
Ultra Sapien : Soul Fraction[dropped,sorry guys]

Edward, on his way to become a millionaire got his path cut short and died before he reach his goal. However, his perseverance and attitude has given him the grace to try for the second time but now with even greater goal, within a greater reality! Now with a headstart that none could compare against, what path would Edward take? will he be a Saint? a Devil? or a simple bystander? ================================ Author-san Notes : MC(Edward) will be the complete antithesis of another MC(David) but they're not enemies per se. This fanfic will present the clash of three transmigrators from Earth. Edward with his innate gift after rebirth. David who starts from the very bottom after transmigration. and Clark with OP powers granted by a certain High Being. The former barely has moral baseline, the latter is too fixed on being a human, and the final one took everything for granted. While this fanfic contains a lot of dark R-18 elements in latter chapters, I will add many comedy elements as well. Hence the tags.

FakeOda · Movies
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20 Chs

The Symbol of True Power

"That's a mouthful.." David said. After so long, finally the woman who claim herself as neighbor living next door reveal her true identity as an agent of S.H.I.E.L.D.

Agent Romanoff felt curious toward David's reaction after she revealed her identity as a spy mainly because she doesn't get that a lot. She expected surprise and alarm but was greeted by nonchalance and disregard as if David already knew about her and S.H.I.E.L.D.

Even when David caught her red-handed while she's trying to install hidden surveillance pieces covertly, she attribute all of those to his keen sense and not really banking on David to know about the secret organization.

"We get that a lot or you can refer to us as-"

"SHIELD. I know." David cut her off and waved his hand dismissively. Now, it's certain that David really am aware of the secret organization.

"It seems you know more about us than we initially thought." Black Widow smiled. While it puts her in a bit of an unfavorable position, it would be easier to 'coax' David to join a team that Nick Fury, the director of the organization is trying to realize. The Avengers initiate program.

"Oh you have no idea, agent Romanoff." David chuckled. Truth is, the only reason David could speak freely without fearing others that not supposed to hear, hearing this conversation is that he had placed a sound insulation spell on the house. Also, Francisca isn't at home during this period of time because she's out at work and would be back at dusk at least.

"In that case, I better stop beating around the bush now should I?" She smiled.

"Let me guess, Director Fury told you to scout me for Avengers program." David asked but not in questioning tone. Instead the way his tone leans more toward stating a fact that asking or questioning.

Black Widow frowned hearing David's answer. How could she not, when not many even among Shield agents that knew about this matter?

"I'm a Sorcerer, Natasha Romanoff. I know my stuffs." David said. He lied. The reason he knew was not because of magic, but because he is a transmigrator. Well, one can argue that he still got transmigrated using magical means, so in a roundabout way, He knew what he knew because of magic? So he did not lie, technically.

"What's your answer, then?" Natasha asked directly.

"No." David said while smiling.

"Avengers program are meant to gather extraordinary individuals in order to combat against threat from beyond this world. From outer space. We won't be working for the government if that's what you are worrying about. Instead, we would not take part in all internal conflicts unless it reach a point where the global safety were threatened." Black Widow said, hoping that David didn't know this much.

"I know that too." David said with a smile still hanging on his lips.

"Why then?" Black Widow questioned.

"Thor Odinson. Steve Rogers. Tony Stark. Bruce Banner. Clint Barton. And finally you, Natasha Romanoff. These are the names of those that will be gathered as Avengers. Each one of you played a massive role in all future conflicts, battles, and wars. You guys are the frontier group. But what about the backline? Have you thought about this? Have Nick Fury ever considered a backup plan in case you guys all happen to get killed off?" David stopped talking to let his word shimmer down. He is sure that Natasha has a camera on her and the recording would reach Nick Fury later.

"Don't misunderstood. I will join any battle or war I deem necessary to get involved in and I will do more than that. However, I would prefer working on my own and let you guys focus on what's ahead. Aside from that, I know there are some monstrous... Beings. Living on Earth that somehow, not even a single organization knew about. Not even the Shield, I think." David added.

"I will take your word to the Director but I believe you know this won't be our last encounter?" Black Widow did not add more to her words. Getting a nod from David, agent Romanoff exit the place.

After confirming that agent Romanoff had left, David heaved a long tired breath.

"Goddamn it's exhausting to act like a know-all like that." David let himself fall on the soft sofa and relax his body.

All of a sudden, David felt his body tensed up and his sense blared uncontrollably indicating that he is in a grave danger. He immediately stood up and leap away from his initial spot and stood leaning in front of a wall. His gaze warily eyed his surrounding but he couldn't see anything. Not even his magic power picked up any sort of signal.



"Father. What's this war all about?" Edward asked his father as he stood on one leg with his other three limb stretched out. On each of his arm, is a meter long rope tied on his wrist and a pail filled with water at the other hand. On his stretched out left leg, is a big rock tied to his ankle.

Edward and Darga are both shirtless under the scorching sun, experiencing similar situation. Barely 3 meters to the front, is a small tree with a shade and their father is leaning against the tree with his arm crossed behind his head. Hearing Edward's question, Daemar opened one of his eyes briefly to look at Edward before closing it back again.

"War Against the Heaven. A group of selfish leaders and rulers plotting against their own citizens and kin in order to keep themself in power by using us as a cause." Daemar answered calmly.

"In this case, we are the heaven. The heaven that they knew would be impossible to beat but tricks their citizens and kin to go on a war against us. While they stood at the back and reap the benefits." He added.

"What benefits they could get to go to such length?" Darga questioned with a deep frown on his face.

"Our corpse, perhaps?" Edward answered after mulling it over in his head.

"Correct. In fact what transpires now are not a one time thing. It happened in the past as well." Daemar nodded.

"Then why don't we just capture those people and kill them off?" Darga asked again.

"Would you help people that will curse you instead of offering their thankfulness? Do you think we haven't tried that? The answer is, we have. Furthermore, there are rules we need to abide even during war time. A nonsensical rule that has no good points for us other than to train us against being ganged upon." Daemar explained.

"What rule?" Now it's Edward's turn to ask.

"Briefly speaking, it's a one versus many, type of war. Edward will have to fight against a group of five or more all alone. Same goes to you Darga, and others that will be joining this war on our side." Daemar answered.

"And if we broke that rule?" Darga asked.

"Nothing will happen." Daemar answered.

"Huh? Then what's the point of following such rules?" Edward tilted his head to the side and immediately felt himself losing his balance. He flailed around trying to re-stabilize himself.

"Because if not, everything else would be worthless. There won't be any more excitement and fun we could seek outside of our own world. Tell me, what is the point of living that kind of life?" Daemar laughed.

"I see.." Darga closed his eyes in understanding. Edward who's standing next to him also nodded.

True, Ultra Sapien is the peak race unmatched by all others no matter how much effort they put in and how much strength they had. It all boils down toward one sole point. Their life level is simply on a pedestal meant to be unreached and insurmountable.

They are the symbol of true power, the incarnation of invincibility, and the epitome of absolute peak.