
Young Justice: Copy Wheel Eye

Sadness…Confusion…Hatred… These are the emotions he carries as he roams the fictional world. Where men in tights fly and shoot lasers from their eyes. What chance does he have to survive if he remains weak? After all, to take his revenge he needs…power!

Arokey · Anime & Comics
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84 Chs

Chapter 36: Final Conflict

'So this is the place.' Sora thought as he stood atop a building in the industrial area of Tokyo. He stared at the building in front of the one he stood on as he spread his senses to their extreme.

He was always wary of Batman hacking his phone so he had a software that he himself coded installed on it. With his engineering skill at level 62 it was child's play.

With the software, he had already detected his numerous attempts. He made a mental note to level it up more later as he stared at his phone.

'This apartment was bought by one Itsuki Kenji four years ago when it was being built. He 'negotiated' with the actual owners to keep quiets about it and sent off the construction workers, leaving it unfinished.'

'Once in a while it's used as a venue to pick up orders. Despite it not being finished, it's electricity bills are being paid each month from Kenji's account. I'm certain this is the place.' He thought as he finished his scan of the place.

He felt a total of 64 men and those were the ones he could count as his senses weren't advanced enough to check the other side of the building.

'It seems I might actually need the seal this time.' He thought as he felt a few strong signatures inside.

The phone in his hand buzzed as a message entered. Upon seeing the sender, he opened it with some hesitation.

[Zee]:[Is everything alright?]

It had been a few hours since he left. The trip here took some time as he wanted to preserve his energy for the fight he knew would go down.

He quickly typed a reply before tossing the phone inside his inventory. He shook his head, clearing his mind of distractions as he schooled his expression.

He eyed the three guards that were disguised as construction workers at the entrance. He leaped down to ground level, merging with the floor as he landed.


He came out of the floor in front of the entrance, surprising the guards who stood side by side. Before they could raise a fuss, he slammed their heads together, knocking them out.

His leg shot to the third man's neck, silently choking him before hitting a nerve on his neck to knock him out.

He deftly dropped them into his inventory as he looked around cautiously. Now that he was closer, he felt more people inside the building.

He dug out a small piece of the wall with a kunai beside the door, placing a tag inside before covering it back up. He did the same with the other side before making his entry.

'Still it's nothing I shouldn't be able to handle.' He thought as he silently entered the building.

It was a four story building, meaning that Kenji could be anywhere but he had a guess that he would be at the top. After all, that's how cliché bad guys think.

Upon entry, he saw a few men and women gathered in a circle at the far end of the empty floor.

They were facing away from the door so his entry went unnoticed. Unfortunately there was only one way upstairs.

'I guess they don't have a lot of visitors.' He thought as he looked to the stairs beside the gathered crowd.

He silently summoned a shadow clone as it hid with him. Without any words needing to be said, it knew it's task.

'Transparency Jutsu' He thought, weaving hand seals as he disappeared from sight. He watched as his clone did the same before it moved.

It snuck past them and to the stairs without them noticing a thing. He could have easily taken them out but that would alert the others in the building.

Besides, he already had another plan in mind. A plan that would allow him to deal with them while completing his objective.

It was a full ten minutes before he felt the chakra of his shadow clone return as the memories flashed in his head.

'Like I thought, he's at the top. It's time to make my move.' He thought as he dropped the invisibility jutsu as multiple kunai appeared in his hands.

"Oi! I'm sorry but you have to die for my sake." He said, announcing his arrival as he launched the kunais forwards in a wide arc.

"The hell!?"

"What's a kid doing in here!?"

"What are those things he's throwing-"

Their complaints were interrupted as the projectiles landed around and in between them. Sora held a ram seal as he spoke silently.




Kenji sat at the head of the table as four of his high positioned men sat around him. They had looks of anxiety as they sat in silence.

"It's been almost a week boss. What do we do if he doesn't show up?" One of them said as Kenji immediately answered.

"He'll show up. That factory was the last place other than this one that is left. The ones at the previous locations knew nothing about this building." He said confidently before adding.

"Only a few people we kept there know this location and they're not rats. Besides, he's there." He finished as silence rang around the table.

"Any word from Deadshot?" Kenji then asked.

"No. He hasn't made contact in the last few hours. We also haven't heard anything from the-"


Kenji eyes opened wide as he jumped out of his seat. The vibration from the shockwave could easily be felt from where he was.

"What was that!?" He screamed at one of them.

Before any of them could answer, a man rushed into the room panting.

"Boss there's someone down there and he's taking out our men!" He managed to breathe out as Kenji's eyes almost popped in shock.

"Whoever he is, he's an idiot! He's only one man, we've got him outnumbered and outgunned." Kenji said as he calmed down, a smile surfacing slowly.


Another explosion rang out as the building shook, sand falling from the ceiling.

"Since when did we have a stash of explosives." Kenji asked the shaking man only for him to shake his head.

"We don't." The man said in slight confusion .

"Boss!" Another man shouted as he burst into the room holding a tablet.

"What now!?" Kenji asked, getting annoyed with how people were bursting into the room.

"Sir, we're losing men! He's almost killed half of us and we haven't gotten a scratch on him!" He said as he presented the tablet to Kenji who swiped it from his hands.

The tablet displayed the feed of what was happening downstairs.

"A child!?"


Sora was surrounded by a multitude of men and women who attacked the boy with intent to kill.

He weaved and dodged each blow that was aimed for him, pulling the arm of a woman that threw a punch. He used her as a shield, blocking the punch of a muscular looking man.

As she fell to the ground, he pulled a kunai from his inventory before slashing it across his throat. He kicked the man's limp body away from him as it crashed into those who ran towards him.

He ducked under a kick that came from his back, stabbing a kunai at the downed woman's neck, releasing his leg from her grip.

He leaped over the man who tried to kick him, using his head as a foothold as he pushed into the air, bringing a finger to his lips.

He exhaled a large ball of fire that swallowed the gathered bunch whole. Their screams demotivated those who came running to him after that but they had no choice.

Some had tried to run away but the red barrier blocking the entrance stopped them just before a kunai lodged into their heads.

Through it all, Sora had a calm look on his face. Seeing a few of them that just arrived brandishing their guns, his sharingan came to life.

He ran past a pillar, launching three kunai at them as he ran behind it. Their bullets were obstructed by the pillar but the kunais pierced a man in the middle in the center of his face.

The others looks in disgust and fear at the brutality but we're unable to form any more reactions as the kunai exploded, taking them along.


Blood splashed around as the newcomers looked in shock as their hands trembled.

'Can we really fight something like that!?'


'He's a monster!'

Sora's sharingan only dug that impression deeper into their minds.


"Call Deadshot immediately, tell him to get here right now!" Kenji ordered in fear and fury.

"I don't think that's possible sir." The man who gave him the tablet said shakily.

"And why is that!?" Kenji retorted in rage.

The man only zoomed the camera to the other side of the room that was devoid of any battle scars beside the pieces of rubble that were pushed there.

There was something lying on the floor there on its own.

"During the fight, he threw this out." The man pointed out as the object became familiar.

On the ground away from the fight was a helmet with only a single eyehole. Instead of a eyehole, it was a scope…a cracked scope.

Kenji's eyes widened in shock as he clawed at his grey hair.

'What do I do!? What do I do!? What do I do!? What do I do!?' He thought repeatedly as he paced back and forth.

The camera switched back to that of Sora thoroughly dismantling his men. He stopped his pacing as he turned his face to the men who were previously sitting at the table.

"Bring it out! It's time for a test run!" He said firmly as one of them brought out a black box from underneath the table.

"You don't really me-"

"I do." He interrupted as he opened the box revealing two vials of purple liquid. A syringe lay beside the vials in the box.

"If he wants a fight then we'll give him his final one. He'll learn what a mistake it was to come here but it'll be too late by then." Kenji said as he extracted the liquid with the syringe, giving it a test pump.

"Now, who wants to volunteer." He said with a cruel smirk as he faced the men in the room.