
In The Movie Worlds With My System - Fixed Grammar Version

A regular college student accidentally obtained a fragment of a system through traffic accident! He believed he was dead, but when he opened his eyes, he found himself in a movies with a mission to collect system fragments that exist in different worlds. first world = The Mummy second world = Resident Evil third+ world = read to find out I do not own any of the characters except for the original character (OC) in the novel. This is a grammar rewrite/translation atp, with hopefully readable grammar. lmk if you find anything wrong by commenting and I will fix it.

cmluis · Filme
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63 Chs

Chapter 51: Making a Deal

"Yes, he is your father. We have arrived at the exact time when your mother cursed the Emperor."

"Then why can't we kill the Emperor now to prevent future problems?" O'Connell said.

"No, we can't. It would change the future and create a new parallel world different from ours."

"You can't change the past; you can only observe it," he added.

"Lin, please refrain from any unnecessary actions," Alex cautioned. "Your father's death will happen here, and there will be no change in that."

"Why can't we change it? You're a god. Can't you ignore the rules?" Lin asked, her expression filled with sadness and helplessness. Her father was right in front of her, but she couldn't stop his impending death.

"No, even a god has to follow rules. I am not the only God in this world," Alex replied, with a somber expression.

Upon arriving in this era, he sensed many gods' presence. They, too, sensed his presence, but since he didn't interfere with the mortal world, they didn't take any action. If he were to choose to interfere now, he would have to face the gods of this country.

"System, why are there no gods in the future?" Alex inquired.

"Host, the gods are also present in the future, but they live on a higher plane," the system responded.

"So that's why I can't sense them," Alex realized.

"System, what are my chances of defeating these gods?" Alex asked further.

"Host, if you were to fight them in the mortal world now, it may cause irreversible damage to the Earth," the system cautioned. "Therefore, it's advised not to face them."

"Is there a solution to save Lin's father?"

[Host, you can make a deal with a god. You can revive him after his death, ensuring his safety.]

[There will be no change in the future. You can exchange his soul for the Emperor's soul.]

"Okay," Alex agreed. He then unfroze time, and following the plot, Lin's mother cursed the Emperor, leading to Lin's father being killed. Lin cried while holding her father's lifeless body, and Eve offered her comfort.

"Can't we save Lin's father?" Alexander asked, witnessing Lin's distress.

"Yes, Alex, you saved Alicia in the other world," Alice reminded him.

"Alice, there are no gods in that world, so I can do whatever I want. But here, there are other gods. So, I can't interfere with those gods. But do you want me to save him?"

"Yes," Alexander confirmed.

"Do you love her?"

"Well, you can say that, Uncle Alex," Alexander admitted.

"There is a way, but it is dangerous,"

"What is it?" Alexander asked, curious.

"Making a deal with the god of death for her father's life,"

"Are they stronger than you, Uncle Alex?" Alexander asked.

"No, they are not stronger than me," Alex reassured. "But it would be difficult to fight them without causing too much destruction."

"Lin, there is a way to save your father, but you would have to pay a price," Alex informed her.

Upon hearing this, Lin's eyes lit up with hope.

"What is the price? I'm willing to pay, as long as you can revive my father," Lin said without hesitation.

"You would have to let the Emperor drink the water of Eternal life and regain his powers," Alex revealed. "Then you can exchange him for your father's life."

"I can't agree with that. No matter how much I want to save my father, I can't let the Emperor succeed," Lin responded firmly.

"If you are worried about the problems that may arise after his revival, you don't have to worry about it," Alex assured her. "I can take care of him. I promise as a god, no innocents will get harmed."

"Really? You will take care of it?" Lin doubted, seeking reassurance.

"Yes. So, do you agree with this?" Alex asked.

"Yes," Lin agreed.

"I request an audience with the god of death of this country for a deal," Alex declared, using his godly authority.

Following his announcement, the atmosphere changed, and the sky grew dark. A door with skull symbols on both sides appeared and opened, revealing the god of death, King Yan of Chinese mythology.

King Yan had a fearsome appearance with bulging eyes, deep red skin, an unpleasant expression, and a long black beard. He wore traditional Chinese robes and wore a judge's cap inscribed with the word "king."

As he emerged, everyone felt the pressure and kneeled on the ground. Alex, using his power, dispersed the pressure on them.

"Greetings to King Yan. Thank you for coming," Alex greeted respectfully.

"Greetings, god of unknown origin. What do you want with me?" King Yan said.

"I want to make an exchange," Alex stated, beginning the negotiation.

"Change his soul," Alex said, pointing toward Lin's father.

"You must know, he is a sinner with the blood of innocents on his hands. There is nothing you can exchange for his soul," King Yan replied.

"Even if it's the Emperor's life and his entire army?"

"Even though the Emperor remains cursed for now, in the future, the curse will lift, and he will gain immortality," King Yan said.

"So you can't take his soul?"

"As gods cannot interfere with the mortal world due to lacking quantities of faith," King Yan affirmed.

"So I will kill the Emperor and give his soul and his army to you?"

After hearing this, King Yan contemplated the offer. If he could receive the Emperor's soul and his army for this single soul, he felt it was a worthwhile deal.

"I agree to the deal," King Yan announced, holding a light ball in his hand. As he released the ball, it entered Lin's father's body, and he came back to life.

"I hope you can uphold your end of the deal," King Yan said before disappearing.

Overjoyed by her father's resurrection, Lin and her father engaged in conversation. General Ming, now alive, approached Alex and kneeled before him.

"I thank you, Lord God, for saving my life," General Ming expressed his gratitude.

"There is no need for thanks. Your daughter made the deal."

"Now, everyone, prepare yourselves. We are going back to the future," Alex declared.

In an instant, a green light flashed, and the group vanished from the past.