
Ultra Sapien : Soul Fraction[dropped,sorry guys]

Edward, on his way to become a millionaire got his path cut short and died before he reach his goal. However, his perseverance and attitude has given him the grace to try for the second time but now with even greater goal, within a greater reality! Now with a headstart that none could compare against, what path would Edward take? will he be a Saint? a Devil? or a simple bystander? ================================ Author-san Notes : MC(Edward) will be the complete antithesis of another MC(David) but they're not enemies per se. This fanfic will present the clash of three transmigrators from Earth. Edward with his innate gift after rebirth. David who starts from the very bottom after transmigration. and Clark with OP powers granted by a certain High Being. The former barely has moral baseline, the latter is too fixed on being a human, and the final one took everything for granted. While this fanfic contains a lot of dark R-18 elements in latter chapters, I will add many comedy elements as well. Hence the tags.

FakeOda · Movies
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20 Chs

Family Dynamics and Taboo

"Husband. Something happened to our son." Claudia said to Edward(clone) with cracked voice.

At that time, Edward was accompanied by Freeda at a small garden. When Claudia crash through the door, Freeda was massaging Edward's shoulder.

"I know, Claudia." Edward said and beckons Claudia to take a seat at the small rock table inn front of him.

"He won't die that easily even though he's in the White Realm. Men grew from hardships and trauma, oh my dear woman. Let him experience what it meant to be the offspring of an Ultra Sapien." Edward added and like a spell, his words immediately calmed down the distressed Claudia.

She heaved a breath of relief hearing Edward's word. Not even a sliver of doubt crossed her mind because she believed in her husband's judgement. Claudia has once witnessed a sliver of Edward's power and that alone makes her believe that Edward is the strongest. While the reason she fell in love with him could be considered immoral, and full of carnal desires, she latter learned a different side of Edward that makes her a changed woman.

Claudia as of now, no longer live her life in moral degeneration but strive to become a woman worthy of his protection. She became a faithful woman to one man, and a loving mother.

"Don't worry sister Claudia. Good thing out of this ordeal, is that Claude would come out stronger than ever." Freeda gave her words of comfort to Claudia. She understood Claudia's emotions because she's also a mother and could sympathize with her.

"Besides, it's a husband's job to educate his sons." Freeda snickered. Edward smiled at that but didn't say anything more. All three of them changed the topic and continue chatting for some time after that.

Edward had left behind a total of four clones that would tend to different matters. Now that the time came for Georgina to give birth, all four of them couldn't help but get anxious. This has been the umpteenth times since his first child, but he still felt the same agitation whenever his women are about to give birth.

His women knew that even though Edward couldn't really handle a baby properly even till now, he is actually a dedicated father figure to all his childrens in their latter stage of life. His teachings and upbringing that puts emphasize on discipline and humility brings out the best characters of the childrens. They're taught to be dependable independent young boys and Edward won't give them what they want all the time. Their mothers wholly accept Edward's approach and not try to meddle in his teaching style.

For his daughters however, they're treated almost completely different. The girls are all almost spoiled rotten by Edward to the point that they liked him more than their own mother. However, most of the girls education and teaching are left to their own mother and not fall on Edward. Edward teach the boys because he's a man, and his women teach the girls because they are women. A simple yet effective method.

The boys grew up to be strong and independent men, while the girls grew up to be kind and untainted women. However, there's a tiny bit of problem. Edward's children starts practicing incestuous relationship among them because of one issue. Each side has been out in the society and couldn't find someone they're attracted to because the others are too subpar. Inferior, even.

It was not because they thought that they are entitled to receive the best. Instead, they're exposed to an almost complete version a man or woman can be and they are their own half siblings. The girls felt that their half brothers are how men should be, while the boys felt that their half sisters are how women should be.

Edward simply shrugged his shoulder and not meddle in this matter unless there's a case involving blood brother and sister. There's a line that Edward didn't want his children to cross. Also, it's not like there will be a negative consequences from such relationship. If they're human, yes. A big problem would rise. But are they really just human? They're half Ultras, which meant that such limitations in bloodline doesn't apply to them.

Because of his children reverence and respect toward him, his sons view his women as the most perfect mate a man could ever had. However, that stops right there. They didn't dare to have malicious thoughts toward Edward and their half siblings mothers. Much less to act on it.

Though that's the usual dynamic of Edward's expansive family, there are still a few exceptions. Two exception points in general.

Point number 1 : A few among Edward's women, either they are his wives or servants, was once other man's wife and/or already a mother. Their children doesn't have blood connection with him at least, and Edward gave them permissions to have intimate relationship with their brothers or sisters that has his blood.

Example 1.1 : Edward's servant named Abbigail was a mother to two daughters before Edward. Layla and Leslie now lives in Alabama along with many Edward's descendants.

Layla, the elder sister of Leslie, married one of Edward's grandchildren from the direct lineage and his name is North. North Jones is the son of Vanness Jones and his spouse Jessica Steins. Which means, North is Claude's nephew. Vanness Jones is one of Edward's servant's son and her name is Amelia Jones. Vanness Jones isn't Edward's direct descendant and he was born way before his mother met Edward. As for his father, he died when Vanness was still a young boy.

(A/N : Filial piety is a great deed. Tread ahead with care.)

As for Leslie, she bore a grudge against her mother for leaving her biological father. As such, to realize her revenge, she subjected herself to Edward, seeking to get attention and make him abandon her mother. When Leslie realized that she's starting to grow addicted to Edward, it was already too late. Slowly, her hatred turn into realization and she understood why her mother are willing to abandon her husband for Edward. After years and until up to this day, Leslie has developed a bit of a kink in that she love having threesome. Especially with her mother.

Point number 2 : Among his step-children, there are a few that married outside of the family. Introducing new gene pool. Their children, or his grand step-children of suitable age are allowed to marry Edward's children from the 'main branch' or others.

(A/N : Twisted relationship mentioned ahead. You've been warned XD)

Example 2.1 : Melinda's son William was married to a half chinese half russian woman named Elizabeth Li. Through their marriage, William got 2 children. A boy and a girl and their name is William Jr. and Bella Li. These two could be considered Edward's grand stepchildren. Following the footstep of his father, William Jr. became a warrior serving under Edward. As for his sister Bella, she refused to marry anyone and stayed under the same roof as her parent. Outwardly, Bella displayed innocence and appear as if untainted by the world's dark side. Secretly though, Bella is having a taboo relationship with her grand stepfather. Or Edward in easier to understand word.

It all starts several years ago, when Bella is just a 16 years old girl facing puberty. When it hits, Bella's two body parts grew bigger than even her mother's. At that time, she was often taken to visit Edward's residence by her mother because around there lives a few of Bella's cousins at the same age as her.

Bella's physical body inherited the best of both world. Adding the Asian facial features on top, she fits very well in the most beautiful group of beauties. Edward took a fancy to Bella and on one fine day, he abducted her and tainted her body and mind by force. It happens a few times in the span of only a few days.

At first, Bella felt unwilling and hated Edward for what he did but her body reacted differently to Edward's touch. The pleasure she felt was too heavenly to pass on. Just when she's starting to feels hooked, Edward stopped coming for her and this left her feeling very frustrated and angry. Both at Edward who 'taught' her that sensation, and at herself for desiring to be taken advantage of by Edward.

That mindset of hers doesn't last long though. And the rest is history. Even until now, no one knew that Edward and Bella is in taboo relationship. Not her parents, nor does Edward's wives or servants.

Bella Li is Edward's favorite secret sex slave and to 'express' himself, Edward gave her a lot of wealth to live with and even did an almost complete Life Code makeover. A treatment that only few received. In a way, Bella is like Edward's beloved sugar baby.

Take out your brain and wash it with detergent XD

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