
Y/n's Here to Stay. for now

Chad sent a video to Y/n of him and the group at the local bar asking y/n if he was going to come to which Y/n responded with a pic of him with Tara still in the hospital with a text reading (I wish I could, but Tara wanted me to stay back, have fun though maybe next time) 

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------                                        (messages )

                                         giga Chad


i see, well stay safe if Ghostface does comeback i know you fucking him up🥊


not the right time to be joking around chad she's scared shitless.


sorry yeah, your right but i mean it i trust you can protect her man i mean you did it before 


well see ya soon man


see ya man tell Tara I said get well soon.


sure thing 👋


Mindy: " who was that?" she asked. 

Chad: "it was just Y/n I asked if he wanted to come meet us, but he said that Tara is so scared she won't let him go" he says understanding the situation

liv: " that makes sense though I mean if I was attacked and if it were Chad or Y/n and I hate to say it but even if Wes was there to save me, I wouldn't want them leaving me as well " liv said. 

Amber: " I still think Y/n was the attacker" 

Chad/Wes: " oh god shut up amber, Y/n wouldn't do that, and you know that."

Amber: " do I though I mean how long has she known him" she says thinking she got a point

Mindy: " umm 8 years" she says as the others laugh whilst amber stands with an annoyed look.

Liv: " moving on, what's the go with the sister"

Chad: " Sam?"

Chad/Wes: " she's cool" they say in sync, but Wes said it in a shyer way.

Mindy: " come on Wes we all know you like the carpenter sisters and Chad you're only saying that because she let you wear Pokémon onesies to bed for a year" she says with a chuckle as Wes's face goes red.

Chad: " this is true, true story" he laughs with Mindy whilst liv rubs his arm

Amber: " no trust me Sam is not cool, her dad left her mom. Tara was 8 and Sam was 13 and started running amuck and getting in trouble with the cops. and on her 18th birthday she runs away and ghosts them all. maybe Sam has changed. but I don't want Tara to get hurt again."

Wes: " so what your protecting Tara from her own sister now?" he says sitting up from his seat as amber tilts her head and squints her eyes.

Amber: well, someone has to" she snapped

Wes: " okay, so her family's off-limits?"

Mindy: " hmm that's a motive, if I can't have her no one can"

Wes: " w-what" Wes says in shock.

Mindy: " we all know you have a crush on Tara, maybe big brother Y/n will be next on the victim list."

Wes: " what are you trying to get at here, you think I'm the attacker now"

Chad: " well maybe your jealous that y/n is getting closer with Tara, and you want her to yourself" Chad says now suspecting Wes

Wes and amber give each other a long look before Wes laughed it of

Wes: " ok come on you really believe that"

Mindy: " but we're all suspects ... except maybe liv" she says giving liv a smirk.

Liv: " aww thank you"

Mindy: " your way to boring to be a psycho"

everyone laughs hearing what Mindy said whilst liv went from feeling good and safe to betrayed.

Vince: " yo live you want a real drink?"

the group all turn to see a wannabe bad boy Vince who had previously worked with Tara and liv.

Vince: " or have you happy sitting them at the kids table"

Chad gets angered and stands up to confront this greasy tatted douche.

Chad: " listen up uglier Michael Myers, it was a summer fling. it meant nothing" he says digging his pointer finger in Vinces's chest. 

Vince: " I wasn't talking to you little Y/n junior" he said with a smug look before looking around.

Vince: " speaking of which where is the guy he should be here looking after his dog" he targets Chad.

Chad: " look I don't give a fuck who you're talking to, but I'll have you know the only dog around here is you tough guy" he mocked giving Vince a strong push

Vince: " liv come on you really wanna be with this hot-headed muscle man, here let's go"

Chad: " hey don't talk to her"

he goes to punch Vince which landed straight in the guy's face, Vince took a few steps back to regain his composure but as he does this, he bumps into amber which causes her glasses to fall off that exposed her face revealing a badly bruised black eye and a cut on the bridge of her nose amber quickly left in a hurry. 

as Vince put a switch knife to chads face

Vince: " better chill the fuck out"

Chad was about to throw and upper cut, but Y/n grabbed Vince from behind and threw a right punch straight to Vinces's face which Y/n felt his cheek crack against his already bruised knuckles Vince goes to thrust the knife, but Y/n already threw a jab, hook and uppercut combo that sent the man to the floor.

Bartender: " oi! get the hell out of here or I'm calling the cops, damn kid's"

Y/n: " let's go!"

they rush out of the bar as Y/n slowly limped behind.

Chad: " what the fuck man what are you doing here that was awesome" he says in shock and full of adrenaline 

Liv: " yeah Chad said Tara wanted you to stay"

Y/n: " well Tara convinced me she would be ok, and I should have fun."

Wes: " oh that's so nice but so stupid cause who's going to protect her, Sam? and that flimsy boyfriend of hers?" 

Chad: " hey Y/n he's right you should really get back to her"

Y/n: " trust me I am, I was only gonna come and check on you guys and have a drink then leave but now I know you guys are good I'll go."

Mindy came out of nowhere like usual and gave a comment.

Mindy: " are we gonna ignore the fact that amber is gone"

Wes: " Jesus, Mindy, you sure do like your moments do you"

Y/n: " Amber's here." 

Chad: " she was"

Y/n: " I'm going back to Tara right now." 

Y/n already suspects amber ever since he saw slight bruising from earlier today and the fact, she kept blaming you for being the attacker.

(Sometime later)

outside another bar in a parking lot and figure had dashed past a couple of cars as a drunk Vince was taking a piss on the back wall

Vince: " fuck that Chad man" 

Vince: " fuck you Y/n"

Vince: " just fuck it " he slurs kicking the wall.

a blinding light from his car comes on making Vince turn around to see what it was, and he started moving closer.

Vince: " what the fuck"

he raises his hand to block the light from his vision as he stumbled closer to the car. the car turns on and starts revving as he gets closer.

Vince: " is that you pretty boys? huh? get the fuck out of my car"

as he arrived at the driver side, he sees no one is in there he leans in and pulls the keys out.

the suspense and stress he was feeling was too much and his already bloody nose started to bleed again as his head pounded, he takes a step back and is slashed right across the neck and is stabbed by another person through his neck which spat blood everywhere it was like a waterfall of blood gushing from his neck he turned to see who attacked him and all he could say was.

" What the fu-" he dies in a pool of his own blood and standing above him are two menacing Ghostface who swipes their knife with their hand in unison.

(Cut to Sam)

Sam wakes up next to Tara and a sleepy y/n watching her in the other chair beside her. she was still confused as she just remembered being yelled at by a deranged bloodied man, she must've been dreaming. 

Y/N: " oh hey are you ok" he says fighting against the sleep.

Sam: " yeah just a bad dream"

She sits up and rubs her eyes as Y/n walked over to a tap and splashed more water on his face in hopes it will wake him up a bit. 

Sam: " hey Y/n have you seen Richie"

y/n limped back over to the chair besides Tara and sits down.

Y/N: " yeah he left around 20-25 minutes ago"

Sam looked at him with shock.

Sam: " did he say where he was going"

Y/N: " he said he would be back, but I don't know Sam somethings off with him" he says going more serious.

Sam: " wait, what do you mean"

y/n gestured her to get closer and she did.

Y/N: " did you see the way he and amber greeted each other" Sam only nodded no before he continued " they gave each other a look as if they already knew each other and then a slow handshake as they smiled at each other"

Sam: " maybe you're a bit paranoid" 

Y/N: " you know what why do I even bother, just forget it" he says resting his head against Tara's bed.

Sam thinks about what he said. 

Sam: " y/n"

Y/N: " mmmh" he grumbled. 

Sam: " how much do you love my sister"

Y/n's head shoots up.

Y/N: " I love her enough to stop taking care of myself because I worry too much about her, I love her enough to never hurt her and I love her enough to respect and comply with what she says." 

Sam's eyes lit up.

Sam: " how much do you love her though"

Y/N: " I couldn't put a number on it but all I can say I would gladly take more stabs for her and if I die, I die knowing she's safe."

Sam says nothing as she gets up and goes to leave.

Y/N: " wait where are you going."

Sam: " well now I know she's in good hands and there will be no more of this attacker, I'm going to go find Richie and leave"

y/n jumps up to his feet.

Y/N: " the fuck you are, you can't leave her again its gonna break her don't you get it she needs her older sister right now. how dare you think about putting her through all that again"

Sam's lips trembled and her eyes watered.

Sam: " I'm going to get some food I will be back"

Y/N: " un-fucking believable" Y/n threw his hands up as she walked out.

Sam is seen in the break room of the hospital she took some pills the same pills she was caught taking by Richie. after taking them, she looks at the mirror and sees that same bloodied deranged man from before.

???: " how you doing Sam? antipsychotics aren't working as well as they used to, are they?"

he smirked at Sam.

Sam: " fuck you"

???: " I've already played that dance before."

the man leans closer in closer keeping I contact from the mirror.

???: " you can't run from who you are anymore Sam, I'm just trying to help."

there was no reply by Sam, so the man took it as an invitation to keep going.

???: " hey, aren't you going to tell her why all this is happening?"

the conversation is lack thereof came to a close as Sam's phone began to ring, she picks it up and sees the number before looking back to the mirror, but he wasn't there, so she answered.

Sam: " hello"

Ghostface: " hello, Samantha"

Sam: " who is this?"

Ghostface: " someone who knows your family secret" his voice was as menacing as ever.

Sam: " you're the fuck who hurt my sister" she shouts.


Y/n was struggling to stay awake as he heard movement from the bed, so he lifts his head up of the bed and saw a peacefully awoken Tara. 

they made eye contact, but nothing was said as they leaned in closer and kissed Y/n pulled away which made Tara pout.

Y/N: " you seem to be a bit better how was your sleep" he says kissing her hand as he held it.

Tara: " good, my dream got me in a good mood" she says with a smile.

Y/N: " mind telling me what that might be?"

Tara: " we were in sitting on the yard of our own house watching as everybody was enjoying the celebration"

Y/N: " what kind of celebration" he says pretending to be clueless.

she made space for him to lay on the bed as she was under the covers to which Y/n gladly laid with her she moved so that she was laying between his legs and her head was rest under his chin as he hugged her from behind under her arms.

Y/N: " you comfortable now, golly" he chuckled.

Tara nodded as he kissed the top of her head.

Tara: " the celebration was for our wedding silly"

she said nuzzling up with him.

Y/N: " you mean you really see us getting married" he says in pure joy.

Tara didn't even answer because she playfully pulled him into another kiss which was much more passionate and longer than any other.

they pulled away as Tara now fiddled with his hands tracing around the bruising of the knuckles. 

Tara: " I love you Y/n" she says with a smile trying not to cry.

y/n looked at her and quickly understood why she was crying as he saw the bandages, cuts and bruises all over them both.

Y/N: " I love you too Tara, and I'm telling you now we can get through this, these can heal but if you keep thinking about it then it will never truly heal."