
Forming my harem of yandere

Lucas, a 22 year old man with a fascination for the Yandere, fantasy and thighs, one day he meets a woman while walking at night, without knowing it will make his life take a big turn, it will lead him to be the most powerful man who has ever existed. [Hey, marry me, hey, You love me, don't you? , do you love me, do you want to do it with me?] He will fulfill his deepest desires...

KURO_SCAN · Fantasie
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42 Chs

Dies Irae 3

A representation of Tiamat Queen of dragons, was created with ice under my feet, her body easily exceeded 150 meters long and at least 40 meters high, honestly it consumes a lot of energy, but I should be able to maintain it for a couple of hours easily.

Well I think I've gone a little too far....

The Elves are stunned as they stare at my Ice Tiamat. 

Yeah, I probably ended up doing the opposite of what I was hoping for, but I couldn't help myself I made a freaking Ice dragon! It's awesome!

Although it probably would have been better to make a Leviathan, since it would literally be my ancestral beast, but a dragon imposes more of its presence, especially its wings on its back, I think if I made an effort I could make it fly but, that would consume abysmal amounts of energy and it wouldn't exactly be a fast flight, in short it would be more of an absurdly large and resistant Tank.

I am satisfied 

-Well, I guess it should stomp around 

After saying that, the Ice Tiamat began to move forward directly towards the little axis of Elves, I could see all kinds of expressions, but one rose above all of them


Although I have no intention of killing them, it must be a great shock to have a colossal dragon in front of you, even if it's not a real one, its inert presence alone generates fear.

But that's okay, as long as they don't go towards Lilith and the others they should all be fine and of course now I'm absurdly visible to everyone. 

-Fire magic! Everyone!

An elf who seemed to be the general commander of the army, in front of me, started shouting orders to all the other stunned elves 

-Vanguard resist the hits!

From one moment to the next the stunned Elves began to react and act to prevent my advance, though honestly.

It's a waste 

A large amount of Elves ran towards us, while deploying barriers of what looked like Mana, it was of a bluish color and I couldn't sense an element as such, it seems they have intentions of slowing my advance, although, let's see what they can do. 

I held back the advance force of the Ice Tiamat just long enough for the Elves on the ground to withstand our advance. 


The Elves on the ground were successfully withstanding the weight I put on their barriers, but before I could continue admiring the skill of the Elves, suddenly the sky began to fill with red stars. 

A large number of fireballs were shot by the mages in the rear, directly towards me. 

Holding them back won't be complicated, nor will they hurt Tiamat, but honestly I am amazed by their determination. 

I don't know if they are just reckless or very brave.

-In the name of the Greenwood Kingdom we will stop you here and now!

shouts the commander while giving me a look of genuine contempt. 

-Let's play the villain

I jumped and landed on Tiamat's head, and turned my gaze to the ground.

-Kuh Kuh Kuh 

I began to laugh out loud, trying to sound as malevolent as possible.

-You scum, you dare to block my path.

I increased the force on the barrier that the elves were deploying to stop Tiamat's movement, little by little it was getting heavier and the barrier was beginning to break. 

The eyes of the elves opened and before the barrier was completely destroyed, the elves stepped back, managing to dodge the stomp. 

-They are just ants in my way

After saying that I laughed out loud while the commander of the elves looked at me astonished, but he quickly pulled himself together. 

-They are all scum in the end, they deserve no mercy.

His gaze turned sharp and his murderous intent was directed at me. 

He seems to be almost on par in strength with Lilith. 

-You must die!

After shouting, all the Elves advanced like a stampede. 

-You are reckless

With a snap of my fingers, Tiamat's mouth opened and a reddish light began to concentrate in her mouth. 


A great beam of energy shot out from her mouth, the vanguard managed to deploy barriers in front of them, withstanding the impact, but little by little the power was increasing, enough for the barriers to begin to break. 

The elf commander shouted decisively 

-Hold on! You are the pride of Finrad! Do not sully the honor of our lord!

Several shouts began to resound in the place, shouts that marked the resistance of the elves against a colossal enemy. 

Finally this begins to look like a Drama, but something is needed.

Suddenly, a large emerald colored beam hit near Tiamat's head, I could feel the sudden accumulation of energy but it was not necessary to react, when I looked back 

There he stood, wearing his shining silver armor, with a sword that glowed slightly with a golden aura, his long blond hair waved in the wind.

-Yes, that was missing, a hero.

A man was standing near the city wall, as I felt his energy I could identify that he was a human, wait a human? 

We are in Greenwood right? A Kingdom of Elves. What was a human doing in this place?

-Don't tell me...

As the attack against the elves slowly ceased, I put all my attention on the man who suddenly appeared. 

The man jumped off the wall and started running directly towards the Elf army, a silver shield appeared in his hand and finished blocking my energy attack. 

-Don't worry, I have come to your aid at Princess Amelia's request.

-Mr. Stark!

-Don't worry, I'll take care of it and we'll go to the next city!

Ugh, that aura of annoying confidence, it's irritating! 

I was just starting to get more ideas about the situation and suddenly it appeared, although it's not all bad. 

With the Hero of this play on the scene, it should be simpler.

What would a villain say at this point?

After thinking about it for a moment I came to a conclusion. 

-One more piece of garbage won't make any difference

Honestly I look like a third rate villain, but this is the beginning of the story so, I approve. 

In order, I should humiliate the Hero, before he gets a Power Up and manages to defeat me, but I don't like those Clichés.

In this little story the Villain humiliates the Hero. 

-Evil always attacks when they least expect it, but to attack during an invasion of the Kingdom, you are worse than that!

The Hero of this little play, his name is Stark.

Stark kicks the ground and runs frantically towards us, while the blade of his sword emanates a light golden Aura.

-Limit Break!

Stark is suddenly surrounded by a pillar of golden energy, suddenly increasing his speed and jumping towards me. 

What should I do?

While I was internally deciding what should be the next step in my little play, I reached out my hand and deployed an ice barrier.

Stark swung his sword trying to cut through my barrier but it was useless, he could barely leave a small scratch on the surface. 

-What is a human doing in this place?

I was curious as to why this human is in this Realm, although I was well aware of the supernatural world, I never knew of the existence of a human in another place outside of earth. 

Stark kicked the air and changed direction before he began to fall, he kept kicking the air in succession until he finally rose above my head 


From Stark's silver sword a furious golden flame began to erupt, growing exponentially with each passing second. 

While that was happening, in the rear of the Elven army a great amount of energy began to accumulate. 

I'm still superior, but that doesn't mean I'm going to let them attack me indiscriminately. 

Suddenly as if the sky itself responded to Stark's will, a bolt of energy began to rush down from the sky.

-Hahaha Are you kidding me?

 I quickly dodged the attack and let the energy beam hit Tiamat's head.

Tiamat's head began to melt rapidly.

And the great cumulus of energy that was being gathered by the mages was finally fired, it was a pure Mana attack that threatened to impact against me. 

I created a colossal Ice sword, it was easily 10 meters long, I swung it diagonally downwards cutting the beam of pure Mana that was aimed at me.

But Stark didn't waste that situation and was already at my back swinging his silver sword downwards. 

I wrapped my hand with Ice and quickly deflected the silver blade to the side, but using the momentum, Stark turned around and throws a kick at my head, but I could easily parry it. 

Grabbing his leg with both hands, I begin to spin quickly before throwing him towards the Elves on the ground. 

However he quickly regained his balance and cushioned the impact against the ground. 

-See? It's useless to try to resist.

I regenerated Tiamat's melted head.

-A filthy demon like you can't exist anymore!

shouts Stark

-Everyone stand back!

Stark shouted again as the energy around him disappeared.

It seems that Stark has absolute authority over the army, all the Elves retreated without protest and without looking back. 

I have no idea what he intends to do, however this play has a good process. 

-Star System released!


Part of the sky became a starry sky, which enveloped Stark, who was standing firmly on the ground, in light.

But while the change was happening in Stark something on the horizon caught my attention. 

A small horde of Kages was hurrying towards the city.

-They were taking their time

It was strange that until now they were not coming towards the city.

-Now die!

Stark was surrounded by a silver aura, but before I could even let him take a step. 

-Well, I'm out of here!

I created a pillar of ice and quickly heated it, to form a cloud of steam around me. 

-Don't run away!

Before he could take a step, several black swords fell around him.

-What is this?

Stark turned his gaze towards the 15 Kages who were quickly approaching his location.

Without wasting any more time, the ice Tiamat disappeared and I quickly left the place.


All right, should I go look for them? 

With the appearance of the Kages my presence in that place should no longer be necessary, at best, it would throw them into chaos, so I decided to back off. 

As I walked through the destroyed streets

Three presences suddenly appeared behind me, instinctively I knew they were not enemies. 

-How did it go?

I asked turning around 

-Here we have it

It was Aisha who answered and extended her hand to give me a jade medallion with a tree carved on the surface. 

-Was it easy?

-We didn't even have to move

It was Lilith who answered 

-Aisha disappeared out of nowhere and when she came back she already had the medallion in her hand.

Anastasia continued 

-How useful, in that case, we have to leave.

Now all that was left was to go back and use Hervast's rift and pick up Harriet.

However, while I was thinking about that, Harriet appeared.

-I'm back

-Welcome back, this takes a problem off our hands.

I looked towards Lilith 

-Oh right, we don't have to go back to the mansion, the rift is in the deepest floor of this parliament.

-Ah... I know what that floor is.

Aisha urged us to take her hand and then, everything around me went black, I could see all around me but the buildings only had white stripes marking their silhouette, as if it was a sketch of some drawing. 

And suddenly we started to fall, Aisha insisted that we should be released until she allowed it. 

Although it was not the first time I entered Aisha's ability, it is the first time I do it while being fully aware of my surroundings.

After a few seconds, Aisha gave us permission to let go. 

What appeared in front of us was an empty stone room with a kind of metal door in front of us, however, on the door was a finely carved tree.

The moment Aisha extended the Jade medallion, the crack opened. 

-This goes to the Human world

Tired of waiting 

-Let's go

I said that before walking and entering the crevice

Finally back home

My mother

I hope to meet her

If you like my story add it to your library

thanks for reading :D

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