
Chapter five


Molly walks into the office and finds the barrier unlocked but no one present. She recollects how Mchenzie selected some files out of the lots he gave her and strictly warned her not to ever touch those he separated.

And the number one rule he gave her, was to never pry into his stuff especially his devices.

A normal Molly would really mind her business, but after strictly putting her off limits, that surely stirs up her curiosity.

She walks into the office and first thing finds is the remote of the barrier. She returns it to the wall state, which makes it appear as if there was never an office in there. She takes a deep breath, holds her locket for courage and begins to flip through the stuff on the desk.

* No file, hmmmm let me check the drawers* she thinks. She opens them and search each of them, but there are no signs of the files. She attempts to open the last one, but it's locked. The key, where could it be? If he's already at work, then it should be close by. She thought and searched everywhere she could possibly think of.

She turns around and sees his laptop.

* Wait, if he's not allowing me to touch the files, then he must be working on them himself. Or he'd give them out to someone? Naaa, I doubt he'll do the latter. If he's working on them, there should be something related to them on his pc. I'm sure of it.*

She opens the laptop and quite fortunate, she typed the name of the law firm as the password and it worked. "Wow, I'm a genius" she says to herself and begins looking for any file with the number 619. That's the only thing she saw on the files the last time she saw them. She opens a folder and she hears footsteps approaching the wall. "Damn it" she says through her teeth and tries to be fast. She ends up opening another file by mistake and what she sees, makes her stupefied. She freezes instantly, wide eyed.

McKenzie opens the door and sees her with his laptop open and everything else scattered around in a mess. He fumes up immediately. "The f*ck! Did I not ask you to stay away from my business and stuff?!" He scolds, but she doesn't move or spare him a glance. Her eyes remain glued to the screen before her.

" Molly Moon, I'm asking you a question. Have you gone deaf again?" He shouts and still no response. *Did she find the documents? No she might try to do something about it and....."

"Aarh....aahn...aaaaah!" Sounds of moaning, interferes with his thoughts, jerking him back to reality.

* What the f*ck?moans? What the heck is going on here?* He thinks as he moves behind Molly to see what's got her numb. *Come on* . On the screen, he sees a man and a woman, totally exposed without any piece of clothing. Not even underwears, engrossed in an intense activity in an awkward position.

He shuts the laptop immediately, snapping Molly out of her daze. He touches her and he sees the goosebumps washed all over her. "I'm sorry sir, this will never ha-happen a-a-again" she stutters and walks off face red with embarrassment to her office like a robot sent to execute a mission.

*What's wrong with her? Is she sick or something? I hope she didn't find anything here. He checks the last drawer and its locked. He puts his hand through the seam of the sofa arms and finds the key. He opens the drawers to cross check. Sure enough that everything was okay, he goes over to Molly's side of the office and finds her staring into space blankly. He looks at her arms and realises the goosebumps are still there.

"Molly?...Molly?" He called out, but she seemed to be lost in her own world. He walks till he's in front of her and snaps his fingers in her face. She shakes up a bit " yes sir, what do you need?" she says, standing up.

" What is wrong with you. " He questions. "Nothing sir, I'm okay". She says back and feigns an awkward smile.

"Sit down." He orders and she obeys surprisingly without a fight. " What is freaking you out? Did anyone harass you?" She stays quiet. McKenzie begins to lose patience. "I am fucking talking to you here lady! And I want answers. Stop staring like some doll and answer my questions damn it. No one ever makes me repeat myself and you shouldn't be the one to start that dear. For the last time, .......What Is Wrong With You!!!!" He screams and punches the side of the head rest of the sofa, close to Molly's head. " I- I have never seen anyone nude. This is the first time I have seen someone nude and that tooo ……couldn’t get any worse than in the act of sex….?”she speaks so fast and silence looms over the room as soon as she ends.

" Is that it?" McKenzie asks and she nods. He begins to laugh mockingly. " Seriously? What kinda teenage life did you have? You never made friends? This is your first time watching a porn? What the heck?…….. You're messed up" He says and turns to return to his office. "Come for instructions on what to do with the next case. Silly girl" he says.

Molly remains moody throughout the day, as the images she saw keep lingering in her thoughts.

"Porn, it's so nasty. Geez, how do people keep watching that. Even he watches that too? Pathetic, and here I was thinking so highly of him" she mumbles to herself as she eats her lunch. Bit by bit, she finishes up the burger, papaya salad, apple pie, banana smoothie and a cup of noodles. After eating, she smiles to herself rather awkwardy.

*food indeed is the best in the world. See how it just made me happy. If food ain't your favourite stuff in this world, I don't what you doing here......Food is freedom, food is everything* she thinks and goes back to the office more energetic than ever, as if she had just been recharged.

McKenzie watching from afar only smirks at her attitude. "So much food for that body of hers hmph. None of my business anyway." He mumbles and gets to work.

As soon as work is over, McKenzie asks her why she hadn't texted her address. "I forgot" she said as calmly as ever and began to walk toward the door. McKenzie grabs her by the hand and pulls her back, causing her to fall face first in his chest. She looks into his eyes, " No one gets to walk out on me Missy. I started the convo, so until I declare it over, you have no right to move" . He says coldly and leaves her hand. " Okay, what else have you got to say". " I'm taking you home to see where you live if our neighbourhood wasn’t close by…how’d I have picked you up today? I cannot afford another excuse of forgetfulness . My mother has pestered me enough already. So, shall we?" McKenzie says with a smirk. "Ugh! "Molly says and follows him shortly.

Upon dropping Molly, McKenzie got down as well and came around to give her a hug, which took her by surprise. Before she could analyze the situation, McKenzie bent to her ears, " Don't get swayed in just one hug dear. There might be paparazzis around so anytime we out out we can't afford a minute of not being all lovey dovey" he whispers to her and she nods against his shoulder.

"Molly? What's going on here? " A distant voice Molly is familiar with says as he approaches the the duo. " She's my girlfriend". McKenzie says before Molly could utter a word. He kisses her forehead. "Good night Molly" he says and leaves. " I do deserve an explanation, don't I?" Nick says. "Well yeah" On their way to their rooms in the hostel, Molly tells Nick the cooked up proposal story she made up with McKenzie. "Are you sure you're okay with this Molly? If not, I could tell him on your behalf." Nick says in a concerned tone. "I'm fine Nick, he makes me happy." she says and forces a smile. " Okay, if you're happy, then I'm happy." Nick says and wishes her goodnight.

Nick and Molly live opposite each other and Nick happens to be the only close and trusted friend Molly had made for the past one year in NYC.

He played a major role in helping her secure a job.

* Wow, Molly after all he's done for you, you lie to him to save the same job he helped you get?? How selfish. It's not like I have any other choice. I hope he never gets to know* Molly thinks as she sails across the sea of sleep with a ship dreams .

In just a week, Molly and McKenzie's fake relationship, makes it to the talk of the town. Pictures of them in intimate poses everywhere. McKenzie felt satisfied. All he needed now was for his mother to notice.

Apart from within the four cornered room they share as an office, Molly and McKenzie go everywhere together, hand in hand.

Nick plays the role of observing as he marvels at this new relationship Molly has gotten in to.

Hmmm he mumbles as he watches the two engrossed in an intimate hug in front of the hostel. She pecks him goodnight and walks into the hostel smiling absurdly. * I don't want to believe Molly's actually falling for that flirt. Gosh, Molly *