
Assassins Who Cleanse Sins Away

This world is surrounded by crime, greed, and many other sins. Though in time people gave up hope for peace then a group of assassins changed that and now they cleanse the city they live in. They even take clients around the world. If you're truly tormented by anyone and want vengeance then you must contact those assassins but vengeance comes with a price and it doesn't mean your life. Those assassins are called The Sweepers and no one knows who they truly are.

MewShadow · Fantasie
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41 Chs

The Spirit of Art (Shadow and Angel's Chapter)

Narrator: "This world is surrounded by crime, greed, and many other sins. When people gave up hope for peace there are a group of assassins that would cleanse the world. If you're truly tormented by anyone and want vengeance then you must call upon The Sweepers and they will take vengeance for you."

Christiana, Meadow, Zachary, Shadow, and Angel are on a train heading for their destination. Shadow is asleep having a dream about the day her dad left.

Young Shadow: "Daddy? Where are you going, Daddy?"

Twins' Dad: "I won't be a father to a daughter that killed my wife! You have your sister's face I can't stand it!"

Young Shadow: "Daddy?! Don't leave us Daddy!"

She wakes up and sees her sister still asleep.

Shadow: "Huh?! Oh, it was just a dream… more like a memory."

Christiana: "You sure were sleeping it must've been a bad dream."

Shadow: "More like a memory I want to forget."

Christiana: "I hope you're ready to face the past nevertheless you can't keep running from the past forever."

Shadow: "I know… To think we even go back to Cyclone City…"

They have arrived in Cyclone City and got off the train.

Zachary: "So Boss how about I show everyone around the city? Since you and the others haven't been here."

Angel: "No way I'll show everyone around the city I know every inch of the city."

Zachary: "I thought you and Shadow haven't been to this city before."

Angel: "We have its…"

Shadow: "Our home."

Shadow and Angel went to their old workplace to find one of their old friends.

Gwen: "Hey don't you read the sign we're not open yet- Angel! Shadow! Is that you?!"

Shadow: "Yep."

Angel: "It's us."

Gwen: "Look at you two you both grew so much that last time I saw you both. See Angel I told you to grow your hair out look at you now."

Shadow: "Still can't tell us apart I see Angel is over there."

Gwen: "Oh there you are Angel I really thought that you were Shadow. Anyways why are you two here? You both know it's suicide for you both to come back here Rick didn't take your resignations well."

Angel: "We know."

Shadow: "We're looking for Natasha she sent us a letter to come here."

Gwen: "Natasha? She hasn't been to work in a couple of weeks."

Angel: "Why?"

Gwen: "I think it had something to do with her girlfriend being missing. Natasha's girlfriend didn't like the idea of her working as a cocktail waitress so I assume she just left her and didn't say a word but I was wrong."

Shadow: "What do you mean?"

Gwen: "If she left Natasha then should would've took all over her stuff. When Natasha went home all of her girlfriend's stuff was still there."

Angel: "Does Natasha still live at Accunt Street?"

Gwen: "She does are you going to see her?"

Shadow: "Yes."

Gwen: "When you do see her tell her she has to come into work otherwise Rick is gonna hunt her down."

Angel: "We will." The twins left the bar and Angel went to Natasha's apartment and knocked on the door. "Natasha? Are you home?"

Natasha: "Oh for f***k sake who could be knocking on the door at this time of the day…"

Natasha opened the door and is surprised to see Angel after for so long. "Oh my god! Is that you Shadow?!"

Angel: "Wrong sister."

Natasha: "Angel? Oh, look at you! Me and the girls at the Bunny Sweet Bar were right about you growing your hair out. You look better with long hair."

Angel: "I know it really took time for it to grow."

Natasha: "Hard to believe it's been two years since you two left here."

Angel: "How come you wanted me and Shadow to come back here?"

Natasha: "Oh well it's about Lois.."

Angel: "Your girlfriend."

Natasha: "Yeah she's been missing for almost six weeks. She went to get a painted portrait of herself and she never came back."

Angel: "What? Didn't you tell the police?"

Natasha: "I did but it turns out that she wasn't the only one there were about forty more people who went missing like that. I figure you and Shadow might help me."

Angel: "What makes you think Shadow and I can help?"

Natasha: "Because of your job."

Angel: "Our job is just to take care of business not to look for missing people. But I think I know someone that can help."

Elsewhere Shadow is at her childhood home and Zachary followed her.

Zachary: "I was wondering where you went off too."

Shadow: "You know stalking a girl makes you look like a predator."

Zachary: "I can't check up on my coworker."

Shadow: "Do you have your lighter with you?"

Zachary: "I never leave anywhere without it why?"

Shadow: "I need to burn this house."

Zachary: "Here."

He hands her the lighter and she uses it to start a fire to burn her old home.

Shadow: "Angel and I should have burned this house to the ground before we left here but we had to leave here quickly."

Zachary: "Was living here that bad?"

Shadow: "Our dad hated us… He blames Angel for our mom's death she wasn't in physical health to give birth to more than one child her doctor said that if she ever had another child it will kill her. Our parents didn't know that they were going to have twins."

Zachary: "Tough break…"

Shadow: "From what I was told they were childhood friends and my dad had always loved my mom ever since they were children."

In a flashback to 1838 the twins' teacher is taking them home.

Elementary Teacher: "Listen Mr. Cross you are these girl's father and should be acting like it! My god if you keep with this then I'll have no choice to call child services!"

Their teacher left and their dad looked scared towards Angel.

Young Angel: "Daddy why didn't you pick us up? Daddy, why do you look scared? Is it because of what our teacher said to you?"

Twins' Dad: "Don't look at me with those eyes…"

Young Angel: "What's wrong daddy?"

Their dad raised his hand and tries to hit Angel but Shadow pushes her away and he hit her instead.

Twins' Dad: "Shadow?! Oh my god! Sweetie, I'm sorry I didn't mean to hit you!"

Young Shadow: "Then why did you try to hit Angel then daddy?"

Twins' Dad: "I don't know…"

He walks towards the door.

Young Shadow: "Daddy? Where are you going, Daddy?"

Twins' Dad: "I won't be a father to a daughter that killed my wife! You have your sister's face I can't stand it!"

Young Shadow: "Daddy?! Don't leave us, Daddy!"

They watched their dad left them alone at the house.

Young Angel: "Did Daddy leave because of me?"

Young Shadow: "No I don't think he even wanted to be our Daddy…"

The flashback ends and it's back to the present; their house is now in ashes. After hearing her story Zachary remembers hearing the same story from her old job.

Shadow: "What's in the past stays in the past."

He notices her putting on the necklace that has an engraving on it.

Zachary: "Hey Shade where did you get that necklace?"

Shadow: "Oh this necklace was given to me as a birthday gift. It was actually from this guy he's older than me but I really liked him a lot. He's really the first guy I well it's not important right now we better get going the other will be here soon."

She left and Zachary realized that he met Shadow before being an assassin.

Zachary: "To think the little princess I met four years ago was right in front of me this whole time. I would tell her but she'll just think that I'm messing with her."

Elsewhere at the Bunny Sweet Bar one of the waitress' is talking to the owner.

Kelsie: "Oh Rick I heard that the twins are back in town."

Rick: "Thanks for letting me know those two brats are gonna pay for what they did to me."

Later on, the other group members made to the city and went to the hideout.

Zachary: (Thinking: "I wonder why they went back to their old workplace but I'll just pretend I don't about our past.") "So, Shades why did you and Angel went to Bunny Sweet Bar?"

Tom: "What kind of club is that?"

Macy: "It's the type of club where the waitress' dress in slutty outfits and VIP rooms where rich guys get certain treatments."

Violet: "How'd you know about it?"

Macy: "When I was traveling the country, I was looking for a bar I heard made the best cocktails and I got lost and stumble upon that place. Luckily on of the waitress' told me where to go."

Tom: "Our twins would never go to a place like that are you sure you saw them going there, Zach?"

Zachary: "I did."

Angel: "We use to work there."

Zachary: (Thinking) "I already knew that but I guess I'll have to pretend to be surprised."

Violet, Macy, and Tom were surprised to hear that while Zachary is pretending to find out for the first time.

Violet: "You two are pulling our leg, right?"

Shadow: "No we did work there."

Tom: "How? You have to be eighteen to work at bars."

Shadow: "Not in this city you have to be fifteen but you can't make drinks you'll have to serve them."

Macy: "I can't believe that the owner lets you and your sister wear those kinds of outfits."

Angel: "Well we didn't wear revealing outfits until we were sixteen."

A flashback to 1845 and the twins went to the bar with their applications hoping to get hired.

Shadow: "Do you think they'll hire us? We're not even sixteen yet."

Angel: "We just have to hope and pray. Besides it was your idea to lie about our age on the paper."

Shadow: "I know maybe he won't be able to tell we can saw we just look fourteen but really we're sixteen."

Angel: "The owner probably would want proof though."

Shadow: "Damn! I didn't think about that what will we do?!"

They went into the bar and went to the owner's office to give him their applications.

Rick: "Shadow Cross and Angel Cross hm… You two must be twins."

Shadow: "We are."

Rick: "Even with the different hairstyles I can't tell who is who?"

Shadow: "I'm the one with long hair while Angel here has short hair."

Rick: "I see well I want to know if you two really are sixteen."

Angel: "Um… Well…"

Shadow: "Would you believe that we're really sixteen but managed to found the fountain of youth?"

Rick: "*Laughs* You think I would fall for the oldest scam in the book. Oh, you two crack me up I should just tell you two to wait another two years but from what I can tell you two won't last that long without any money so I'll hire you both."

Shadow and Angel: "Really?!"

Rick: "Yeah but if any detectives or officers tell me that they need to do undercover work then you two don't need to work if they found out I hired two minors then my bar be shut down."

The flashback ends and it's back to the present.

Shadow: "The owner hired us with no hesitation so all we did was serve drinks but the annoying part is that when the waitress' serve drinks it gives those drunk men chances to grope the girls or pinch them one. Out of the two of us, Angel is always the one that gets groped."

Violet: "Most men are all the same always after something that's in a skirt."

Angel: "That's true but if things went too far then we do something about it."

Macy: "Like what?"

Shadow and Angel: "Pour drinks at them."

Violet: "Can't say that I'm surprised but if I were you two, I would've kicked a man's ass if he ever tried to do anything to me."

Macy: "No surprise you'd say that."

Shadow: "One day the owner wanted to talk to about something I thought we were going to lose our jobs but…"

In a flashback to 1845, the twins went to the owner's office.

Rick: "I'm glad you girls came in today because I've been meaning to talk to you two."

Angel: "What is it, Rick?"

Rick: "I was told that there is a little thief in the area lately a fourteen-year-old black girl with short blue hair has been stealing food."

Shadow: "So? That could be any girl."

Rick: "But this girl has pink eyes and don't tell me that it could be any girl."

Angel: "I had no choice because you didn't want to pay us in time you keep delaying our paychecks."

Rick: "Okay so maybe it's my fault but you'll have to pay the consequences."

Shadow and Angel: "What?!"

Rick: "Don't worry I won't rat you out but little Angel here has to something in exchange for my silence since they are only after her."

Angel: "What is it?"

Rick: "You have to be a VIP waitress and do little favors for any men that goes in the room your assign to. No, if's and's or but's."

Shadow: "No! Let me do it instead! Let me take her place they won't be able to tell the difference!"

Rick: "Okay fine since you asked so nicely, you'll be the VIP waitress don't worry you won't start now you'll start in two years. Once your sixteen you'll have to entertain the men and don't worry you won't have sex with them you'll have to give them hand jobs or blowjobs whatever they request and I'll make sure they won't make you have sex with them. So it's a deal?"

Shadow: "It's a deal."

Rick: "Nice doing business with you two."

They left the office and one of the waitresses went to the owner's office.

Gwen: "Are you insane?! That girl is going to be scarred for sure!"

Rick: "What? She's not going to VIP until another two years."

Gwen: "Your lucky they are not quitting they have no choice but to stay. If I were them, I would've left this place already."

Rick: "Too bad that times are tough it's either working or starve to death."

Gwen: "You disgusting pig!"

Rick: "Don't be like that Gwen we were perfect together."

Gwen: "The keyword is were now I have a man who is much better than you ever were."

Rick: "Don't be like that I bet there some spark left."

Gwen: "Why don't you just stick in your ass because I don't wanna hear it!"

Rick: "Your lucky I didn't fire you."

Gwen: "Why don't you use the spark on Kelsie she's been all over you ever since she got here."

The flashback ends and it's the present.

Angel: "Shadow protected me I didn't think was that bad. Before we turned sixteen the owner made Shadow a VIP waitress anyway because our birthday was only a few weeks away."

Zachary: "I need a drink."

Zachary went to make himself a drink.

Angel: "Anyways Shadow hated it she couldn't stand it."

In a flashback to 1847, the twins are at home, and Shadow is crying and throwing up out of disgust in the bathroom.

Shadow: "I hate Angel! I hate it!"

Angel: "What happened?!"

Shadow: "This one man made me give him a blowjob and had me swallow his juice's it was so disgusting! I can't do this anymore!"

Angel is angry about what her sister had to do for her and went straight to the bar to confront the owner.

Rick: "My little Angel can I do for you?"

Angel: "End this deal!"

Rick: "What?"

Angel: "End this deal between you and my sister right now!"

Rick: "Your sister is very popular I can't just take her out of there." He put his arm on her shoulder then moved his hand down to her waist. "I may change my mind if you have some fun with me you know between you and your sister, you're the attractive twin."

Angel screams and slaps the owner hard as she could in the face.

Angel: "You disgusting pig! How dare you touch me that way!"

She storms out of the office.

Rick: "Man what a feisty one."

She went home to tell Shadow what happened.

Shadow: "He what?!"

Angel: "He wanted to have sex with me ugh so disgusting!"

Shadow: "Why that son of bitch! I gonna make sure he never does that you again!"

Angel: "We might lose our jobs."

Shadow: "I don't care! Rick went too far and I've had it up to here with him! I'm gonna give to him after our shifts tonight!"

Angel: "Shades we need this job who knows if we'll ever get another job."

The flashback ends.

Shadow: "But there was only one good thing that came out about my job."

Macy: "What?"

Shadow: "I met my first love there."

Tom: "Who is he?"

Shadow: "His name is Carmine…Carmine Ashton." Zachary spits his whisky out of surprise and starts to cough after that name. "What?! You think that is funny or something?!"

Zachary: "No I was just surprised that's all."

Shadow: "Surprised at what?"

Zachary: "That I knew someone by that name."

Shadow: "Really?! You do?"

Zachary: "Look I just crossed paths with that guy I don't know where he is now."

Shadow: "Well we went on many dates and he's the first man I had sex with."

Zachary spits his whisky out again.

Angel: (Thinking) "Why is he acting so weird unless he knows where Carmine is?"

Violet: "How was it?"

Shadow: "Well it was romantic and gentle I never knew I would meet a man as sweet as he is."

Zachary: (Thinking) "Oh God Shades will you stop embarrassing me?!"

Violet: (Thinking) "He definitely knows something."

Shadow: "Before he left to be stationed at another city, he gave me some money he told me that it's enough for me and Angel to leave the city."

Angel: "So when we plan to leave, we had to give a notice."

In a flashback to 1847, the twins went to the owner's office.

Rick: "What can I help you two about this time?"

Shadow: "We quit!"

Rick: "What?!"

Angel: "You heard her we quit!"

Rick: "Like hell, you two are quitting now!" He grabs Angel by the arm. "Are you quitting because of our little chat huh? After all, I have done for you two this how you repay me!!"

Angel: "Let me go!"

Shadow grabs one of the guns that Carmine gave her the gun she took out was a dart gun.

Shadow: "Let her go!"

She uses the gun and shoots the owner in the eye with a dart and his eye starts to bleed. He screams in pain and let's go of Angel he is trying to tend to which gave the twins the chance to run away.

Rick: "You little brats! I'll get you two for this!!!"

The flashback ends and it's the present.

Angel: "Luckily Carmine gave Shadow two guns because it really saved us."

Violet: "You really shot him in the eye."

Shadow: "Yeah I did it with one shot too."

Angel: "I bet Rick found out that we're back here."

Shadow: "Probably…"

It is the next day Christiana, Shadow, and Shadow were walking in the city.

Christiana: "So Angel told me that it's not just your friend is looking for her girlfriend but about forty other people have gone missing and it fits a pattern they all went to have portraits painted. It's obvious a demon is involved in this. Hm?"

She gets her phone and sees she got an email.

Zachary: "Boss what makes you sure?"

Christiana: "People going missing and the pattern is obvious anyways I have to go looks like we got a client."

Zachary: "Wait! I'll go with you."

Christiana: "Sorry but the others are waiting for me you'll have to stay here with Shadow besides she did make an enemy here that enemy may come after her."

Zachary: "Oh well…"

Christiana had already left.

Shadow: "Why do you want to go with the boss anyway? Is there something wrong with me?"

Zachary: "No there's nothing wrong with you I just well you see little princess I-" He covered his mouth. (Thinking: "Shit! I didn't mean to call her that!")

Shadow: "No one called me that but Carmine… You must know where he is!"

Zachary: "I don't know I bumped into him a couple of years ago he couldn't help it but talk about you."

Shadow: "So Angel was right you did know him!"

Zachary: "I didn't want to tell you this but even if I did you wouldn't believe me."

Shadow: "Tell me what!"

Zachary: "He's dead!"

Shadow: "No! I don't believe you! I know in my heart he's still alive!"

Zachary: "I'm telling you the truth he told me that he was going to kill himself he knew he couldn't hide from the navy forever. He thought if he dies, they won't find him and he did they stop looking for him after he died. Sorry Shade…"

Shadow: "No… I don't… *cries*"

Zachary: "That's why I didn't want to tell you the truth I was afraid this would happen…"

She buried herself onto him as she is crying then she got a good look at him.

Shadow: "You know I think it's for the best to accept that he's dead. You kinda look like Carmine except he was blonde and he didn't have a beard and he had green eyes."

Zachary: "Uh… Well…"

Shadow: "Actually I noticed when I and Angel joined the group, I was going to say something about but Angel had a crush on you so I just ignored it."

Zachary: "Well that explains why your sister was so nice to me back then."

Shadow: "I told her that you didn't know she liked you but after a couple of weeks she got over it."

Zachary: "No way no girl can't resist my charms."

Shadow: "Narc."

Zachary: "Who are you calling a narc?"

Shadow: "You-you're such a narcissist."

Zachary: "What? Can't a guy be modest about himself?"

Shadow: "Not if it's you."

Zachary: "Whatever."

They both got emails from Christiana.

Shadow: "A client huh? I wonder who's the target?"

Zachary: "I don't know but this client has paid in advance."

Shadow: "It could be anyone in the city. Huh?" She noticed that she is being followed. "Let's go to the club I'm sure Natasha is helping the other girls clean the place."

They went to the club and the other girls are happy to see Shadow.

Natasha: "Angel? Or Shadow?"

Shadow: "Shadow."

Natasha: "Oh it's so good to see you again after so long."

Waitress 1: "Look you you're so grown now."

Waitress 2: "Hey is that your boyfriend?"

Shadow: "Boyfriend?! Don't be ridiculous he's not my boyfriend."

Waitress 3: "He's pretty cute I think you two will make a good couple."

Zachary: "Trust me ladies I don't think I'm her type."

Gwen: "Hey you shouldn't be here Shadow Rick is in his office right now if he sees you here…"

Shadow: "He's still sore about me shooting him."

Gwen: "That and you and your sister quitting."

Shadow: "Don't worry we won't be here long I wanted to talk to Natasha."

Natasha: "About what?"

Shadow: "Where did Lois say she is going to get her portrait done at?"

Natasha: "I think somewhere at sphere street it's a strange-looking mansion you won't miss it."

Kelsie: "Shouldn't you girls be cleaning right now we won't be opened for another few hours."

Gwen: "Last time I check you don't run the show here."

Kelsie: "Little Angel how long has it been since I saw you?"

Shadow: "I'm Shadow it's understandable you can't tell twins apart because your head is nothing but air."

Kelsie: "How dare you say that?! After all, I've done to make your job easy around here!"

Gwen: "Oh please you were jealous of her because all your VIPs went her spot instead of yours."

Kelsie: "Well…well… Who's this handsome man here?"

Zachary: "Zachary."

Kelsie: "You know you look just like this cute blonde I tried to get but he went to this thing here."

Shadow: "I'm a girl, not a thing you airhead."

Kelsie: "Anyways are you seeing anyone?"

Zachary: "Actually I am."

He put his arm around Shadow's waist then gropes her butt.

Shadow: (Blushes) "What are you doing?!"

Zachary: "Just showing off my girl."

He kisses Shadow in front of the woman.

Kelsie: "Unbelievable it's always the handsome ones who are taken."

Kelsie storms out to the back room as Shadow and Zachary left the club.

Shadow: "Why did you do that?!"

Zachary: "Because I didn't want that slut to be all over me so the only way to do that is to say that I have a girlfriend."

Shadow: "Why did you kiss me?! You could've at least faked it!"

Zachary: "I know but I had to make it believable."

Shadow: (Thinking) "The way he did it was the same way Carmine did… I'm definitely imagining things now he can't be Carmine!"

Zachary: "What's wrong?"

Shadow: "Nothing. Now Angel and I have to go to sphere street maybe it might be a demon involved so we'll have to take the boss with us."

Zachary: "Okay."

Before they went back to the hideout a man wearing an eye patch grabbed Shadow from behind her.

Shadow: "AAAHHH!!!"

Zachary: "What the hell?!"

Rick: "I'm surprised that you and your sister came back here. I thought you two would never show your faces here ever again. Especially after what your sister did to me now I have to wear this eye patch." He then has his arm on her throat appearing to be choking her. "Now where's your sister?"

Shadow: "I-I don't know!"

Rick: "I wanted to make Shadow pay for making me having only one eye but I guess you'll have to do Angel since you rejected me."

Shadow: "Let me go!"

He uses his hands to choke Shadow and she couldn't breathe; almost loses conciseness.

Zachary: "Hang on Shades!"

Zachary uses his bow and arrow to shoot Rick in the throat he lets go of her and dies soon after. Shadow is coughing and gasping for air.

Shadow: "I thought I was gonna die!"

Zachary: "You okay?"

Shadow: "I'm fine just needed to catch my breath."

They went back to the hideout and Shadow is explaining to Angel what happened.

Angel: "What?! Rick found you?!"

Shadow: "Yeah and he thought I was you and wanted to kill you first then me."

Angel: "It was a good thing Zachary was with you otherwise you would've been dead."

Elsewhere Natasha went to the mansion to find her girlfriend.

Natasha: "Lois? Are you here? Huh? *gasp*"

Before she knew it, she is knocked out by the artist who is responsible for the disappearances. He takes her to the room he paints and traps people's souls in the paintings. Back at the hideout, Zachary is passing by he stops as he overhears the twins' conversation.

Shadow: "I know… The thing is that the way Zachary touched me and kissed me was the same way Carmine did that to me. You don't think that Zachary is Carmine, do you?"

Zachary: "Crap! Crap! Crap! She figured me out?!"

Angel: "I think that Zachary is just a reincarnation of Carmine."

Zachary: "Oh thank god! I'm glad that they'll think I'm just a reincarnation though I wish I can tell her but I'm just not ready to tell her yet."

It became nighttime and the twins and Christiana made their way to sphere street to find the missing woman.

Angel: "You did say that Natasha told you that the mansion is strange looking and we won't be able to miss it right."

Shadow: "Yeah and she wasn't kidding about it either. So, Boss did you handle the request from earlier?"

Christiana: "Actually you and Zachary handle it."

Angel: "Somebody put a hit on Rick?!"

Christiana: "It was one of your former coworkers from your old job."

Angel: "It must've been Natasha."

Shadow: "No I think it was Gwen when I saw her earlier today, she seemed upset about something and she was touching her stomach I wasn't sure why."

Christiana: "It's because that bastard raped her and she's carrying his child."

Shadow and Angel: "What?!"

Christiana: "She was going to have an abortion but she was told if she did go through with it then she will most likely never have another child ever again."

Angel: "Poor Gwen… she must have decided to put the baby up for adoption."

Christiana: "That's right."

Shadow: "It doesn't surprise me Rick is a total creep he would take advantage of a girl."

Christiana: "Well we're here."

They went into the mansion and see many portraits of people and they heard noises from nowhere.

Shadow: "Where is that noise coming from?"

Christiana: "Those are cries."

Angel: "Cries of what?"

Christiana: "Agony and suffering those people their souls are trapped in the portraits."

Shadow: "How is that possible? Souls can't be trapped by anything."

John: "That may be true but I have a way that traps people into my portraits."

They hear the man but he is nowhere to be found.

Christiana: "Show yourself demon."

Then three darts shot at their necks leaving them weak.

Shadow and Angel: "Boss!!"

Christiana: "Shit! Paralyzed darts! I can't reach my-"

Christiana passes out and before they knew it the twins passed out as well. The man came out from where he is hiding.

John: "My…My… Three lovely ladies that gives me an idea for a portrait of three lovelies in ribbons. For this piece though all they need is ribbons."

He takes their clothes off and wrapped each of them in ribbons and has them hanging by ropes and he starts to paint. While he paints, the girls came into seeing that they are hanging.

Christiana: "What the hell?"

Angel: "What the?"

Shadow: "Let us go!"

John: "You don't rush perfection you three ladies will be my finest art piece."

Angel starts to gasping.

Angel: "I…can't…breathe…I-"

Then Shadow starts gasping.

Shadow: "I…can…barely…talk…"

And Christiana starts gasping.

Christiana: "What…the…hell…did…you…do…to…us…"

John: "Your souls are slowly bit by bit going into the portrait to won't be long before all three of you will be trapped in my creation."

Angel: "S-Shadow…look…over…there…"

She sees a portrait of Natasha hanging on the wall.

Shadow: "Natasha…she's…her…soul…is…trapped…too…"

Meanwhile, Meadow went inside the mansion trying to find the girls.

Meadow: "Damn! Where could they be? Hm?" He went to the basement and see a dead woman's body burned. "This woman must've been his latest victim."

As Meadow tries to find them the painter is trying to finish the painting. The girls are trying to hang on to their lives but are unable to stop him from painting.

John: "Oh it won't be long yes it won't be long! I'll have the perfect portrait and I'll be the one who killed the demon huntress!"

As the man painting them suddenly his head is cut off.

Shadow: "What…the…hell…what…just…happened…"

Angel: "I…think…I…know…what…happened…"

Meadow uses a lighter and burns the portrait which restores the girls back to normal.

He unties all three of them and got them down.

Shadow: "Oh thank god! I thought I was gonna die again!"

Angel: "But how?"

Meadow: "Burning the portrait was the only way you can get your souls back. Here your clothes I found them in the basement."

He hands the twins their clothes.

Shadow and Angel: "Thanks Meadow."

Meadow: "Here Christiana and I want you to keep that ribbon."

He hands Christiana her clothes and watches her while she puts her clothes on.

Shadow: "Meadow is such a pervert."

Angel: "A really big pervert."

Meadow: "I am not a pervert."

Christiana: "Now now children Meadow can't help it that he is a horny wolf-beast."

Shadow: "Ha!"

Angel: "Told you so."

Christiana: "From the looks of it that man isn't a demon nor he was possessed by one."

Meadow: "He's not a demon but the portrait and paint set are cursed."

Shadow: "Cursed?"

Meadow: "A long time ago a warlock fell in love with a man who happened an artist but he betrayed the warlock and the warlock cursed the portrait and paint set. That artist thought that the warlock was just being dramatic but found out the hard way when he made a portrait. He ended up trapping the person's soul and because of that he wanted to make sure no one else uses these cursed objects he made sure that he kept them lock somewhere no one can find it."

Angel: "It seems that man found those objects."

Shadow: "That explains why those paintings are crying all those people are suffering just like the boss said."

Christiana: "Meadow do you still have that lighter?"

Meadow: "I do why?"

Christiana: "Because we need to burn this place down."

Angel: "What?! We can't!"

Shadow: "It's for the best… They don't need to let them suffer anymore they are better off resting in peace."

Christiana looked and found gasoline and pour it all over the place; they all went outside and Meadow uses the lighter to burn the mansion to the ground.

Christiana: "We couldn't save her regardless it's better this way."

When they watch the mansion burning the twins start to remember their time with Natasha.

Shadow and Angel: "Goodbye Natasha…"

As the twins' say their goodbyes to their old friend all of them left the area forty-one grim reapers appear and crossed over all of the souls that were trapped in the paintings.

Christiana: "I hope you two managed to face the past because if you don't then you won't continue to the present.

Shadow: "We have."

Angel: "We even say goodbye this time."

Christiana: "Don't worry about your friend she's going to a better place."

Shadow and Angel: "What do you mean?"

Christiana points up in the sky.

Christiana: "She's going to heaven."

Angel: "That''s good to know."

Shadow and Angel: (Thinking) "I hope you'll be happy there Natasha."

Later on, they all went back to the hideout so the group can pack up and go to their next location.

Tom: "Hey Angel can you help me with something?"

Shadow: "Wrong twin Angel is over there."

Tom: "Agh I can never tell you two part."

Macy: "He has a point you two are completely identical."

Shadow: (Thinking) "Only three people can actually tell us part. Carmine, the boss, and Meadow are the only ones that can tell us part."

In a flashback to 1847 a few months after they left Cyclone City they managed to arrive in Rhinestone City. They try to find shelter while it's raining hard.

Angel: "Why did we come to this city?"

Shadow: "Because I always wanted to come to this city. I heard that this city was amazing and beautiful."

Angel: "I know but now we barely have enough money for a hotel not even enough for a motel."

Before they knew they heard footsteps and they look to see that it's Christiana hold an umbrella.

Christiana: "My My I figured I would meet you two again."

Shadow: "Again?"

Angel: "What do you mean again?"

Christiana: "You two walked past me while I was in disguise at your old workplace. I was there because of my business when I went up to the office I noticed how well you can handle a gun." Angel tried to grab the gun from their suitcase but Christiana noticed right away. "Don't even think about it I'm not here to harm you two so what are your names?"

Shadow: "Shadow."

Angel: "Angel."

Christiana: "Well then Shadow and Angel why don't you join my business? All you have to do is to kill people that's all."

Angel: "Become assassins?"

Christiana: "Yes so we have a deal?"

Shadow: "On one condition you'll have to tell us apart."

Christiana: "Shadow wears her hair in ponytails and sits in a particular way; Angel is growing her hair out and stands straight up with a particular position. So that means your in."

It's now the present and everyone is at the train station getting ready to leave.

Angel: "Hey sis."

Shadow: "Hm?"

Angel: "Do you regret leaving this city?"

Shadow: No. Not at all, I'm glad we did if we didn't then we wouldn't have met everyone in the group."

Angel: "We probably wouldn't have survived if we didn't meet the boss."

The twins take one last look at their hometown before boarding the train and the group is heading for their next destination.

To Be Continued…

This chapter is kinda a mix of the main story and demon hunters. (Not really)

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