

Micheal runs through an old forest, carrying a rapped cloth in his arms — a child. He’s chased by huge men, and seems more concerned about his young child than himself. He leaps obstacles in a way that seems unnatural… and so do the men chasing him. The man confused his pursuers for a moment by climbing a tree nearby for safety, but one of them sees his reflection in a very dangerous-looking sharp dagger. He flings the dangerous dagger but the man dodged it easily, though this escape lands him right in the middle of a three strong men. They fought with Micheal for a while, and he leaps, twists, tumbled and avoids injury without ever letting go of the little girl in his arms. He takes a few injuries but finally gets away from the captors, and when it’s safe around him, he stops to get his breath and whispers to the little girl “We’re almost there’’. The man gathers some sort of energy into his arm, and when he places it on a nearby tree, the energy ripples into the tree and then through the ground, infiltrating the nearby forest. Gathering speed, the energy races through the forest, igniting glowing, mystical symbols on any tree it touches. The pursuers catch up, but the energy the man has put out has created some sort of barrier that distorts their perceptions while it protects him. They have no idea they’re only a few feet from him and the little girl, and they finally turn and leave. So many years later!

Cauthen · Realistic
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14 Chs


His ear starts to ring and hurt once more, and it looks like a bad episode this time. Williams feels there's a hand grasping his head — it's Dean Micheal, and he massages pressure points while explaining to him that his mental energy is blocked, causing his hearing loss. And explained to him the inability to work as a medical practitioner if the situation continues. He says he can help Williams, and suddenly the pain was gone.

Once he relaxes, Dean Micheal offers to walk him out if he's planning to leave the college. But Williams decides that he can't leave now, but not because he has nowhere to go. He starts to blame Helen for his situation, but Micheal puts a stop to having the mindset to blame someone for his problem— first, he blames his ear, now a girl student.

Micheal wants to know whether Williams's heart is telling him to stay. Then he says no guarantee staying will heal his ear, but mental practice and healthy training can only help. It's all up to him to decide.

The next day, the other teachers speculate on why Williams has been admitted as a new student. They're worried about both Williams and James, who seems to have no real reason to be in the college, and they doubt they'll succeed.

The elder Professor (McClure) confronts Dean Micheal about his decision to let Williams and James enroll, and Micheal says it would be wrong to kick someone out who needs help, and besides they'll pay for their tuition. He gets a faraway look in his eye as he says that "Somehow, it's not that child who came to find our school. His problems might have called that child here."

As for Williams, he tells himself that he'll stay, for now. Just until his problem is taken care of… whether he means his hearing or his scandal is unclear.

James and Williams gain find themselves face-to-face and shirtless, this time in the same dorm room, so they're roommates. They end up in front of Teacher Jonathan, demanding separate rooms, and Ezra laughs when James requests a VVIP room. He informs them that there will be no special treatment for anyone for any reason, and tells them to get back in their room and behave. He said '' No fighting ''.

James tries to assert dominance by demanding the bed that Williams is lying on, and Williams laughs that they do have one thing in common — they both like the view from this bed as you can look up at the sky from the point. James claims to have farted on the bed, but Williams just says he already changed the bed sheets.

While the rest of the school sleeps, Jackson a boy from Ireland plays the guitar softly, which wakes James up (despite Williams's claim of being a delicate sleeper, he sleeps through it). James Patrick stays up thinking of his mother and asks for her picture to just wait a little longer for him to graduate.

Teacher Ezra wakes the boys in the morning for exercise, and James falls right out of bed. "Exercise" appears to be basic medical training they do for the student to have a sharp mental health and it's directed by a new Professor Mr Washington, and James gives Helen a dorky wave while she pretends not to see him.

Professor McClure pulls Williams aside to ask if he likes the school, but he isn't making any judgments yet. Professor McClure says that he did come here for a reason, even if he doesn't know what that reason is, yet. But his voice hardens as he says that Williams has something up his sleeve, and he asks him harshly why he's here. Williams isn't intimidated, and simply says, "I can't tell you. And I don't want to."

Patrick's father goes to China, where his assistant informs him that "the man at the hospital" is still unconscious, and expected to remain so. He orders him to watch, due to his incredibly strong life energy. We cut to the man in the hospital, lying senseless in a lavish private room. Elsewhere, Dean Micheal walks through what looks like an abandoned prison. Well, that was mysterious.

James goes looking for Helen and finds her in the school kitchen frying some tilapia fish. He makes the lamest joke ever about hurting her friends (because she's a mermaid) and she sighs that he should at least say the word right if he's going to call her "mermaid."

She gives up when he can't say it right, so he just calls her Kitty instead. Helen snarls at him to just call her by her name, but he only says after he starry-eyed her that she's even prettier when she's angry.

She's too busy to deal with him, but he gallantly takes her fishy hands and says that she won't have to do this hard work anymore because he's going to have his father provide the school with cooks and chefs sooner.

Helen becomes less than impressed and tells him again to get lost, making James Patrick admit that he likes her because she's the first person to treat him this way.

James doesn't find out that he's picked up the smell of tilapia fish from Helen until he's back in his room, and Williams now realizes that he and Helen came here together the day before.

He calls her "the delivery girl," which infuriates Patrick, and he warns Williams to stay away from Helen. Williams couldn't possibly care less, having no personal interest in her other than how she can help him.

The other students discuss the newcomers, reluctantly impressed that they've lasted a whole day already.

The Thailand student, Nadet, asks if they think the boys will make it to the entrance ceremony, which happens once you've lasted a week in Kingston College.

Alexander the apparent leader of the group, says that of course, they won't make it the full week. He thinks the opening of the seal on the arrival of Williams and James Patrick was just a coincidence, especially since neither boy even knew what the seal was.

He sneers and declares that he'll have them running home crying.

Williams and James take a cooking class to prepare for kitchen duty, as they care less about the test that lies ahead of them.

They're paired up and given the job of making fried eggs, and Professor Washington tells them a trick of putting spices into the oil to make them.

He warns them though, never to let ice get into the hot oil.

Matthew gets a nasty idea to scare Williams and shares his bad plans with Patrick after liberally adding ice cubes to the oil.

Williams reluctantly as always, dumps the entire fry pan in the frier immediately, which makes the fire flare right in his face.

Williams's reaction is violent, and he falls to the floor in pain.

His bad ear bangs once more as he seems to remember a horrible incident from when he was a young boy of 6, just as the bowl of oil and egg explodes, spraying hot oil everywhere.

The experienced students immediately run to help Williams as he gets hold of his two ears, while James just hides his face, and Williams crumbles on the floor.

Mary quickly swipes a curtain from the window and shields Williams from the flame, and Professor Washington tosses a pot over Patrick's head and slings him to safety.

After the incident happened, Williams's anger flares up next, and he grabs James on the shirt and accuses him of doing that on purpose. The two nearly come to blows before Professor Washington yelled at them to stop, and Matthew smiles to himself at his success.