
Silent Cry

Narrator: "This world is surrounded by crime, greed, and many other sins. When people gave up hope for peace there are a group of assassins that would cleanse the world. If you're truly tormented by anyone and want vengeance then you must call upon The Sweepers and they will take vengeance for you."

It was nighttime in Ruca City, Valenti and a young boy named Green came home hearing his mom hitting his older sister and went to his room hoping not to be seen by his mom.

Green: "Hm? Mister? You're here again?"

Meadow: "You make it seem like I'm an old man when you called me mister."

Green: "Oh sorry... I know that you're not that old you look like you're about my sister's age maybe a couple of years older than her."

Meadow: "Why are you wearing that patch?"

Green: "Oh well..."

Meadow: "Did she hit you again?"

Green: "Mhm..."

He takes the patch off from his eye revealing a black eye.

It's the next day; Kelly looks around the house to see if their mom is home.

Kelly: "Thank god she's not here. Green! Come downstairs she's not here!"

Green: "Oh good. Kelly, why are you putting on makeup?"

Kelly: "To hide the blackeyes knowing the neighbors one of them probably called child services again."

Green: "Why can't we just tell them the truth?"

Kelly: "Because mom might do something worst to us if we did... anyways let me cover your blackeye too."

Green: "What? No way! Makeup is for girls."

Kelly: "Don't be a baby makeup is also for guys what do you think guy singers use before going on stage?"

Green: "Fine..."

She does her best to cover her and Green's blackeyes so it won't be noticeable.

Kelly: "That should be good enough but wear the patch anyways we don't want them to suspect anything."

Green: "Okay... Kelly..."

Kelly: "What is it?"

Green: "Do you think that mom will stop hurting us?"

Kelly: "I don't know..." They heard a knock on the door. "Quickly put your patch on!"

Child Services Agent: "Hello is anyone there?"

Kelly opens the door.

Kelly: "Hello."

Child Services Agent: "May I come in?"

Kelly: "Yes you can sir."

Child Services Agent: "It's just that we received a call this morning about your mom physically assaulting you is that true?"

Kelly: "No..."

Child Services Agent: "I was told that it wasn't just you but your brother too."

Kelly: "No..."

Child Services Agent: "It's okay to tell me I'm here to help you both."

Kelly: "We don't need any help! Now leave!"

Child Services Agent: "Okay but before I go here my card if anything happens again just call me."

He hands her his card and left after seeing him leave she puts the card away where she always put them.

Kelly: "That's the fifth one this week I wish they stop coming here."

Green: "Maybe there was a reason."

Kelly: "A reason for what?! Even if we tell them everything, they'll separate us into different foster homes and I promised Dana that I protect you!"

Green: "But we won't go to foster homes Dad will get custody of us!"

Kelly: "She'll just make it look like he is an unfit parent because he left her..."

Green: "Why can't we just run away to dad? At least we'll be safe there."

Kelly: "She'll end up having the police look for us we'll just have to put up with it until I turn 18."

Green: "That'll be another four years I don't think we'll make it by then she'll probably kill us both before then."

Kelly: "Well we'll just have to fight it then."

Later on, Kelly is out trying to cover up the bruises on her arm.

Monique: "Hey kid."

Kelly: "What is it?"

Monique: "Looks like you're having problems with someone aren't ya? Where you attack in an ally?"

Kelly: "What do you want?"

Monique: "I'm just a concerned person who wants to help."

Kelly: "Why?"

Monique: "You scratch my back I'll scratch yours I'll help you with your problem if you're willing to make a deal with me."

Kelly: "Oh please I'm not going to make a deal with someone like you!"

Kelly walks away.

Monique: "Damn brat I can't believe she just turned down my offer!"

Eleven: "How many times I have to tell you we're not assassins you're just claiming that we are."

Monique: "Brother why can't we be assassins?"

Eleven: "Because I said so besides we're demons we just make deals to give whatever human's desire it is not to freelance being an assassin."

Monique: "Fine... Why are we here anyway? Shouldn't we be at home?"

Eleven noticed Christiana and Shadow together he starts to blush and started to droll.

Eleven: "Such beauty it's like the heavens sent this angel to this world just for me!"

Monique: "Oh god... I'm gonna be sick just for hearing that."

Eleven: "There is no one in the world that will match her pure beauty!"

Shadow: "The way that guy over there is staring at you isn't it creepy."

Christiana: "Too bad my Meadow isn't here he would kill that man in an instant."

They walked away to see where Kelly went.

Eleven: "So beautiful so elegant she will be mine!"

Monique: "Brother you should stop while you're ahead people are starting to stare and they already think that you're some kind of creepy pervert."

Meanwhile, Kelly went to see her friends at their hangout.

Kelly: "Hey guys..."

Wendy: "Kelly are you cover your eyes again?"

She wipes the makeup off with a napkin.

Tony: "Oh my god..."

They see her black eyes are getting worse.

Carl: "We need to report this today!"

Kelly: "No you can't!"

Tony: "Why not?! This needs to end!"

Kelly: "I can't they'll put me and my brother in different foster homes and I promised my sister I'll protect him!"

Carl: "Can't you two stay with your dad?"

Kelly: "My dad tried to get custody of us but my mom made it look like he was a deadbeat who left us."

Wendy: "That's not true!"

Kelly: "I know my mom is just plain crazy."

Carl: "She been that way ever since Dana's death."

Tony: "You know I think I know a way for you and Green to be free."

Wendy: "What?"

Tony: "Call The Sweepers."

Carl: "The Sweepers?"

Tony: "Yeah my best friend in New Joycean called them when this psycho girl tried to kill him and they came and killed her."

Wendy: "Really? I thought The Sweepers were just rumors."

Tony: "They are the real deal all Johnny told me was that for them accept your request you'll have to pay a price."

Kelly: "What's the price?"

Tony: "I don't know I didn't ask."

Wendy: "Maybe the cost is your life."

Carl: "Maybe the cost is for you to give up a body part."

Kelly: "What?!"

Tony: "I don't think that's the case giving up a body part seems way too extreme."

Wendy: "You never know."

Kelly: "I'll think about it."

Carl: "Are you serious?!"

Kelly: "Yes I need some time to think it over."

Christiana and Shadow were standing nearby.

Shadow: "Do you think she'll go through with it?"

Christiana: "That depends is she more afraid of us than her own mother?"

Shadow: "I'll meet you back at the hideout."

Christiana: "Are you looking for clues about your mysterious lover?"

Shadow: "He's not my lover he's just the first man I ever loved."

Christiana went back to the hideout and Shadow went to the navy base to find him.

Navy Cadet: "Hey there young lady if you're here about recruitment then you're a couple of months early recruitment for new cadets starts in June."

Shadow: "No I'm looking for someone he's a cadet well he was."

Navy Cadet: "Who are you looking for?"

Shadow: "Carmine Ashton."

Navy Cadet: "Ashton... Ashton Oh here are his files I'm sorry but he's dead he died almost six years ago."

Shadow: "What?! No! Your lying! He can't be dead!"

Navy Cadet: "I'm sorry but it's true he tried to desertion the navy and back then it's punishable by death. Personally, I think that was too extreme back then; four years after that desertion is punishable by jail time, I'm really am sorry."

She left base and went somewhere to cry.

Shadow: "I-I won't believe he can't be dead he just can't!" She took out her necklace and looks at the engraving on it. "I know he's alive I know it in my heart he must be out in hiding he did say that he was going to lay low after he left the navy."

Angel is nearby worried about her sister.

Angel: "That's the first time I ever seen her cried since we were little kids. She must really love Carmine if she crying for him, I'm not surprised that she kept that necklace he gave her. Is that what it's like to be in love?" She smells cigarette smoke and knows who it is. "You shouldn't be stalking me otherwise some people will think that you're some kind of pervert."

Zachary: "I am not a pervert I was just curious about your sister she seemed quite eager to come here."

Angel: "Well of course she always wanted to visit this city that's all."

Zachary: "No it's not she must be looking for someone so who is it?"

Angel: "She's looking for a man named Carmine."

Zachary is shocked about what she said.

Zachary: "W-Why would she be looking for Carmine?"

Angel: "I'm not telling you."

Zachary: "He's dead for sure I can tell you that!"

Angel: "Why are you so shaken up? You know him, don't you?"

Zachary: "No I don't I just crossed paths with him once and that's it."

Angel: "If you know anything about Carmine then tell Shadow she deserves to know. He made a promise to her if I and she ever left Cyclone City then to find him hiding here in Ruca City."

He is surprised about what Angel told him then she went back to the hideout.

Zachary: "Why would she be... I shouldn't worry about it at no one in the group hasn't found about who I really am then so I doubt they will now."

Elsewhere Green is walking into the park until a couple of his classmates went to him and started to pick on him.

Classmate 1: "Hey Green you're still not talking to me."

Classmate 2: "Yeah Green you think you're better than us or something?"

Classmate 3: "Hey leave him alone can't you see he went through enough as it is."

Classmate 1: "What? You're taking his side now?"

Just as he grabbed Green by the collar of his shirt Christiana went behind the boy and hit him in the head with her elbow.

Christiana: "You shouldn't be doing that you know. Pick on someone your own size." She picks the boy up by his shirt. "Now say you're sorry."

Classmate 1: "I'm sorry Green! I won't do it again I'll leave you alone!"

Christiana: "Good now run along."

She puts him down and two of the boys ran away.

Classmates 1 and 2: "AH! Scary High Schooler!!!"

Classmate 3: "Um... Are you really in high school?"

Christiana: "I'm flattered that I can still pass off as one but no I'm not I just turned twenty-two almost two months ago."

Classmate 3: "I better get going my mom is getting ready to leave the park bye Green."

Green: "Bye..."

Christiana: "No amount of makeup in the world will be able to hide the truth."

She uses a cloth to wipe the makeup off of his eye.

Green: "How did you know?"

Christiana: "Your eyes those are the eyes of someone whose been suffering."

Green: "Oh…"

Christiana: "From what I can tell it wasn't those boys who did that it was someone from your house who did am I correct?"

Green: "Yes…"

Christiana: "Why have you been quiet about that? Are you that scared?"

Green: "Yes… both me and my sister we just want it to stop."

Christiana: "Sounds like something should be done about it."

She walks away.

Green: "I wish but Kelly is more scared than I am…"

Later on, late in the afternoon, Kelly is finishing up an email to send to The Sweepers.

Kelly: "At this point, I won't have the strength to go through with this abuse now I'm gonna end it!"

She sends the email to them.

Kelly's Mom: "Kelly get down here and make dinner! Now!"

Kelly: "I hope the ad wasn't fake…"

Just as she went downstairs to make dinner, she got an email from The Sweepers that said Message Received. Kelly finished making dinner and everyone sat down and ate after dinner Kelly went to her room and sees her brother in there holding a book.

Green: "I found Dana's diary."

Kelly: "How? Mom made me look everywhere to find it."

Green: "It was hidden in my room the one place mom wouldn't suspect to find it."

Kelly: "She always hides her stuff the one place none would think to look at."

They opened her diary and read it hoping to find out what really happened three years ago.

Green: "I can't believe this… Your…"

Kelly: "Dana and I aren't even your sisters… Her diary says that when she was six and I was just a few months old your dad is childhood friends with my… my real mom. Apparently, your mom thought he was having an affair with my mom."

Green: "What made her think that?"

Kelly: "I don't know but…"

Green: "But what?"

Kelly: "Dana saw that woman killing my mom."

Green: "Why didn't she tell the police?"

Kelly: "Maybe she was so terrified she must have blocked from her memory."

Green: "That could be the case."

Kelly: "Wait! Here's the entry three days before her death!"

Green: "What does it say?"

Kelly: "Let me read. I found the truth about the woman who I thought was my mom but it turns out that she is psychotic and manipulative I didn't know she killed my real mom until I went back to my diary because my memories before I was seven were nothing but a blur. After I found out that Kelly and I are not her daughters I decided to leave here; take Kelly and Green with me and never came back."

Green: "She tried to run away and took us with her but I don't remember any of it."

Kelly: (Thinking: "I forgot the car crash caused Green to forget part of his memory he only remembered what happened a month ago before the crash. The doctor told me that if he ever gets a blow on the head then he'll most likely forget everything even who he was.") "We have to hide this in your room!"

Green: "Why my room?"

Kelly: "Because it's the one place she won't look for it."

Green: "Can't we just take this to the police?"

Kelly: "They would think that we're playing a prank on them it would be best to hide it until…"

Green: "Until what?"

Kelly: "Oh nothing just forget that I said that."

Green: "Okay…"

Green leaves Kelly's room with Dana's diary and Kelly checked her phone and got a message from The Sweepers.

Kelly: "Meet at the abandoned lot next to the shore." She left her house and went to the lot. "To think they really respond… I wonder if the price really is giving up a body part or maybe giving them an organ or two oh god, I hope that's not the case…"

They appeared out of nowhere.

Meadow: "You requested us…"

Kelly: "Ah! Oh, you scared me half to death!"

Christiana: "Why did you call us?"

Kelly: "Well…" She gives them a photograph of the woman. "This woman I thought that she was my mom but…"

Violet: "But what?"

Kelly: "She killed my real mom and kidnapped me and my sister."

Tom: "And?"

Kelly: "My sister found out about it and she tried to run away but she died in a car crash; that woman started to beat me more than she did before I want it to stop."

Zachary: "So you thought it would be better for us to end it instead of calling child services."

Kelly: "I wanted to but she would make it look like she's the victim…please help me who knows what would happen…my brother he might…"

Meadow: "Your request…is granted."

Kelly: "Oh thank god!"

Christiana: "But revenge is a double-edged sword for that you'll have to pay the price."

Shadow: "And the price is money even assassins have to make a living."

Angel: "It's usually five hundred currencies but since you're just a child it's a hundred currencies."

Macy: "But if you don't pay by the deadline then the request will be nullified."

Henry: "After all it's your choice."

They vanished and Kelly found herself alone she noticed writing on her hand that shows how long until the contract is canceled.

Kelly: "Until March 15th that should be enough time to get a hundred currencies. If I'm able to work tomorrow that is a good thing my school lets students work regardless, I heard that not all schools do that they only let students who are living by themselves work and the remainder of students don't need to work because they have their parents."

A few days went by and Kelly is on her way home with Green after going to the bank.

Green: "Hey why did you want to go straight to the bank for anyways?"

Kelly: "I just wanted to cash in my paycheck."

Green: "Are we gonna try to run away?"

Kelly: "No… After tomorrow we won't have to worry anymore." They went home and

Kelly put the money in an envelope. "I'll be right back Green I'll just be out for a little bit."

Green: "Okay."

She left the house and went to a nearby mailbox to mail the money to The Sweepers. Just as she is heading home, she bumped into a man.

Kelly: "Oh sorry I didn't see you."

George: "Dana is that you?!"

Kelly: "I'm not Dana my name is Kelly and who are you?"

George: "I'm your dad your real dad."

They sat down on a bench.

Kelly: "So your mine and Dana's dad? Are you trying to scam me or something?"

George: "No I'm telling the truth." He hands her a picture. "This photograph was taken before you were born."

Kelly: "That's my mom?!"

George: "Yes, it is you look just like her too."

Kelly: "Then where did you go?"

George: "Your mom thought I was dead I was traveling to another state until the train crashed. Many people died that day I miraculously survived but I was in a coma for eight years. I guess my name was in the newspaper of the people who didn't survive I guess your mom took it hard."

Kelly: "I honestly don't know."

George: "What do you mean?"

Kelly: "She's dead… that woman she killed her! The woman who I thought was my mom."

George: "I can't believe it… Where's your sister?"

Kelly: "She died in a car crash three years ago…."

George: "No…"

Kelly: "That woman thought that my mom and her husband were having an affair that's why she killed her."

George: "That's not possible what made her think that would ever happen."

Kelly: "What do you mean?"

George: "He was already having an affair but with some woman, your mom never knew."

Kelly: "What?"

George: "After I woke up from being in a coma, I found out that Chris sent me many letters after finding out the newspapers made an error on who survived the crash. He told me that the woman he had an affair with had his child."

Kelly: "So that means…"

George: "Green isn't Kristen's son."

Kelly: "So that explains everything why she beats me and… Oh No!"

George: "What's wrong?!"

Kelly: "If he finds out then he'll confront her!"

Elsewhere at their house, Green went to find out more about who his mom really is. He stumbles upon his birth certificate.

Green: "What?! I'm not ever her son?! My real mom is Shannon Price!"

Then Kristen is right behind him holding a bat.

Kristen: "I knew there was something about you I hated your a bastard's child!"

He turned around and notice her holding a bat.

Green: "Huh?!"

Kristen: "Why don't you just die for me?!"

She hits him with the bat thinking that she killed him. Kelly tries to hurry back but was too late and sees Green on the floor unconscious with blood dripping from his head. She runs up to him hoping that she could wake him up.

Kelly: "No! No! NO! Come on now Green you gotta wake up!" She grabs her phone and called 911. The ambulance came and rushed Green to the hospital. "I'm sorry Green I knew I should have sent the money sooner but… I didn't think that she would try to kill you."

Meanwhile, Kristen is trying to hide the bat.

Kristen: "Knowing that brat she's going to say that I tried to kill her brother. I better hide this so none will know."

Zachary: "Yeah we would know."

Zachary and Meadow are in their mask appearing out of nowhere.

Kristen: "Who are you?!"

Shadow: "Just some people who are going to kill you."

Macy: "To think some goes this crazy over nothing you're a pathetic piece of trash."

Angel: "People like you don't deserve to live.

Then Shadow, Macy, and Angel appear.

Zachary: "There's nowhere to go."

Angel: "You're trapped."

Macy: "And you must face your punishment."

Kristen: "What are you talking about? I haven't done anything wrong!"

Shadow: "Such denial written all over your face."

Macy: "Well then king do you reach a verdict?"

Meadow his arm out in front of him with his thumb out and turns his thumb down.

Zachary: "So it's guilty then? What should end this? Death by arrow? Death by guns? Or Death by sword?"

Angel: "Death by guns."

Shadow: "Death by guns."

Macy: "Death by guns."

Zachary: "Damn I wanted death by sword majority rules it is then. So, which one of you lovely ladies would like to end it?"

Macy: "I guess I'll do it I haven't killed anyone in a while."

She takes out her gun and pointed a Kristen; she tried to run as Macy shot her point-blank at the back of her head killing her in an instant.

Angel: "They weren't her children but they didn't deserve all that abuse."

Shadow: "No kidding."

Elsewhere Kelly is at the hospital praying that Green will recover. After she was done, she noticed that the date on her hand is gone.

Kelly: "It's gone! That means… They killed her! Now Green and I don't have to worry anymore!"

Her dad came to the hospital to find her.

George: "Kelly! Oh, thank god I found you!"

Kelly: "Dad!"

George: "Are you okay are you hurt?!"

Kelly: "Dad I'm fine I'm here because of Green. He took a nasty blow on the head I hope he'll be okay…"

George: "I called his dad he's on his way here."

The doctor came out of the room.

Doctor: "Are you friends or family?"

George: "We're friends of the family his dad will be here soon."

Doctor: "I have good news Green Hemmings has recovered just fine."

Kelly: "Oh good!" She went to his room to greet him. "Green thank god you're okay!"

Green: "Who are you? Who's Green?"

Kelly: "What?!"

Doctor: "I'm afraid that when he was hit in the head it made him forget everything."

Green: "Do I know you?"

Kelly: "Um… No, you don't this is the first time we've met."

She leaves the room.

George: "Why did you lie to him?"

Kelly: "I thought it would be best if he wouldn't remember me, we went through a lot of abuse I think it'll be best he doesn't remember."

George: "That's means that you'll have to move in with me since Green is going to be taken to his real parents."

Kelly: "I already knew that."

They left the hospital and nearby Christiana is talking to Ray.

Christiana: "I told you that little boy was gonna make it."

Ray: "Now I know to never make a bet with you."

Christiana: "Don't be a sore loser. Harmony don't be scared it's only death he's not gonna bite."

Ray sees Harmony shaking in fear.

Ray: "The little furball should be scared of me because she'll never know when I'll come and get her."

Harmony: "*Hisses*"

Christiana: "If only she can see you then she'll know that there is nothing to be afraid of. I wonder where my Meadow is?"

Ray: (Thinking) "If only she knew that's she's being hunted down by the most powerful vampire."

Meanwhile, Meadow is looking for a card that would give him a clue and he finds the queen of spades.

Meadow: "Just one more card and I'll hunt you down Adam."

To Be Continued…

I managed to finish this chapter earlier than I thought I would well anyways I'm thinking about doing a trivia video but I'm not sure yet all the questions will about this story so I announced on Twitter plus I may have drop some hints about future chapters. The next chapter will be about another member of The Sweepers can you guess you.

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

I tagged this book, come and support me with a thumbs up!

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