
Villain's Rising

Magical Realism
Completed · 1.6M Views
  • 150 Chs
  • 4.4
    70 ratings
  • NO.200+

What is Villain's Rising

Read ‘Villain's Rising’ Online for Free, written by the author Night_Crawler619, This book is a Magical Realism Novel, covering ACTION Fiction, ROMANCE Light Novel, COMEDY Internet Novel, and the synopsis is: Working as a henchman for his childhood crush hasn't been great. But Sam is a hopeless romantic. Even though she's a fai...


Working as a henchman for his childhood crush hasn't been great. But Sam is a hopeless romantic. Even though she's a failed supervillain, he decided to work with her so that he can at least stay by her side. Although things began to change when Kiara, his childhood crush, started developing feelings for a particular young man. Now if it was just any other guy, he would've met with some unfortunate 'accident' already but the guy in question was none other than the son of the strongest superhero himself. Starboy aka Anthony Willburn, the reason for all their failures up until now; and she decided to fall for THAT guy!? Sam couldn't accept this absurdity and decided to ruin his love rival's life by embracing his destiny and rising as a supervillain himself. Set in a distant future where only the chosen few are graced with superpowers, the story will mainly focus on the perspective of our protagonist as he will enroll in an academy of superheroes to get close to his love rival and find his weakness all the while maintaining his life as a supervillain.

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La Femme du Roi Est la Compagne de l'Alpha

``` 1RE PLACE / VAINQUEUR D'OR DU CONCOURS D'ÉCRITURE DE LOUPS-GAROUS DE WEBNOVEL 2022 « Tu es ma compagne... » Leland dit d'une voix rauque. « Ne sais-tu pas ce que je fais ? » Il la regarda avec une lueur dans les yeux, et à ce moment précis, Sophie pensa qu'elle pouvait le comprendre. Elle pouvait sentir ses émotions débordantes. Était-ce cela qu'ils entendaient par le lien de compagne ? Elle pouvait ressentir tant de désir envahir Leland et elle savait juste ce qu'il voulait. Il la voulait elle. Il voulait ravager son corps et la marquer avec ses morsures d'amour, il voulait qu'elle crie son nom encore et encore et encore. Il voulait la marteler et lui faire l'amour comme si demain n'existait pas. L'homme monta sur le lit et l'embrassa de nouveau. Il la couvrit de baisers depuis ses joues, jusqu'à ses lèvres, puis il se déplaça vers sa clavicule. Bientôt, elle commença à gémir doucement à cause de la stimulation. Les sons qui s'échappaient de ses lèvres sonnaient si sexy à ses oreilles et l'excitaient tellement. S'il n'avait pas eu un meilleur contrôle de soi, Leland aurait déjà déchiré leurs vêtements et serait entré en elle immédiatement. Cependant, il se retint et essaya de rester doux. C'était seulement leur première nuit ensemble en tant que vrai mari et femme. Ce soir, il serait enfin capable de lui donner tant de plaisir qu'elle le voudrait dans son lit chaque nuit. Le sexe qu'ils avaient eu la dernière fois était une obligation. C'était sec et il avait fait le strict minimum. Mais cette fois... il allait ravager son corps et lui faire l'amour de manière que seule sa luna mérite. Son endurance était de premier ordre et il pouvait la satisfaire toute la nuit. ___________________ RÉSUMÉ : Le Roi, ou l'Alpha ? Quand elle saute par-dessus les murs de l'académie pour s'échapper de ses intimidateurs, Sophie tombe droit dans les bras de Nicholas, le prince héritier du royaume à la disposition douce et ensoleillée. Des étincelles jaillissent et l'amour fleurit entre la pauvre orpheline et le prince. Mais... soudainement, Leland, le nouvel Alpha dangereux de la meute de loups-garous la plus puissante du royaume la réclame pour être sa compagne ? Sophie est déchirée entre deux hommes. L'un l'appelle sa femme, l'autre la revendique comme sa compagne. Le prince est chaleureux et doux, son amour brûle comme le soleil. L'Alpha est froid et autoritaire, son amour est aussi lourd que la montagne et aussi froid que l'hiver. Avec lequel Sophie finira-t-elle alors que les deux camps se font la guerre sur fond de sang, de haine et de vengeance ? Leland brûlera le royaume entier juste pour récupérer Sophie et venger sa race. D'autre part, le roi nouvellement couronné, Nicholas, s'efforce de chasser les loups-garous que le royaume considère comme des monstres... tout en gardant un secret sombre en lui-même — Il est lui aussi un loup-garou. __________________ Note : Ce livre est un harem inversé, ce qui signifie que l'héroïne finira avec plusieurs protagonistes masculins. La couverture est mienne, par Arkans VOUS LISEZ MES AUTRES LIVRES ? * Les Alchimistes - TERMINÉ * Le Prince Qui Ne Peut Pas Tomber Amoureux - TERMINÉ * Jusqu'à ce que la Mort Nous Sépare - TERMINÉ * Le Prince Maudit - TERMINÉ * Le Roi Maudit - TERMINÉ * Trouver l'Étoile Filante - TERMINÉ ```

Missrealitybites · Fantasy
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150 Chs
Table of Contents
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Volume 1 :The Heart Wanders Where The Heart Wants
Volume 2 :The Will Of The Stong And The Right Of The Weak


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For a second there I forgot I'm a shameless author and it's my duty to review my book with a 5 star... *Ahem* Anyway, this will be a qna review so, ask your queries away dear readers.


The grammer in this novel is really good and i understand everything happening really well. The mc is very interesting and we as a reader are seeing him grow from being a simp. The lore and world building is unique and leaves you with many mysteries


I must say I really like the story development. I think the mc is not inherently evil, the way he was raised is evil, not experiencing the love of his parents and no friends. If he was rescued before all that he won't be thinking the way he is now but yeah the world is truly broken...actually there's no evil and good. Bruh I'm allergic to pure goodness without anything in exchange lol, that's absurd. I like how the mc is evil hehehehe. Although, can i just ask if the romance is already cut off from him or there will be another? how will this end I'm excited to find out


How can anyone even like this? The main character is a complete loser. Honestly disgusting to read. Had to force myself into reading a chapter. Simp MC


The story has a lot of potential, but it is wasted in a easily evitable way. The most common problems are: - LOL. - The author explain as something work just to forget it and making it work in a different way. - Irrealistic or dumb plot device (alert minor spoiler, jump to the next point if you don’t want know: an explosion that erase 75 square km of the city where the mc is, but he says he doesn't know anything because he didn't watch the news and he was at a friend house, friend that previously he said was in the same city. To not add that even though the explosion happened in a residential district there were just 67 deaths). - Expression used in the wrong way. Although I may sound harsh (both here and in the comments) I don't want to offend the author, but just point out thing that in a much needed rewrite should be corrected. As said before the novel has a lot of potential and it sadden and annoy me to see it wasted. I hope to not have offended or upset the author with this review or my other comments.


man, this story got me so hyped that I want to keep reading more. I recommend keep reading. the author did a good job and I'm looking forward to a next chapter.


Good villain novel with an mc that does what he wants without caring about others feelings. So far the plot has been exciting, writing quality is good, updates stable, charas maybe need a little more depth but its fine as is.


Nice premise, reading about a villain definitely has tons of potential, but this isn't a villain, it's just an edgy powertrip fantasy. Also, "lol" has no place in a novel, especially not if ou want it taken seriously. The world background is good, the little we know of it anyways, seems like other planets are populated, and the whole hero vs villain dynamic has a lot of potential, as it always has. I'll be stopping here however, no point reading more when i already think the MC is pathetic, not because of his killing or his god complex, but because of how he talks, how he acts and many other things.


please stop saying lol when they talk. They're not texting its real life. at least do haha. that makes it so much better already.


Ngl I didn't expected much from this kind of premise but you did a good job delivering the story. Also tbth I think this one is better than your first book, you're improving and I, who has read both of your works, love to see you developing so great job. The characters' are still being introduced but I like Sam, he gives me Klaus vibes from the originals and I f'king love it! The world is being set up and you're doing a good job keeping your readers guessing. I don't have much to say about development right now but I think the story is heading somewhere, somewhere I would like to see so good luck writing. There aren't many villain stories. I mean there are story about bad guys, but not villains you know, the kind of people you'd love to read about but hate to meet in real life, Sam is that kind of villain. He calls his murder 'hunt', he talks to the dead body of people that he had killed. He is twisted in the head and I like it so good luck writing him. 4.8 stars for now, I will recommend this to some of my friends too.


I hate to say it but the main character is a simp. Instead of making her fall in love with him, why does he act like the inferior and goes to mess with that other man. I think she doesn’t like him because he is too nice to her that caused her to Friendzone him. Like the saying goes in order to capture one must let loose. He should never show that he likes her or she will feel less interested. Simping=Death


all good but would please add simp to the tags .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . .. .. .... . .. . .. .. .. .. .. .. . .. .. .. . .. .. .. ... .. ..


well it's a good novel and you should give it a read whatever problems you had in the beginning will be solved in the later stages his character is developing and I can say that author is one of the best authors on the Web Novel. oh and by the way our MC is a Villain (more like a AntiHero) but still don't come here and expect a goodey goodey two shoes who does everything for the benefit of people no he is not like that and that is the charm of him


Reveal spoiler


Reveal spoiler


Its good stuff 😫 ......,... .......... .... ............ .. ......... .......... .... ............ .. .................. .... ............ .. ..........


Finally, I finished it. Ok, so here's my review. I come here to read this novel because I like This author's other novel, "I will kill the Author" a lot and I heard that this novel's Protagonist is the main villain of that novel. But you know it's totally worth my time. He ll, Only last chap is enough to make it worth it. It will definitely be in my top 10 novel list. In the first 20 chap, MC is simple, and in Starting chapters Author uses the lol word in conservation a lot but after that, he gets better and the Author stops using lol. After the first few chaps the story, writing, and grammar will get better and better. Although the last few chaps namely 120 to 135 are a bit boring and confusing. But the Author improves a lot as the story goes on and stops giving those cringe names... At least He tried. Definitely one of the top authors on this App. You can tell how much I like it from I complete this in 2 days... 2 nights to be more accurate. But I have a Que here to Author. [Spoiler] Why didn't StarSuper destroy That Dragon fossil?? They have two things to protect, Fossil and a life branch. He can't destroy the latter for obvious reasons but if he destroyed the fossils he could focus solely on defending that live branch and stop Sam from another power-up and might be able to defeat him. Don't tell me he couldn't become for god's sake he can destroy a moon and there are some abilities that can literally reduce those fossils to atoms. Wow, I usually don't like writing reviews but I couldn't stop myself from writing this. Good job. 😉😉


So, my one of the favourite Webnovel is finished. I really like this journey. I hope you will make a side stories as fan request to you. I reall love this novel.


Honestly I wish dis story was a lot longer but sadly this story will be coming to a end soon.the only problem I have with villain’s rising is the fact the plot wasn’t more detailed and honestly this seems a bit too rushed if u would to put I would say a good 3 yrs into this book it would be one of the best Webnovels on the platform


Why did the updates stop? Don't tell me the novel ended and I can only finish this novel by purchasing privilege! If there was an hiatus announcement, a privileged please inform, if not author please unlock the chapters!


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