
4 Men Vs 4 Girls Part 3

A hard pant can be heard from Xenyi's side as she is both tired and short of mana even though she tried to summon another beast. Ryuma then speaks...

"I just realized something. You actually are not the Beast Tamer right? Well, It's only an assumption but it's more like you're controlling them..." Xenyi answers Ryuma's assumption.

"Well, you had a good eye for someone who barely had mana in his body. Say, you use the path underground to get to me. How do you know my exact location?"

"What're you talking about? Every beast tamer had their mana tied up on each other like a rope with their own beast. From the beast, I also saw the 'rat' that had been stalking me from earlier. Also, didn't you realize it? Your mana... tells you where the exact locations of these fuckers..."

Ryuma points to the Orc who is trying to attack him from behind. Ryuma dodged the attack and gave the counter blow right on the Orc's throat. But Ryuma's attack didn't end there.

"SNAP!" The sound of the bone breaking echoes through the area. Xenyi was surprised as Ryuma's arm choked the Orc's neck and immediately snapped its neck. The Orc Beast then falls to the ground. Unmoving and disappearing like the Ox from earlier.

"Now... this guy is a piece of work I'm not gonna lie." Ryuma expected Xenyi's face to be full of despair but right now she's standing. And smiling.

"So... You don't feel bad for killing someone's beast huh? You HEARTLESS MONSTER!"

"Why should I feel bad? That monster is just a mindless puppet. Nothing more. I've met the Beast Tamer before. Each and every one of them has a personality and trait. I can see it... the soul in their own body. I can't feel any soul from your beast. And, what I can see in you right now is a girl... controlling these 'Beast'. Like a puppet.

"Say, do you ever give them a name? Or... feed them? No! You're only seeing your beast as a convenient tool just to be thrown off! So let me ask you once again, Why should I feel bad for killing them? This soulless beast?" The word from Ryuma hits Xenyi in the mind but she tries to fend off those words.

"SHUT UP! THIS IS THE WAY OF JIAHAO FAMILY!!! WE WILL USE ANY MEANS NECESSARY TO REACH TO THE TOP!!!" The wall behind Xenyi was broken as the two creatures were standing alongside Xenyi.

"Heh, the Cobra and Red Monkey... It seems you both have quite the durability..." And comes along the Flame Cockatrice and Wild Hound behind Ryuma. Right now... Four of Xenyi's beasts including her, that makes it five. A killing intent is coming from each one of the beasts including Xenyi.

Ryuma was calm. Along with his battle stance. Surrounded by the beasts. Everyone remains frozen... As some of the house frames started to crumble and fall to the ground... Every beast including Xenyi charged toward Ryuma.

Meanwhile, Kiyo was dodging every attack launched by Lorie.

"DIE! DIE! DIE!" Lorie blasted the whole area just to get rid of Kiyo. Unfortunately, none of the attacks has hit Kiyo somehow. 

"KHKK Why the hell none of the attacks hit him?! I am Lorie Murphy! The Prodigy!" Since childhood, Lorie has been called a prodigy since she can create an orb with every type of element. Each of the orbs has a powerful magical output when it's released.

Although, Lorie is an elf who is attributeless. So she's been shunned by the elves until she discovered her own 'Unique'. With the power she gets from her 'Unique'... She decides to change her life. Sooner or later, she's become the top student in her old school.

But because of everyone's jealousy, she didn't get to make any friends even though she was on the top. With that in mind, Lorie decides to live for her and only herself and cast out everybody around her. Thus, she's been called an 'Arrogant Magician'.

"It didn't hit, it didn't hit, it didn't hit, it didn't hit, IT DIDN'T HIT! Why! This guy is like fucking cockroach!!!!" Out of extreme frustration, Lorie then gathers her every orb in one place to make it one giant orb.

"I'll blow the entire area of this goddamn place! SOURCE OF ELEMENTAL: MERGING RAY!!! TRY TO DODGE THIS BITCH!!!" A powerful force of mana and magic coming from the orb. Deep down, Kiyo knew he couldn't make it in time if he tried to run away. Instead, he is running in the opposite direction. As Lorie is trying to blow up the entire area a hand immediately closes up both her nose and mouth. This makes Lorie unable to breathe.

"One of the most important steps for a magician to use magic is to breathe. They need to breathe in order to absorb the mana and use magic. So to prevent the magician from casting a spell is to stop her airway to breathe."

The powerful energy from the orb then slowly goes down. Until the point the trace of mana has completely disappeared from the orb. Kiyo finally lets Lorie go as she's completely passed out from not having much breath.

"Crap, she passed out. Well, this is what happens when I hold too much against the girl." 

At the same time, Mika was losing too much blood from the shuriken's wound on his body. Mika was frustrated as she was not coming at him in close-range combat.

"FUCKING BITCH! STOP THROWING STUFF AND JUST COME OUT ALREADY!!!" At the same time, Mika was screaming, Mika realized the presence behind him.

"Fire Style: Fire Breath!" Ramilia sprays a round of fire toward Mika.

"CRAP, I FORGOT THEY CAN USE MAGIC TOO!!!" The attack was effective as half of Mika's body was burned out along with some of his clothes. Making him vulnerable right now. Mika tried to run away as Ramilia threw a smoke bomb around Mika. Making him unable to see his surroundings.

Mika tried to get away from the smoke. But before Mika knows it, his throat has been cut. Mika holds the wound on her throat with both of his hands. Unfortunately, he falls to the ground because of the blood loss. Ramilia looked at Mika who was on death odor...

"That's one down. Now then, I should assist Lady Valena with her fight." As Ramilia was about to leave supposedly, Mika's lifeless body. She immediately felt an intimidating aura coming from her back. Ramilia turned around and saw Mika standing up. But that is not all...

"Every wound in his body is gone?! Along with the burnt wound... Also, is that the guy who's been screaming a few minutes ago?! It feels like... he is a different person!" The glasses Mika wore had fallen.

 The face behind the glasses supposedly has a cheerful face that everyone is comfortable with, and has changed to some scary thug you can find at some back alley. His aura almost imitated the same aura Ryuma had. Except, its purpose is to defeat the person in front of him.

"You... Fucking bitch... Who do you think... YOU ARE HUH?!!" Mika grabs Ramilia's neck the faster she can see it. Before Ramilia know it, she's been lifted in the air.

"T-This guy's grip is too strong I can't get away!" Ramilia tried to use last minute tactic by stabbing him with the kunai. But her hand was grabbed by Mika. At this moment, Ramilia knew she fucked up.

Yeah, she's indeed f*cked up.

Cryostscreators' thoughts