
Aliens in the Multiverse

What would happen if you create a world? Well a certain alien did after his death, and because of that he met a god. Now he is put to the task to get powerful and help this god in monitoring and creating worlds. With the power of an alien roulette. ........ This is my first time writing and English is not my first language so please bear with me. First world - My Hero Academia **DISCLAIMER** I DO NOT OWN ANYTHING FEATURED IN THIS FANFIC INCLUDING THE COVER ART IF YOU ARE THE OWNER AND WANT IT TO NOT BE FEATURED IN MY FAN FIC PLEASE MESSAGE ME Below are the sources I got the Aliens from. https://ben10.fandom.com/wiki/Category:Transformations?from=Y https://5yl.fandom.com/wiki/Ben%27s_Arsenal#Original

Helix_Tower · Anime und Comics
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22 Chs


On our way home after leaving UHA my family was talking about what occurred today.

It seems mom and grandma interrogated 5 people and eventually one confessed to what he did.

Normally when an agent is sent on an infiltration mission the agent will have personnel assigned to them as their point of contact back home. Most of the times two people were assigned per agent.

The people assigned to the agent would only know what the agent's mission is and the agent's code name, they don't know anything else about the agent, where they are staying, how they look like, not even their voice since they use a voice changer every time they have verbal communication which is not often.

Sadly one of the personnel asked the location the agent was staying at and the agent carelessly gave his location. The assigned personnel was just someone struggling for money due to a gambling addiction and ended up giving the agent's location to the company he infiltrated for some money.

Luckily for us the company rushed and didn't think about using this info to their advantage which could have led to many false reports.

Unfortunately we lost two agents since they were living in the same place acting like a couple.

Grandpa looked through their electronics and confirmed what the interrogation revealed after recovering some deleted messages with the company that funnily enough scammed him out of half the payment.

Dad for the most part talked to Hisashi but he was also used as an intimidation tactic by mom in he interrogation. Using his anger to their advantage.

Along the way home we stopped by a restaurant and bought a huge amount of food, since they were all starving.

Once home I ate a small portion of the food and went to sleep satisfied with what I learned today.

Two days passed and we found ourselves at the Midoriya household. Bidding goodbye to Hisashi and comforting Inko. Izuku didn't know what was going on he just cried because his mother was crying.

Of course Inko didn't know the truth behind his sudden departure, the story she got was that a branch of the company he works at in the US is struggling and needed immediate assistance and so he was sent on short notice for an indefinite amount of time. Initially she wanted to go with him and live over there but Hisashi managed to somehow convince her to stay here for Izuku.

After being released from a tight hug from his wife Hisashi looked at my family and spoke. "I trust you all will take care of Inko and Izuku like your own family and I thank you in advance. Take care."

To which my father replied with. "We definitely will. Be safe out there and good luck with work."

Turning to his wife once more he gave her a kiss and another one to Izuku on his forehead.

With that he walked to a car that was prepared by UHA to pick him up. Soon the car accelerated and quickly left our sights.

Afterwards we stayed with Inko for the rest of the day helping her with anything we could.

Five more days quickly passed by and it was time for my grandparents to leave as well.

In the past week my family has given their everything in looking up info on the company that Hisashi is infiltrating trying to find anything that may be useful for him.

Although they were able to find a lot dirt that may hurt them, there was nothing that could facilitate Hisashi's mission, such as dangers that may come from infiltrating the company. Especially now that they were vigilant.

When my grandparents were getting into the car and we were waving at them by the door I heard grandma's voice.

"Azmuth this is the last thing I am going to teach you about my quirk that you may be able to do with yours." But I didn't hear it like normal through my ears but directly in my brain.

Surprised I quickly looked at her to see if it was actually her talking or if I was just imaging it. But seeing her smile and nod confirmed that it was her. After a second to let me process what happened she continued talking.

"The ability to talk to someone's brain directly is something that I would have not learned if it wasn't for Nero's ability to read quirks. He told me that this was possible with my quirk and after a lot of practice I was able to do it. Now you know that I can do this, but how does it work? That is what I am leaving up to you to tell me. If you manage to figure it out by the time I come and visit I will get you a gift. Love you!"

Hearing what she said I got excited knowing that there may be more to Ventrilosquid's abilities than what I thought.

Once they left we went back inside and continued our day as usual. I spend my day researching how the brain perceives sound and what I came to find out was pretty useful. (If the info bellow is incorrect correct me with some explanations, I just used google and assumed some parts.)

Currently what I am doing to make sound appear is replicating the vibrations that a mouth is able to make directly in the air. If I want to whisper to someone it would be similar to normally whispering to somebody, I need to make the vibrations appear next to the ear just not as loud.

But if I skip making vibrations in the air I may still be able to talk to someone directly without any sound being picked up in the outside. A better whisper. To make that happen I would need to make vibrations appear directly in the eardrum, which will work the same but after trying it I understood something.

One, it is difficult to do since the eardrum would rupture if I am not careful, luckily I have Wildvine's regeneration ability, and two, even when I am successful it did not feel the same as when grandma was talking in my mind.

So I decided to skip the eardrum, the three bones in the ear called malleus, incus, and stapes, and the cochlea since after some testing the results with them were the same as the eardrum except without the risk of rupture.

Going to the basilar membrane there are tiny hair cells that receive vibrations from the cochlea and along with the stereocilia transforms them into electrical signals that the auditory nerve carries to the brain which turns them into a sound we understand. After trying it I realized that it was still not the same. I was still creating vibrations in the ear and so it was not the same as hearing it in my mind. The only solution that I could think of was to directly send electrical signals to the brain, which for now I didn't know how to do. So I decided to keep studying hoping to come across it at some point before grandma visits again.

One interesting thing that I knew but didn't think too much about was that our brain filters out anything unimportant to us and also increases the volume of anything we find important. That is the reason why we can keep a conversation going in a crowded place such as a food court, at least most of the time.

But thinking about it now I decided to try a new type of training where I try not to focus on any specific sound or focus on all of them, maybe by doing this my sensory skills will become better than many, because I would be able to hear things that other people's mind filter out. But it is just a theory that may or may not show effects in the future.

Another week passed with me just studying and training. I was excited for today because it will be my first day studying under my teacher Nero. Mom made the arrangement to start work back at UHA, while father stays at home doing as he usually does with the addition of cooking when he is not on a mission obviously.

After a quick breakfast me and mom got ready to go. It wasn't long after that I found myself in the car basking in the sun while using Wildvine's ability to store energy from it. This way I would not be too hungry while studying.

It didn't take long before I was standing in front of Nero's office with mom knocking on the door.

Following rushed steps the door quickly opened revealing an excited Nero. Without waiting he quickly grabbed me and pulled me inside. He didn't even look back when he started speaking.

"Alright Azmuth lets quickly get started there are too many topics that we need to cover today. Are you ready for today, you better be because I am going to flood you with knowledge and tomorrow there will be a test to see how much you retained. If you don't pass the test tomorrow will be your last day studying with me do you understand."

It wasn't until he finished speaking that he turned back and realized that he was dragging mom along since I was holding her hand. Surprised he said with a confused expression. "Elize what are you doing here? Don't you have work or are you planning to stay for little Azmuth's first day of class?"


"Oh. Hehehe, sorry, sorry I guess I am a bit too exited to be a teacher for this little genius. Hey you should feel honored." Nero said not seeming apologetic at all.

"Hmph you should be the one honored to be able to teach a genius like him. Now let me say my goodbyes to him before you take him and this better never happen again you hear." Mom said still angry but full of confidence.

After speaking with mom for a minute I went back to Nero who could not wait to teach me whatever he can, not needing to hold back. After all with what I have showed him, he can already determine that I would be able to keep up with him.

The test that he was talking about earlier was probably to motivate me and keep me focused. But it didn't matter to me whether there was a test or not. With galvan intelligence I should be able to easily keep up.


Author's Notes

Please point out any mistakes that you see.

Question. How did you find my fan fic?

If you have any suggestions or any character / event that you want Azmuth to interact with tell me so I can study and prepare.

Tell me what you thought and if you have any questions please comment.