
Forming my harem of yandere

Lucas, a 22 year old man with a fascination for the Yandere, fantasy and thighs, one day he meets a woman while walking at night, without knowing it will make his life take a big turn, it will lead him to be the most powerful man who has ever existed. [Hey, marry me, hey, You love me, don't you? , do you love me, do you want to do it with me?] He will fulfill his deepest desires...

KURO_SCAN · Fantasy
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41 Chs


In the sky in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean at more than 8000 meters high, a large crack appeared, a figure followed by 4 others began to fall from the opening created

Lucas, who did not expect to appear in such a place, quickly gave instructions to Aqua that she was wrapped around his neck.

-Go and catch them-

Wasting no time, Aqua separated herself from Lucas and began moving towards Lilith as she grew her body, she trapped her on her back with ease and quickly went for Aisha, Anastasia and finally Harriet before returning for Lucas.

They were still at a high altitude and could see the curvature of the horizon and the light rays of the sun that were beginning to filter through.

Lucas was amazed by the landscape, but there was a problem that he finally became aware of, undoubtedly they were on Earth, but he had no idea where on the planet they were.

Lucas looks at Lilith with a complicated expression.

Lilith could immediately understand the reason behind his gaze.

On the other hand, Anastasia and Harriet looked everywhere with amazed eyes, of course it was the first time they left their Natal place, Anastasia spent almost her entire life in that cabin and Harriet spent her entire life living under the orders of her Cristea family.

However, Aisha was disinterested in everything that was happening and she decided to ignore it.

Lilith analyzed her surroundings and came to a conclusion

-Let's go there, -

Lilith pointed towards the northwest, Lilith had used the sun and the sky as a reference point to know approximately where she was on the planet.


Aqua, understanding Lucas's intentions, began to move even though she was at a high altitude. The cold was considerable, but it meant little or nothing to the beings that were on her back.

Among all that little situation Lucas sat comfortably while he looked at the landscape before his eyes.

Now that he came back a year later, how he was supposed to deal with Anastasia, Harriet and Aisha is what Lucas was thinking.

He didn't have enough money or a house of his own to be able to live freely without any problem, not to mention that neither Anastasia nor Harriet had ever lived on earth before. He didn't know about Aisha, but he had the vague thought that she probably already had a house. prior registration

As he considered the problems he had to solve, Lilith reached out and touched his back.

Without turning around Lucas responded

-What's going on?-

-You don't have to worry about the girls or what might happen to them, once we return I can give them one of my properties so they can live peacefully, and it's not like they necessarily need one either-

Lilith sensed that Lucas was probably thinking about how to deal with the situation, even if the support of her family was not certain, Lilith still had her own personal money, it was so much that if she tried to spend it she probably wouldn't be able to do so for at least 500 years.

Lucas, who had listened to Lilith, was not satisfied with her answer but despite that he nodded.

Lucas thought that despite having Lilith's support, he should not depend totally on her and find a way to get his own money.

Anastasia and Harriet who were sitting fascinated, noticed that the atmosphere around Lilith and Lucas was strange and considered that they should not intervene.

Several hours passed until they finally saw land, although they were still several meters high they could see clearly towards the surface, although the sun had already set and everything was dark, only illuminated by the artificial light generated by cities and human settlements, It wasn't long until Lucas and the others arrived at Ataraxia City, the neutral city on Earth, and Lucas's birthplace.

Lucas began to feel that his emotions fluctuated, he had never thought that he would long to return to a place so much, he had always lived a selfless life, he cared little about his surroundings, but being away for a year and having had a big change in his life, made Lucas's thoughts slowly changed, he wanted to go home immediately, but he couldn't yet, his clothes were full of dirt and he didn't seem to be in his best condition.

Although physically his body was fine, mentally he was very tired, he had tried hard to convince himself that everything he did was good and right for his important people, he knew it was right, but the humanity that still inhabits him , he told him that he was not right, his intervention in the hell coliseum, his fight, his brief exchange with Lucifer, his fall in the Greenwood Elven Kingdom, his exchange with that perverted prince, his time with Finrad, meeting his lord and then his escape, was no different from abandoning them, although Lucas was not all powerful, he still had enough strength to be able to change the situation, Lucas is as strong as a demonic Marquis when using his maximum power,Using his assimilation with Aqua, it was more than enough to be able to face the Kages that had been in front of him and win but he decided to leave.

Lucas decided to put those thoughts aside and focus on what he had in front of his eyes.

-Can we go to your apartment?- Lucas asks.

Lilith thinks for a few seconds before answering.

-It should be fine, it's been less than 24 hours and since Lucifer destroyed my house and attacked my family, he shouldn't have such an easy time moving his subordinates, not to mention that this city is under the control of the hunters-

Lilith had some certainty that her mother Luna would not allow Lucifer to move easily, after all her mother was loving to the point of being obsessive.

Lucas thinks for a few seconds before answering Lilith.

-First let's drop the girls off at the property you suggested and then we'll go to your apartment¬-

He couldn't take the girls with him and introduce them to his mother, it's the last thing he wanted to do.

-I have 3 properties in Ataraxia, the one you know in the east, another in the north and the third is 400 meters from your house in the south-

-That's useful. But so close to my house?-

-I have my priorities-

Lilith responded before turning her gaze, her cheeks were slightly blushing and a small smile began to form on her lips.

-I like it-

Lucas said and continued.

-You have to guide her-

Lucas patted Aqua's back.


Lucas looks towards Lilith

-Towards the north of the city-


Aqua changed direction and began moving north.

Although it was early in the morning they couldn't just land on the property as if nothing had happened, so they descended into a nearby forest. It didn't take them long to reach the property, but all the way, neither Aisha, Anastasia or Harriet did anything. any comment about what was happening, they simply limited themselves to confining the indications they received from Lilith

Although Harriet only followed her orders because she considered that since she was the wife of her lord, she had to give him similar respect.

After walking for some more time they finally arrived at a property, it was not as surprising as the mansion in hell but it still maintained an aesthetic worthy of nobility, it also had a gray facade and large windows adorned the front, Lilith walked towards the door and entered a code, in the electronic menu that had as a lock, after a small sound, the door opened, turning her gaze towards the 3 women behind her, she said

-The number taken is 258565, don't forget, inside there are several rooms, there is food to prepare in the freezer and everything you might need-

Lilith looked towards Aisha, you must be the most familiar with things here, teach them, then we will return-

After saying that, Lilith stepped away from the door, gesturing for the 3 women to enter. Aisha was the first to step and enter, followed by Anastasia and Harriet.

Harriet paused for a moment before looking at Lucas

She didn't want to be separated from her master and she didn't want to give him any more problems either, after a few seconds she came in

-That was easy, I expected them to complain- Lucas said.

And he certainly wasn't wrong, Aisha thought about complaining, but he was tired enough to avoid complaining or responding to Lilith.

Lilith just sighed before motioning for Lucas to follow her.

They walked to the side of the mansion and found a small shed that had a large door in the front.

-Do you know how to drive a car?-

Lilith asks as they walk towards the shed.

-I can do it,- Lucas stated.

Lilith nodded satisfied.

-In that case, let's enjoy something normal-

Lilith opened the large door of the shed with a small movement of her hands and in front of her both a car appeared before her eyes.

Lucas opened his eyes in surprise while Lilith enjoyed seeing his reaction.

The car that had appeared before her eyes was from a certain world-famous German brand.


Lilith extended her hand and placed a key on Lucas's hand.

-I understand-

Lucas was slightly surprised and excited, by the experience that he had not had before, although now he could easily go much faster than the car in front of his eyes, he still had wishes that he had to fulfill when he was an ordinary human.


After a few minutes of driving, they finally arrived at Lilith's apartment.

The moment Lucas saw that apartment, he felt a certain nostalgia as it was the place where he woke up and the first place where he met Lilith.

After rambling a bit Lucas and Lilith enter the apartment, going up to the room where everything had started, Lucas felt tired but for a moment he had the expectation of finding the apartment as he had last seen it but that was not reciprocated, everything was perfectly clean and tidy

Without thinking much more, they entered the room together.

-One year – Lucas said

-You went through a lot in a short time- Lilith stated.

Lucas lets out a small smile and turns to Lilith with a warm look.

-Yes, but I don't regret having gone through all those things, if I had to choose, I would do it again-

Although his peaceful life was completely shattered overnight, he is still satisfied with the outcome and the events he had to go through.


Lilith wanted to jump on Lucas, but she couldn't do it, she considered that returning to Lucas's mother was a priority over any desire she had. Alexia, Lucas's mother, constantly exchanged messages with Lilith asking about her daughter's condition, although she wanted to keep Lucas away. Any woman Lucas just couldn't do the same with his mother

Feeling that if they stayed in that place any longer, they would postpone their arrival with Alexia, they simply limited themselves to cleaning their bodies and changing their clothes quickly.

Lucas was wearing a black shirt and white jeans along with black shoes, it was a simple but elegant outfit at the same time.

On the other hand, Lilith was wearing a large black coat that reached to the middle of her thighs with jean shorts along with a pair of black boots that reached to her knees.

Without wasting any more time they returned to the car and left in the direction of Lucas's mother's house.

A few minutes later they finally arrived, neither Lucas nor Lilith exchanged words while they were on the way, everything was silent, but it was not an awkward silence, it was a pleasant silence, Lilith knew that Lucas was anxious, to say that Lucas was still the same was an lie, his body is different, his way of thinking, almost everything had changed

Lucas took one last deep breath before looking back at Lilith.

-Come on-

Lilith just nodded in response before getting out of the car with Lucas.

It was late at night, arriving at that time was absolutely strange, expecting Alexia to be awake was strange in itself, but he still wanted to go.

Lucas took Lilith by the hand and they walked together towards the door of that familiar house for Lucas.

Lucas extended his hand to ring the doorbell, but there was no response. He rang the doorbell once again, however this time he felt movement coming from inside the house.

After a few seconds the door opened and a woman with black hair and blue eyes dressed in pajamas appeared.

When Lucas saw her he got nervous


 It was the only word he could squeeze out of his mind.

Alexia's blue eyes looked at Lucas for a moment and then looked at Lilith.

Lucas was expectant, but his mother's silence also tormented him, Lilith was also silent, he thought that she should not intervene and let Lucas be the one to interact with his mother.

After a few seconds, Alexia narrowed her eyes at Lucas and approached slowly, Alexia raised her arms and Lucas closed his eyes waiting to receive a blow to his face, he was anxious, neither the training with Luna, nor the brief exchange with Lucifer, nor his battle against the Kages and not even during the invasion of Greenwood, nor when he had an army of elves in front of him, in none of those moments did Lucas feel as much anxiety as in this moment, unlike the other situation for Lucas, it meant little. or nothing, but now who was in front of him was his mother, the woman who gave him life

However, the blow he expected never came, the only thing he felt was the warm embrace of his mother who welcomed him.

-You were away for a long time my little one-

Alexia caressed Lucas's head gently and Lucas responded by hugging her. While he did that he turned his gaze towards Lilith.

-You too-

 Lilith nodded in response with a small smile on her face.

After a few seconds of silence, Lucas separated from his mother.

-I'm back, mother-

Alexia gave a warm smile and urged Lucas and Lilith to enter.


Lucas and Lilith entered the house, although it was a cold night, Alexia felt that it was the warmest night she had felt in the last year.

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