
Y/N, Tara. Are you scared?

Y/N ended up getting to the hospital room first where he saw Tara lying on the hospital bed she looked as if she had been crying. he rushed to her side well he tried not to rip his stitches. he sat on the bed with her and grabbed her hand.

Tara: " how are you even allowed out I mean you got the worst of it" she says looking down at his bandages. she looked back up to see his dark eyebags.

Y/n: " well I talked my mom into telling the nurses to let me go, I'm just glad that you're okay " Y/n says kissing her hand when he noticed a patch was over it.

Tara pulled her hand back as the doors swing open causing Y/n to jump back from the bed and almost falling over. Wes, Mindy and Chad came walked in looking at Y/n who was regaining his composure. they all sit by Tara's side. after everyone made sure she was ok they stayed for another 15 minutes before Sam and Richie walked in and instantly Y/n shot up from his sleepy daze and greeted them followed by Wes and shortly after the others 

Y/N: " thank you for coming."

Sam: " no, thank you for telling me I don't know what would've happened if you weren't there with her"

Chad, Mindy amber and Wes gave each other a look.

Tara: " y-you came" her voice cracked.

Sam: " of course I came" she says with Tara looking off towards Richie " oh and this is my boyfriend Richie"

Richie: " hi, nice to meet you and sorry for intruding." he says apologetically"

Tara: " nice to meet you too" she raised her hand to gesture a wave.

Sam moved closer to Y/n whilst amber helped Tara open her water bottle.

Sam: " once again thank you for calling" she says with relief.

Y/N: " of course I wouldn't let my girl- tutor get hurt how else am I supposed get my grades up" Y/n almost slipped up but by this point he didn't quite save himself.

Sam gave him an odd look and went to say something, but Wes beat her to it.

Wes: " so what exactly are you two" he says causing Y/n to harshly gulp and Tara to choke on her water everyone looked at Wes weirdly.

Wes: " I mean like relationship wise" he explained himself.

Amber: " I mean yeah, we kind of accused Y/n of being the attacker but he later came out saying you were tutoring him but is that really what's going on " 

Sam moved back to Richie who felt out of place.

Sam: " anyway uh these are Chad and Mindy, the twins and they are Wes, and Y/n the brothers. I used to babysit them well except for Y/n" she says now making Richie feel more at peace.

Wes: " that's just how I always how I want to be introduced " he said awkwardly.

Sam and Wes chuckled to themselves as amber gave Sam the side eye.

Sam: " and amber. hey "

Amber: " hi. nice to meet you too."

Richie: " hey pleasure mine" they smiled at each other. 

Tara: " ahem... yes I am Y/n's tutor and no he did not attack me, he actually beat the hell out of Ghostface " she says getting scared again.

Y/n: " yeah, at least Tara's got my back" they all chuckled a bit.

Chad: " yeah because you're always the victim Y/n" he said with a joking amount of sarcasm

Sam: " so uh, where's mom" her smile dissipated.

Tara: "she's stuck at a conference in London" 

Y/n: " she called earlier." he says a bit bothered " yeah for all of ten minutes" amber stated.

Wes: " look Tara must be tired, let's just give her some more space"

Amber: " yeah"

Mindy: " ok anyone up for a bite"

Tara: " wait!" she freaked out with everyone suddenly snapping their heads to her.

Tara: " Sam no you can stay"

Sam: " oh okay" she says.

Chad: " but the rest " he gestured, pointing out the doorway 

Mindy/amber/Wes: "yeah" they say to each other.

Y/n would've been the last one to walk out but he was stopped by a distressed voice.

Tara: " Hey Y/n not you I want you to stay with me" she said not caring about the confusion around the room as the others poke their heads back in 

Y/N: " sure whatever you want Tara" he smiled with his eyes.

everyone else left the room completely leaving the door open for amber and Richie to leave.

Sam: " hey if its ok with you, I could sleep here tonight" she said staring at the girl, but Tara was focused on Y/n who nodded to her.

Tara: " I'd really like that" she says turning her head back to her sister where she smiled back and forth between Y/n and Sam.

Amber: " okay oh wait do you have your spare inhaler?"

Tara: " oh shit yeah I didn't really have time to grab it y'know" she points to the hospital attire. 

Amber: " oh well you can always come to my-" " don't worry I made sure to bring her inhaler I even grabbed an extra one, so she'll be fine" Y/n cut amber off 

Amber didn't like what she just heard not one bit she fixed her sunglasses and scowled.

Amber: "oh, ok then"

she left the room with only Richie left everyone looked at him. 

Richie: " ok yeah, I'll just be right outside"

Sam: " ok, love you" she yelled to which he put his hand up and shut the door behind him.

Tara looked back to Sam with a strong look but when she looked at Y/n behind her she broke and started to cry Y/n quickly brushes past Sam and pulled Tara close to him to let her cry into his shoulder. Y/n began to rub soothing circles into her back to hopefully calm her down. 

Y/N: " hey hey its ok bubs Sam and I are here now" Y/n slipped up but he and Tara didn't care.

Sam stared at the two with more confusion. 

Sam: " wait, wait hold on are you two secretly together or something"

Y/n looked at Sam as she looked back with a shocked expression, she did suspect them of being together, but she didn't know for sure.

Y/N: " look we will tell you later but now isn't the right time I mean look at her " he says quietly. 

Tara slowly raised her head so that she could see Y/n. she had tears streaming down her face dripping of her chin dampening his shirt. she hugged him tighter as he kissed her forehead and caressed the back of her head.

Sam: " yeah, no that's fine this is more important, I would never have thought she could be so emotionally scarred" she moved closer and began to hug the couple. the three of them hugged for a bit. Sam pulled away.

Sam: " and how are you Y/n" she said seriously.