
woke up in Mha with Leviathan transformation

Nift20 · Teen
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6 Chs

Chapter 4

After I was done with my fun I went to my room, huh seems like my parents aren't home yet well I'll play with my quirk till my parents got home, hmm I mostly practiced with my water quirk till the point I could even feel the water inside people body's almost like I can sense the water movements from people well it makes sense the human body has an average of roughly 60% water, I can even make shapes with the water, I've tried changing the temperature of the water but the water but its harder than it looks, I mean how frozen water works is I have to get better control over water so I can stop the atoms from moving, 1 hour passed with me getting close to stopping the atoms from moving in the water well let me make the water atoms move faster to see what happens,..... wow the water is starting to boil like steam, well in order for me to get better at this I need to keep practicing.

Let me move on to lightning. Sparks slowly came of my hand, but my quirk lightning doesn't really follow the laws of science, for some reason when I slashed down with my lightning coded hands there is a strange after effect like a line of lightning if I don't think about it will dissipate but if I focus on it and touch it opens to plain where there's rageing waters and thunder storms with one island, when I stair at it; its like something calling out to me, almost like there's another entity with in me every time I try to connect to it or who the connection is cut of. My lightning quirk still follows the laws of science but not at the same time, I still smell ozone when my lightning is in use but practicing lightning is still very dangerous so I don't feel like doing any experiments with my lightning quirk.

After an hour practicing I decide to take a nap while waiting for my parents. Chiyo we're back how was... oh it seems like she went to sleep, Emi I'll pick her up and take her to her own room; All right Hayashi I'll see you in bed with a flirtatious smirk, Hayashi quickly took Chiyo to her room with an excited expression on his face.

Next day. wake up Chiyo let's go to the breakfast section of the ship they have a toun of different foods from different places on the world. I feel like going to breakfast know, can you guys go and get me breakfast, Emi looked at her daughter with a twitching eye and yanked off the blanket Chiyo was on, there was a thump that was herd in the room; now that should wake you up. my mother was walking of with a smile on her face as she left the room. well she dose have a point might as well get up and get ready for breakfast.

After I was done with my morning activities me and my parents went to breakfast, when we arrived there it looked really expensive with gold colored chandeliers with multiple rounded tables across the room to fit 500 people with 200 waiters attending to people on the cruise. I looked with at the seen in amazement. I turned to my father and looked at him, how exactly did you get tickets for this cruise. I got lucky and won it at my Job. I turned back to keep staring, a waiter walked up to us and took us to a table. After we were at are table we're able to order are food. I ordered pancakes, eggs and french toast my parents took pictures of me while eating, even though it was embarrassing I still kept eating. When we were done eating went to do family activities. So Chiyo what do you want to do. I don't really know I just want to spend time together with you Mom and Dad. Both parents looked at their daughter with smiles, well let's go to the family section of the cruise. A few minutes later third person pov You can see a family playing mini golf while laughing and smiles.

Meanwhile a normal looking lady is greeting another cruise member, while looking for an item. Sona you found what we were paid to get no, first I need more information on this item I'm looking for all you gave me was it was on the ship, well the item is a quirk enhancement drug thats in a beef case know you'll be looking for 3 access cards that are healed by three cruise members, you'll need to find the identity of these members, how in the would am I supposed to find these people! well why don't you check on the watch we gave you before you left with out giving us time to explain. Oh sorry about that, uhh you're such a pain in the, ok ok the watch on your wrist is like a single sensor the closer you are to the card the more you'll feel, ohh so that's what the vibrations were, yes you need to find and collect those cards in order to access the briefcase, when you have the case the watch has a scanner to see if thats the actual item. Ok give me two more day's and if there a problem I'll let you know.

Ok I'ev located the first key card but there's an issue there always 3 guards around the member with the card I'm going to go on a guess and assume that it's like that for the rest of the remaining cards, as I start walking towards my target with a serving of wine I get stopped by a cruise member, Ms what are you doing here, I thought you guys wanted a drink, I said in a scared voice, The man looked at me with a Stern face, No we didn't order or want any wine, and who gives wine to cruise members, I start to get nervous as I look at the stern man, oh I'm sorry you do have a point everyone on the ship including the workers here seem to be laid back, well who ever those workers are they need to be fired immediately including you. I apologize for my mistake and walk off, One of the cruise members calls out to the one on the security team, make sure you keep are taggert away from any drinking, isn't that obvious, What I'm saying is keep an eye out for anyone suspicious are co-workers, Yes Sir!

Dam I almost got caught, I didn't know the security was this tuff well, I'm going to find out the identity of the other card holders.

The second card holders isn't even a member he's a customer on the cruise, The watch vibrates faster the closer near the bar, I walk closer to the bar and Identify the target I walk closer towards the target and bump into him, Oh I'm so sorry sir, I pat him down to get the card after I apologize for walking into him, Thats one card down on to the next one.

I walk for about two hours walking around the control station on the ship, Sona how's it going, not well the last two cards are too secure I don't have enough clearance to get to the control ship and if I walk towards it I'm going to lose my cover, I think we should move on to plan Alright we'll be there in two days hold tight, Alright men get ready, we'll be taking over the ship in two days luckily for us this cruise has good hostages, don't use your quirks unless you have no options, don't want any one recognizing you by your quirk.

Creation is hard like really hard, I'm going to keep writing but can I please get at least one comment, even if its criticism I would really appreciate, Thank you

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