
Twilight: The Children of the Moon

In the Twilight World, werewolves stand among four supernatural species alongside shape-shifters, vampire-human hybrids, and vampires. The Children of the Moon, known as true werewolves, are humans transforming into fearsome wolf-like creatures under the full moon's influence. Unlike shape-shifters, these werewolves possess formidable strength, capable of single-handedly challenging vampires. However, their lack of control over the transformation makes them dangerous. Our main character, a transmigrater, unwittingly becomes a target for vampires after surviving a near-death encounter with a monstrous creature. Little does he know, he's infected with werewolf venom, marking him as prey for the vampire hunters.

AmouxCreationsX · Movies
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Chapter 4

Charlie looked confused by Billy's strange behavior towards Jay, but he didn't notice that Jay was also acting strangely. To lighten the mood, Charlie went inside the house to grab drinks for Billy, leaving Jay alone with his natural predatory competitors. After taking a deep breath, Jay looked towards Billy, while Jacob, a shy kid, remained in the truck. However, the expression on Billy's face turned serious, no longer seeing Jay as a human but more as an enemy. Jay mirrored this seriousness, hoping things wouldn't get complicated.

Then Jay spoke, "I'm sure you are aware of what I am." Billy cryptically replied, "I'm not sure, but you are not one of us for sure." Jay continued with a smile, "In the end, I need your help." Confused, Billy looked towards Jay for more clarification. Just then, Charlie returned with beer cans and juice for both Jacob and Jay, diverting their attention.

With a smile, while distributing drinks, Charlie asked Billy, "What's your plan for today, Billy?" Billy adjusted his thoughts and replied, "Nothing much. What about you, Charlie?" Charlie, looking towards Jay, said, "Well, I'm off duty today."

Billy smiled and suggested, "Then come to my home for dinner." Jay was surprised by Billy's invitation. It was something Jay wanted; he needed to form a connection between himself and the Quileutes. Since he wasn't sure if he would become a mindless monster, having someone to help him hide it was essential. Charlie looked at Jay, seeking his opinion, which delighted Jay. He found Charlie to be at least better than Jain and Jay nodded in response.

Seeing no one having another opinion, Charlie and Jay followed Billy in their car, while Billy and Jacob led the way in their own truck. As the car moved through the woods, Jay felt a strong pull towards them, a sense of belonging. He yearned to run through the woods, and those thoughts clouded his mind. Yet, Jay somehow managed to resist those urges.

Charlie occasionally noticed Jay's interest in the woods, and he smiled at the way Jay acted. Throughout the journey, Charlie remained silent, as always. When they passed through the tribe men's home, people started coming outside, alerted by something. Jay saw it as another trouble, while Charlie found their unwelcoming behavior strange.

The tribe men tried to stop Billy's truck and talk with him, all the while looking in Jay's direction. As Charlie was about to go outside, Jay had many thoughts on how to stop Charlie from leaving the car.

As Charlie was about to leave, Jay held onto Charlie's hand and said, "Don't leave, they are acting strange." Charlie smiled at Jay's sudden concern and care and left the car. When Charlie approached them, they put up forced smiles. After a few minutes, Charlie returned to the car. Jay tried his best to remain calm, but his nervousness betrayed him, and he asked, "What's wrong, Charlie?" Charlie didn't seem to notice Jay's tension and said, "Nothing for us to worry about; it's all about their tribe and their council." Only then did Jay feel his heartbeats calming down. As the truck and the car started to move, so did their journey.