasuke and Genesis Uchiha were set on a path of strength, determination, and familial devotion. With Mikoto's unwavering support, Fugaku's silent pride, and the bond between the twins growing stronger each day, the Uchiha household remained a sanctuary of love.

After this all moments,

Genesis Uchiha, the twin brother of Sasuke and son of Fugaku Uchiha, found himself lost in a vivid flashback, reliving the catastrophic disaster that befell Konoha—the attack of the Nine-Tailed Beast. As the images of destruction and chaos flashed before his eyes, a surge of anger and frustration coursed through his veins.

In the depths of his mind, Genesis replayed the painful memory of the Uchiha Clan being unable to participate in the defense of their beloved village. Shimura Danzo, along with other higher authorities in Konoha, had orchestrated a web of deceit and secrecy, manipulating events to sideline the Uchiha Clan and cast doubt upon their loyalty.

As the flashback played out, Genesis felt a mixture of sadness and bitterness. He recalled the dark schemes that had prevented his clan from lending their formidable strength and sharing the burden of protecting the village they held dear. The weight of the missed opportunity, the inability to fight alongside their fellow villagers, weighed heavily on his heart.

Moreover, Genesis pondered the deep-seated animosity and prejudice that had long plagued the Uchiha Clan within the walls of Konoha. The actions of the village citizens and authorities toward the Uchiha Clan had been marked by suspicion and disdain. The forced relocation of the Uchiha Clan from the central area to the outskirts of the village served as a constant reminder of their perceived inferior status.

In the recesses of his mind, Genesis questioned the fairness of the treatment his clan had endured. He wondered why they were viewed with such angry eyes, why their dedication to the village and their commitment to protecting its inhabitants were met with skepticism. It was a reflection of the systemic prejudice and distrust that had festered within Konoha, casting a shadow upon the Uchiha Clan's honorable legacy.

As the flashback gradually faded, Genesis's resolve strengthened. He vowed to rise above the darkness that had plagued his clan, to find a way to honor their heritage and seek justice for their suffering. Though he couldn't change the past, he would forge a path toward a better future—one where the Uchiha Clan could reclaim their rightful place and rewrite the narrative of their people.

Genesis's heart burned with determination, fueled by the desire to uncover the truth and expose the deceit that had deprived the Uchiha Clan of their rightful role in protecting Konoha. He knew that the journey ahead would be fraught with challenges, but he would not be swayed by the weight of the past. Instead, he would channel his anger into a force for change, seeking to restore justice and unity to the village he called home.

With his mind focused and his resolve unwavering, Genesis Uchiha emerged from the depths of the flashback, ready to embark on a path of redemption and revelation. His journey would not only reshape the fate of the Uchiha Clan but also challenge the very foundations of Konoha itself, as he sought to dismantle the barriers that had long divided the village and bring about a new era of understanding and unity.

Then another scene came to the mind of genesis when his mother mikoto carrying us both twins met with kushina uzumaki who was pregnant with the main character of this world naruto. genesis was unable to save the kushina, and minato. he felt powerless at this moment. This feeling of powerlessness grew even more when seeing the naruto suffer bad behaviour of whole village, and have to live without knowing the identity and love of his parents.

Then remembering the reward of sign-in of time nine-tails disaster which was locked. he wanted to unlock it as fast as possible.when a notification had appeared in front him.

[ Incidental sign-in is available to sign-in ]

At that time i confirmed to sign-in expecting the powerful reward for to be never be powerless again.

[ Sign-in successful, reward , a unique and newly created tailed beast ]

i without thinking anything further shouted to use the reward in my mind at that time but notification of system shocked me.

[ The status of this reward is locked and will be locked till the conditions and time has been met. ]