
Forming my harem of yandere

Lucas, a 22 year old man with a fascination for the Yandere, fantasy and thighs, one day he meets a woman while walking at night, without knowing it will make his life take a big turn, it will lead him to be the most powerful man who has ever existed. [Hey, marry me, hey, You love me, don't you? , do you love me, do you want to do it with me?] He will fulfill his deepest desires...

KURO_SCAN · Fantasy
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41 Chs

Dies Irae 2

We arrived at the mansion in no time, however something caught my attention in the distance, in the outskirts of the city I could see a large amount of Elves gathering, and entering the city.

While Harriet and Lilith had their gaze interspersed between the mansion and the sky at our backs where every second that passed more and more Kages were emerging from the opening.

Honestly defeating the basilisk that Hervast requested doesn't seem to be possible, Hervast will probably end up dying before he manages to complete the assignment. 

The moment Aqua started to descend, Aisha and Anastasia left the mansion. 

-What's going on?

-The sky changed color! 

Anastasia and Aisha said almost at the same time. 

-An invasion apparently

I answered without thinking too much, considering all this, it's the right answer.

-I'll talk to Hervast

Lilith said as she jumped off Aqua's back and entered the mansion. 

She'd better take care of that matter, she's much better than me. 

-What's wrong with her? No... before that who is the girl?

Aisha and Anastasia looked towards Harriet who is sitting next to me. 

-Well... I have no idea.

I answered honestly, even though I have intervened I don't know this girl at all. 

-Harriet Val Cristea, that's my name.

Harriet answered being calmer than a few minutes ago.

-Still, why is she with you?

Asked Aisha looking at Harriet with disgust. 


-It's not very credible when you say it.

Intervened Anastasia 


I couldn't help sighing 

-That's not important right now, I found Harriet while she was being chased by something like that robot a few hours ago.

-And miraculously you went to rescue her.

Aisha sounded exasperated, although it's not a lie, but it sounds bad when she says it. 

-In my defense it's not something I was looking for.

Yes, after all I just wanted to get away with Lilith for a while. 

-But what were you doing away from the mansion?

Anastasia asks with an accusing look 

-We were doing reconnaissance of the area

It's not a lie since it was part of the objective, yes, I have no doubts about it. 

-Err Can I say something?

Harriet interjected 


I answered looking at Harriet 

She seemed to be much calmer than before 

-The reason Lucas found me, I have no idea, however, I had a resonance that led me to that place. 


I have a vague recollection that I've heard that somewhere before.

-What do you mean?

Aisha didn't look very happy about Harriet's words.

Is there something I am forgetting?

-Perhaps meeting Lucas was not a coincidence.

Aisha frowned at Harriet's response, but before she could even respond, Harriet continued, "So, I'll follow my beliefs. 

-So, I will follow my beliefs

Harriet stood up and moved in front of me. 

I have a bad feeling

Suddenly a jet black sword appears in her hand. 

-I, Harriet Val Cristea, give you my life, following the rules of the Cristea family.

Harriet knelt over Aqua's body, while extending her sword towards me.

Yes, this is wrong!

-No thanks

I definitely have to refuse. Lilith would cut my head off! I think... 

Harriet frowns and stares at me for a few seconds.


She stood up while staring at the blade of her jet sword. 

What is she thinking? 

-I will not bring more dishonor to my family.

After saying that Harriet reached out her hands and grabbed her sword in such a way that the tip was pointing directly at her heart. 

-Wait, what...?

-If I can't serve my savior, I can't go on living and sully my family's name!

-How unreasonable!

-Let him die

Aisha looked at Harriet with a smile.

This girl! She can't die, yes, even though it was easy I tried hard, yes I definitely can't let her die, if Lilith gets angry, I just have to say that it was inevitable....


Anastasia looks at Aisha with disapproval. 

-What? we don't know her, if she wants to die let her die

Anastasia sighs exasperated by Aisha's answer. 


Aqua intervened, she only said my name but I knew what she was trying to say "Accept her." 

I sighed tiredly, Not even 24 hours have passed since I came back and too much has happened in a short time! And if I think about it better, I've only spent two days this way, the same day I met Lilith, Luna dragged me away for training

While I was internally complaining about the absurd situations I've been involved in less than 48 hours, I grabbed the hilt of the jet sword

Harriet opened her eyes in surprise 

-It's all right, I accept your service.

-Thank you my lord!

-Yes, yes

Harriet let out a big smile

I just thought about it, but Harriet has a light armor on her body, what material is it? It looks like leather but...

 We'd better stop thinking about that, I just hope she doesn't think of making a pact with me, yes, she definitely shouldn't. 

 I looked closely for a moment, Harriet's hair is blonde, and her blue eyes are like diamonds, she has long hair and she looks slightly taller than Lilith

If Lilith is on the Sexy side, Harriet is on the tender side, it's an interesting contrast.

While I was thinking, Harriet spoke

-Can I ask a question?


-What is the evening schedule?

Yes, definitely Harriet...

-There is no need to do such a thing

-Is it really?

I nodded at Harriet's question and looked back at Anastasia and Aisha. 

They seemed to be thinking about something

Harriet looked doubtful

-I thought they were all part of your Harem my lord, I apologize, in that case at what time may I make a night view of you my lord?

-That is not necessary

I said again, I understand that Harriet is a kind of woman knight, but I don't quite understand.

-I understand

Harriet moves and stands next to me, but slightly backwards.

I decided to stop paying attention to that

While I was thinking about that, Lilith came back 

-What did she say?

I asked

-He said it was not necessary to do the basilisk's errand, however he is not going to move to give us easy access to the rift


-But, he told me where I can find it

Hum, he doesn't give access easily

-Is he informed about the Kage?

-Yes, the capital, sent alerts to all cities to respond to the invasion.

-All over the planet is it like this?

Anastasia asks

-That's right, but from what Zen told me, in the capital, the number of Kage is abysmal.

Are they aware of what they are? Mmm...

-They must be invading the main cities with greater force.

-Probably so, but we still don't know what their objective is.

Aisha said, she is certainly right, the little we know is that they are particularly aggressive against jewels, but that can't be all.

-The best thing to do is to leave as quickly as possible. 

Where do we have to go?


It's their city after all, it would be strange if it wasn't so. 

-We have to go back

Said Anastasia looking tired

-Better that, than fighting against who knows how many enemies.

Aisha said turning her gaze to Lilith

Against a single scout type Kage I had trouble, however against the Kage from a few minutes ago, he was less powerful, but faster, they must have several classes, but that makes him even more annoying and dangerous

-Decided then, we have to get to the city parliament, find the entrance and get the emblem, but the problem is, the moment we enter an alarm will sound and all the soldiers will quickly go to mediate with the situation. 

-Not to mention the Kage

I wish I could get home, sit down for a few minutes and think about nothing, it's too much to wish for that. 

-Now, leaving aside the whole thing Why is she by his side?

Lilith turned her gaze to Harriet 

-I became a servant of the master.


-That's right, I give my life to my master.

Lilith begins to get visibly irritated. 

-One after another...

Lilith murmurs 

-I can guess that you are the master's wife, nice to formally meet you my lady.


Lilith stares at Harriet 

-I like you, I approve of you

Lilith began to smile as she mumbled words incomprehensible to me. 

-With that said, you will go get the emblem, while I will act as a distraction.

-I don't agree

Said Aisha

-I'm stronger than you, it's for the best.


Aisha clicks her tongue 

-Besides, you're the best at it, aren't you?

-It's good that you are aware of that.

Aisha seemed satisfied.

-Besides, Anastasia has good adaptability and with Lilith, they shouldn't have any problems.

It's the most reasonable thing to do in this situation. 

-Harriet will be on guard while I act as a distraction, although there should probably be few, considering that the Kages should be attacking, we will take advantage of that.

-Understood master


-Harriet, don't treat me that way, it annoys me.


-It's an order

-I understand...

It's annoying to be treated as superior.

-With that said, let's go

-It'll be easy

Aisha seems confident. 

-I hope so

Anastasia looked skeptical 

Lilith keeps mumbling incomprehensible things.




With all that we come to this moment

I'm standing in the center of the city no matter which way I look, a lot of Elves are on guard staring at me with spears and bows threatening to shoot out at me at any moment, I didn't think I would end up involved like this but somehow it should be my fault. 

Lilith, Aisha and Anastasia must be on their way to that place. 

Did these elves move their entire army? I can feel the presence of 7000 elves around me alone but there is something that serves as a relief. 

-They are weaker than me

It's a tacit truth, deploying this entire armada just to deal with me is proof enough. 

-Surrender or die

An elf who seems to be the commander says while observing every movement of my body. 

You don't have to think too much to know the answer 

-I refuse

I answered unleashing a great whirlpool of water around me.

Apparently the Kage, are targeting other cities, however there are still some that occasionally come to the city, but that doesn't make it any less problematic 

The Angel that I had defeated until recently, seems to be nowhere to be found. 

With the alert sent from the capital, both sides were unified by the situation. 

I have no intention of killing them, so I should use only the necessary force. 

-I should freeze them all

[If you freeze them, you will leave them with sequels.]

-Then it's not an option

I said while dodging, fireballs, some ice stakes and gale-like gusts of wind over my head. 

Then I should just dodge, there doesn't seem to be anyone who can directly face me. 

-I should learn to fly 

[It's not difficult to do so] 

Aqua is wrapped around my neck, even though we've been like this for quite some time, I'm still amazed at the flexibility of her body

While dodging stone cannons, an idea flooded my head. 

-Can we make water corps? Something like knights

Even if they are weaker it's still annoying to have to face 1 vs 7000. 

From what I can see, there are about 5000 infantry elves, 1500 mages and another 1500 that serve as support

Of course, I can assume they are mages, but I have no clear concept of exactly what that is, from the brief conversation I had with Anastasia, the Elves have Mana to use to activate, spells, but not much more than that 

Let's go on with this

I could simply cover myself with an ice barrier, but that wouldn't exactly be useful, if I cover myself and they realize that their attacks are useless, they might decide to disperse.

-Let's try something new


-Yes, make knights out of ice and have them move to defend against the Elves.

Water is a very manipulable element, and even better when I can manipulate its state freely and the best option is to make them Ice. 

[Not possible] 


[Their form is the size of a human, controlling them correctly requires previous training for that, it's not as simple as making them and giving the Attack order].

-Hum... if it's something bigger....

[That might be for the best]

As I was thinking how to handle the situation, a colossal 30 meter fireball, hovered over the city, threatening to fall at any moment. 

I couldn't help but be amazed, it's the biggest attack I've seen so far.

[You're not going to die, but it will hurt quite a bit if it hits you]


One of the Elves shouts and the colossal fireball advances directly towards me.


This really is unbelievable

I could dodge it but that would bring trouble, smashing it would be bad, so I should just resist it, while I was thinking how to deal with the situation, the heat emanating from the fireball began to melt the ground around me.

-I guess with a barrier.

I create a barrier of ice around me before the fireball impacts against me.

A large explosion followed by a large amount of light and heat was generated at the moment it hit my barrier.

Apparently it is designed to explode on contact 

A crimson pillar rose in the sky.

After a few seconds it disappeared, leaving the ground red hot and a great amount of heat in the area. 

When I looked around carefully, at least 10 feet of ground had disappeared. 

-Given the situation we will do this

I placed my hand on the ground and began to visualize an image in my head. 

I can't make knights, it doesn't suit me, but... if I can make a shape that suits me, it should be less complicated right?

A Big jet dragon, with 6 wings on its back and a big colossal body. 

My version 

My ideal 

Let's get his attention in a big way


The moment Ice began to emerge from my hand, a great amount of steam rose up into the sky, making it impossible to see me, completely hiding me from the Elves. 

I could hear a great roar

I felt as I slowly began to rise into the sky and below me, a great colossal dragon began to emerge.

Almost immediately the wizards conjured up a great gust of wind, dispersing all the vapor in the surroundings, but it was too late.

A colossal ice dragon was at my feet.

When I saw its great size, I nodded in satisfaction 

For a moment I thought I couldn't handle it, but it was unnecessary. 

-What do you think?

[You're ridiculous] 

Aqua was astonished, but I couldn't be more than satisfied. 

-JAJAJAJAJAJAJA let's continue

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And so it is, another chapter, incredible, they didn't expect it.

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