
Wayfarer — Multiverse

I DONT OWN ANYTHING EXCEPT MY OC(S) Genderbent?! Female MC?! Another story to read in the midst of boredom?! Well, welcome to yet another story. One about a young bastard, trying to find their place in the world amongst a war for a throne that had brought both some of the darkest of times, and some of the most prosperous of times to Westeros. With not a lick of royal blood, and no ambition for the Iron Throne where will this story lead…?

White_Dog · TV
Not enough ratings
29 Chs



Where do you think Helena stands in 'Naruto'?

Civilian —

Genin —

Chunin —

Jounin —

Semi-Kage —

Kage —

Super-Kage —

Personally, with Helena’s current status I believe she would be between Chunin and Jounin, but lacking the jutsu Chakra Control, and Knowledge to actually be capable of contending against most experienced Chunin.

Mostly due to the fact that Helena lacks the needed ability to counter Body—Flicker Jutsu. Her reaction speed allows Helena to deal with what she can see, as shown in the previous chapter where she managed to catch the glint of steel despite being incapable of following the Root Ninja with her perception.

White_Dogcreators' thoughts