
Chapter 11


"Molly!Molly!" "Huh?" She shrugged as she got out of bed. " what's wrong?" You're late, we already had lunch and Meena ma'am will be here soon". " Meena? Whaaat?"

She screamed and run to freshen up. She had slept late fantasising about how her reunions with Kevin would be.

*Had he grown tall? I'm sure he's gotten more handsome. I can't wait to see him* were some of the thoughts running through her mind the night before.

She came out and dressed up hurriedly to meet the others not wanting to miss any sight of her best friend.

Just like two years ago? Molly watched as a bright wine CRV pulled over and Miss Meena made her way out.

As usual she exchanged pleasantries with the kids. Molly wasn't even responding, she was giddy with excitement as she watched intently at the car that once took her best friend away. When the door swung open, she stood up almost immediately and everyone wondered what was wrong with her. She clasped her hand over her now protruding chest as a man and a woman peered their heads out of the huge car. Her smile almost dropped when she realised they were not those who came for Kevin. But she had hope.

Hope that her best friend would emerge from the car sooner or later and she'd ran to hug him.

Unfortunately, her fantasies came crushing down. It didn't happen for her. Kevin didn't emerge. The man and woman came close to the kids and scanned through them like Kevin's guardians did. "We pick her" they pointed straight at her. "M-me??" she stuttered. "Yes, you there. Come here". She was reluctant but Meena's stern glare forced her legs to move. They looked at her critically and patted her head. "She's the one. We'll take her Meena". Both the man and woman said in unison flashing Molly a smile. It was just like Kevin's adoption. I knew he'd not leave me here. Molly packed up and hopped into the car.* they acted as if they know me. What if Kevin's guardians had sent them?*. She thought, and it lightened her mood. She smiled comfortingly at herself as they drove off in silence.

Do you thin me Kevin sent for Molly??

comment your thoughts.


"Aaargh" Molly stretches as she lazily gets out of bed. She slowly picks up her phone, " 7:30?? Shit". She curses and runs to the washroom to get ready for her breakfast date with Nick.

"Wow.. so after all this, she's late". Nick murmurs as he sits in the restaurant and stares bluntly at the coffee in his front as he taps the table in agitation. He checks the time and it's 20minutes past 8. " I'm sure the assh*le came for her already. I should've known. I only wanted to give her news but then....", he shrugs and gets up to leave.

" Sorry I'm late Nick. I can explain". Molly says rushing into the seat opposite him as she sees the displeasure in his eyes.

"So, explain" " Well, you see, last night I kinda slept late so I woke up late and it made me late(silence) come on, Nick you know how long it takes me to dress up. It really ain't my fault"

She says in her defence. He just looks at her bluntly.

"What's wrong Nick? Umm are you okay?"

She asks concerned as she notice how nervous he's getting. She touches the back of his palm and smiles at him assuringly. "I-I - I have something to tell you.... something I've been hiding for all these years. But before that,it's not that you going out with Pedro is not a problem to me but Molly, you're dating. (She rolls her eyes as Mchenzie's name come to mind)He's a reputable man and he seems like a good person to me even though I don't fully trust him. No one forced you to date him. You told me it was willingly, so why would you do this to him. Put his pride and feelings aside, as such popular person, all girls are all over him, but he chose you and this is what he gets in return? That is really not nice Molly. Moreover I don't even know if he heard me. He never came to see me after that day and I wonder why. You both treat your relationship like trash. If you don't want him, just tell him. Don't cheat him Molly." He looks away for a while.

After few minutes of silence, Molly remembers the guys Mckenzie spoke about and she silently prayed they never returned. Nick broke the silence," Molly, i have a fiancé and..."Molly chokes on her coffee and spills it all over "whaaaaaaaaat?You have a what?" She queries. " A fiancé, ( her bright blue eyes increase in diameter as he speaks) and I want you to meet ......"

"Meet her?" She asks breaking the silence. He bites his lips and looks down on his thighs as he taps the table anxiously. " umm.. no. I want you to meet him. Danielle, please come over"

Molly chokes again but doesn't spill this time. Instead her eyes are glued to the well built young man with brown eyes which match his hair colour, standing next to her less muscular friend. " Nice to meet you Molly. I've heard a lot about you" , the brown haired guy says offering a hand shake to Molly.

She stares at the new couple she just found out about and it hits her*Nick's been gay all this while?* she purses her lips as she stares wide eyes. Nick coughs to draw her attention. She realised the outstretched hand and takes it. She smiles through her shock as she absorbs the new information. " For how long have you guys been dating exactly?" She says amidst ingenue short half laughs.

" This is not funny Molly. He has been with me for a while now. I always wanted to tell you but I couldn't gather the courage. The moment I finally did, you never gave me the chance...always having your time with that douche." He rolls his eyes. Her laughs stop and she straightened her face. " well we've been together for 5 months now. Today's our anniversary. That's why I didn't argue with you yesterday Molly. I didn't want you and that soon to be divorcee to be the cause of my mood being off for today." He says and rolls his eyes.

"Well, I do deserve that" she says and smiles slightly. " Happy anniversary to you both I guess. I should leave you to have some time together right?" She stands and attempts to leave. "Molly!" she turns around. "Mchenzie might be annoying but he's a good guy. I know it.Just ..... don't give up on your relationship", Nick says and winks her goodbye. She winks back and leaves.

*Mckenzie Mckenzie everywhere,ugh*shes snapped out of her thoughts when her phone chirps as she sits up in bed.

#Umm.. Molly, could you come out your door now, I have a surprise for you #

Hmmm she mumbles as she gets of the comfy bed for the door knob. She sees a red bag in a basket of roses with a note hanging loosely.

"Pedro, I wander why they don't like you. First Mckenzie, and I really didn't care. And now Nick hmm" She says and she reads the note silently and carries the items inside.

"He sure did send a clothing of my taste. This guy knows what I want... damn." She says as she takes out the dress from the bag and a her lips curve into a broad smile.

" You look amazing Babes" . He says once Molly took his arm and they walked gracefully into the cafeteria for lunch. They order food and eat in silence as they steal glances from each other.

"Bzzzzzt bzzzzt bzzzzzt" Molly's phone vibrates and she looks over it. *a private number? Must be Mchenzie trying to play tricks so I'd pick up after what happened* she sits there contemplating on whether to answer or ignore. She ignores but the call comes in again and again. Fed up, she finally answers it.

M:what's it again Mr.Mchenzie?

Unknown: who's Mchenzie? Anyways I'm not interested. Now that you've picked up, listen carefully...

M: I don't have time for this Sir.

Unknown: just keep quiet and listen lady. You are to act normal and move out to your car right now without being suspicious.

M: And why should I?

Unknown: you don't really have a choice here. Because all your loved ones are in my hands. If you make any mistake, Nick is just going to blow up into pieces and that dear friend you're sitting with right now, look over his shoulders there's a red dot laser sight on his collar. I'm not sure you wanna be the cause of his death.

Molly sees the laser and her breath hitches. She takes deep breaths. And tries to maintain composure.

M:umm what do you want from me.

She says in a funny tone to avoid any suspicions from Pedro.

Unknown: Just follow the damn orders and stop asking questions. The choice is yours.

The call ends.

" I'd be right back Pedro. I wanna pick something from the car". She says and excuses herself just like she was ordered to. Upon reaching the car, she calls the number severally but it doesn't go through. Just when she's about leaving, someone covers her nose and mouth immediately and she goes unconscious.

"Where am I?" She asks upon gaining consciousness and realizing she wasn't at a familiar setting.

"Hmph"'a man sitting not far from the chair to which she's tied, chuckles and smirks. "You'll know soon............ Molly...... BILLSON."he says emphatically drags the name; BILLSON? * I haven't heard this name in like forever....H-how does he know my name?....how?*

Mchenzie walks out of Molly's hostel with the camera recording of the previous day, determined to track down those hooligans. He drives slowly towards south east, and pulls over to give him thinking space, but his attention is stolen when a group of guys drag an unconscious lady into a van. He gets down from his car and tries to get to them, but it's useless. All he does is try to memorise their number plate. He sees a lady's purse on the ground and looks through for any ID. "Molly Moon"

He reads out.*Molly?? ... come on, not again*