
Wayfarer — Multiverse

I DONT OWN ANYTHING EXCEPT MY OC(S) Genderbent?! Female MC?! Another story to read in the midst of boredom?! Well, welcome to yet another story. One about a young bastard, trying to find their place in the world amongst a war for a throne that had brought both some of the darkest of times, and some of the most prosperous of times to Westeros. With not a lick of royal blood, and no ambition for the Iron Throne where will this story lead…?

White_Dog · TV
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30 Chs


Helena had begun to realize that she'd never be able to show Sullivan all she wished to… That she wouldn't be able to teach him everything that she had learned in her few but lengthy years, of all the wisdom her Father and Mother left her…

Her precious little boy would leave her side, as he had already begun… It was a wonderful yet painful thing that made her both happy and sad as a Mother, how these foul people are able to throw them away for a social construct of these Kingdoms Helena could never know… Did they never feel this pain…? How could they give their child off, practically abandon them to a land so far and distant…?

The Queen sat in a chair, in the Small Council Chambers, there was no meeting today nor would Helena normally be in this room, yet she had found it whilst pondering and decided to temporarily commandeer it for her own purposes. The fireplace burned a nice fire, as Helena boiled herself a Nettle Tea so that not only would she have a snack, but something to drink as she sorted her thoughts. 

Only for those thoughts to be broken as the door opened to reveal a figure that Helena hadn't seen along her normal path, a figure Robert had spoken about a number of times before… Yet, oddly he seemed familiar, unfortunately Helena couldn't place where exactly she had seen his face and paid him little mind as she returned her focus to the kettle as it began to whistle, by the time the man had sat down at a seat at the table Helena had begun to pour herself a mug of Nettle tea, and pulled the nettle out with her bare hands placing it on a wooden plate. 

With the figure practically forgotten in her mind, Helena tore off a piece of steaming nettle and placed it into her mouth, slowly chewing as she returned to her thoughts, slowly bringing her nearly boiling tea to her lips. Whatever Theobald had done to her body, had forever changed how she felt physical pain, it had all been dulled or perhaps the damage whatever that pain caused lessened, whichever it had done it had ruined her sense of hot and cold needing extremes to feel either one…


Petyr Baelish had known since the moment he arrived at the Red Keep that the Queen was an odd woman, but one that was incredibly dangerous. Not even a Moon ago she had trounced a whole Yard of men alone, and now here she was drinking boiling tea and eating Stinging Nettles as if they were sweets. Petyr had thought such things were poisonous if only mildly, yet here the Queen was poisoning herself with naught care in the world, and oddly the Crown Price was gone. Though such a thing has been whispered about in the castle as of late, so Petyr figured it wasn't as odd as it once was…

He eyed her state of dress, finding the Queen wearing a knitted long sleeve tunic an odd bland green, with a metal gorget and pauldrons on top of a pair of blasphemously close—fitting leather pants and a pair of boots a shade darker. The Queen had a truly breathtaking figure that left most found wanting, and made it all too obvious how she managed to seduce the King.

Yet, the longer his gaze lingered on her body, the more he saw the woman he loved sitting before him, until it grew to the point that it grew difficult to find their differences…

Though the Queen had given him a few ideas for the brothels he managed to rein under his control…


Sullivan stretched as he finally finished all the work that Theobald had for him today and without even saying a word to the Maester, Sullivan quickly made his way to the Royal Garden with Ser Barristan following behind, intent on speaking with Laenah before Mother finds her way to the Gardens so that Sullivan can finally begun his training with the bronze sword that hung from his hip…

To say he was excited would be a massive understatement, and to say that he was frightened would be an overstatement. To finally be trained personally by Mother, and not simply watch from the side as she showed him different forms, and fought an imaginary opponent. Yet, he knew his Mother wasn't adept with a sword, nor as experienced or skilled as either Ser Barristan and Ser Lannister but they always fell short when facing Mother in combat…

Sullivan was excited to learn how Mother always managed to remain victorious, even when surrounded, or against a behemoth of a man as Ser Barristan said his Mother once had… That story was one that Sullivan had the old knight repeat no small number of times, simply to try and envision it himself as Mother does… Something he has yet to be able to accomplish… He can mimic it to a degree, but he can only conjure images in his mind, not an opponent disconnected from his own forefront thoughts, able to move with the same fluidity as himself, or so Mother had explained.

It hadn't taken long for Sullivan to spoke Laenah sitting with Lady Martell speaking over a tray of fruit, though Sullivan's arrival cut that conversation short as Laenah rose from her seat, approached, then curtsied under the gaze of her Mother a pleasant smile adorning her face, a smile which Sullivan returned…


[10 Moons Later | 6th Moon | 290 A.C.]

Robert dismounted his horse as he entered the walls of the Red Keep, finding both his Queen and Heir stood at the top of the stairs. His Queen looked impassive, while Sullivan, his child, was practically bouncing in joy. The boy had grown, wonderfully so…

Despite only being 6 Name Days, the youth stood tall and strong, Robert's eyes caught the Dornish Guests stood off to the side and his gaze washed over his child's betrothed, surprised that they were still in the castle having expected Helena to run them off not too long after their arrival.

His gaze eventually settled back on to his Queen, finding that she had only grown more beautiful in his absence… He swore that her breasts had grown larger, and her hips wider, as the light yellow dress that settled on her frame only made her seem all the more radiant despite her impassive expression. Perhaps he'd be making another child tonight…

Removing his horned helm, and sticking it under his arm, Robert walked up the stairs watching as everyone but his child and Queen kneel, as he drew close Sullivan gave a practiced bow while Helena watched him with her blue eyes, her waist unbending. Then, she took his hand and settled into his side, momentarily shocking Robert as he prepared himself for a blow, though Robert eased as Sullivan bright brown eyes looked up at him in wonder, no doubt wishing to hear the story of his Father's battles. 

A feast was prepared, and this was one that Helena could not avoid, as even the Wolf of the North had followed his King to the Crown of the Seven Kingdoms…

So, there Helena, Sullivan, Little Lady Martell, and Lady Martell sat on the right side of Robert; with Helena being the closest in that order, as Lord Paramount Stark and members of the small council; Helena actually had some respect for Eddard—relatively, sat on the left at a long table overlooking the whole chamber and the eight tables which filled it… Though, they soon fell out of focus, thanks to a terrible habit. 

"Are you okay," Helena spoke softly despite the noise of the room, allowing her question only to find her adorable child, and after a moment he stopped picking at his fingers under the table, and gave a low reply.

"No," It was simple, and convey more than just the word as Helena gave a shallow nod offering a hand, a shaky laugh slipped from Sullivan's lips as he found his cold hand wrapped by his, the incredible warmth that filled his Mother's body seeping into his own bringing an sense of comfort unlike any other, allowing Sullivan to BREATH.

The shakiness fell from his breath, and his chest felt clearer, his mind setting a pace that he could follow as a smile came to his face. Which pulled a smile onto Helena's face as her eyes momentarily roamed the room, catching a wind of the background before her eyes squinted as if to see further… Then they widened, at that moment Sullivan's followed and it seemed See Barristan's attention had been pulled aswell towards what looked to be the start of a drunken brawl; according to Helena, where the majority of the Lord Stark's men had gathered. 

Off halfway across the room, a mug was slammed but the manner in which it was slammed, and the gesticulating that followed brought Helena to rise from her seat, and walk past Robert grabbing the horn that he held in his hands; through the wine within down her throat and wince as it went down as a shiver rna through her body as she realized what she was about to do, but a breath slipped from her lips and she walked on as Robert bellowed a laugh, showing his understanding of Helena while Eddard watched on with a odd gaze, the lady at his side looked aghast a hand cover her open mouth as she followed Helena. All the attention was on the Queen, then a voice pierced through the growing silence, "Mother…"

"Sorry, Sully. I'll see you soon," The Queen flashed the Crown Prince a brilliant smile, and Robert slammed his hand on the table, "Come Ned, we have a war to watch."

"What…?" Lord Stark uttered his confusion as he pulled up and dragged along, the whole feast shifting as even the King entered the floor watching as the Queen moved towards the table of Northmen, stood over top of one of them and stared at those at the table under she singled out the largest one present…

The Queen's smile grew toothy—savage, as made her way towards the large figure who nearly everyone in the room recognized as an Umber, and the man met her gaze with an equally large smile. Most of those present misunderstood this moment, but those that didn't… Well, they began to crowd, as most didn't know that Helena fought EVERYBODY. No exceptions. 

Unfortunately, Theobald being the useless maester he was directed what was about to ensue towards the Training Yard, Helena would remember that…

Anyways, Helena stood across from some Northmen she had just met wearing nothing but a dress and encircled dozens of people… She almost cast a glance towards an 'empty' space behind her but kept her gaze forward, not wishing to be dragged into her Father's memory once more. 

Helena was confident. 

A breath fell from her lips and she moved, the Northman was quick to react as he moved to circle around, but Helena pivoted and kept him in the center of her vision, the momentum of her charge being shunted away carried her braids as she advanced one more to find the man keep his distance…

Helena frowned, and brought her steps to a slow, then a stop as she stared at the man for a long moment, and just before he spoke Helena made a sudden movement to reach for her waist bringing a pause to the man words, then she made the move of drawing a sword from its sheath her frown never leaving her face.

Sullivan, who was watching from an outcropping in the castle with Ser Lannister sighed, "Mother is happy… Should I say something…?"

The Kingsguard didn't speak…

Helena 'threw' the imaginary sword, and a compressed nutrient bar crumpled against the center of Lord Umber's chest, a silence washed through the crowd before it immediately grew louder, yet Helena's voice was heard all the same, "You've died."

Lord Unber frown, mostly in confusion as his finger touched upon the crumbs on his tunic, then another hit him this time just below the neck, clipping his chin as he was looking down, "Dead," the Queen's voice rang once more. 

Why was she throwing food? That was the first thing that ran through Lord Umber's mind… What a waste, was the second… The third was that this woman was trying to humiliate him, and that was hilarious…

He bellowed a laugh that brought a sense of quiet to the surroundings, only for another impact to ring across his body… This one crumbled against his shoulder, "Wounded."

A stone was the next to be thrown, as Helena stood there, a frown still adorning her face, "Wounded."

She wasn't throwing them hard, but the intention in her words was carried all the same. Then, Robert shouted, "Come on then! Get it over with!"

Helena frown fell flat as she stared at Lord Umber, her night a hair's breadth from being absolutely ruined… The wine had already began to hit her mind, and her hands began to itch as loosened the lease on the torrent of her mind. A heat began to build in her eyes, as her vision bloomed and her peripheral vision drew increasingly clear until she could clearly see to the side; it's not as if she could see her ear or behind…

Yet her gaze fell to an empty place at her feet…


Ser Lannister sighed as he watched Helena's  gaze fall, "Her Majesty has lost it again…"

"Yeah," Sullivan replied simply while offering a pouch of trail mix his Mother had mixed for him a few days ago; consisting of roasted—salted nuts, bulbs, mushrooms, and raisins.

Jamie didn't hesitate to grab a small handful and take off his helm, after a quick look to make sure the door had been locked and latched. The last thing he wanted was to be mercilessly beaten by the Queen once again, it hadn't been long since he last recovered…

Helena landed the first hit, driving her heel into Lord Umber side with a back kick then stumbled him long enough for Helena to grapple the man's arm, catching a finger and folding it the wrong way before locking into the wrist and 'gently' planting her palm against the outside of his elbow, and a pained scream resounded from the large man as Helena locked her hand around the elbow and drove the curve of her hand into his under arm, and the arm fell slack as Helena spun in her heel pushing off her lead foot the opposite way, driving her elbow into the Northman's stomach…

Everything devolved from there, as Robert threw a punch at whoever had been at his left, downright commanding a brawl to begin with Helena at the center. Knowing damn well that he was quickly keeping out of the mess of it all before his Queen gained momentum, and began to drop bodies left and right…

By the time the night came to an end, Helena was swollen not a doubt in her mind that she would wake up with no small number of bruises as she drunkenly stumbled through the halls of the Red Keep, eventually finding herself at the door of the King's Chambers…


[12th Moon | 290 A.C.]

Helena was with child once more, and Robert was freed from her clutches once again to survive with what vigor he had left, and if Theobald's words were true Helena was with twins…

Once again Helena had pulled away from her intense training and conditioning and settled for less intensive activities, choosing to further hone her needlework and read what remained unread by her eyes in the Royal Library. Sullivan was out in the gardens with Laenah, while Robert was stuck in the twelfth Small Council meeting of the week as they sought stability after the war with the Ironborn. 

The distance between Mother and Child had constantly been growing, and while proud Helena was pained to see it happen… Yet, it was the natural cycle as Sullivan sought the life of a King, he saw the need to build connections with those his Mother had distanced and scorned.

With the southern edge of the Kingdoms secured through a marriage with the Princess of Dorne, Sullivan saw a steady rule ahead. Perhaps a daughter of the Lannister breed to bring their blood into the Royal Line, and a few appeasements to the Nobles of the Reach and Sullivan only saw peace ahead… Helena was happy, but there wasn't much for Helena to Aiden her child with other than to hone his martial abilities and to ward off foul intentions that would dare attempt to claim his life…

Though, with two children on their way, the days ahead of Helena were busy as she arrived to have everything prepared for the day when they saw their first light…


[4 Moon & 8 Years Later | 4th Moon | 298 A.C.]

Helena began to mindlessly hum a soft tune from her seat within a carriage, her arms draped around her two of her three precious children while Sullivan was riding a few paces behind, between both two Kingsguard whom Helena had never bothered to learn the name of… Laenah stared off dreamily in his direction whilst dexterously weaving a needle and thread through a thin leather cloak that Sullivan had caught on a rather sturdy branch.

Making sure to remain steady to not wake her two children; one who's yet to choose a name, Helena briefly stared at Laenah… Who had grown wonderfully through the years, and was set to marry Helena's darling boy once they had arrived at Winterfell. 

Sullivan had wanted a small wedding, and Helena wouldn't take refusal as an answer…

Brandon stirred awake as the carriage hit what Helena assumed to be a stone, jolting the two children yet Helena's little girl remained deep in her slumber, as Brandon's blue eyes quickly found Helena's and her smile bloomed with a newfound radiance, there were no words shared during that exchange as Brandon was a silent one… A mute by choice if Helena went by Theobald's description… Not that he was incapable of finding his voice, or wasn't bold enough to speak… He simply was more comfortable with his own silence.

Brandon was incredibly skilled in all manners of folding parchment, able to fold an assortment of animals into existence with naught but determination and time, which had once led to the youth creating a flying parchment contraption. A few servants had mistaken whatever Brandon had made as an imitation of a dragon, but Helena knew better as the youth had no interest in the oversized lizards nearly to the point of scowling whenever they were brought up…

As for the young girl on Helena's opposite side…? 

She was a brilliant child, but in the same manner as Sullivan who could grasp things quickly, or Brandon who learned best through his hands. No, this little girl just seemed to 'know' things… The intelligence in her eyes had been frighteningly developed ever since she was naught but a babe, but it only caused Helena to shelter the adorable youth that much more, as Helena saw far too much of herself in her daughter. 

Helena, a beautiful baby girl, seemed to be terribly conflicted whenever she thought of herself alone, as if trying to make sense of two wholly different lives… The same as Helena's own Mother and Father had struggled with before they found apotheosis through each other, though the young girl seemed a whole lot less divided than they had once been…

Whatever it was, Helena would stand with her daughter, no matter the choice ready to defended the young girl from any consequences that may find her way…


(A/NStats -

Main Level: 65  - 

 • Basic Special Knowledge [Indepth First Aid]

 • Synthetic Mutation [False Immortal's Brew]

Strength: 22    [|||||||||||||||||||||||||||] -

 • Exquisite Knowledge [Leverage]


Agility: 20       [|||||||||||||||||||||||||||] -

  • Moderate Knowledge [Breathing]

  • Moderate Knowledge [Flexibility] 

Vitality: 23      [||||||||||||||||||||||||||] -

 • Basic Uncommon Illness Resistance

 • Heightened Physique

 • Minor Poison Resistance

  Combat -

Defense: 14             [||||||||||||||||||||—--] -

 • Moderate Knowledge [Parry]

Warfare: 9              [|||||||||||||||—-——] -

 • Basic Knowledge [One V. Many]

Axe: 10                   [|||||||||—————] -

 • Moderate Knowledge [Edge Alignment]

Bow: 2                    [||||——————] +

Hammer/Mace: 6    [||||||||||————-] -

 • Basic Knowledge [Blunt Alignment]

Spear: 4                 [||||||||||||||||||||||—-] +

Sword: 7                 [|||||||||||————] -

 • Basic Knowledge [Edge Alignment]

Unarmed: 20            [||||||———-——] -

  • Exquisite Knowledge [Stance]

  Skills -

Alchemy: 16         [||||||||||||||||||——] -

 • Basic Knowledge [Natural Remedies]

 • Moderate Knowledge [Distilled Remedies]

Blacksmithing: 20 [|||||||||———-—] -

 • Greater Knowledge [Steel]

 • Basic Special Knowledge [Damascus]

Bowery: 0           [———————] +

Carpentry: 8      [|||||||||||||||—-——] -

 • Basic Knowledge [Rough Building]

Drinking: 8         [|||||||||||||||||||——] -

  • Tempered Gut

Herbalism: 14       [|||———-——-] +

 • Moderate Herbology Knowledge [Riverlands]

 • Meticulous Picker

Horsemanship: 4 [|||||||||||||———] +

Houndmaster: 0  [———————] +

Hunting: 4           [|||||||||||||||||||||||—] +

Lockpicking: 0    [———————] +

Maintenance: 27  [|||||||||————] -

 • Basic Knowledge [Tools]

 • Basic Knowledge [Weapons]

 • Greater Knowledge [Armor]

Pickpocketing: 0 [———————] +

Reading: 29        [|||||||||||||||||||——] -

 • Greater Westerosi Language 

 • Moderate Calligraphy

 • Mindless Reader

Tailoring: 21          [|||||||||||||||||—-] -

 • Moderate Knowledge [Linen]

 • Moderate Knowledge [Leather]

 • Basic Special Knowledge [Armored Clothes]

Stealth: 15            [|||||||—————] -

 • Moderate Habit [Light Footed]

 • Basic Knowledge [Camouflage]

Total Level: 249


(A/N: [32?? Words] Alright, this is the final major Timeskip which brought us right to the front door of canon, with a whole lot of the original story changed…

All of this was supposed to be one chamber that bounced through the years, but I ended up getting carried and it became three, which left all of you with more to read. 

Yes, the limit of Main Level 60 has been broken.

Some info, for you and me, cause I'll end up forgetting. 

Sullivan D.O.B. [2nd Moon 283 A.C.]

Brandon D.O.B. [3rd Moon 291 A.C.]

????? D.O.B [4th Moon 291 A.C.]

Anyways, until next time,

