
Aliens in the Multiverse

What would happen if you create a world? Well a certain alien did after his death, and because of that he met a god. Now he is put to the task to get powerful and help this god in monitoring and creating worlds. With the power of an alien roulette. ........ This is my first time writing and English is not my first language so please bear with me. First world - My Hero Academia **DISCLAIMER** I DO NOT OWN ANYTHING FEATURED IN THIS FANFIC INCLUDING THE COVER ART IF YOU ARE THE OWNER AND WANT IT TO NOT BE FEATURED IN MY FAN FIC PLEASE MESSAGE ME Below are the sources I got the Aliens from. https://ben10.fandom.com/wiki/Category:Transformations?from=Y https://5yl.fandom.com/wiki/Ben%27s_Arsenal#Original

Helix_Tower · Anime & Comics
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22 Chs

Learning with Nero

"Alright please put your hand on mine I want to study your DNA some more." Nero quickly said once dad left.

"No." I flatly denied while looking at him.

"Eh... W-Why not?" Nero asked confused.

"Well even if you look through my genes and tell me what you learn I would not be satisfied with only that I want to learn more than just about myself." I replied with my chin up. Showing my stance in this petty situation.

Quickly he replied. "Then what do you want in return. I can give you some hero equipment. Money? Secret info? To ki--!!"

I quickly stopped him by raising my hand knowing he could go on and on if I let him. A second later I stated. "How about we make a deal. You will have to answer my questions and with every answer I get, you get 15 minutes to investigate how my quirk works or look through other parts of my body, you can even ask me to make a connection with an alien. Simple and fair right, one answer gets you 15 minutes how about it?"

Excited Nero said. "Alright, quickly ask me a question. No, no, make it two!"

I start acting like I am thinking hard just to see Nero's reaction. A minute later I see that he is about to scream at me to hurry up so I quickly ask the questions before he does. "Alright first question what is your job? Second question, what was that about hero equipment that you offered me?"

"What I am contracted to do is to determine what is wrong with someone medically. Most of the time I am here at my office since I get paid by the amount of time I am here. But I also work with various hospitals around the area that call me whenever they have a patient that needs immediate help or when nobody else is able to determine what is wrong with them. Hospitals pay me every time I determine what is wrong with the patient." Nero answered, stopping for a moment before continuing to the next question.

"About the hero equipment. That is my hobby and where I truly make my money from. You see when I do medical work they don't pay me with money but with parts, including UHA, it is the best because it is easier to get hard to find parts if a company or the government looks for it since they have better contacts than any individual." He paused to look at me to see if I was keeping up. Seeing he had my attention he continued.

"My equipment is probably the most used ones in the hero industry but most people don't know about me because I usually auction my completed products with blueprints to big companies for them to deal with all the complicated stuff. Just between you and me, the blueprints normally go for billions sometimes even trillions of yens, just because of the short exhibit the auction does before selling it. Plus they know it is authentic because the blueprints have my logo, although I have not revealed myself as the creator. The only people that know about this is the boss, your family and a few others."

At this point I was more than surprised at what he told me. Knowing that the medical stuff he did was all just to fuel his hobby that made him so much money is at another level. The fact that he is confident enough that he can request materials as payment is amazing and truly a genius move.

But his answer only left me more curious about his equipment, and so I could not hold back the questions coming out of my mouth. "Where do you make all the equipment? Can I see it? Could you teach me how to make stuff like that? How do you get to the hospitals in urgent situations? Could I go w--"

Nero, looking down at me only extended his hand making me stop, knowing what he wanted. Ashamed that I forgot about my own deal I put my hand on top of his.

Quickly Nero went into a trans like state while looking throughout my body. A few seconds later still with his eyes closed he asked me. "Can you make a connection with an alien?"

Complying with his request as per out agreement I set up a connection with Upchuck.

Surprised that it was one that he has not seen before he started learning about what the alien could do.

After a few minutes he looked at me and started explaining what Upchuck can do probably thinking that I didn't know much about him. "Sadly the dimensional stomach that he has is not capable of storing normal food, if not it would have been an even better ability by not having to worry about food for a long time after having an extra large meal."

I was surprised to hear what he said. I thought that the info that came with the alien told me the most important stuff how did it skip that, or did I just misunderstand something. Getting new info I asked him. "What happens when I eat normal food?"

Sadly the sly Nero asked back. "Is that a question you want me to answer?"

Glaring at him a bit I sighted and said. "Forget it I guess I would have to experiment myself. Alright finish your time so I can ask my questions."

20 minutes later I pulled my hand from Nero's reach. Opening his eyes I could the disappointment in his eyes but he quickly spoke. "Alright ask your questions, make it another two."

I already knew what I wanted to ask so without wasting any time I said. "How do you get to the hospitals when you get urgent calls, and where do you build the equipment?"

"Well you see.. I have what you could call a shadow all the time with me. He is the one that takes me to wherever duty calls. Besides also protecting me." Nero answered keeping it simple.

Looking at his shadow I fell like I saw it move for a second but I quickly moved on, thinking I was seeing things.

"For the second answer you would have to follow me." He said while walking to the back of the office and opening a door.

I was excited to see what was inside but to my disappointment I only saw a simple bedroom with a bed in the middle, a desk in a corner with a laptop on it and two doors that probably led to the closet and bathroom. I was looking at him in hopes this was not where all those billion Yen worth equipment's were created.

But seeing him not looking back and walking to one corner I knew there was more to this room.

Once he reached the corner he put his hand on the wall, not even a second later the wall opened up into a massive room that had the whole ceiling light up when the door fully opened revealing many workbenches, computers, and other equipment that I had no idea what they were for.

Once inside he said. "This is where the magic happens. I built this place about ten years ago with the approval of the previous boss and permission from current one to keep it here. They let me do this because I am too valuable to have me stuck somewhere else working on my inventions. In return the agents get to try any of the equipment I make before anyone else."

I was amazed at everything in here but I was confused about one thing. "This place is huge and you probably make a lot of noise when you work here, is that not a problem?"

"I will give you this one freebie to show you one of the best features of this room." He said while walking next to the door where a button was placed.

Not knowing what to expect I prepared myself for anything and once he pressed it...

The door closed...

He continued talking not knowing that I was incredibly disappointed to only see the door close. "Once this door is closed no noise leaves this room. It is completely sound proof! Isn't that amazing, you can even shoot a gun and nobody right next door would know!"

"That's great sound nullification." I said pretty impressed since the walls didn't look any different from all the other ones around the building.

"Alright it is my turn come on give me your hand." Nero said excitedly.

The back and forth continued like this for a long time, we even ate here when we got hungry because Nero said it would be a waste of precious time if we went to the cafeteria to eat. Suddenly a bell went off in the room. Hearing the bell Nero looked at a screen near him that automatically turned on.

Turning to the screen as well I was surprised to see my family entering Nero's office and even more surprised when I saw the time. It was already 8:00 pm and we got here at 9:00 am Turning to Nero I see him standing up preparing to leave while looking at me.

Not long after that we found ourselves in front of my family.

"Hello darling how was staying with Nero?" Mom asked once she saw me while approaching me for a hug.

"It was fun I learned a lot!" I said while in her embrace.

"How was he Nero? Was he any trouble?" Dad asked Nero mostly out of curtesy since he knows I am not troublesome.

"Oh, having him here was a great. Not only did I learn a lot about his quirk but he also had me thinking in many of the questions he made." Nero quickly said.

"Questions?" Mom asked curiously.

"Ah yes. We had a game going where he asks me questions for every time I want to use my quirk on him and he had great questions."

"Is that so... Well he did finish all the books we have at home."

"Ah, no wonder the topics felt familiar. But must I say Elize he seems to have a higher comprehension than you based on the questions." Nero said while thinking hard.

"Hahahahaha. Elize you got those books when you were 20 what happened?!" Grandma said not holding back while dad and grandpa seemed to be holding back their laughs.

"There is nothing to be ashamed of, what can I say besides he is a genius?" Mom responded trying to hide her embarrassment behind the proudness she had of me.

"Alright it is late already and we have barely eaten anything all day lets go home." Grandpa said trying to get us home before it gets too late.

"Wait before we go. I have a question Nero, mom." I stated quickly before I missed my chance.

"What is it?" Nero asked, and mom looked at me curiously.

Seeing everyone paying attention I asked. "Could Nero be my teacher?"

Hearing the question everyone went silent and Nero looked at mom waiting for her answer.

Knowing what Nero was waiting for mom spoke. "Well it is fine by me, I would just need to change my schedule but it depends on you Nero."

Happy after hearing her answer Nero responded. "As long as Azmuth keeps up with me and keeps me on my toes, as he did today, I am more than willing to teach him everything I know. I am sure that he will not be the only one benefiting from this."

"YAY!" I jumped in celebration knowing that there is no better teacher than Nero to proceed with my plans.


Author's Notes

Please point out any mistakes that you see.

In this chapter I revealed what Nero does for a living. Tell me what you thought about it.

Now Azmuth has the perfect teacher for his plans. Try and guess what his plans for the future of MHA are. Hint it is something that would affect the whole world not just him or Japan.

If you have any suggestions or any character / event that you want Azmuth to interact with tell me so I can study and prepare.

Tell me what you thought and if you have any questions please comment.