
Young Justice: Copy Wheel Eye

Sadness…Confusion…Hatred… These are the emotions he carries as he roams the fictional world. Where men in tights fly and shoot lasers from their eyes. What chance does he have to survive if he remains weak? After all, to take his revenge he needs…power!

Arokey · Anime & Comics
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84 Chs

Chapter 37: Lightning style

Sora dodged a mini missile that shot its way towards him with a bit of difficulty as the adrenaline was running out.

There weren't difficult to take care of but they were surely a bit tiring. His use of his exploding kunai method saved him a lot of energy, though he had to be careful not to bring the building down on his head.

He wouldn't need to worry about that anymore as a large figure broke through the ceiling, crash landing as the floor smashed and scattered into cracks and pieces.

As the smoke died down a bit, Sora's eyes inspected the new arrival critically with a cold face but his thoughts on the inside were different.

'Who is this and where did he come from? Is he part of Kenji's gang?' Sora thought as he dodged a heavy swing from the large figure.

'Though, word would have gotten out to his other men if they had something like this. It looks like the effect of the type of venom bane uses but it doesn't seem complete.'

'It can't be Doctor Desmond, he just barely finished his blockbuster formula when the sidekicks infiltrated Cadmus and that's years from now.' He thought as he ducked under another swing before ducking into the muscular man's space, delivering a kick across the face.

It didn't do much but annoy him as he let out a loud growl before charging at him.

A marble dropped from Sora's hand as smoke enveloped them but the man didn't stop charging.

He swung his hand at the smoke, clearing it but found nothing as Sora was nowhere to be found.

Sora who crouched upside down on the roof observed the rampaging man. His head was bald and his biceps were almost the size of basketball. His height when combined with the over muscular physique added to his fear element.

He looked similar to Bane but the all whites of his eyes gave away his lack of consciousness.

Just as Sora was about to jump back in, the ceiling he was on shattered as another figure similar to the first creased through it.

He only managed to escape due to a quick use of the body flicker technique. From his position at the other side of the room, he saw the two mutated men stand side by side before the turned to the only target in the immediate surroundings.

Everyone else had either hidden upstairs or died the moment during their 'arrival', leaving Sora alone with the two behemoths.

His eyes followed their movements as they both rushed towards him. He leaped over the bald one, grabbing his hairless head to use as a pivot to spin and land a kick on the other man's head.

His attack only shifted his neck a bit as the man gave no indication that he was hit other than his intent to kill Sora.

Sora pushed off the bald head with a single arm as a heavy punch from the other behemoth crashed into its partner's face.

He landed some distance away from the two of them as he made his observations.

'My normal attacks aren't doing any damage. The only things that has had an impact is the other's fist and that isn't something that I can rely on.' He thought as the bald one shook his head from the punch.

'I guess I'll have to use it.' He thought as black flame like markings appeared on his skin and the air around him changed.

The markings covered the side of his face and part of his hands, going under his clothes.

"Come. I'll deal with you both." He said as they seemed to understand his taunt despite being near mindless.

One of them jumped into the air, aiming to smash Sora into a paste as he landed but Sora wasn't having any of that.

Immediately leaping into the air, the boy was right in front of the large man. He dodged a punch that aimed to take off his head as he smashed the back of his knuckles into the man's chest, sending him back to the ground.

'That was the first hit that landed and had any effect on them. The curse seal really is something.' He thought as he used the skill to the current maximum he was capable of.

The flame like black markings spread even further until they covered his entire body.

He shot off at higher speed than before, appearing in between them and smashing the back of his foot into the face of the man with a full head of hair.

The bald one that had been bullied so far swung it's arm with the aim of batting him away but hit air. In the next second, he felt his head snap to the side as an elbow with black markings smashed into the side of his temple.

The hit was enough to cave in the skull of any ordinary man which was what Sora was aiming for.

He focused his attention on the other one who attempted to smash Sora into the floor. The boy easily dodged the attempt by jumping over it, also avoiding the shockwave it caused.

Seeing his chance, the bald one aimed a kick at Sora's still airborne form. Instead of being smashed to paste the boy took hold of the leg like an arachnid before sweeping the other leg with a low round house kick.

The fight didn't end there as the only other one still standing saw his partner in distress. He grabbed a piece of rubble, throwing it at the boy who jumped away.

While still in the air, Sora held a seal as he puffed up his cheeks, releasing a large ball of fire from his mouth.

He wasn't done as he quickly went through more hand seals, spitting out flame shaped balls of fire at the behemoth who tried to dodge it.


His sharingan opened wide as he saw the man who once had hair was full of burns and damaged skin. He looked like his skin was being held together by staples as his raw muscle tissues threatened to spill out but it's didn't slow his advance.

He leaped forward to Sora who stood stock still in shock. The mammoth got closer and closer but Sora was yet to move.

The man let out a victorious roar when it seemed like his hand would turn the boy to paste. Just before the arm smashed into Sora, the sound of chirping lightning was heard as he dissipated into smoke.

Rushing out from behind the smoke was another Sora who had his hand coated in lightning as he thrust it forward into the man's chest.

'Chidori!' He screamed internally as he felt his hand rip through the man's heart.

The lightning didn't die down until the he felt strength leave the body of the large man who he now supported.

Within seconds, the large man went limp with his eyes still wide open in mindless rage or insanity.

'One down…' Sora thought as he turned his head to other one who seemed to have watched what happened.

Sora pulled his now normal hand out of the body, letting it fall as he walked towards the other one.

As if gaining a semblance of intelligence after seeing his partner die, he moved back a bit before shaking his head and charging forward.

With only one that he needed to focus on, the fight was much easier. With the curse seal, his hits were actually doing damage.

He ducked under a swing, kicking the man in the back of his knee, sending him down to his knees. He spun on his other foot, smashing the same leg into the man's throat.

'Though they were a bit ahead in physical advantage, they weren't fighters.' He thought, taking note of their lack of experience during the fight as he leaned back to avoid a swing.

'It was as if this was their first fight. Nobody knew about them until now, meaning that they might have enhanced just recently.' He thought, smashing his knee into his opponent's jaw.

Unlike with the other behemoth, he was taking the time to see the full extent of his cursed seal enhancement but it seemed to be coming to an end.

He had tested all he could test with the beaten up mutated man that just kept coming back. Seeing no point in continuing, he decided to end the fight.

Just as the man jumped towards him, he held up a hand seal, detonating the explosions on the man's body.

With each hit that he landed with his hands, he dropped an explosion seal in that location. Meaning that the man's body was riddled with seals, making him look like he had a curse mark of his own.

The explosion was a bit more powerful than Sora thought as it pushed him back a few meters as he braced himself.

The building shook and he could only imagine Kenji's thoughts as he was watching this. As the shaking stopped, Sora turned to the camera mounted on the wall that somehow wasn't destroyed.

"You have 30 seconds to get your affairs in order before I get there. I suggest you use it wisely." He spoke out loud before chucking a kunai at it, destroying it.