
Aliens in the Multiverse

What would happen if you create a world? Well a certain alien did after his death, and because of that he met a god. Now he is put to the task to get powerful and help this god in monitoring and creating worlds. With the power of an alien roulette. ........ This is my first time writing and English is not my first language so please bear with me. First world - My Hero Academia **DISCLAIMER** I DO NOT OWN ANYTHING FEATURED IN THIS FANFIC INCLUDING THE COVER ART IF YOU ARE THE OWNER AND WANT IT TO NOT BE FEATURED IN MY FAN FIC PLEASE MESSAGE ME Below are the sources I got the Aliens from. https://ben10.fandom.com/wiki/Category:Transformations?from=Y https://5yl.fandom.com/wiki/Ben%27s_Arsenal#Original

Helix_Tower · Anime & Comics
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22 Chs


After entering the workshop Nero quickly started with the class.

Time passed by fast with me writing down a lot of the things he said for future reference. Even if I have perfect memory there will still be things that are worth writing down because things are easier to remember if you have a reference of it somewhere.

For most of the class Nero was working on one of his creations only stopping to think when I asked a complicated question.

At lunch time he turned back to look at me and said. "That is all for todays lecture. It went faster than I expected because you are quick to catch on. You will need to stay here until your mother comes to pick you up. You can eat your lunch over there." He finished speaking while pointing to a empty workbench.

After finishing my lunch I decided to see what Nero has been working on this whole time. Sitting next to him once again I ask. "What are you working on?!" With curious kids voice.

To which he replied while still working. "Oh this? It is a remote control that hopefully people will be able to control with their mind alone. It has 10 command slots that can be set by the user. Omnidirectional movement only takes one command slot."

"Oh that's cool! How is the connection to the mind set?" I asked.

"Well by putting this transmitter anywhere on your neck or above it will recognize nerve signals from your brain that are meant for the device and send it to this other device, the receiver, that can be connected to stuff like this drone. Here I will show you." He said while showing me two USB sized objects, connecting one of them to a small drone and sticking the other one on his temple.

"As you can see I can move this drone better than controlling it by holding a controller and faster. I can also use specials commands that for this drone are set to move the camera under it and taking pictures. Unfortunately right now I cannot move the camera because two directional commands are set which makes it so when I try to move the camera it moves the drone. In theory it should be working but I am not sure if its the device's fault or mine." Nero said while flying the drone around very precisely.

"Ohh, that's awesome, could I try?" I asked

"Yeah go ahead. It may help me since I have been the only one testing it" Nero said landing the drone and handing me the transmitter.

It didn't take long for me to fly the drone as precisely as Nero was doing, I found that it was really easy even though I have never flown a drone. I decided to hover the drone in front of us and try to move the camera and I was successful. It was considerably easier to do so than controlling eight tentacles from transforming into Ventrilosquid.

Looking at the monitor showing the video feed from the camera I took a picture of Nero and me.

Surprised Nero said. "I see so its my own incapability. To have a child beat me with my own invention. Sigh... Alright lets try something more difficult"

Quickly I landed the drone and let Nero change the device. He connected it to a prosthetic arm that is attached at the shoulder to a stand.

Nero then said. "This is one of the things I hope my device gets used for, controlling prosthetics. Most prosthetics only allows basic movement like closing and opening a hand and most of them use buttons. The advance ones that allow you to move it like your own body require complicated surgeries and extended therapy. While this device would still require therapy, it would make the expensive surgeries unnecessary. Now try controlling it, this device has eight commands to control, seven of them being directional controls."

"Alright lets see what I can do." This time I set a connection to Grey Matter to control the arm since it would be easier to multitask with it.

Starting up I could only control four things at once, since it is different from controlling my actual body. Seeing my current limit Nero started to coach me probably similarly to how physical therapists do it. After three hours I was able to control the whole arm but slower than my own arm since it took a lot of concentration.

"Lets leave it at this for today. You have helped me out a lot, knowing that there was nothing wrong with my device. This type of progress would have taken me at least a month to do since controlling a prosthetic arm like you did would take months maybe even a year for normal people to do. Thank you. Besides that your mother should be here soon so get ready." Nero said.

Leaving the workshop we decided to wait for mom at the infirmary. It didn't take long for mom to come by to pick me up.

"Thank you Nero for teaching Azmuth were there any problems?" Mom said while patting my head.

"Oh Nothing like that Elize. We finished the class early and he helped me test one of my devices so if anything I am thankful."

"That's good to know. If you need anything from us feel free to ask. See you tomorrow Nero." Mom said in response while I started waving.

"Thank you Elize. Remember Azmuth first thing in the morning there will be a test. See you both tomorrow, take care."

At home dinner was being prepared by dad who I hugged as soon as I saw him. Over my life I have gotten pretty close with my parents. Enough for it to not feel uncomfortable when doing the sort of stuff a normal child would do.

I took a shower and got ready to sleep before going to eat. After dinner we watched tv for a while and then went to sleep. At night like usual I trained my abilities and I also reviewed what I learned today for tomorrow.

Night quickly passed and I found myself on my way to UHA with mom.

After knocking on the infirmary's door we heard quick footsteps approaching. After the door opened an excited Nero was revealed.

Quickly mom dropped me off left, I was led once again to the workshop and started with the test. The test was not a written one but just Nero asking me questions about what was touched on yesterday.

The test went by pretty fast since I managed to remember everything especially after last nights review. Sometimes I didn't even give Nero the chance to finish the question.

"Is seems you memorized everything. Hope it stays in your head for the long term because there will be another test in a month about everything." Nero said once he ran out of questions, impressed by my memory but worried that I would forget it after some time.

After the test we went straight to learning new things. Just like yesterday we were done by lunch time, and after eating I helped Nero test his invention again.

Nero had me continue to get used to the prosthetic arm. He continued to instruct me on what to do and taking notes about the results. The main problem being that when grabbing items it is difficult to know how much strength is used since there are no sense of touch on the prosthetic.

"Alright we can stop with the prosthetic since now I know that it is not the device but a user problem since it would probably take around a year of therapy for a normal person to be able to use it. Now lets try using two devices at once starting with the drones. I will also start to design a device to replicate our sense of touch." Nero said getting another device from a drawer and handing it to me.

"Yeah let me try." I said excitedly.

After about an hour I was able to control both drones in unison very well to include moving the cameras. Its not similar to controlling the prosthetic since even though the prosthetic uses more commands, using two transmitters at once requires you to distinguish between the two drones and the commands you want them to do individually and so a similar amount of concentration is necessary.

"Nero are we able to connect one transmitter to two receivers?" I asked out of curiosity.

"Huh... I haven't thought of that, lets try it."

Nero grabbed a transmitter along with a receiver and connected them to his computer. After a few seconds he connected the receiver to the drone again and handed me the transmitter. He said. "Try it now."

After sticking the transmitter to my temple again I commanded the drones to go up. This time both of them went up parallel to each other. Seeing this Nero excitedly started to tell me what to do. By the end we concluded that both of them would follow the same commands from their starting location and that it was as easy as controlling one of them.

Alright we will test more on this latter seeing how many receivers one transmitter can control since its about time for your mother to finish work.

"Alright!" I said starting to prepare to leave.

Just like yesterday we waited in the infirmary for mother and after all the formalities we left.


Some time passed with us going through the same routine. Going to UHA, studying, helping Nero on tests and sometimes solving problems, going home and finally studying some more while training.

Nero auctioned off his transmitter that he called the Wireless Neuron Controller along with pads that replicate sense of touch as an add on to the transmitter. We were also not able to find a limit on how many receivers a transmitter can control. The main limiting factor was that they worked best if the devices were of the same type. For example drones can be flown at the same time with almost no problem just less space but an RC car and a drone would be more difficult since the RC would have more obstacles to deal with.

The touch pads work the same as receptors on our body except they cannot sense temperatures, but they are very resistant to extreme temperatures.

The pad sensors are incredibly small and it feels like I am touching things with my own hand. I was even able to learn braille through the prosthetic because Nero wanted to see how consistent the pads were and a braille book was a good test. I was also able to control the arm without setting a connection with Grey Matter showing that its just a matter of time for it to become easy to control no matter the number of commands set.

The pads come in different sizes that can be sticked on a whole arm. They are also pretty flexible. When they were sold Nero gave me 25% of the money he got about 500 billion yen. Quite a lot for a kid, but he somehow convinced mom to create a bank account for me and to accept the money saying that he would not have finished even one of them within this year if it wasn't for me.

Anyways... Right now I am laying on my bed waiting for 12:00. Why? Well because I am turning three and I am exited to get my new aliens.

A few minutes later I closed my eyes and found myself in the white room with aliens all around me and the wheel standing grandly as if telling me to spin it.


Author's Notes:

Word count without counting AN (Authors Notes): 1965

Please point out any mistakes that you see.

That's a good cliff hanger right? I didn't mean to leave it at that it just worked out because of the word count.

Also I am realizing that I am pretty bad at this writing thing. Honestly I just prefer to read than write but I would not be dropping this. At least not anytime soon.

Anyways I have a few questions.

1. What would be a good nickname for Azmuth?

2. Should I be using Japanese honorifics? Honestly don't want to because I do not know enough about the but tell me what you think.

3. How did you find the novel? As in were you browsing fanfics and found it or was it recommended?

If you have any suggestions or any character / event that you want Azmuth to interact with tell me so I can study and prepare.

Tell me what you thought and if you have any questions please comment.