

[Slime's Hidden Mask

RLvl. 5

Hides the user's face preventing identification skills not higher than the user's level to analyze him.]

"This would be useful in the future." Dark kept the mask into the card and look at the surroundings.

Seeing that everything was cleared, he checked the title that he just received.

[First Boss Killer – Increases drop rate by 10% from a boss.]

Dark was happy when he saw the effect of the title. Titles need not be equipped to gain its effects. Though he was slightly disappointed that this was only effective on bosses and not on regular monsters. He went back to the city and reported in the guild. By the time Dark arrived at the guild, the guild officer informed him that his sister went to take up another quest.

"How about going to the commercial district of this city? You can find some good items in there. There is also an item that allows you to communicate with your friends." The man suggested to Dark who was looking at the quest board to take a quest again.

"Is it possible to take many quests at the same time?" Dark asked as if he did not hear the man talking to him.

"Yes, it is certainly possible. You can take up to 3 quests and the number will increase as your rank rises."

"I got it. Thanks. I'll be taking these three." Dark registered three quests and went outside the guild.

Dark opened his phone and checked if he can contact his sister. Sadly, there was no signal inside the tower. He sighed and went to the commercial district to find the item mentioned by the man earlier so that he can contact his sister.

The commercial district was full of all sorts of merchants. There were stalls at the side of the road and structures that contain shops can be found too. But the only problem here is there are no customers to be found. Since other people has yet to come inside the tower the street was quite empty if you disregard the merchants.

Dark went inside a building that signed, "General Store." A bell clanked as he opened the door and was welcomed by a young lady.

"Welcome to First's General Store!" She greeted her first customer.

"I'm here to look at some items." Dark asked for help since it was his first time. "I'm looking for the item that can send a message to another person here inside the tower."

"Oh yes! You are probably looking for this." She went to the shelf behind her and reached for a container full of feathers. She placed the container on top of the counter and showed it to Dark. "This is a Communication Feather. You can send a message to someone in this tower. Though it is one way and is only effective when the sender and the receiver are both in the same floor. Oh! Another thing, this feather is only for one time use so use it wisely."

"Is there something that allows to communicate two-way?" Dark asked the clerk.

"There is. Wait for a moment." The clerk went inside the room behind her and a minute later she came out holding a crystal. "This is a communication crystal. This has unlimited number of uses but it requires that both the sender and the receiver have a crystal each. This is also powered by monster cores. Plus, the price is quite high."

"How much is this?" Dark asked the clerk.

"100 coins! But I think you don't have the money for it. You just started here in the tower, so you should only have a ten or two." She frankly said.

Dark's money was indeed not enough. Even after killing the Big Slime he only has 87 coins in his hands.

"Can I sell my items here?" He asked in hopes of earning money.

"Yes! Of course! Do you have any interesting item?" Her face became bright and her eyes were full of interest.

Dark then showed her the Big Slime's Core and the axe that dropped from it. The clerk was surprised upon seeing what Dark has shown her. It was a boss's core! She has not thought that this young man here was able to kill a boss in the earliest stages of the tower.

"A Big Slime's Core!" She exclaimed. She took the core with her hands and examined it. "You must be very strong to kill a Big Slime this early."

After analyzing the core, she raised two of her fingers, "I'll buy this for two hundred coins. I already increased the price as a gift for you."

"Deal!" Dark was quite happy that the core was sold for huge sum. He did not really know what to do with core anyway so might as well go and sell it.

He purchased 2 communication crystals for him and Lilia. He then went outside the city to perform his quest.

He took three quests this time. All three are subjugation quests but this time he needs to kill a mushspore, a silver wolf, and a wind pigeon. Fifteen of each kind just like the previous quest.

To hunt for a mushspore, Dark went deeper in the Woods of Beginnings. He ignored the slimes that he saw since it will take him time to finish them off. After walking for a while, he finally found his first target.

[Mushspore Level 2]

The mushspore was a mushroom with eyes on its cap and arms connected to its stem.

It was bouncing when Dark saw it. He hid in a nearby bush, unsheathed his blade and prepared to attack. When the mushspore was near enough, Dark jumped out of the bush and sliced the mushspore into half.

[Mushspore 1/15]

Dark thought that everything was done when the corpse of the mushspore released spores. He carelessly breathed a little and could not move.

"Damn it! I let my guard down." Dark dropped down to the ground and tried to move his body.

He was lucky that there were no other monsters nearby that could've attacked him while paralyze. Five minutes have passed, and the paralysis wore off. Dark covered his face with a towel to prevent inhaling the spores again.

[Mushspore 2/15]

[Mushspore 3/15]

[Mushspore 7/15]

[Mushspore 10/15]

[Mushspore 13/15]

[Mushspore 15/15]

Dark was able to complete his quest without letting his guard down again. He found a huge tree to shade on and rested for a while. During his break, Dark played with his card and was looking for anything that he could learn. Then it hit him, Dark does not know anything about the level system here in the tower. He looked at his level and it was still level 1. He told himself to ask Cya about this later.

He ventured deeper in the woods after his break and it did not take him time to spot his next target, the Wind Pigeon.

The Wind Pigeons can be seen flying in the sky. There were some that sat on the tree branches and the others were pecking on the ground.

Dark thought out of a plan since it would be difficult for him to fight an enemy that can fly. Since his blade might not reach it he thought that it might be time for him to use his gift, the power of his eyes.

Dark usually uses his elemental power to enhance his blade. But this time he is going to use it raw on monsters.

When the wind pigeons noticed him most of them flew away. These pigeons were cowards. However, a few of them stayed and stuck together. These birds formed a group of twenty and were flying towards Dark.

Coo-coo! Coo-coo!

Dark immediately released his aura. His eyes became blue and strong wind enveloped his whole body. The flying pigeons who were rushing towards him were deflected by the barrier formed by the gusts of wind that he was releasing. Some pigeons crashed into the ground and the others struggled to fly away.

"Such cowards!" Dark thought and took this advantage.

He formed a blade of air in his hands and released it to the wind pigeons that were escaping. Most of the pigeons were cut by the gale of wind that struck them. A few lucky pigeons were able to dodge and escape from Dark.

His gift was overpowered. But the drawback is it consumes a lot of his energy. Which is the reason why he opted to use it to enhance his blade than use it raw.

Dark was kneeling. He was very exhausted after that fight. As he was panting, a lot of notifications alerted him.

[Wind Pigeon 1/15]

[Wind Pigeon 4/15]

[Wind Pigeon 7/15]

[Wind Pigeon 9/15]

[Wind Pigeon 12/15]

[Wind Pigeon 13/15]

[Wind Pigeon 15/15]

Dark sat down the ground as he claimed his loot. The pigeons dropped coins and some cores like the mushspores. He was quite unlucky when it came to the drops, but he can't really complain. He decided to take a break again since his most of his energy was already consumed.

It would be easier to write if I can make charts and tables but since it isn't supported yet, I'll make do with the brackets.

We finally reached 100 collections. To the 100 people out there I sincerely thank you for the support.

If ever I can't release a chapter it would be because of the internet. The ISPs here in Ph are really bad. I already ordered a new plan for faster internet but more than a week has passed and I received no news about my order.


SaintHeavenscreators' thoughts