
I was Reincarnated as Krillin? Oh boy.

Super huge fan of Dragonball dies and goes to a new world and chooses to be Krillin. ...Yep no worries about choosing to be a main support character here! he does his best to keep balance in this world but something is amiss as the enemies seem to scale with the changes and matches the growth of the main characters from their own growth... something isn't right. and it's up the reincarnated chosen to find out what is wrong.

Silverfang · Anime und Comics
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68 Chs

The Tournament begins!

Cheering and chatting was all we heard as we entered the temple grounds for the world martial arts tournament. Hundreds of people appeared to have a chance to beat the man who saved the world.

Mr. Satan hosted this tournament with support of the government to find, as he calls it, "Promising disciples, to ensure another generation of heroes."

Knowing him, and from Videls grumbling, he is just showboating and hoping to win the grand prize. While also fulfilling the promise to the government to take in any promising fighters as pupils to continue defending the earth from the false threat we made. But hey it works for us.

I was impressed when the previous grand prize of 1 million had been raised to 20 million thanks to the sponsors.

Bulma laughed when I said 20 mil.

But hey the rest of us weren't going to scoff at that amount. And Vegeta of course said when he wins it he will use it to rebuild more of New Planet Vegeta to greater heights. I couldn't help but say, "So taller than you right?"

He chased me around the world for one full loop before he stopped while giving me the, 'I'm watching you' motion with his fingers as we all signed up for the tournament.

We all signed up and got into the waiting area while our friends and family who weren't participating came and watched. Erasa's and Sharpner's family members all came to watch as the two teens were eager to show what they learned and how strong they had gotten.

We all chatted about mundane things and about how we thought the junior division tournament would go with Trunks, Goten, Maron, Orion, and Tomoe all participating. It would be a battle for who could show their training better. And of course who could keep it toned down to the basic limits for advanced humans like Mr. Satan and Roshi.

Finally we waited long enough and heard the cheers as the junior division got underway. We all lined up as the head referee and Mr.Satan came out and explained how we would be saving our strength by doing a punching machine versus the elimination rounds like the old days since we had two tournaments to contend with for time.

At the mention of the punch machine I heard a loud group of tsk's from behind me in our group and sighed in resignation. They brought out the punch machine and Mr.Satan demonstrated and showed that despite him doing the basics, he was indeed in the realm of advanced Humans. His power level was around 500 from his training against me and the Namekian demon kids. So we all waited as he managed to hit a solid 1,105 power rating on the machine.

To everyone here it was an impressive amount. He was definitely keeping his training up. But he was obviously keeping it to maintain, not enhance. Probably has a Yamcha mentality from the Saiyan era since he is so strong and breezes through every tournament he enters now.

He left to watch and prepare to fight the kids in their tournament. While we all lined up.

We had to wait an excruciating long time to get to our turns. And at that point we knew we had to hold back, but thankfully if we kept it to around our original strength from when we faced Raditz, we would be fine. If only we had more confidence in holding back and remembering what it was like to be at Mr. Satans level!

We all got around 1,300 - 1,700. Shocking all the other contestants as we began to make our way to the stands to watch the last 3 rounds of the childrens tournament. Both Semi finals, and the finals. We all watched with baited breath and enjoyed seeing Trunks prepare to fight my son Orion.

And man I am glad we drilled into their heads to keep it to advanced human level. We would have no explanation if their fights reached the levels they were in cannon. Thankfully they kept energy blasts to basic ki blasts which looked flashy but had only a punch worth of hit to them. So the battle was pretty fun. Especially since both fighters had to hide their tails. It was fun to see the audience wonder why their pants would shift and move whenever they were standing completely still.

In the end though Trunks had more training and won against Orion by using my son's weakness. he still hasn't learned the finer points of landing out of flight. So with a good old grab and toss at full power, Orion flew and failed to stop in time to save himself as he crash landed outside the ring edge by a solid 3 ft. He whimpered but Trunks agreed to buy him a whole cake as an apology for using such a rough method to win.

Orion beamed quickly at hearing that promise.

The Next match was fun with Tomoe fighting Gohan. He was hesitant as he was used to fighting his older sister Gine, not a younger girl, apparently Maron was beaten by Trunks in the previous round so she was nursing a bruise on her stomach and on her cheek from how rough Trunks got with her. 18 was caring for our daughter while we stood side by side cheering our other kid on. 21 was in the stands in her human form cheering her daughter on. We stood together as a family with my holding Maron after being treated by mommy 18.

18 will deny blushing with a small smile any time our kids called her that. While 21 cooed and spoiled them rotten any time they called her momma 21.

For the fight though my daughter gave Gohan no room to hold back. She came out the gate rushing in with a combination of kicks, punches, quick ki blasts used as flash bangs, and so on to disorient him. Gohan quickly adapted and just barely avoided a ring out from stumbling back form the last flash bang from Tomoe. He managed to stumble back to the arena proper, only to be hit from behind by a flurry of kicks and elbows from Tomoe. 21 was cheering her head off as Gohan certainly felt the damage pile up from that last combo. He slid back as he charged up a massive ki blast. Tomoe back flipped, and that move became her undoing.

Gohan cut the ki charge and went to take her down mid flip with a pile driver. As her head went under he quickly grabbed her flailing feet and flipped her head over feet out of the ring and into the audience barrier. Tomoe slid down and looked knocked out for a moment before she got up crying.

In seconds both 21 and I were by her side while Orion came out of the waiting room to check on his sister. 18 joined us with Maron and together we picked up our little girl and comforted her for making it to the semi finals with her brother.

The judge came to check on her and us and we told him it was fine and that we had it handled.

The judge saw me and recognized me as he gulped with excitement for the adults toournament rounds.

As we made our way back Gohan came over to apologize for making Tomoe cry but we waved it off as it was no big deal, after all she heals fast, she was more upset for losing than the pain.

With a nod he went off to prepare for the finals.

Trunks and Goten would be ready for their final match.