
Unguided Souls: The Lost Soldier

Marc Felton, a retired soldier dong random stuff in his time is now faced by the need to survive and adapt. Nothing like good scary mother nature in sending you a wake up call in the middle of nowhere with your pants down. That is how Marc found himself, half-naked, drenched and cold as the forest breeze passed through his family jewels. How will Marc adapt to the harsh world he is thrown into? Will he be able to make a way to find himself back to his old home? Will he even go home? This story is how a man that has no ambition but is thrown into a world filled with powerful beings with only his own wits with him and years of his training at hand to face the storms that are about to head his way.

Bottomlanefeeder27 · Fantasy
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58 Chs

Chp. 05 Doing random sh*t

Due to the tree Marc received attacks from large versions of animals. They seem to be in frenzy but Marc somehow understood, since the Fruit tree did not make any more fruits so the supply Marc hid was the only ones left.

But he has plenty enough to last few more years even if he only consumed that fruit. Yet for now he is dealing with various beasts that are giving him headaches.

Five ton boars, Horse sized Wolves, quick and sneaky wolf sized foxes and even some large birds like eagles and hawks.

But somehow Marc was able to see the visible hierarchy in the area when the birds do not even steal from him when they can if there are some fruits on the other fruit trees.

Somehow he became the top predator in that area of the forest and occasionally some beast would dare challenge him. And he now understood the fruits on the other trees than his own tree house were very valuable commodity in this area.

Weirdly enough the mountains on the south has no beast coming from there. And when Marc was able to fashion a telescope by shaping a few crystals into lenses he found out that far from the coast the whole land is surrounded by thunder storms.

Northern sea was harsher and has visible Ice bergs floating around it so Marc marked it to be very dangerous. He did notice how unpredictable the weather but he noticed it mostly consisted of rainy days, cloudy days, a few sunny days and some weeks getting cold but not cold enough to form snow.

And only the lands to the south are not riddled with the constant storms as well as erratic weather. But Marc was content for now as he now at least has a home similar to his off grid one in his past world.

One thing great about men that were in the military is that they are great at adapting to situations. Now other than making stone tools from time to time, Marc was preparing to make more tools so he could finally make a complete forge.

[Two years later]

This project alone took Marc another two years until he was able to finish it since he has no idea what he is doing and only made things by memory. Now he is recording everything he could remember in leather parchments or wooden planks he made.

He did not want to forget anything and even recorded all the things he learned from basic math to college geometry. From simple basic science to advanced physics and chemistry even if he could not remember it all.

The thing that took ages to make was the Anvil which Marc had made using the toughest metals he could find in the cave. He did make at least a few hundred meters tunnels in the mountain and he was only able to gather the metal he thought to be tungsten after two years.

Even with his superhuman strength that he estimates he now has over five tons of strength and even felt his skin strengthen that when he tried cutting himself he was not injured.

Only when he used the daggers made of the bear claw did he succeed in making a small wound. Now he looked like a real and proper wild man as he stood about six feet and seven inches tall and now probably weighed 113 kilos of pure muscle.

With his long hair and bushy beard he felt that if a normal person sees him they might get scared shitless. He did have a share of scars here and there, first was when the van sized crab ambushed him in the beach when he went for more salt.

He still carries that scar in his left thigh but thankfully he recovered and no detrimental damage was done. He did take revenge later on by throwing head sized rocks on the beach until it annoyed the Crab King.

But the armor of the guy was too tough and he was only able to kill it using a full metal spear thrown in full strength. He then fashioned a tower shield using the large crab shell and the rest were made into small bucklers.

Its leg shells and other parts were made into bracers and thigh guards. Now another Hobby sprouted out of Marc and that was making armors and weapons form the strong animals he killed.

It was mostly daggers and knives since claws and fangs were mostly the parts he could use. But the bones of the Bear he killed and a gigantic Boar proved to be very tenacious. Even when he boiled the hell out of them the bones were as tough as steel.

He even made bone whips from Wolf spines, some bows using the avian predators' flexible bones but the rest were grinded up to be used as feed or fertilizer for the tree and the chickens.

They lay ostrich sized eggs too and it gave a new source of protein for Marc. Thankfully the herbs he had catalogued were enough for him to make a diverse way of cooking.

There were thing similar to peppers and chilis on the island too, as well as basil, oregano, wild garlic and wild onions. At least he was now able to rebuild the garden and even make a rudimentary form of vinegar and wine from a palm like tree near the beach.

"Tyrone! Let's go and map out the lands down south!" Marc shouted to the largest c-rooster in the flock and the big black rooster straightened up.

"KWacrawck!!" Tyrone the big black rooster cawed at Marc.

It was then Marc was greeted by the most dangerous creatures he had ever faced, man sized bugs. Thankfully he has Tyrone who seemed a good deterrence for the creepy crawlies that could be someone's nightmare fuel.

But he did find the large crickets to taste almost like lobster if roasted properly. He also witnessed the Foggy Mountains once he reached there at least three mountains, five Hills and two valleys away from his home.

So Marc did not wander beyond that yet and went to chart and map out the rest of the place that he was able to wander. He was able to find more large burrows of other beast like bears and boars.

Then there was five more caves where other chicken flocks were found and Marc was able to defeat the flock leader by himself as he was now stronger and faster.

He had realized how lucky he was the rooster that attacked him at first was careless as he had seen how the chickens fight and they could even put up a good battle against the larger beast like the bears.

Now that he thought about it the Chickens are somehow placed on the top three animal groups in his area here if he crunch up the numbers a bit. The ones with on top were not the bears, but more like the Wolves as well as the Boars who can grow larger than the Bears.

An adult bear could kill a Normal Adult Boar but the premise Marc is pointing out is that the three groups were social creatures who somehow has hierarchy in the forest. Only the bear he faced early on who used to live in the tree seemed to be the strongest beast he met for now.

Also every time when he sees the various Beasts he could see that there were some sort of understanding between them and they have a language they only could understand.

At least they were smart enough to understand Marc's words and somehow he is starting to understand how the chickens converse. Marc spent his days like these wandering and charting about various places as well as mined some metals for his spare time to make more stuff in his past time.

It wasn't until the next month he was able to find a sign that there were evidences that the world he is in has inhabitants. Because he was able to find a wreckage of a wooden ship with mast and all in the beach where he had fought the Crab King, but there were no survivors.

He did find crates of books, scrolls, some bottled spices which he happily collected and more weird stuff. But he was able to understand he was in a fantasy world when there were some taxidermies of creatures unknown to him.

Sure the animals in the land he is in are similar to earth but his thought that maybe it was just some sort of Island Gigantism. Yet here he was looking at a humanoid taxidermy which looked like those devils in a game he like to play, Darksiders.

He looked at the hollow stomach of the statue and how well preserved it was. But it was then he was stumped since he found the books were written in a language he has no idea of.

The wrecked ship was large and seemed to be a frigate, how Marc knew? Just some knowledge he soaked in while watching youtube and tiktok vids.

But he was not able to find some sort of cannons or anything, a few broken ballistae was recovered though. But Marc was not able to take all since he was not confident enough to face the other Sea Beast in the deeper waters.