
Ultra Sapien : Soul Fraction[dropped,sorry guys]

Edward, on his way to become a millionaire got his path cut short and died before he reach his goal. However, his perseverance and attitude has given him the grace to try for the second time but now with even greater goal, within a greater reality! Now with a headstart that none could compare against, what path would Edward take? will he be a Saint? a Devil? or a simple bystander? ================================ Author-san Notes : MC(Edward) will be the complete antithesis of another MC(David) but they're not enemies per se. This fanfic will present the clash of three transmigrators from Earth. Edward with his innate gift after rebirth. David who starts from the very bottom after transmigration. and Clark with OP powers granted by a certain High Being. The former barely has moral baseline, the latter is too fixed on being a human, and the final one took everything for granted. While this fanfic contains a lot of dark R-18 elements in latter chapters, I will add many comedy elements as well. Hence the tags.

FakeOda · Movies
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20 Chs

Claude Steins's in Perils

'Now I understand how helpless Saitama has been' Edward chuckled internally.

The back and forth Q&A session with his father during last evening has given him insight in new perspective that he wasn't aware of before. Edward felt like he had won the hidden prize in a lottery but that very prize he got took all desire away from him.

'No wonder the Ultra Sapien are too fixed on discipline and humility. Without those, I'm sure great madness would've caused all worlds to be destroyed.' Edward reached a conclusion. While they had the absolute power within their grasp, their hands are shackled for the sake of themselves and others living in the Infinite Space.

Although Edward himself knew his level of power could crush a portion of the Infinite Space, he is very much aware how much destruction an Ultra Sapien stronger than he, could cause. If Edward is not an Ultra Sapien, his every fiber would surely be filled with immense dread if he ever came across this level of knowledge.

'Welp. Mulling it over won't do a lot. Hah~ let's sleep...'

"Zzz...." Edward slowly closed his eyes and drift to dreamland.


Somewhere in a world located not in the Infinite Space but the White Realm, a bearded man is currently battling against a group of heavy warriors. On his body are several deep gashes. Some has dried out but the newer ones he got are still wet and dripping with blood.

It has been close to a decade since Claude first found a mysterious portal heading to an unknown location after he conquered the Grand Aspiration Universe. The world that he was commissioned to conquer under his father's order. From the start to finish, Claude took a little over three decade to fully unite the world under his rule and then he proceeded to rule that world for a century. After bringing with him massive revolution and knowledge ahead of time, and spreading them to those under his rule, the kingdom took a massive leap in term of prowess of all kind. Thus, under his lead, the kingdom went on an interstellar crusade after 120 years since his ascension to the throne.

The new era caused by Claude and his empire is an era filled with conquest, ambition, and bloodshed. However, that period of time quickly became a legendary era where numerous powerful individuals emerge. Be it as an ally or enemy to Claude and his kingdom. The era was called the Strongest Era, and it lasted for a whole ten thousand years before peace came again. The whole universe are unified under one ruler, known as the strongest Warrior Emperor Steins the First.

Warrior Emperor Steins left a few descendants behind before he completely disappeared and never seen again. Some thought that the Emperor has fallen, and this piece of rumor reignited the ambitions of many former enemies of the Emperor. However, they still chose to hide in the dark until the perfect moment to strike present itself.

Almost all of them didn't show up simply because of the probability that the Emperor are simply laying low somewhere to catch them off guard. While the truth is almost the exact opposite.

On one fine day, Claude came across a peculiar portal somewhere in a barren land during his brief solo adventure. As a Tier 15 being, which means he is an existence beyond Multiversal level, Claude was confident that he'd be just fine. Fueled by his budding arrogance, Claude stepped into the portal and was sent to the White Realm. A realm which lay beyond Infinite Space where dangerous and monstrous beings lived in.

"It looks like my Gavand race are destined to be the one who topples the Overlord race! HAHAHA! Who would have thought that an inferior offspring of an Ultra would jump into that obvious trap?" A tall humanoid being said with a vicious smile etched on his face.

Claude at this point could not afford to waste his energy to retort. All around him are a group of similarly large warriors in heavy armament, besieging him at the center. As for the leader or general of these people, he stood a small distance away from the encirclement.

Hearing no answers from Claude, the general felt humiliated and a frown marred his face. He could clearly see confusion on the peculiar humanoid being's face.

"So you're unaware of your heritage... No wonder you are weak. To think that even an inferior and impure offspring of an Overlord could cause this much damage to my troops have done service to the notoriety of the Overlord race." The general appear to understood the solemnity of the situation but seeing the weak state of Claude, his eyes quickly turn blind with greed.

"I'm a human, you fucker." Claude said while enduring the pain that are wrecking his body. The pace at which his injuries heal became significantly slower than it used to be, before he came to this world. Before he entered the portal, to be exact.

"So that's the name of the inferior race? A human? What a peculiar and frail race." The general scoffed. He raised his right hand, ready to give another order to his men.

'Even if I die here. I'll take you down with me, fucker.' Claude yelled internally and muster up what's left of his energy for a final stand.

"Men!" The general shouted gruffly.


"Neutralize target and capture!" The general wave his hand forward and gave his final order.


Claudia felt her heart skipped a beat and the glass in her hand fell to the floor. She suddenly felt unease as if something has happened to the ones she hold dear.

'My son!' Claudia brought her hands to her chest. Her face showing obvious sign of distress and worry. Claudia did not know what is happening to her son, but whatever it is, it isn't good. Of that, she's certain of. Never underestimate a mother's intuition.


There exist infinite version of everyone in the multiverse. By everyone, it means those who's starts existing in a universe. Including David.

Across the Multiverse, there exist different kind of David. Some are good, some are evil, and the rest are somewhere in between. Each universe within a multiverse are different, but same. Different as in, there are certain events that happened differently which led to different outcomes.

In one universe, David has become the most powerful superhero. While in another, David is a supervillain that would make the like of Dr. Doom appears cute.

However, there is one constant in all other universe except for one. There are no 'copies' of Edward and the others related to him in all other universes, with only one being an exception.

But that's until Edward made four clones using the essence of the universe. Which allow the multiverse to 'copy' his existence but that's not all. The same thing happens to everyone related to Edward, and thus, a massive change occured throughout various timeline and universes.

While the multiverse now has infinite version of Edward, it has no means to copy his might. These 'clones' are too inferior even when compared to the real clones of Edward that he made and left behind in a universe. The multiverse conscious 'Will' could only create realities based on what's stored inside it's 'database' and clearly, it doesn't have the capital to recreate a 'True' Edward.