
Chapter 7


Molly sobbed into Kevin's chest as they watched Huggins dragged into the emergency theatre. Kevin, who had stopped crying since they left home to the hospital held the most expressionles face ever. He patted Molly's head as she cried her heart out. Time elapsed and sleep finally took over the duo.

Molly jerked up suddenly about 6 am in the morning. "Where's dad?", she asked Kevin whose eyes were sullen due to lack of sleep. Without saying a word, he pointed the theater. The light indicating an ongoing surgery still shone brightly. Molly whispered a silent prayer and sat beside Kevin.

The lights finally went off after waiting for what felt like decades. Molly approached the doctor as soon as he came out. "Can we see him? Is he okay?", she asked. The main doctor looked down at Molly with deep sadness and sympathy in his eyes. He shut his eyes and took a deep breath. "You can't see him now dear.....", he sighs and signals Kevin to come closer. "Your dad.. he ....he's gone far far away and.. he's not ever going to come back. he has joined the land of the dead now. I'm sorry kids,but your dad is no more". "Wha-what......do you mean by he not returning". Molly stuttered and staggered back as she lost balance and fell to the floor. A flash back of the previous day rushed through her mind.


".....your parents....they - attempted - leaving the country, but they didn't make it to their destination....... They didn't send gifts either on your birthday dear, ...........that was all me. The picture you have in the locket, was the only picture found in their luggages after their jet crashed. investigation proved it was no accident dear....(cough cough)....they were murdered...........If i'm not able to pull through (he takes a deep breath) Manuel will be in charge of you both". "What's happening here? this is an emergency.....we're losing him, can't you see?", a doctor from a ward shouted at the nurses and Physician assistants next to Huggins. "Remember one thing...I love you both a lot. Kevin, make sure to take care of her", he managed a smile as they took his stretcher away.

One month later

A policeman entered the room, tagging behind Manuel and took a seat. "After thorough investigation,it was discovered the fire was not an accident. We assume someone did so on purpose. But it seems the person knows how to clear and fidget with forensics so there were no clues leftt behind. We'll do our best to find the culprit".

Three weeks later, Manuel took the kids out. "Where're we going?", Molly asked. He didn't answer, but kept driving until a huge building came into view. He swiped his card and the gates opened. As we drove in, "Lovely Children's Orphanage" written boldly on the building could be clearly seen. "Are you adopting a child to join us?..." Molly asked and giggled. "Please make it a boy older then me. It'd be nice to have two older boys look out for me", Molly added, but Manuel said nothing. He took out his phone and made a call.

Manuel(Ma): I'm here with the kids. Meet me at the parking lot for the necessary paper works.

Woman(W): Okay sure. I'd be there in a minute.

Not long after, an old lady approached the car. Looking at the numerous greys she had, you could say she'd be in her late sixties if not more. "hi kids" she said to the two in the car and gave the papers to Manuel. He sighed heavily as he ended the formalities and joined the kids in the car. He turned to face the backseats as he spoke. "Kids, we have to part. I'll come back for you later. I need to leave the country for an important work. I won't take long, so until I'm back, you're going to stay here with Jeenah. (He gestured toward the old lady). She's nice and she'll cater for you till I return. Be good kids." "But we didn't bring any belongings here . How will we live here then?" Molly said. "Don't worry about that. I already packed some essentials you'll need . If you need anything more, just tell Jeenah. She'll sort it out".

He got down, took out the bags he packed for them and asked them to get down too. "Okay, so I'll see you in a bit okay, take care". He says and drives off. Molly stared at the car until it left and began to sob. After over a month of acting dumb from shock, Kevin finally found his tongue. "I'm here with you Molly, don't worry. We're going to be fine. Besides he said he'll come soon" he said and hugged Molly. "Come with me", Jeenah said and they followed her into the building.


Mchenzie pulls over on a bridge over the lake and unbuckles his seatbelt immediately hovering over Molly who gets intimidated. Their faces are so close that a slight movement from either side will result in a kiss.

"Why did you do that?" Mchenzie scolds her as she shuts her eyes tightly and clutches the seat like her life depended on it

"What did I do?" She manages to say.

"Don't pretend you don't know….. cos the rules for you were clearly written on one side of your desk." He says back

"Well, I don't know what you're talking about " she says. "Really?"

She nods . He gets off her and sits then looks out...."why didn't you read?",he gives her his iPad to read the rules.

She immediately puts her hand over her mouth "sh*t!! So I'm getting suspended?"

"I'm afraid but yes,you were not supposed to visit the client in his house, first of all it's dangerous, I was worried... what if he had pounced on you and something…..?!" He said and slid his hand through his hair.

She laughs “did you just say you were worried?"

He realises and fumbles "ummmm..I'll drop you home" There's silence as he drives. They get to her hostel "Goodnight....ummm....when does my suspension end?"

"Three days from now" He says without giving her a glance and drives off.

*Mchenzie was worried *she thinks to herself and smiles.

She informs Nick about her suspension and they make plans for the next days once he's on break from work for the next one week.

Sunlight floods the room as Nick opens the curtains and she covers her head with the duvet. He tickles her and they run around the room playing pillow fight . " Go and shower.... you stink". Nick says and pushes her into the bathroom. They hold hands in the park and walk slowly, talking and laughing. " Hi" a voice call from behind them. Molly turns."Heyyyyy!". She hugs the person." How are you Pedro?" " I'm good ... such a coincidence to bump into each other. With his hands still wrapped around her waist from the hug, she asks him to join them for their walk.

Nick becomes invincible as she gets engrossed in a convo with Alexander. She doesn't even notice when he excuses himself . Mchenzie drives by and notice the duo walking and he notices Pedro's hand around Molly's waist. He makes a fist and drives off. "So Pedro... "Alex, Molly, Alex"

He interrupts. "Oh yeah right.. so what are you gonna do after the case?" He answers and they chit chat till lunch. Her stomach rumbles "Nick let's... " she realises his absence. She calls him and he comes. "Where were you" " Washroom duuuh"He says. "Okay Alex.. I'll see you around " She hugs and pecks him goodbye. Nick rolls his eyes and pulls her to go for lunch. They go to the cinema to catch a movie.

The next day, she goes out for jogging in sweats and sports bra, listening to music. She comes accros Alex and they jog alongside each other, laughing and talking. Mchenzie sees them as he jogs past them in a black joggers and hoodie. He comes to a halt and stares at them from behind, then makes a double fist as his eyebrows crease. "Sh*t!" He says under his breath. " She didn't even see me even when I took this route only to meet her" He begins to run with anger seeping through his blood.

Molly gets home and dresses up in preparation to go for lunch with Alex, forgetting her plans with Nick. Alex picks her up and Nick sees them. He shakes his head and decides to inform Mchenzie since he's her boyfriend. He texts him.

#What kind of a boyfriend are you? Leaving your girl in the hands of a weirdo ? I don't trust that guy you better do something about what's going on#

Mchenzie receives the text and smashes his phone on the floor in the office. He can't leave work because of her, so he hatched a plan. He makes a phone call as he smirks.

Molly: hey

Mc: Molly your punishment has been extended to next week Wednesday,exactly a week from today

Molly: what!why?

Mc: Are you questioning my decisions?

Molly hangs up. Alex puts his hand on hers as they sit in the eatery.

"Calm down.. it means I get to see you moore" he says and smiles. "Yeah" she says and fakes a smile even though she's not comfortable. * what if he's planning to fire me* she thinks as she walks into her room and slumps into bed.

Her phone rings as early as 6am. She drags herself outta bed. "Mchenzie?"

She furrows her brows and picks up.

She hears a woman's voice.

Woman(W): is this Molly? Mchenzie's girlfriend?

Molly(M):ummm yeah

W: kindly come over to his place.. he really needs you right now. He's in serious pain. He fainted yesterday and he’s been calling for you since he gained consciousness. Please hurry. He's refusing to eat unless he sees you.

M: what? ( she asks confused)* Mchenzie never needs anyone* she thinks

W: Molly? Molly?

M: yup! Text me the address,would you.

She gets dressed and sets off.

# I'm going to see my boss I'll be back soon #

Nick receives a text from Molly

He smiles

"At least this Alex shit is on hold.It's better she's with her boyfriend" he says to himself.