
Unguided Souls: The Lost Soldier

Marc Felton, a retired soldier dong random stuff in his time is now faced by the need to survive and adapt. Nothing like good scary mother nature in sending you a wake up call in the middle of nowhere with your pants down. That is how Marc found himself, half-naked, drenched and cold as the forest breeze passed through his family jewels. How will Marc adapt to the harsh world he is thrown into? Will he be able to make a way to find himself back to his old home? Will he even go home? This story is how a man that has no ambition but is thrown into a world filled with powerful beings with only his own wits with him and years of his training at hand to face the storms that are about to head his way.

Bottomlanefeeder27 · Fantasy
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58 Chs

Chp. 04 Free real Estate

It took about thirty minutes for Marc to clean the whole rooster and clean out all of the guts inside.

There he saw how the roosters seem to have a diet of worms and insects, even if Marc was not able to find other creatures he does hear some crickets in the night.

Only hear them, Marc had never found one as he was once desperate to change diets for protein he spent two days looking for crickets.

Marc then placed the other organs and chopped meat in separate jars then brought them into the tree shelter.

Marc saw that the sea water was only boiled halfway so he waited for a bit as he went to wash the crabs as well in the stream.

He then went back to put the crabs on another Jar and scooped up a few bowls of salt water to start cooking the crabs first. It was only about ten minutes in as Marc opened the Jar to be greeted by a pair of red well-cooked crustaceans.


Cracking the shell off he found that it was harder than what he thought it would be. It made him use his full strength to open it and was finally able to pull some meat out on one leg. First bite Marc was sent to heaven at the rich seafood taste that he has missed for so long.

"~Aunghh~~" Marc moaned without a worry of anyone since he was alone. "Oh shit Watson you should try this!"

Marc placed a leg in front of the scare crow he built. Marc was so happy to finally taste another flavor that he cried for a bit alone in the corner.

It was then he finished boiling the sea water that he was left with about a kilo of salt as he scrapped the minerals on the side of the jar. But this time he was full already from one crab that he just straight up stored the salt on a smaller Jar.

Then he just took out all the fatty parts of the rooster he killed and placed them on a jar so he could get some oil from it. It took him two hours to finally render the oil from the rooster and found that the produced oil was clearer that what he had hoped.

Marc spent the day until the night time making what he could, he diced up some meat from the breast part and mixed them with salt then stuffed in the intestines to make some sausages.

It was then Marc realized the bones were quite hard and he might need time to boil it for stock but for now he is tired. Taking a break and looking at the result of his work he smiled then drifted to dream land.

[The next day]

"Peep Cheep peepip!!" Marc was suddenly woken up from sleep as a chirping noise sounded out. It was then he looked around and saw a fluffy black chick the size of a normal chicken peck on the crab shells of what he ate last night.

"What the fuck?" Marc said as he looked the fluffy bird. Instinctively he reached out and held the chick which did not resist at all as it let itself be held by Marc.

"Why aren't you a cute one, isn't he cute Watson?" Marc smiled as he petted the small Chick.

"Peep! Peep!" the chick chirped as it felt comfortable in Marc's hands.

"I'm gonna keep it…." Marc smiled as he felt the days would not feel so lonely anymore.

[Three years later]

"WHOAAAHOOO!!!!" Marc screamed as he ran fast as the wind while a large black rooster or Big Black C-.

"CRACKAW!!" the rooster cawed as it followed behind Marc as they ran in the trees and by the stream.

"Catch up if you can Tyrone!!" Marc named the chick that as it became the new leader of the flock of giant Chickens in the near area.

Marc had fully scouted out the land from east to west and to the north. Though he only looked at everything in a quick manner since he had felt many large beasts in some areas that he felt he cannot deal with for the moment.

All that was left was the land beyond the Foggy mountains that Marc had not tried to wander yet to the south. But all in all he had already memorized the forest and its some of its inhabitants in the past year.

Now Marc had found that other than the large chickens, the other groups of animals that only appear after the raining seasons are comprised of Bears, Boars, Foxes, Wolves, Large Birds, Large Lizards, Snakes and other creatures you'd normally find in a rain forest, but larger and meaner.

Some he cannot identify yet as they looked bizarre as well as dangerous to go near off. Marc treaded carefully the past years as he never knew what might be dangerous for him.

But thanks to his big black c-ahem his Large Black Rooster, Marc was able to survive and conquer a small part of the forest as his own. Though he is placed in an area where the larger beast does not hunt and is mostly like borders in their territories.

And in the middle of the many borders he identified where is situated in is his home which he had found that the tree that he is living in is a unique kind of tree.

He has not found any other kind similar to his tree and the other fruits he found were not a satiating as his fruit tree. He did meet the original owner though, five meters tall on all fours and when it's on two legs it stood about eleven meters tall, a gigantic muscular grizzly bear.

It had woken up from its two year hibernation and was about to go back but Marc had already taken up his residence.

No wonder there were no other animals that wanted to come near as the Bear had burrowed quite near the tree.

It took Marc a lot of weapons and with the help of his trusty Big Black C…Tyrone who he weaponized with a pair of knives he forged.

Yes he forged, because he found out when he went deeper into the Chicken cave that there was a wide area inside which Marc was able to mine out a good amount of iron.

Although his skills are crude Marc was able to make simple tools in the past three years. He was then able to make a proper sword and spear tips but that was barely enough for him to kill the bear.

Thankfully he had improved and become a superhuman in strength even if he does not know how. He just somehow felt the weird energy when eating the special fruit when he is asleep.

It made him strong enough to be able to pierce through the hide of the beast. It was then he was able to find that the claws of the bear were much harder and sharper than the normal dagger.

Thus he made at least eight daggers with the claws and fashion the rest along with the fangs into a necklace. He even made the bear hide into a cloak which he made from experimental tanning.

He used the bark of a rather resinous tree to tan the hide and it worked wonders as the rug still looked like it was freshly peeled off but also has no odor or anything.

Many the things he discovered were done on the observation of the behavior of the chickens. He watched what they ate so he could know which is edible and which is not.

It was then he found the weed the chickens prefer to eat, it looked like pineapple leaves without the spiky sides.

And when the chickens eat it they always leave behind the fiber like strings of the plant, which Marc studied and used to make ropes.

It was quite sturdy too and not the large fruit tree became a full fledge tree house as Marc has been able to make a small compound around the tree.

He even made a five meter tall wall made of gigantic boulders he gathered and connected using Lime Mortar. Now he was even able to redirect the small stream nearby to fashion a four meter deep moat.

He was able to wall the surroundings of the tree with a ten meter radius around it. Now he also made large pens for the chickens where they could shelter themselves, he was even able to make a garden but they were all trashed by the bear that Marc had to rebuild and replant again.

But he was not bored anymore and does not talk to an imaginary 'Watson' as he now has the rooster Tyrone. He did try to make a saddle which took a few tries for him but eventually he now has one for Tyrone.

He sometimes ride the rooster around the land he conquered and now faces constant challenges from other beast who wanted the fruit tree for themselves since the last ruler of the area died in Marc's hands.