
Zero Fate against the world

Author: Abadom
Video Games
Ongoing · 2.2M Views
  • 105 Chs
  • 4.8
    102 ratings
  • NO.200+

What is Zero Fate against the world

Read ‘Zero Fate against the world’ Online for Free, written by the author Abadom, This book is a Video Games Fanfic, covering ACTION Fanfiction, ADVENTURE Fan Fiction, SYSTEM Fanfiction Net, and the synopsis is: One chapter per week, but don't worry as each chapter has around 5K words if not more, meaning, it's the same as 4 stand...


One chapter per week, but don't worry as each chapter has around 5K words if not more, meaning, it's the same as 4 standard chapters from Webnovel. Also, the first 10 or so chapters use my old writing style, grammar is fine, and I can fiz anything you point out to me, however, the punctuation I used was drastically different from what I use now, this can make some sentences and conversations rather confusing. But if you like the story, make sure to stay and you shall be rewarded with a better-written story! Join our Discord for updates and images! https://discord.gg/zpAgtPBAMK Synopsis: Philip lived his life like any university student, he went to the campus, heard his teachers, made his notes, went home, studied, and played some games with the boys at night. Until one fateful day. It was the final class of the year, and he together with all of the people present in the room, were transported to another world. In a strange and unfamiliar world, everyone received powers and abilities including him, but with a twist, he didn't receive a class. Only a skill. They weren't there to kill a demon king, nor they were there to prevent a war. Although you could say they were there to cause one... How will he do with his strange skill? And how will his "friends" act? Let's find out because I am also curious! . . . Hey! I am just here to say that I don't own the cover image, nor do I own the special abilities of the MC, you will see why. If you own any of these things and want me to take it down I will, but remember that currently, I am not receiving any money from this.

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Table of Contents
Latest Update
Volume 0 :Auxiliary Volume
Volume 1 :New world
Volume 2 :Grand Quests
Volume 3 :1000 Years later...


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A must read story right here. Chapter are long info dumps feel accomplished and our mc has a nice power. Reccomended to read this no matter what you are doing.


Very Very good story so far, its a most welcomed change of pace from the usual novels on this site that are devoid of any logic, plot or character development and usually makes you turn your brain off. The only downside is that I've currently read all the chapters. Can't wait to see where you will take the story.


.................................................................................................................................................. For Now You Have This King's Curiosity, Let's See If it Stays That Way Mongrel.




i love this author Works by Far, the backstory and development of multiple characters, the way how the world is explained is a bit overwhelming sometimes, but nothing extreme. The way the MC Power up seems to bem OP but when explained is nothing really greaat. I already love this and cant wait for more. Thanks Abadom


Author, I both love and hate you. Let me tell you a tale. once upon a time I was but a meer blissfully unaware buffoon going from one fic to the next, content in my small Bubble, when you came bursting into my world and gave me light and showed me so much. you guided me onto the path of what novels truly should be. alas with all good things comes its negatives, now my awakened mind cannot bear to read that what once brought me happiness as nothing can compare to this light, to this joy. so my dear author, all this humble frog, that you forced out of its well, asks is for you to keep updating lest I wither away deprived of my light.


Amongst the best novels I’ve read on here. It’s not a fanfic, it just steals elements from Bloodborne. If this was a regular novel, I’d pay good money for it. The writing is filled with errors, but the prose itself is great. The world building is extensive and complex; while the plot is original and building to be epic in scale. My onLu complaint is the formatting, reading it can be difficult. Well done mate, keep it up!!!


Solid writing quality and an interesting concept, its not that the MC in in a fanfic world, but that the MC uses fanfic powers in an original world. ITs hyper detailed, moderately paced and loves world building. If you're looking for something fast paced and simple, this isn't it. Chapters are GIRTHY and well put together, As I'm writing this the novel has 28 chapters but it reads like 60.


God is d*mned if this story aint get its recognition it deserves. Normally, i dont read story that doesnt involve romance or some kinky stuff lurking, but after an impulse and read its story I was hooked! I praise author for this masterpiece as its plot and thrill it gave me was unexpecting yet welcomed. I read your other story and, not to downplay your story or anything, that story didnt come close to the thrill this story gave me! The chapters are very long and plot is even better than the labeled number one webnovel story. Definitely perfect score. The only thing i wish is a little more chapter releases tehe. Though i can only pray as though a devote believer to the god.


Quality- terrific. Not just a story thrown together full of boring generic characters Updating- about 7 chapters a month but the chapters are long and worthwhile. Quality over quantity Story dev.- lot of stuff already happened and wayyy more things can happen. Lots of potential. Character- kinda interesting still more to be seen Background- lots of buildup. Need more time to see what can happen in the vast world.


mc seems to be a logical person who thinks with his brain in the first chapters. mc loses his brain later, does not approach events with suspicion, does not think. The novel alternates between comedy and logic. mc trusts very quickly. It is ridiculous to give artificial intelligence to others. It is ridiculous to give such an important thing to others. the author force events changes, some things became very predictable, the subject of the novel was like anime. In the first chapters, I thought mc was like someone who does not act with emotions, acts for their interests, strives for power. Then mc became like an anti-hero. There was no such thing as falling to the "dark" side in mc because of the power, you know what I mean. Mc was like an evil mc at first. Then his behavior became so absurd. There could be an episode where mc was betrayed, he writes.mc He doesn't have things like greed, power greed, power corruption in mc. He puts shackles on himself and limits himself. His way of thinking is ridiculous sometimes.


I haven't written a review in a while but this one deserves it. The writing quality is suberb it never feels static and can really convey how a character is feeling and how things are looking although it's a bit different from the usual on this site due to the author using a different type of comas to express thought to speech. Character design is okay and not lacking by any means and by seeing the thoughts from the POV of each character throughout the chapters you can really get to see how their personalities and thought process changed depending on the environment they grew up in and their experience(except the young masters they're just copy and paste personalities) and the interactions between characters is also great with some growing on you throughout the novel like Peter and Viera for example. Updating stability.....well it's 1 chapter per week but usually each chapter is 4-6k words which basically matches 3-5 normal people chapters so the update quality is stable and everyone likes long chapters. Story Development and World Backgrounds, It took me a long while, but today while taking a shower, I've finally come to the realisation, that Abadom has a mystery kink due to how much he loves putting in extra lore while keeping things mysterious for as long as possible. Honestly I usually abhor this type of writing as I hate being kept in the dark about things and usually drop most stories that have it but Abadom manages to write it in such a balanced way where I'm left wanting more mysterious lore. His ability to build worlds and make them truly look alive and interesting with events and things happening in the background and not simply centered around the MC is simply the best as it makes even the most mundane things look fun since you know somewhere out there someone is kicking up trouble and although the start feels a little slow I promise you it's worth it, honestly haven't had this much fun reading something in a while and to think I used to hate this novel due to the slow start SMH.


It's been a long time coming, but this story is straight gold. As senior dotter and pseudo-non-author/editor lol. The amount of effort Abadom puts into his works are insane and I can barley catch any if none faults in his writing or wording. The sheer amount of work he puts into this one novel though is insane with a firm foot in quality over quantity. With his books never expect to be disappointed because this man puts a lot of time and effort into his books(I'm pretty sure I've said this like three time already 😅 but that just shows how much I admire the man for his work) Anywayyys C.C.B out :~).


We are all going to die.............................................................................................This book is nice though


One of the few master piece that in this app


I advise everyone to read this fanfic the story is a good world an interesting protagonist is also an interesting and strong and ruthless person if he needs to kill a person then he will do it without hesitation.


Hey man *sniffing back up snot and violent coughing*. I know you probably don't remember me but I'm bored and i want to know how u doin'? And see if the book is good too. Anyways last time you said this is similar to bloodborne, here a weapon.


a very beautiful story it's a bit of a problem at the beginning because of all the info dumbing, but you can really see that a lot of work was put in world building


it's a masterpiece, it's so amazing that sometimes you forget that this is a "fan-fiction" thanks to the incredible original world remembering that only one skill of the protagonist is really from a fan-fiction the rest is totally original the world, the characters, the powers/system and the writing style is very different but not a bad different but a good one. I think it's amazing how the MC really thinks, creating hypotheses that really make sense and sometimes (most) they don't even happen, you can feel how the author puts a passion for the work and develops it by far the best 'web_novel' story I've ever seen I've already read it which is just not famous because the release is weekly but it pays too much to wait for it to be a chapter of an average of 8k words I think you can adapt it to an original work just by changing a few things and become one of the best works of the decade and an addendum I accidentally fell into this work and fell in love with it


for those of you interested in reading a litrpg power progression that's certainly unique in combination with some other fantasy tropes mixed to create a perfect blender of a novel. i recommend this to you.


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