

Author: Sally S.S
Contemporary Romance
Ongoing · 8.6K Views
  • 16 Chs
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Read ‘WHAT HAPPENED?’ Online for Free, written by the author Sally S.S, This book is a Contemporary Romance Novel, covering Fiction, Light Novel, Internet Novel, and the synopsis is: Molly and Kevin are childhood best friends who lose their parents in unexplainable circumstances and get separated. Mche...


Molly and Kevin are childhood best friends who lose their parents in unexplainable circumstances and get separated. Mchenzie, CEO of KEMO's Law firm, is a qualified lawyer who hires Molly as his PA. He's a conservative person but as time passes, he develops an unlabelled relationship with Molly. Mchenzie; he's hiding something and Molly is bent on finding out…..Molly can’t seem to get over her past….before she finds what Mchenzie is hiding, will her past get to her first?

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Jangan Kau Berulah, Saya Tidak Akan Mendua

" Sebenarnya aku tidak akan pernah mengatakan hal ini sama kamu, Dai. Aku sangat mencintai kamu dan tidak pernah ada niat untuk mencintai orang lain selain kamu. Tapi, terpaksa hari ini aku harus mengatakannya biar kamu mengerti apa yang aku derita selama aku berpacaran sama kamu."ungkap Aulya. Badai hanya manggut-manggutkan kepala meskipun sebenarnya ia tidak tau apa yang dimaksudkan oleh Aulya. " Aku mau putus sama kamu. Aku tidak bisa menjalin hubungan dengan orang yang tidak mencintaiku sama sekali. Aku------ " " Kamu bicara apaan sih, Lya? Sudah, sudah. Ayo, aku hantarin kamu pulang." Badai berusaha mengalihkan pembicaraan. Ia sangat mencintai cewek itu dan tidak ingin putus darinya. Ia tidak pernah mencintai cewek lain seperti yang dituduhkan Aulya barusan, makanya ia memilih untuk mengajaknya pulang saja. Ia takut bila Aulya benar-benar meninggalkannya. " AKU INGIN PUTUS, Dai." " Jangan. Aku tidak ingin putus dari kamu. Aku mencintaimu, Lya. Hanya kamu, percayalah." Badai meraih tangannya dan mengecupnya dengan penuh kasih sayang. " Pembohong!!!! Aku melihatmu dengan cewek lain kemarin . Kamu selingkuh dengan cewek itu dibelakangku." Aulya membentak hanya untuk mencari alasan berpisah dari Badai. Kenyataannya justru dia lah yang mengkhianati cinta tulus Badai, tetapi ia dengan sengaja membalikkan fakta, dan dengan bodohnya Badai malah terjebak dalam permainannya. Darra menghentak-hentakkan kakinya dengan kasar. Ia berang. Seandainya ia bisa menelan orang, orang pertama yang akan ditelannya adalah kakak keduanya si Raka dan wanita brengsettt si Aulya Marsyan yang membodohi banyak cowok menggunaakan parasnya yang aduhai termasuk kakak kedua Darra, si Raka yang bodohnya melebihi batas normal. Jelas-jelas ia sudah melihat dan mendengar langsung rencana buruk Aulya kepada Raka, tetapi kakaknya yang kepala batu itu malah membentaknya dan hampir mendaratkan tangannya di pipi mulus Darra. Sebetulnya ia tidak pernah suka ikut campur urusan kedua kakaknya, tetapi tidak mungkin kan ia hanya menonton drama yang dilakukan oleh Aulya Marsyan, sang pembawa malapetaka dalam hidupnya. Bahkan, demi membela wanita gila harta itu Raka sampai tidak mengakuinya sebagai adik entah sampai kapan berlakunya. Ia hampir saja menghancurkan handphonenya, tapi------- Matanya terbelalak kaget. Jantungnya berdetak sangat cepat karena menahan amarah yang meluap-luap dari hatinya. Pandangannya tertuju pada dua insan yang berada tidak jauh darinya. Lagi-lagi yang ditemukannya adalah AULYA, makhluk astral dari neraka. Biarkan saja?? TIDAK. Tentu saja tidak. Cowok yang bersama Aulya adalah Badai Erlangga, pacar Aulya yang sudah hampir empat tahun menjalin kasih dengannya. Cukup kakaknya si Raka bodoh yang dibodohi Aulya, ia tidak akan pernah membiarkan penyihir licik itu membodohi yang lain juga. Badai dengan sabar mendengar alasan Aulya. Mungkin sudah terlanjur cinta sehingga ia tetap tidak ingin berpisah dari Aulya. " Kamu mempunyai cewek lain, Dai. Kamu pacaran sama dia saja. Aku tidak ingin mempunyai pacar yang mencintai dua orang sekaligus." tangis Aulya semakin meledak ketika melihat Aulya yang tiba-tiba sudah ada didepan sana yqng menatapnya dengan mata melotot marah. Ia sangat panik melihat Darra dan dengan sengaja ia menangis tiada henti. Badai semakin khawatir. Dia tidak ingin putus dengannya, tidak mau " Aku tidak pernah mencintai cewek lain, Lya. Aku hanya mencintai kamu seorang." " Maafkan aku, Dai. Aku------ " Aulya terkejut bukan main. Sebuah permen karet yang tadinya di mulut Darra tapi sekarang tertempel rapi di wajahnya. Darra mendekatinya dengan tatapan serigala yang disambut dengan sangat baik olehnya, sangat bengiss. Ia sangat jengkel dan sangat membenci Darra Anggrani. Ini pertama kalinya ia diperlakukan sehina ini. Badai mendongak menatap Darra. Ia geram, tidak sudi pacarnya diperlakukan seperti itu. Darra tersenyum sinis ke Aulya, tanpa memperdulikan tatapan maut dari Badai yang siap menelannya hidup-hidup.

Nitta_Arenda · Teen
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MIDNIGHT: Whispers From The Dark Sea

The sirens knew how to do only one thing. Kill. Usually, it was just those who travelled their seas, until the greedy ruler of Greake, the green city of the lake, captured their queen. Determined to find their Queen and wipe off all the cities surrounding the Golden seas, the sirens ventured into the lands at midnight. So many lives were lost from the midnight invasion, as such the humans had a powerful witch, Adora, summon the Pombero to keep the sirens off their lands. King Edwardo got greedy again. With his sword in hand, dripping the blood of their victims, and Adora by his side, he haunted the sirens who were retreating into their seas. The few who survived the slaughter were enslaved by the king and exploited for riches until they died a miserable death. Edwardo didn't stop there. His quest for wealth and power clouded his sense of reasoning. His ambition rose to a level that even Adora was afraid. He had ships positioned all the seas, men buried deep in the water, with nets cast everywhere. No matter how many lives were lost, Edwardo could only be pleased at the sight of a siren. Adora was afraid for his men. The innocent life growing inside of her did not deserve the life Edwardo was forcing them into. The news of her pregnancy excited him no more than the men returning without a siren. He was too power crazed to care for anything else. Especially not after Adora revealed to him that the heart of a siren held the key to immortality. Adora felt used and neglected. Her caramel skin had paled out from casting too many spells. Her vicious emerald eyes had long lost its will. The waist length luscious dark hair, that swayed elegantly with her hips whenever she moved, were now tangled, lustreless and annoying to look at. Many mistook it for pregnancy hormones, unaware that Edwardo was the only hormone that could wreck a woman as beautiful as Adora. Sick of the bloodshed, Adora performed a dark ritual, one that brought a temporary calm to both sides. They say there is a price for everything. The sea takes what it wants in exchange for what it is to give. Adora didn't give much thought to it, until she pushed the hideous child out of her womb. Years later, the throne of the Golden seas remained empty, as none of the sirens were powerful enough to contain the darkness that enveloped the throne. Given that half of their powers were locked away in the other half of their hearts given away by the sea to human mates, whom they were bound to love for the rest of their lives for the sake of peace. Princess Almira was not looking forward to finding love. All she needed was the other half of her heart to take over her mother's throne. Since the mates were immune to their manipulative melodies, Almira decided to go in search of him herself with only one plan. Drive a dagger through his heart and retrieve her property.

Preshy_John · Fantasy
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Halves: Warborn Royalty (Book 1)

In a realm scarred by ancient rivalries, where the clash of kingdoms echoed through the ages, the story of four siblings unfurled like a tapestry woven with honor, duty, and an unquenchable thirst for power. Their parents, rulers of opposing realms, were once star-crossed lovers whose love ignited both passion and animosity. The King hailed from the icy kingdom of the North, with its snow-capped peaks and fierce warrior traditions. In contrast, the Queen reigned over the bountiful lands of the South, where verdant forests and abundant harvests were her kingdom's pride. When news of the Queen's pregnancy reached the King's ears, his joy was overshadowed by simmering tensions between their realms. In a moment of misunderstanding and mistrust, fueled by his love for his people, the King mistakenly believed the Queen plotted against him. Consumed by rage and blinded by his ambitions, he made the fateful decision to wage war against the Queen's domain. As battle raged, the foundations of the Queen's kingdom crumbled under the relentless assault. Once-thriving lands turned to ash, and her people scattered, seeking refuge and solace amidst the chaos. Amidst the turmoil, the Queen's brother, a man known for his unwavering loyalty and cunning mind, made a daring move. Recognizing the grave danger faced by the unborn children, he spirited away the three boys, safeguarding their lives and preserving their lineage. In the midst of the tumult, however, he unwittingly left behind the youngest and only girl-a precious jewel forgotten amidst the madness of war. Unaware of his brother-in-law's intervention, the King discovered the hidden daughter born from their shattered love. Blinded by his own ambition and driven by a hunger for power, he chose to raise the girl as his own, determined to mold her into a worthy heir for his legacy. And so, the four siblings were scattered, their lives diverging into distinct paths, unbeknownst to one another. Each grew up in vastly different environments, shaped by their adopted families and the circumstances surrounding them. They inherited the fiery spirit and strength of their parents, carrying within them their own dreams and ambitions. Unbeknownst to them, the force of fate would weave their destinies together once more. As they matured, the echoes of their shared bloodline beckoned them to reclaim what was lost, to confront their heritage, and to fight for their deepest desires amidst a kingdom torn asunder. United by blood yet divided by circumstance, the four siblings embarked on a perilous journey, where alliances would be forged and shattered, loyalties tested, and the weight of their shared pasts would shape their choices. With intertwined destinies, they strove to shape the future of their realms, forever altering the course of history. Among them, Havrena, the youngest and the only girl, had been raised by her father. The sweetness that once graced her angelic face transformed into anger when her father brought a new woman into his life, one who bore a child. Havrena's right to the kingdom hung precariously on the edge of a knife. Meanwhile, her brothers-Zafron, Vrennon, and Lannis-endured years of hardship in the wilderness. Despite their struggles, they were fortunate to have loyal nobles and soldiers by their side, helping them forge a new life. Outnumbered but resolute, they devised a plan to reclaim their homeland and gather their scattered people once more. This is the beginning of the tale, where the four siblings, born of feuding royalty, rise above their origins, burdened by the weight of their legacy. With determination, they embark on a quest to reclaim what was stolen.

colinnennz · Fantasy
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Cinta Yang Saling Menyakiti

"Dasar gadis jelek! Kamu pikir aku akan tersentuh dengan tindakanmu hari ini? Tidak! Aku, Zico Latuharhary Alexander tidak kekurangan gadis cantik! Dibandingkan dengan kamu, aku lebih memilih jalan bersama wanita malam. Penampilan mereka lebih baik daripada kamu! Sebaiknya kamu ngaca dan lihat dirimu sekarang! Jelek, bau badan, kutu buku, jerawatan, dan miskin lagi! Siapa yang mau menikah dengan kamu? Dasar gadis gila!" Ia menghina gadis itu didepan semua orang. Ia melepaskan cengkramannya dari rambut gadis itu. Sebelum dia pergi, ia meludahi gadis itu. Pemuda itu pergi tanpa meminta maaf. Semua orang menertawakan keadaan gadis itu. Gadis itu bangun dan pergi dari kerumunan sambil menangis. Kenangan pahit itu selalu membekas dihati Angelina. Ia tidak bisa melupakan penghinaan yang diberikan oleh pemuda itu selama sepuluh tahun terakhir. Angelina Faraditha Anand, sepuluh tahun yang lalu dia dikenal sebagai gadis cupu dan kutu buku. Namun, sepuluh tahun kemudian ia menjadi gadis cantik yang di sukai banyak pemuda. Takdir mempertemukan mereka kembali. Angelina tanpa sengaja bertemu dengan Zico ditaman Ritan Gongyuan saat ia sedang piknik bersama sahabatnya. Mereka bekerja diperusahaan yang sama. Zico, tuan muda dari keluarga Alexander. Seorang pemuda yang di idam-idamkan oleh semua wanita di Beijing. Ia mempunyai karakter yang tegas, adil, dan kejam. Mereka sering bertengkar namun berkat pertengkaran itu hubungan mereka menjadi lebih dekat. Benih-benih cinta mulai muncul dan mekar dihati mereka. Namun, hal yang tidak diinginkan terjadi. Mantan Zico , Nathalia Smith hadir ditengah-tengah mereka. Ia terus membuat keributan untuk memisahkan mereka berdua. Nathalia berkomplot dengan seseorang untuk membuat hidup Angelina hancur dan membuatnya membenci Zico untuk selamanya. Siapa sosok yang akan membantu Nathalia dalam menjalankan rencananya? Apakah Angelina mampu melewati rintangan yang akan datang? Seberapa kuat cinta antara Angelina dan Zico? Pantengin terus CYSM dan jangan bosan-bosan untuk berkomentar. terimakasih untuk dukungan kalian

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