
Chapter One


"You're it"

Molly said as she tapped Kevin and ran swiftly toward the door, making funny faces. The two kids ran around the house, creating a lot of cacophony and switching from game to game. Amidst the fun, Molly ran into Huggins, who carried her immediately and patted her head continuously as if trying to silence a crying baby. Huggins took out his handkerchief and wiped his tears, trying to hide his tears from the kids. Molly and Kevin stare at him confused.

" where's mom and dad uncle Huggins?"

Molly said and looked at him innocently.

"Well, you'll be staying with us from now onwards. Mom and dad have been called urgently for a vey important assignment"


Molly beamed with a smile as she jumped into his laps and gave him two pecks on his cheeks and tried to use her tiny hands to curve his lips into a smile. She dropped off his lap and went in for a hug from her best friend. Who was so happy that his best friend was going to stay with him.

"Let's go, Molly, we need to fix my room up for two" Kevin said.

"When will mom and dad return? Will they live here too?" Molly asked Huggins. He lost control and she's tears like a baby but managed to say through his tears, "I don't really know when they'll return but for now, you're my responsibility"

"Can I call them?"

"Right now? No, maybe in a week's time".

She put on a long face and joined Kevin who was busy re-arranging the room to suit them both.

"You want the grey bedsheets and covers?"

After no response he touched her shoulder and she jumped

"Aaah! Why'd you scare me like that"

"Sorry, why do you look worried?"

" I don't know................... why can't mum and dad speak to me till next week? I miss them already."

"Don't worry, dad and I are here for you"he said and hugged her. A weird sound interrupts their hug.

"What was that?" Kevin asked as he stared down at her. With a squeezed face, she slowly replied, "Actually-it's- my-tummy. I'm really hungry ".

"Hahaha" he laughed and pulled her along to the kitchen.

"You've got a large appetite, isn't that too much?"he teased her.

" how's this too much? It might not even satisfy me" she says with a frown.

From seconds to minutes to hours to days and weeks, and still no message from Molly's parents.

riiiiiiiing riiiiiing riiiiiing "I'll be right there" Huggins answered and opened the door for the kids.

He opened his arms for an embrace and only Kevin hugs him while Molly walks past them with a pouted mouth and a deadly frown.

" what's up with her Kev? Did you guys have a quarrel?"

"Not at all dad I really don't know. She's been pissed the whole day and hasn't really spoken much. I'm worried dad. Hope she's gonna be okay"

They both stare at her in confusion till she slams the door .


After what seemed like eternity, the elevator comes to a stop. Molly holds onto her necklace and takes a deep breath. Following the directions of the secretary, she finds her office and hesitates before swiping her new working I.D on the scanner. As usual her mouth hangs open upon seeing the cabin. This was just like the dream office she always wanted since childhood, with everything in different shades of grey. After pinching herself to kick herself into reality, she sits on her chair and rotates on it, inhaling deeply the wonderful scent of the office.

" Life can be weird at times. I never thought dreams could become a reality" she says and smiles.

She stands and walks, slowly touching the items in the office.

beep beep beep beep beep beep the sound fills the room and she turns in attempt to find its source.

The wall that is supposed to end her office suddenly becomes a transparent glass and the sound stops.

She sees a man sitting with his back facing her and holding out a remote in his hand. She goes close to the glass, trying to figure out a way in but she sees no knob or handle to pull. She knocks the glass and screams

" open up! Please!" .

The man in the chair watches her from his mobile as she goes up and down the door trying to find its opening and he smirks.

"Hey! Yo! Open up !" She says and bangs the glass.

He gets fed up and presses a button on the remote. The glass opens and she stumbles in almost losing balance again. The man giggles. She stands up properly and she sees the the name on the desk boldly written.

"Mr.Mchenzie?" She says and the man turns around.

"You?" She says as she sees the face of the man she had an encounter with earlier on.

"What are you doing here? I see you were not satisfied with what you did earlier right?(scoffs). I'll make sure the boss hears about your deeds and serves you an antidote. Did you have to stoop so low to pick on me again? Ha! Pretending to be my boss?"

As soon as she ends the statement, a lady walks in holding a polished black suit.

"Mchenzie sir, your suit is ready for the day, you can jump into it and start work." The lady says and bows to show respect.

"What happened Parrot? the cat got your tongue? ( smirks)" he walks up to her and whispers into her ear,

"Are you dumb now?"he walks away. Leaving Molly standing there in shock.

"Damn, he's my boss?"