

Micheal runs through an old forest, carrying a rapped cloth in his arms — a child. He’s chased by huge men, and seems more concerned about his young child than himself. He leaps obstacles in a way that seems unnatural… and so do the men chasing him. The man confused his pursuers for a moment by climbing a tree nearby for safety, but one of them sees his reflection in a very dangerous-looking sharp dagger. He flings the dangerous dagger but the man dodged it easily, though this escape lands him right in the middle of a three strong men. They fought with Micheal for a while, and he leaps, twists, tumbled and avoids injury without ever letting go of the little girl in his arms. He takes a few injuries but finally gets away from the captors, and when it’s safe around him, he stops to get his breath and whispers to the little girl “We’re almost there’’. The man gathers some sort of energy into his arm, and when he places it on a nearby tree, the energy ripples into the tree and then through the ground, infiltrating the nearby forest. Gathering speed, the energy races through the forest, igniting glowing, mystical symbols on any tree it touches. The pursuers catch up, but the energy the man has put out has created some sort of barrier that distorts their perceptions while it protects him. They have no idea they’re only a few feet from him and the little girl, and they finally turn and leave. So many years later!

Cauthen · Realistic
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14 Chs


He loudly demands to know how much she's being paid to ruin his life, but she swears that she was just helping.

He grabs her arm and asks who she's working for, which is when James finds them and yells for Williams to take his hands off her.

James tackles Williams and they both go rolling down the hill, which seems to trigger some reaction in the mountain itself.

The wind picks up, thunder rolls and all the trees start to grow a layer of vines around their trunks. A path seems to open between the trees, and the boys watch, wary but unafraid.

The disturbance can be felt at the Medical School as well, and the whole place shakes. A man looks up, sensing something important, and we see that it's the same man who saved the little girl in the woods eighteen years ago, DEAN Micheal of Kingston medical college. All of the students and instructors are affected by the school's rumbling, and wonder what's happening.

When the wind dies down, James and Williams can see the path clearly, which leads right to a new tall building…Kingston Medical School.

They forget their fight and walk the path together, as the forest closes itself up behind them.

The students and teachers come out to see what caused their school to shake as if an earthquake hit, and they seem to come from many different cultures and countries.

They watch James and Williams approach, and when DeanMicheal comes out to welcome the newcomers, the students all bow in awe to him respectfully.

Dean Micheal looks over the two new students, and thinks to himself, "The seal has been unlocked" which he locked eighteen years ago.

Dean Micheal leads Williams and James to his office, telling them about the Kingston Medical School on the way and how it has changed the lives of many people.

It was built to protect and solve world health issues and bring peace at last, he says and is the only school built by the UN Peacekeeping Organization on war against medical instabilities.

Its students have placed first at the World Medical Surgery Competition for the last ten years and has been the top-ranked medical youth academy in the world for twelve years. Also, this medical school is not in any public records.

The students of Kingston recognize both Williams and James, as an idol, superstars, and an international caliber, and wonder what they're doing here.

The instructors are more concerned with how the seal of the forest got broken, and one of the professors admits that he sensed a new kind of power when it happened.

One teacher wonders if it was the new students, but Dean Micheal has rejected it out of hand.

The mystery girl asks Helen how she came to the school with the newcomers — her name is Mary (Lady of Love), and she just so happens to be Dean Micheal's daughter.

She wonders if Williams is the one who opened the seal, remembering how he stopped the stage lights from falling momentarily.

Dean Micheal questions the boys, asking why they came to Kingston Medical School. James goes for the easy answer, to learn about drugs and medicine, and help the unfortunate he added'', though he admits that he just came because his father sent him here.

Williams refuses to answer in front of Patrick, asking to talk to Dean Micheal in private.

Dean Micheal sends James to the dormitory with one of the newly employed teachers from Africa (Jonathan Ezra), who informs James that he's expected to do everything for himself, including cleaning and cooking.

James just loftily says that he'll have his father sponsor the school and get a cleaning service and chefs, only to be informed that the school isn't broke and that it's sponsored by the United Nations this time.

It takes Williams a while to get to the point of why he's actually in this medical school, only to discover that Micheal already knows about his hearing disorder.

He wants it fixed, but the Dean asks if he doesn't need to change his situation first.

Williams thinks his ear is where the problem is, but Micheal says that the problem is inside himself.

He offers Williams an opportunity to stay at the school as a student and learn ethics, which he rejects immediately.

He calls his concert manager to tell him that he's found the girl who beat up those thugs back in the city, insisting again on another interview.

But his manager says that won't solve the problem, and the company is about to go bankrupt because of him.

He unkindly tells Williams to know when he's finished, and that official papers have been sent to him by email, presumably breaking their contract.

A small army of curious students delivers Patrick's class schedule to him and introduces themselves.

There are several Younger people, one Korean-American girl named Shanor, and a boy from Thailand named Nadet. They ask how James released the seal, but he doesn't even know what that is.

The kids are friendly, but James rejects them all as being beneath his level of knowledge.

Meanwhile, Williams grabs Helen as she's walking past him, ready to drag her back to the city with him.

She repeats that she was only helping him and not part of any plot, but he says he didn't need her help.

He wasn't running away, he was running after the camera shooters— those pictures could cause a huge effect on his fame(though it's interesting that he seems more worried about Stefany's reputation than his own).

Helen is chastened that she misunderstood the situation, and agrees to go with him, but between her classes and her jobs, she can't think of a time when she's free. Williams insists on leaving the school with her right this instant, but Helen says that her life is important, too.

Williams accuses her again of taking money from the CEO to cause trouble for him, and Helen stared at him. She says he's a horrible person, and that if he's asking for a favor, he should thank her for helping him, then ask for her help again.

But Williams just counters that he's not at all thankful and that helping him should be an obligation since she caused so much trouble in the first place.

Then Helen angrily says that her obligation right now is to go to work, and leaves him standing there.

Williams spends his time that evening reading posts from angry friends and fans about how he's done in the music business and remembers back to being discovered by the CEO. He'd uploaded a song he wrote online, under the nickname "the mobs," and the CEO had sought him out and signed him.

He and the mobs had quickly risen to fame, so fast it seemed unreal, and the CEO had treated him like a son.

Now Williams knows it was all an act, just for money.