
woke up in Mha with Leviathan transformation

Nift20 · Teen
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6 Chs


Its been 4 days with me spending time with my family with all smiles no worries and with me practicing with my quirk and with me pranking my Dad and Mom, with me poking them with my tale and wondering who tapped them, up until my mother caught me in the act. she looked at me with a stern face for a few seconds and then smiled at me and started doing the same with Dad it was till the point where people around us were laughing then he realized it was both me and my mother, he just looked at us and just sighed and laughed along with us.

Then out of know where people with tactical gear pointed guns at me and my parents and the people around us, then the chaos began with people starting to run but then shots were fired near the people feet. People were filled with fear and desperation, All right people in order for no one getting a bullet in the head you'll all listen to our orders and no one will get hurt and if not, The man shot at one of the people in the arm, there was a scream to the right of me, there was a man on the ground screaming in pain with his family, his wife and children were too scared to even scream or move.

All right people now that you know were serious we'll be moving you to the lunch room were you will sit still shut up and do anything stupid and you behave well we just might let you leave here alive.

When me and my parents were moved to the lunch room with the rest of the hostages, I was filled with fear that my tail spiked up this caught one of the men attention and pointed the gun at me and my family, my father bent down and looked at me in the eye, listen to me Chiyo I know were in danger but you need to calm down, I slowly started to calm down and so did my tail. The man held the gun pointed the gun at me for a few more seconds, The next time you do that again I'll shoot you with no hesitation.

When we all arrived to the lunch room The men put the cruise members in a big circle with the men outside the circle had guns trained on us.

Captain we have hostiles on and around the ship 1 military grade sub with 20 people onboard, and we can't send a distress signal our signals are jammed what are you're orders. There was a sudden phone call on the emergency phone, everyone was quiet and let the phone ring out, after the phone finished ringing, there was a sigh at the end, Hello Captain you know what we want so let's just make this easy on both of us why don't you just give us what me and my men came here for. Almost everyone looked at the Captain when the man finished talking. Captain what should we do, try to stall them and keep trying to get a signal out for help for know all we can do is wait.

Sona have you got the card, no I just need the captain card and that's all I'll need. ok looks like we'll have to force him to give us that security card.

There was another phone call at the command tower where the captain was. Hello again captain , looks like I have no choice but to start killing some hostages. if you don't give me the security card within 5 minutes or the consequences will be direr.

There was an argument among the crew, captain we have to give them whatever they're asking for, another crew member knowing exactly what the people wanted decided to speak. Captain we don't have much of a choice I don't know how they knew we had the briefcase but I'd suggest we give them the card otherwise they might just kill us all.

4 minutes passed and the captain had no choice but to negotiate with the armed leader in order to keep the hostages alive to survive. when the captain gave the card to Sona there was a burst of gun fire herd, I thought we had a deal with the hostages. I thought so to unless one of them decided to do something foolish, the leader picked up his radio, hey whats going on there, Its just one of are men being really sadistic and greedy.

10 minutes earlier.

Chiyo try to stay calm, My father moved my hair from my eyes along with the yellow gem, just close your eyes and stay close to me and your mother. as my father hugged me I started to calm down from the situation we were in but I still could see him even though both of my eyes were closed, one of the armed soldiers saw the gem of my forehead, whats this my quirk is telling me that the girl gem is highly valuable. quirk greedy sense allows users to sense higly valuable people and objects. The armed man started to walk towards the huddled up family, give me the gem, both parents looked up and saw the man with his hand out, Hayashi and Emi looked at the man with confusion. I'm talking about the gem on your daughters head give it to me. the man had an expected look in his eye with a eyebrow raised. but it's apart of are daughter quirk if we take it out we don't know whether she'll get sick or even worse. Dose it look like I care. the man grabbed Chiyo and grabbed her face admiring the gem when the man looked at her full face he was taken aback at her beauty at such a young age. it was then the man decided to take the girl. As I looked at the man I could sense his greed and wtf lust, my tail then spiked up and lashed at the man, it stabbed the man on his leg with a greenish like fluid coming out of the wound from my tail. the man started to staggered back and yelled. Dam it what the hell, the man started to feel dizzy and coughed some blood with some of it getting on my forehead, I tried wiping it off me but the second the blood touched the gem on my head I noticed a change but didn't really care at the time, as soon as I was about to run back to my parents crystals started growing on me stopping my movements.

It seems one of are hostages may have more value than the item we came here for. I'ev been working with that guy you've just possible just killed and when he says that gem on you is more valuable then what we came here for I have no choice but to take you with us, I looked back at the man slowly walking towards me with a lazy smile on his face. My parents started to beg for my release with my mother crying and my father scowl on his face, please just let my daughter go, oh I might just as soon as I take what I want from her. when The man was close enough he grabbed my head and started to pull the gem on my head I started screaming from the pain with my tail lashing out, my tail broke out of its restraints cutting the man while at the same time poisoning the him, how is this possible my crystals are hard as steel the man started to fall down with blood coming from his mouth and nose , 2 more men came at me trying to take me down, one tried grabbing my tail while the other one tried to shoot me, As the man grabbed my tail it slammed him on the ground then threw him to hit the other guards, while the other shot at me gracing me. I created water spears to aim at the armed men 2 hit the men dead center in the chest, 3 of them were dodged by the rest of the guards. then they pointed the weapons on the people in the circle, stand down or we will kill the rest of the hostages. I decided to stand still and both of my parents came in front of me trying to protect me.

You will give us the girl or we will kill you, my mother hugged me while my father stud informant of me and my mother. My mother was looking for a way to escape, You guys just want my daughter's gem my father spoke, yeah thats all we want, one of the men spoke. My father turned around and walked towards me and knelt down and grabbed my hand, listen to me Chiyo whether or not you'll be able to take out your gem just know this is not your fault nor responsibility for what happens next just know me and your mother both love you no matter how this situation goes. I looked up at my father with teary eyes while my mother was hugging me from behind. with trembling hands I feel for the gem on my head and start to slowly pull out the gem from my head, its was the most painful thing I've down in both lives, a few seconds later I was able to pull it out with me falling limp, my father takes the gem then walks towards the armed men and hands it to them. The man snatches it from my father and looks at it, Don't know whats so special about this gem but I have to admit it's very beautiful know go back to your weird family.

Its just one of are men being really sadistic and greedy, Sir we found another valuable item from a family but we have 4 men down, Ok what happened, as the man explained the full situation he starts to think, ok take the girl and get rid of the parents it should be her punishment for being a hero , when the cruise ship captain herd this, he was furious, You said all you wanted was the key card to the briefcase not anyone on this ship, the man smirked , well if you didn't make us wait thats would of been all we needed.

In the lunch room. Alright sir, take the girl and kill the parents, while all this was happening the rest of the hostages went through an array of emotions, which included sorrow for the girls parents and fear that the same was going to happen to them. My parents looked up with fear and anger, the man shoot my father first with his blood flowing from his chest, my mother screamed when a man pulled her away from me and shot her, I was on the ground unable to do anything but feel anger and sadness while screaming and whaling , with seeing both my parents die right in-front of me, I just couldn't believe it. another armed man picked me up roughly and walked out the lunch room with the rest of the others.

Sona were you able to get the briefcase opened, yeah all we need to do is to just leave alright. As Sone arrived to see her commander she saw the interesting girl. whats up with the girl, she is a highly valuable target might train her and if she is too much of a hassle we'll have know choice but to sell her. Oh ok it seems like something missing on her head, it was this gem as the commander brought it out Sona couldn't help but admit it was a beautiful gem, that came from her head, wonder if we can farm it from her, Chiyo was still conscious with un-focused eyes.

Why did they do this to me, why did they do this to my family, couldn't they just let my parents live mean while the men took the briefcase and Chiyo to the sub getting ready to leave, another voice in Chiyo mind started talking to her why did they kill both of them, who are you the voice Chiyo said in a defeated tone, I don't know but I feel what you feel and hear what you hear, I've tried to connect with you through the lightning I don't know who am I but I feel like were the same coin but flipped like Yin Yang but I feel so hollow right know, well I just lost both of my parents right in front of me, you mean those people who took care of us. what do u mean by us I mean were the same person or more likely just very connected through lightning. I don't feel like taking about this anymore Chiyo said with sadness. Do you want to take revenge, yes I want to make these people suffer No! not people but monsters who have no empathy. Then fully connect with me

instead of feeling the flow of water, feel how the lightning strikes in the sky, how its negative charges makes its path towards the ground. mean while this was going through Chiyo head.

Thunder clouds were above the submarine, hey Sir I didn't know there was going to be a thunderstorm, Its not I made sure to check the weather, ok lets hurry up and get out of here before things get out of hand. there was a spark from Chiyo horns started growing, hey did the girl have those horns when on bored and why are they cracking with lightning, ok we're not risking this toss her out of the sub, yes sir.

They shot Chiyo through the tornado tube, her body slowly falling down to the ocean floor. In Chiyo mind, just as you did with your water element, get a better understanding of lightning, her how it creates thunder with each strike, Chiyo body started to slowly transform, her body started to enlarge her skin becoming more scaly and armored slowly growing even more from 50 meters to 200, 300, then finally 500 meters. while her transformation was going on the storm that was approaching got even stronger and wide spread, Sir what is going on ! I have no clue what is but I can assume it has Something to do with that girl. Sir we're losing Control of the sub, its like the water pressure is increasing the longer we stay and we aren't even that deep! Alright pull up to the surface. when the captain looked in the telescope of the submarine what he saw put him to fear. there was a snake like monster with giant flippers almost as big as the cruise, when he looked up to get a better he say its blacked eyes and with teeth the size of a truck and with a glowing gem on its head when he looked at the gem in his hand he saw the gem had an eye looking straight into his eye with an intense look. The people of the cruise could also see the creature from far away but judging how they could see it from such a distance shows just how big this creature is.

The creature roar up at the clouds splitting it. it was so loud it broke the cruise ship glass window, some of the people on the sub ears started to bleeding. Then it started moving towards them slowly but got faster. Everyone move move move! Escape. but it was already too late. The creatures used it's control of water to lift up the submarine. The criminal started to fire their quirks and guns at the unnamed creature but it didn't work. one of them had a knockout gas quirk trying to nock it out but to there surprise it didn't work. 10 minutes later all the people involved in Chiyo parents death were tide up with water with most of there bones being twisted in odd places with people screaming. Please let us go you've already won, The creatures started growling with rage, then it spoke in a sad tone You already won when I was a hostage but decided to take what does belong to you but also killed my parents, the lightning started to crackle and struck one of the criminals killing them instantly. All the criminals begging for their lives but, the creature was already made, The water slowly climbed up to the criminals waste then mouth then nose slowly drowning all off them and then took back its gem and found out it had gained even more ability's.

After an hours Chiyo started to shrink down to her original size with some differences. she had gotten even bigger in her base form with a longer tail, with 2 crown like on top of her head. Your transformation is know fully complete, I should change you back to your original smaller form. her horns didn't change much but got shorter, now we should rest. Chiyo body was floating in the water with the rest of the criminals.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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