
woke up in Mha with Leviathan transformation

Nift20 · Teen
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6 Chs

To the cruise

Chiyo wake up we're going to be late for the cruise ship. my name is Chiyo Ishii and I'm in the mha would and I'm getting ready to go on a cruise with my parents. Come on Chiyo we're going to be late, as my mother kept calling me I got of my bed and went to the bathroom to get ready. As I looked in the mirror I saw my reflection with curly straight hair with navy blue and hints of green with darken green slits. ever since people started getting scared of my looks I started using my hair to cover up my eyes, yeah it would be hard to see but due to enhance senses I'm able to fell where I am at all time, while I was washing my face I felt a small bump on my forehead, as I pulled up my hair to see what it was I saw another annoying change ,I see a yellow oval glass like shape in my forehead, I sighed, it seems my quirk isn't done with my mutation, I go and take a shower and as I'm washing my hair I feel something poking my hand as I wash my hair I quickly go to the mirror and move my hair a few times to see 2 horns on both sids of my head , at this point I don't care anymore and finish with my shower.

As I go down stairs I see my mother cooking and my fathers on the laptop, I site down and my mother ask me in an excited tone am I glad to go on the cruise, I am but I'm mostly worried about how people will see my my father looked up as I was speaking don't worry about it much We're there to have a family vacation it dose not matter what people think, I looked up at my father in apprehension. well as long as no one starts trouble we should be fine Hayashi. As I looked at my food and started eating I told my parents about my new mutations they didn't seem that worried because of their own mutations when they were young but they would take me to the hospital when the end of the cruise.

3 hours later me and my parents are boarding the ship getting ready to leave my parents give my father the 3 ticket to get on the ship.I notice 3 boys looking at us , look at those mutants especially look at the girl with tail. As I herd some people wishing I notice that there already on the ship on top of the deck looking down on. I didn't know my senses / hearing were that strong, I turned towards the people on top and smiled at them with my spiked teeth making them flinch, after that I followed my parents.

That girl gives me the creeps yeah let's stay away from her, naw I don't like the way she looked at me like that , Yeah I want to give her a scare see how she likes it. the three boys left to there parents.

Chiyo how do you like the bed, it's really comfortable it feels nice on my tail, my Dad looked at me with a stoic face, make sure not to cause any damages, don't worry I,ev got it under control, As I say that my tail shoots three spikes near my Dads legs hitting his suitcase, I turn away from my father with a stoic face, He sighs and takes his wife hands to go spend time with her, before my mother left she told me to go outside side and explore and see if I could make friends.

As I'm walking around with my hoodie I see a swimming pool with a slide on a High place, I wouldn't mind going swimming but I don't like the chlorine when it gets in my eyes, I wonder if there's an arcade, I spent 30 minutes looking for the arcade that I decide look for a cruise member for where the arcade was, I see a women with a cruises shirt and ask her, excuse me but do you know if there's an arcade on the cruise, the lady looks down at me with a smile and takes a map out of her pocket and points out where the arcade is, I thanked the cruise worker and was on my way I had a bad feeling about her when I talked to her oh well I see a lot of people that I have bad feelings towards .

what cute girl well back to the operation. Hey Sona do you see the target no I'm still looking for it, well hurry up if you don't find it we'll have to get on the ship and force the cruise members to get it for us, hold your horses we don't want to get too messy. well you better hurry up the client wants this down as soon as possible, One of the men in the submarine with a sadistic smirk looked at the phone, don't worry take your time I need to stretch my bones, Well Sona you 4 days to find the objectives and get out of the ship so we can get away, alright.

As I was walking towards the Arcades I saw lots of young adults and kids playing I go towards a targeting game first I see 4 weapons I can shoot with a hand gun, rifle , sniper rifle , and a bow. I looked at the weapons and picked the gun first, another person comes next to me who also is competing and picks the rifle, 3 more people come and get in other lane's, As the announcer tells us to get ready set go, my first pellet goes to the edge of the target , my second one goes to the far left, I try rapidly shooting but not one of the 15 shoots I had hit the target, I felt a little upset with my tail hitting the floor with too much force, some of the competitors looked at me with smug face while some with understanding. I try the rifle hitting 3 out of the 15 shoots and the sniper 5 out of 15, I left to go play some other games like vr racing to get my mind of my humiliation. The racing games were lot more fun to play due to it being like I was actually in the game, wow this is 100 times better from when I was in my old world it's so realistic and more advanced. I played many more games till in the afternoon. As I was leaving I decided to give one last try at the shooting range but this time I picked the bow this time it felt right in my hands as I picked it up with my first shoot I hit the bullseye on my first shot it surprised me and the announcer due my reaction, don't just stand and look surprised keep going, the rest of the competition I was on fire hitting most of the shots near or on the target it made me happy as I walked away towards my parents room.