
Wayfarer — Multiverse

I DONT OWN ANYTHING EXCEPT MY OC(S) Genderbent?! Female MC?! Another story to read in the midst of boredom?! Well, welcome to yet another story. One about a young bastard, trying to find their place in the world amongst a war for a throne that had brought both some of the darkest of times, and some of the most prosperous of times to Westeros. With not a lick of royal blood, and no ambition for the Iron Throne where will this story lead…?

White_Dog · TV
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29 Chs

A Mother’s Pain

"My strength is what gives MY child choice… The fact that none of the pests in this castle dare not offend me because they think that they can not afford to… That I'll kill off their men in the Training Yard, in front of all the present men—at—arms, and simply call a Trial by Combat. I don't care for the consequences, for they will not find me for as long as I can still fight… I've experienced pain, that of childbirth was among the worst. For nearly three days I pushed, screamed, and strained my body and mind, yet that wasn't what was difficult. I've gone sleepless nights for as long as I was born, I have exhausted myself over and over again as my thoughts ravaged my mind. I've been cut, trampled, and beaten just as much as any of the men who've sworn to guard you, Lady Martell. I've tasted the regret, misery, and decay of death—" Helena had grown beyond uncomfortably close, and throughout her words she hadn't blinked throse crazed blue eyes once, "—to the point that it no longer registers…" A pause was brought to the Queen's words "Do you know what that means, Lady Martell…?"

Evelyn couldn't find her breath, let alone words to reply, her mind a torrent that threatened to overwhelm her… The world began to darken, but those blue eyes were a constant…

"I feel no death in this castle… It'd take them all to kill me… Or so my arrogance says…" The Queen's gaze fell to the young boy lying next to Evelyn's daughter, Ser Lannister looked over them with a smile as he allowed them rest before the next session of combat. "Yet, MY child is weak… Not a fault of his own, he's simply not had enough time to grow, but soon he'll outgrow my overbearing sight… Do you know how terrifying that is…?" A long pause, and the moment before Evelyn found her courage, Helena continued.

"What am I asking, of course you do… You have a child of your own after all…"

Silence was all that followed, as the Queen settled in next to Evelyn's frozen frame, the Dornish Princess forgetting about the hundred men she had brought with her… Even if she had intentions on attempting anything foul, it was now cemented in her mind that Helena would have her due…


"Sorry," Sullivan spoke through heavy breaths, "I know Mother can be scary, but she is actually really nice."

Laenah could talk, too busy trying to catch her breath. While Ser Lannister gave a light laugh, "Her Majesty is a difficult person to begin to grasp, she speaks simply and isn't one for much conversation unless it's about her favorite child—"

"I'm the only child," Sullivan's eyes became a poor imitation of the sharpness his mother could produce, "—but Her Grace is a wonderful sparring partner, a great blacksmith, and an experienced tailor. There is much to learn from the Queen, and the Crown Prince is the one burdened with the brunt of it all but" Ser Lannister continued before Sullivan can misunderstand his words and make his next spar turn into the Seven Hells, "She's a greater Mother than she is Queen; something I no doubt will be reprimanded for saying, but she's a Queen I'm more than happy to serve, and I look forward to seeing you bear the crown when I'm as old as Ser Barristan."

"Unless Mother kills Father…"

Jamie laughed, hiding the fact that he worried about the same thing… Yet, for different reasons… He feared the day the Queen returned to the King's chambers, Jamie doubted the King would survive it a second time.

Laenah couldn't care anymore, she was too exhausted and beaten… It was worse than Uncle Oberyn's training… Why were these people so vicious?!

She couldn't help but take another look at Sullivan, seeing that he was capable of sitting up after a quarter day of being beaten by the Kingslayer with a leather 'thing'.

Wait?! Was he standing up?! Again!?


As the Sun began to fall from its peak, Helena brought Sullivan to the Inner Bailey forge so that he may finish his bronze sword, with only a handle needed crafting as she had him forge the crossguard first, and the sharpening of the blade itself once it is quenched it shouldn't take him any longer than the daylight left in the sky. 

Alongside the Queen and Crown Prince were both Ser Lannister and Ser Barristan, and two knights under the employ of Lady Martell escorting their Lady, and Little Lady. 

Helena was dressed in a mixture of linen and cotton with a heavy leather apron draped around her front, as a wooden pick held her hair in a tight bun. As they approached the forge the other blacksmiths didn't even turn away from their work, knowing that they only received the cold look of their Queen as she took Blacksmith far too seriously…

"Sully, make sure to keep the heat even and your forge hot… Slow, steady—Yeah, just like that…" Helena took a slow step back, allowing Sullivan to focus on the task at hand, her perception never catching Ser Barristan sharing a few words with those who had followed along, getting a round of understanding nods… After that, none said a word and only the sound of the forged, and blacksmith's hammering steel could be heard. For a number of hours, Helena stood there periodically dousing her hair with water a habit her son had taken as well as he could be doing much the same as he meticulously ground away at the crossguard with a coarse metal file, occasionally switching to a square of leather to wipe away the shaving before attempting to fit it upon the hilt of the bronze sword…

Laenah watched with an enraptured gaze as she followed Sullivan's hands, finding what he was doing to be much more entertaining than sewing, yet it was the intense focus on his face, the slow meticulously rhythms his hands found, and the unwavering smile upon his face. The very same smile he held in the face of the terrible demon that was the Kingslayer when training, it seemed to hold all the confidence that he would not fail, would not fall, would not cower… He felt far stronger than he looked in moments like those…

Perhaps, this was a marriage she wouldn't refuse…

Unfortunately, Laenah's opinion didn't matter.


[5 Moons Later | 7th Moon | 289 A.C]

Helena snapped into wakefulness as she heard the door creak open, just barely managing to catch sight of a youth leaving from the dim torchlight in the halls of the castle. 

Had… Had Sullivan just sneaked out…? An odd mixture of pain and pride welled in her chest, as she praised the boy for not waking her when he slipped from bed, yet the pain of the realization that he had grown had torn away at her heart… It seems he also worked out a deal with Ser Lannister, who was on duty tonight.

For many moments Helena just sat there, staring at the door, internally debating how she should handle this situation as shadowed memories of her Father and Mother sneaking out washed through her mind…

Eventually she chose to wait for his return, despite the worry that filled her mind.


Sullivan couldn't calm his pounding heart as he moved further and further away from his slumbering mother… A budding guilt and regret began to build in his mind, as he cast a glance backwards momentarily debating whether he should return…

Yet, he didn't… Sullivan continued to slowly make his way through the halls with creeping steps, intent on finding his partner for this crime in the gardens. However, his mind rampaged with questions, of why he allowed himself to be convinced, of whether it would be worth it—

Oh, poor Jamie, Sullivan couldn't help but cringe as he remembered what the Kingsguard had done for him… and the consequences that would find the Kingsguard…

Sullivan froze… Mother wouldn't kill him right…? 'I hope not…' 

Ser Jamie was probably the coolest Kingsguard, and was the easiest to get along with… Not that Ser Barristan was boring or anything, he was just old and didn't always understand, though his stories were the best. 

It hadn't taken long for Sullivan to reach the gardens and find Laenah who was waiting within… Though he froze when he saw her state of dress. A thin silken shift was all that protected her body from the cool night breeze, while Sullivan had painstakingly hidden a set of clothes a week before this fateful night in preparation.

A wetness began to stick to his palms, as he found his mouth starting to go dry with nerves that only grew worse as Laenah turned her smile barely visible through the torchlight as his heart pounded in his chest…

What was that…?! Why was his heart beating so fast?! Why was his eyes locked onto Laenah… What was he seeing that was different…?! It wasn't as if he was seeing a woman's body, so what was he so drawn to…?!

Little did Sullivan know, this would be the start of a reciprocation… Nor did he know how to react when a pair of lips found his under the moonlight…

Yet, neither knew how to react when they were found slumbering in the Gardens holding each other's bodies for warmth by the Queen, who's cold gaze could freeze Dorne twice over…


[3 Weeks Later]

"Mother, why do I have to do this…?"

"It is your punishment for sneaking out," The Queen replied simply, as she dully watched Sullivan who had been brought to work as Theobald's assistant. The worst thing she could conjure in her mind as a punishment for her darling boy… The worthless maester was all too happy to put Sullivan to work organizing books, and Helena did something she would have never expected a moon ago… She left Sullivan behind as she moved through the castle, leaving Ser Barristan with him as she brought Ser Lannister limping form to the Lower Yard. Where an assortment of Men—At—Arms either trained or chatted amongst their groups. 

Helena wanted a brawl, her hands began to itch as she stepped towards the nearest man bearing the colors of House Martell, ignoring the numerous gazes that lingered on her form as Ser Lannister lingered behind…


"My lady, you must come! The Queen, she has gone mad!" Evelyn snapped to her feet at the bloodied Men—At—Arms practically burst into her chambers, Laenah who had been practicing her needlework on the side had wide worried filled eyes as quickly followed her mother, as they made their way to the Lower Yard…

Bodies laid strewn about, each and everyone groaning and moaning clutching various parts of their body as they heard a shout, "COME! RISE TO YOUR FEET, AND COME!"

There in the center of the yard, stood the Queen in a bloodied and ripped dress, her arms and hands dripping blood onto the loose soil as a Dornish man—at—arms found his feet and charged forward. Evelyn was about to call out, but Ser Lannister placed a hand upon her shoulder and shook his head as the Queen's fist slammed into the man's chainmail with dull wet thuds, the men curled over from the strike as the Queens hands clasped the back of his head as she drove a knee into his face causing the man to fall limp as she released her hold…

The Queen turned, a wide bloodied toothy smile upon her face as those piercing blue eyes found them, and she spread her arms wide, "Come, Kingslayer! I've yet to have my fill!"

Evelyn heard the man sigh before he unstrapped the sword from his waist, and handed it to her, "It won't take long…"

Though, the Dornish Princess had misunderstood his words as he charged forward in full armor, and Laenah gasped as the Queen met his charge head on… Only for the Queen to turn her foot a mere step away from meeting the Kingsguard, her leg snapping high and slapping against Ser Lannister's hastily risen guard, forcing him to crumple to the side. The Queen pressed her advantage after she righted her footing, hooking her arms around the waist of Ser Jamie, before lifting him from the ground… 

Evelyn couldn't help but watch with widened eyes as the Queen lifted the man despite his plate armor, then slammed him into the dirt with a grunt of exertion… Only to pummel his grounded form with a flurry of blows that impacted metal the same as they didn't flesh… Without care…

"Haah… Haah…" The Queen slowly rose to her feet, her bloodied arms slack at her side as she stared down at the coughing Kingsguard at her feet, her voice washed over the groans and moans of the surroundings, the men present having learned that should they stand the 'Demon Queen' would be upon them… "You managed to stay awake."

The Kingsguard gave a painful laugh, "Still feel like shit though…"

"Aye," Helena nodded, as she stepped back allowing the man to rise to his feet yet he continued to lay there as Helena inspected her arms, finding a finger bent the wrong way, but it was a simple fix. Turning around she found Lady Martell and Little Lady Martell watching her with wide eyes, and Helena took steps towards them eventually coming to crouch before Laenah roughly grabbed the youth's chin forcing Laenah to look into Helena's eyes, "This… This is what will happen to you and your family if you dare to hurt MY child… Remember, all these men couldn't stop when I am without a weapon, if my child is hurt because of you I will not be coming unarmed…"

Releasing the child, Helena rose to her feet ignoring the bloody prints upon the girl's rapidly paling face, before casting a gaze towards Evelyn, "You'll do well to remember the scene before you, and may you hope you never see it again."


[1 Week Later | 8th Moon | 289 A.C.]

As nightfell have the castle, Sullivan snuck from his room and quickly made his way to the gardens, and soon found Laenah staring up at the moon. Quietly, Sullivan settled down in the bench next to the very person he had shared a few nights with out in these very gardens, and turned his gaze up to watch the stars in silence. Only for it to be broken by little more than a whisper from his companion, "Your Mother is terrifying…"

"I know," Sullivan gave a faint nod alongside his words in reply, "The Guards avoid her as if she is the plague, the servants are too scared to even spread rumors, and what nobles stay in the castle rarely even come to this section of the castle in fear that they'll run into Mother. What maids do come to this section of the castle run away at first sight, and those that don't have yet to return… I don't think Mother kills them, but it's hard to tell sometimes…"

A weight slowly fell upon his shoulder as Laenah spoke once more, "You'll protect me from her right…?"

Sullivan was silent for a few long moments, before a sigh left his lips, "Mother threatened you…"

Laenah gave a weak nod, and Sullivan continued, "I won't be able to protect you, Mother may listen to me but it would only delay her ire until she remembers it once more…"

Like so… A relationship began to bloom, as Sullivan wrapped his arms around Laenah and pulled her close…


(A/NStats -

Main Level: 55  - 

 • Basic Special Knowledge [Indepth First Aid]

 • Synthetic Mutation [False Immortal's Brew]

Strength: 18    [|||||||||||————] -

 • Greater Knowledge [Leverage]


Agility: 17       [||||——————] -

  • Basic Knowledge [Breathing]

  • Moderate Knowledge [Flexibility] 

Vitality: 20      [|||||||||||||||||||||||—] -

 • Basic Uncommon Illness Resistance

 • Heightened Physique

 • Minor Poison Resistance

  Combat -

Defense: 10             [||||||||||||———--] -

 • Moderate Knowledge [Parry]

Warfare: 5              [||||||||———-——] -

 • Basic Knowledge [One V. Many]

Axe: 10                   [|||||||||—————] -

 • Moderate Knowledge [Edge Alignment]

Bow: 2                    [||||——————] +

Hammer/Mace: 6    [||||||||||————-] -

Spear: 4                 [||||||||||||||||||||||—-] +

Sword: 7                 [|||||||||||————] -

 • Basic Knowledge [Edge Alignment]

Unarmed: 17            [||||||———-——] -

  • Greater Knowledge [Stance]

  Skills -

Alchemy: 14         [||||——————] -

 • Basic Knowledge [Natural Remedies]

 • Basic Knowledge [Distilled Remedies]

Blacksmithing: 15 [|||||||||-————] -

 • Moderate Knowledge [Iron] -> [Steel]

 • Special Basic Knowledge [Damascus]

Bowery: 0           [———————] +

Carpentry: 8      [|||||||||-——-——] -

 • Basic Knowledge [Rough Building]

Drinking: 5         [|||||||||||||—-——] -

  • Tempered Gut

Herbalism: 14       [|||———-——-] +

 • Moderate Herbology Knowledge [Riverlands]

 • Meticulous Picker

Horsemanship: 2 [|||——————] +

Houndmaster: 0  [———————] +

Hunting: 3           [||||——————] +

Lockpicking: 0    [———————] +

Maintenance: 19  [|||||||||||||||||——] -

 • Basic Knowledge [Tools]

 • Basic Knowledge [Weapons]

 • Basic Knowledge [Armor]

Pickpocketing: 0 [———————] +

Reading: 29        [|||||||||||||||||||——] -

 • Greater Westerosi Language 

 • Moderate Calligraphy

 • Mindless Reader

Tailoring: 12          [||||||||||||||——-] -

 • Basic Knowledge [Linen]

 • Basic Knowledge [Leather]

Stealth: 12            [|||||||—————] -

 • Basic Habit [Light Footed]

 • Basic Knowledge [Camouflage]

Total Level: 249

[Minor Poison Resistance - Your body has come to possess a Basic Preparation against most basic/common types of Poison, and a Minor Preparation against complex/uncommon types of poison.]

[Moderate Knowledge (Parry) - Your body has come to develop a Moderate Understanding of how to parry blows, a Basic Understanding of the optimal time to do so, and a Minor Understanding of the process of Riposte.]

[Basic Knowledge (One V. Many) - Through your own actions, and the Shadowed Memories of those who have Ascend led, you have come to develop a Basic Understanding of combating numerous combatants alone, overdrawing your mind to increase your perception in moments when you're Outnumbered.]

[Basic Knowledge (Distilled Remedies) - You have come to possess a Basic Understanding of how to develop more complex remedies, and a Minor Understanding of developing more complex poisons]

[Basic Knowledge (Leather) - You have come to possess a Basic Understanding of how to Tailor/Repair an assortment of different types of Leather, a Greater Understanding of how to incorporate Linen, Cotton, and Silk, and a Minor Understanding of how to incorporate Chainmail into that which you Tailor]

[Basic Habit (Light Footed) - Through the desire and repeated attempts, you have developed a habit of keeping your steps shallow and quiet as you sought to be able to live about while not disturbing your child's slumber.]

[Basic Knowledge (Camouflage) - Your mind has come to learn a basic understanding of the Art of Camouflage, and a minor understanding of Camouflage for Woodland, Plains, and Snowy Biomes.]


(A/N: [27?? Words] Just to make it clear since the Status was already growing quite long with all the Skill Descriptions, when a Skill is Upgraded [Minor - Basic - Moderate - Greater] the Understanding 'gained through the skill' is upgraded an equal amount of 'Levels'. A Minor will become Basic. A Basic will become Moderate and so on, so that I don't have to type out repeating Skill Descriptions. 

Not sure if the next chapter will be released as quickly as this one…

Anyways, until next time,

