
Wayfarer — Multiverse

I DONT OWN ANYTHING EXCEPT MY OC(S) Genderbent?! Female MC?! Another story to read in the midst of boredom?! Well, welcome to yet another story. One about a young bastard, trying to find their place in the world amongst a war for a throne that had brought both some of the darkest of times, and some of the most prosperous of times to Westeros. With not a lick of royal blood, and no ambition for the Iron Throne where will this story lead…?

White_Dog · TV
Not enough ratings
30 Chs

‘An Enemy—‘

Robert laid in a large tent, with Helena at his side, her nude figure currently being devoured by his gaze as she closed the final few links of a chainmail dress. A chest filled with fabrics laid at the edge of the tent, with an assortment of wooden figures bearing the same measurements as their children, one of Helena's own measurements and one of Roberts.

Helena rose to her feet, allowing Robert a long hungry look at the flower between her long toned legs, as she draped the chainmail dress over her own wooden figure, marking a few places with charcoal where she'd need to add a few links or take a few away to have it flow against her body. 

It wouldn't be the first armored dress Helena had made, and it would be far from the last… As his Queen had started with Sullivan's own armored regal attire once she had brought the finalized idea into reality. It had become all the rage with the Red Keep's seamstresses and blacksmiths…

Robert was practically drooling as he watched Helena work, his gaze followed the sway of her long braid, the tensing of the muscles in her legs, the rippling of her bountiful rear, and was occasionally blessed with a wonderful sight as Helena bent at the waist… Robert had no issues moving about to room, to keep a clear sight of his Queen's rear… To say he was smitten would be a massive understatement…

The Queen was perhaps the cleanest woman in the Seven Kingdoms after all, having spent moons with Theobald research different types of soaps, to the point that the Queen's own skin was softer than a babes if one looked past the callous and scars that marred her arms and legs… 

As exhaustion began to take Robert, as he was incapable of keeping up with Helena's seemingly boundless energy, he allowed sleep to take him after Helena settled back down at his side… Snuggling up next to her King, allowing his large arms to hold her close…

Helena could only close her eyes, knowing that it was going to be a sleepless night, but she was comfortable… Robert was quite the wonderful pillow, and he never seemed to complain about his arm going numb, as Helena's Father once had when he and Mother would share a bed of hay far from their parents; Helena's grandparents, prying eyes…

It hadn't taken long for Robert to find a position he found comfortable, a hand upon her breast and his member between her warm thighs. Her King's breath tickled against her nape, as she blankly stared off into the darkness, her mind a torrent of thought that she put no effort into leashing, allowing it to run rampant through her mind, until sleep eventually took her as her mind ran itself to exhaustion…

For once, a sleepless night, wasn't so sleepless… Though it didn't last for long as Helena awoke before first light, and she was quick to gently free herself from HER king's clutches taking extra care not to wake him as she rose to stretch, only to come to a halt as a figure was stood—

"Mommy…" Helena's mind instantly came to a slow, her first instinct had been to drive her axe into whomever's skull had been washed away by the soft whine, as Helena took a breath, her eyes adjusting to the darkness, "What is it my dear…?"

"Nightmare…" Brandon's voice was deep for his age, but incredibly soft upon the ears.

Helena spread her arms, offering her child the solace of a Mother's warmth, as a gentle tune began to vibrant her lips slowly soothing her child back to sleep, wishing that she could fend off whatever nightmare dared to upset her baby boy…

It hadn't taken long for the sun to rise, and Robert to be awoken by the light filtering through the tent, his Queen no longer in his embrace, but not far as she was curled up around his youngest son. As Robert stirred, Helena cast a glance over her shoulder finding HER husband to be pulling up a pair of breeches, turning her attention away Helena settled once more to keep the nightmares from plaguing her precious child…

Her thoughts transitioned to a cuddle pile with all her children and Helena was immediately convinced. She would make such a thing happen, and not even the Gods could stop her… Or, so Helena had convinced herself…

She'd drag Laenah along so that Sullivan didn't have a reason to sneak off…

Slowly, the plan began to come together…


Helena's fingers dexterously weaved a series of braids into her beautiful daughter's hair, as the girl sat there with conflicting thoughts drowning her eyes. Helena didn't say a word, simply allowing HER brillant, beautiful, and amazing daughter to work through her thoughts. No matter what conclusion the young girl came to, Helena was her mother, and Helena would rather kill the Gods than have her Motherly love refused…

Brandon leaned against Helena's side, while Sullivan and Laenah playfully fed each other with loving gazes, absolutely smitten with each other… Moments like these caused Helena's heart to swell with adoration, as she watched her precious little boy grow into his own man… Though he'd always be Helena's precious little boy, no number of years could ever change that…

As Helena's fingers slowed, and the braids wrapped up into a bun atop the young girl's hair, Helena pulled the wooden pin from her own bun to secure HER daughter's hair. It's light wood color having long been stained with the blood of a midwife, now perfectly set within Helena's beautiful daughter's red tinted brunette locks. 

Draping her arms around HER child's shoulders, Helena gently blew into the girl's ear pulling the youth's attention away from her thoughts, a whisper flowing after the breath, "Worry less, my brilliant child. You are here now, the past holds no sway over you as long as you wish it so… It is simply a memory, there is no need to relive it… Remember, my sweet child, that I will always love you, nurture you, and fight for you…"

The youth tensed, her body stiff as Helena slowly pulled away leaving HER daughter with her own thoughts once more, while the young girl slowly turned her head to find Helena guiding Brandon off towards Sullivan and Laenah…

Yet, for once the young girl's mind was clear of conflicting thoughts, if only for a few moments…

As a single question filled her mind… How did Mother know…?

Followed by the next… How much did Mother know…?

Followed by the final question that divided her thoughts once more… What was she to do now…?


Sullivan wiped the whipped egg from HIS betrothed's lips, his smile widening as a flustering heat found her face as she lightly smacked his knee, her voice calling his name with a playful pout that brought him to place his forehead against hers and close his eyes as his smile softened, a breath slipping from his lips as he pulled back finding Laenah seemingly not enthused, but picking at her fingers all the same as she softly chided, "Not in front of your Father…"

Sullivan eyed his betrothed for a long moment, before swiftly planting a gentle peck upon her cheek and rising to his feet, offering a hand to Laenah, "Come, let's find ourselves a wagon where we won't be interrupted, and help ourselves to a nap."

Laenah only smiled as she locked arms with Sullivan, leaning her head against his broad shoulder as he led the way… Unaware of the Queen who was watching them, whilst Brandon helped himself to the snacks they left behind. Helena gestured to a servant, informing them that she would gather everything when Brandon was finished.

 As for Sullivan and Laenah…? Laenah shared a few chaste kisses, before settling into his arms intent on making the most of the nap before her darling was pulled away by his Mother for training…


"Mom…" Helena's attention was immediately pulled away from a sheet of parchment, as her brilliant baby girl tugged on her sleeve, setting literally everything aside as whatever Helena had been doing before was shoved out of her mind. Helena's full focus fell upon HER little girl, as she looked up at Helena with swollen eyes, her cheeks stained with tears…

A rage simmered beneath the surface, as Helena internally roared out a vow to utterly destroy whomever had made HER baby girl cry…

"I had a nightmare…"

Helena's rage was quickly smothered, but continued to simmer as she took HER baby girl into her arms and rested her chin atop the youth's head, a gentle soothing tune vibrating her lips as she held the girl close. 

Swearing that one day, she'll slaughter all their nightmares, for daring to make HER precious children cry… Helena was determined. Helena didn't care about the impossibility of such a thing… 

Thus, the steady, reliable mountain that was the young girl's Mother scared away the nightmares… Whether it was an effect of supernatural phenomena, or simply a thing of the mind… The young girl cared naught, for she sank into the incredible warmth and comfort her Mother provided…


Sullivan heaved as the surrounding crowd drew a sharp breath, at the devastating blow Helena had just bestowed upon HER son… Her mighty fist sank into his stomach, as spittle flew from his lips and Sullivan remained standing with sheer determination, as Helena spoke, "Your guard has crumbled!"

Her hand touched upon his neck as she continued, he hadn't even seen her hand move, "Your blocking your sight with your hands, you don't need to keep them so high—" Sullivan ducked side stepped in an attempt to circle around his Mother's fist once more, but it slammed into his chainmail all the same knocking the wind from his chest as he winced in an attempt to keep his guard up in the midst of a backpedal to gain a moment to gather himself…

Yet, unsurprisingly his Mother advanced, ever unrelenting as she placed a weighty front kick against his guard that sent him stumbling backwards onto his rear… Yet, it was not over, "An enemy won't care for honor!"

Helena roared as she pounced onto his downed frame, a flurry of weighty blows, that lacked the full weight of their impacts… Helena wasn't trying to actually injure her precious baby boy after all, this was only training at the end of the day… Training with a hefty amount of tough love…

It didn't cease until Sullivan's elbow finally managed to clip his Mother's jaw, allowing him the moment to grapple her neck and pull her head into his chest as his legs hooked around her waist… His Mother's neck held tight in the bend of his arm, as he tried with all his might to seal her breath. Yet, Helena hand managed to catch her hand in his hold, and pry it loose revealing but was stopped as a dull, soft point rested against her side, his exhausted voice finding her ears, "Wounded."

With his word seemingly calling an end to the training session, the two untangled each other. As Sullivan beat the dust and dirt from his clothes, he listened to Helena as she sternly went over every time he had 'died' at her hands over the past quarter day, why she took certain actions, and her insight into how he could improve. Allowing the young man to clearly envision it all in his mind, from both standpoints which would busy his mind for the vast majority of the rest of the day, as he sought to grind out his flaws… In the same manner he would a freshly chipped blade… Though, he would eventually find Ser Lannister before the day's end in an attempt to polish his new findings, and seek out new opportunities he could use against his Mother during their spars…

Though Sullivan never slacked on his sword training, it had taken to the background as his Mother had strained the importance of learning unarmed combat to its fullest, an importance she drilled into Sullivan's mind by repeatedly disarming him in one fit heir first spars with nothing but her hands… Uncaring of the pain as the blade carved into her flesh…

A sight that had been seared into his mind, much like many of Helena's other teaching…

'An enemy knows no honor,' Sullivan chanted in his mind.

'An enemy cares not for your name,' His gaze washing through the temporary camp.

'An enemy cares not for your love," His gaze fell upon Laenah, before drifting off towards his siblings.

'An enemy cares not for your pain,' Sullivan's gaze fell upon his hands.

'An enemy cares not for your life…'

A sigh slipped from his lips as his gaze rose to the clouds above, his Mother's voice blending with his own in his mind as he chanted those words once again, before he eventually slipped away a smile forming on his face as he took Laenah's hand within his own, planting a gentle kiss upon her knuckles…


(A/NStats -

Main Level: 65  - 

 • Basic Special Knowledge [Indepth First Aid]

 • Synthetic Mutation [False Immortal's Brew]

Strength: 22    [|||||||||||||||||||||||||||] -

 • Exquisite Knowledge [Leverage]


Agility: 20       [|||||||||||||||||||||||||||] -

  • Moderate Knowledge [Breathing]

  • Moderate Knowledge [Flexibility] 

Vitality: 23      [||||||||||||||||||||||||||] -

 • Basic Uncommon Illness Resistance

 • Heightened Physique

 • Minor Poison Resistance

  Combat -

Defense: 14             [||||||||||||||||||||—--] -

 • Moderate Knowledge [Parry]

Warfare: 9              [|||||||||||||||—-——] -

 • Basic Knowledge [One V. Many]

Axe: 10                   [|||||||||—————] -

 • Moderate Knowledge [Edge Alignment]

Bow: 2                    [||||——————] +

Hammer/Mace: 6    [||||||||||————-] -

 • Basic Knowledge [Blunt Alignment]

Spear: 4                 [||||||||||||||||||||||—-] +

Sword: 7                 [|||||||||||————] -

 • Basic Knowledge [Edge Alignment]

Unarmed: 20            [||||||———-——] -

  • Exquisite Knowledge [Stance]

  Skills -

Alchemy: 16         [||||||||||||||||||——] -

 • Basic Knowledge [Natural Remedies]

 • Moderate Knowledge [Distilled Remedies]

Blacksmithing: 20 [|||||||||———-—] -

 • Greater Knowledge [Steel]

 • Basic Special Knowledge [Damascus]

Bowery: 0           [———————] +

Carpentry: 8      [|||||||||||||||—-——] -

 • Basic Knowledge [Rough Building]

Drinking: 8         [|||||||||||||||||||——] -

  • Tempered Gut

Herbalism: 14       [|||———-——-] +

 • Moderate Herbology Knowledge [Riverlands]

 • Meticulous Picker

Horsemanship: 4 [|||||||||||||———] +

Houndmaster: 0  [———————] +

Hunting: 4           [|||||||||||||||||||||||—] +

Lockpicking: 0    [———————] +

Maintenance: 27  [|||||||||————] -

 • Basic Knowledge [Tools]

 • Basic Knowledge [Weapons]

 • Greater Knowledge [Armor]

Pickpocketing: 0 [———————] +

Reading: 29        [|||||||||||||||||||——] -

 • Greater Westerosi Language 

 • Moderate Calligraphy

 • Mindless Reader

Tailoring: 21          [|||||||||||||||||—-] -

 • Moderate Knowledge [Linen]

 • Moderate Knowledge [Leather]

 • Basic Special Knowledge [Armored Clothes]

Stealth: 15            [|||||||—————] -

 • Moderate Habit [Light Footed]

 • Basic Knowledge [Camouflage]

Total Level: 303


(A/N: [22?? Words])