

Micheal runs through an old forest, carrying a rapped cloth in his arms — a child. He’s chased by huge men, and seems more concerned about his young child than himself. He leaps obstacles in a way that seems unnatural… and so do the men chasing him. The man confused his pursuers for a moment by climbing a tree nearby for safety, but one of them sees his reflection in a very dangerous-looking sharp dagger. He flings the dangerous dagger but the man dodged it easily, though this escape lands him right in the middle of a three strong men. They fought with Micheal for a while, and he leaps, twists, tumbled and avoids injury without ever letting go of the little girl in his arms. He takes a few injuries but finally gets away from the captors, and when it’s safe around him, he stops to get his breath and whispers to the little girl “We’re almost there’’. The man gathers some sort of energy into his arm, and when he places it on a nearby tree, the energy ripples into the tree and then through the ground, infiltrating the nearby forest. Gathering speed, the energy races through the forest, igniting glowing, mystical symbols on any tree it touches. The pursuers catch up, but the energy the man has put out has created some sort of barrier that distorts their perceptions while it protects him. They have no idea they’re only a few feet from him and the little girl, and they finally turn and leave. So many years later!

Cauthen · Realistic
Not enough ratings
14 Chs


The teachers hold a meeting, where Professor Washington argues that neither Williams nor James deserves to be here.

Professor Daniel wants to give them time, and Professor Jennifer backs him up even though she previously thought they wouldn't last a day.

Later Mary begs her father to let Williams stay and get help for his ear, and he adorably teases her, saying that Williams should just clean his ear out.

He says that he still hasn't decided how to punish her for sneaking out to the concert and inviting the kid here in the first place, and now she wants him to heal the fans favorite.

Mary argues that he's a special person and he stopped the lights from falling on himself during the concert, which is news to Micheal. Suddenly he seems a lot more interested.

James finds Helen at her next class, learning, and meditation, and shoves Mary off her mat so he can sit next to her.

Williams arrives and orders Helen to meet him after class then takes the mat behind James.

He quietly thanks Mary for protecting him in the kitchen, which gives her a teeny-tiny freakout.

Helen was aware of the medical test that lies ahead of the old student and doesn't need any distraction from the new guys.

He let them know that all she needs to do now is face her business. Most of the teachers trust she'll graduate will a distinct grade.

Meanwhile, Professor Washington confronts Dean Micheal about his acceptance of James and Williams.

He figured out that the opening of the seal wasn't done by Dean Micheal himself, and suspects that it was one of the boys — but neither of them knew which, so he allowed them both to stay.

Micheal admitted that it was out of character for him, but now he hopes that his instinct wasn't wrong.

Williams takes the coming medical test seriously, but James takes advantage of everyone's closed eyes to sneak glances at Helen.

The school wants to have a spark in the students on biochemistry.

A lot of chemicals were present and each student was on their own desk. A few of the new students were taken to the lab including James and Williams. Both acted as though they've been familiar with these.

Professor Daniel asks the students what they see in their microscope, and when Mary said says she sees a fire jokingly, it appears to bother Williams.

He remembers a fire and sees a baby screaming next to a dead woman.

He wakes violently, sweating and gasping for air, but when Professor Daniel asks about what he saw, he denies seeing anything.

Not wanting Williams to get all the attention, James says that he saw something too. He describes a group of thugs, and leaving a girl behind to run away.

He makes the students laugh, but Mary tells them all to knock it off.

Williams looks furious, and Helen notices his anger.

I guess they're about the engraving of a fresh horrible memory on Williams, who had a bad life start.

Professor Daniel made it clear to them that this test is never a joke and made them know their being in school for the next two weeks depended on it.

In China, Patrick's father pulls an ornate box from his desk and opens it to stare at the tiny metal inside, which he has kept for many years as a promise to his mentor.

Back in the city, James' mother visits Helen's family to offer payment in return for saving her son's life, though Helen's father won't hear of it.

Helen's aunt follows Patrick's mother out to try to get her to hand over the envelope of money anyway, but Patrick's mother is just uninterested enough not to get what she has in mind.

Aunt seems to recognize her and asks if she's working at Hocks company, a model company that's popular for allowing the needy to make money by the market commission and this seems to frighten Patrick's mother.

Regardless, Helen's aunt determines to marry her niece off to Patrick's family and get herself a better place in the world.

Nothing could be further from Helen's mind, as she fumes over Patrick's assay behavior in the laboratory class.

Helen grins that she must be staying mad at him because he said she was pretty when she was angry, but Helen tells him to scram.

She's not the only female he's pissed off, and Mary also threatens him not to bother her new friend (Williams) again.

Frustrated, Williams packs to leave, but Dean Micheal's words that he could nurture and help heal himself weave through his mind, making him hesitate.

He shows up at theory class, where the students watch Helen and Mary expertly explain the newly invented drugs that would likely heal the entire humanity from death.

Helen wins the round of that class and when James starts to approach her, Matthew warns him venomously that this class isn't for beginners and useless idols.

He directs them to the beginner's class and James bristles, but a word from pretty Helen has him smiling again. Matthew digs at him (in Chinese, for some reason), telling him to show off his money somewhere else. James retorts that he's not here by choice anyway, so Matthew tells him to leave.

Mary has had about enough of James Patrick as well, telling him that they all have hopes and dreams they're here to pursue.

James and Williams aren't skilled enough for this class, so they're wasting everyone's time here.

James is ready to verbally spar some more, but Williams takes action.

He took the matter into his hand and asks if he can stay if he proves he's knowledgeable enough. Mary warns they're not trying to exclude them arbitrarily, it's just that they could get into a fight.

Williams executes a few basic knowledge on building major chemical projects, asking if this is what they'd learn in beginner's class, and it becomes clear that he may know how to handle himself and be part of the college.

James also claims to know a few stuff by stating some of the projects his father wrote, though he saw them without his father's knowledge and kept them a secret, so Matthew proposes that they fight each other verbally, and defend their right to be at this school.

It was really interesting to see both idols express their knowledge, as for Williams who seems as though he's not interested gave his all and won the contest. James who hates to lose promises him that they'll have to reschedule the debate another time.

That's exactly what Mary and Helen want from them, as it'll bring out the best off the both.

Dean Micheal bangs inside the room and the whole student bow(as a sign of respect).