
Twilight: The Children of the Moon

In the Twilight World, werewolves stand among four supernatural species alongside shape-shifters, vampire-human hybrids, and vampires. The Children of the Moon, known as true werewolves, are humans transforming into fearsome wolf-like creatures under the full moon's influence. Unlike shape-shifters, these werewolves possess formidable strength, capable of single-handedly challenging vampires. However, their lack of control over the transformation makes them dangerous. Our main character, a transmigrater, unwittingly becomes a target for vampires after surviving a near-death encounter with a monstrous creature. Little does he know, he's infected with werewolf venom, marking him as prey for the vampire hunters.

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Chapter 5

Even though La Push was a tiny Indian reservation on the coast. It was undeniably beautiful. Everything was green – the trees with trunks covered in moss, their branches adorned with a canopy of it, and the ground carpeted with ferns. Even the air filtered down greenly through the leaves. Finally, they arrived at Billy Black's home.

Jay couldn't help but feel the eyes of the people around him, filled with fear, unlike the children who hadn't reached the age of awakening their bloodline magic. Jay stepped out of the car along with Charlie, who looked around with a confused expression, observing the unwelcoming presence of others. However, Billy didn't forget to signal others to avoid suspicion by acting strange.

Sarah Black, Billy's wife, forced a smile while doing her best to avoid Jay's presence, politely addressing Charlie, "How was your day, Charlie?" Charlie, clapping Billy on the shoulder, replied, "As usual." Then, with a smile, Sarah looked towards Jay and asked, "Is that the boy you were talking about?" Charlie turned towards Jay, urging him to come forward. Jay walked calmly, with only one word echoing in his mind, "Cool, cool, cool," and so on.

Jay could see Sarah gripping her arms, attempting to give her best smile. He walked slowly towards her and said, "Hi." Sarah, while ruffling Jay's hair, responded with a smile, "Hello, handsome boy. What's your lovely name?" Despite her cool appearance, Jay sensed her nervousness through her actions. Looking towards the two twin girls, Rachel Black and Rebecca Black, who were watching from the door frame, Jay replied, "Jay." For a brief moment, he felt charmed by the girls before shaking off the thought.

Sarah invited everyone to the hall as she excused herself to the kitchen along with the girls. Jay's eyes followed them, only to be disturbed by a clap on the back from Charlie. With a smile, Charlie walked towards the couch and sat on it with Billy. Jay found both of them cool, except for Billy occasionally showing hostility towards him, especially when Jay's eyes wandered to his daughter. Jay couldn't blame Billy; he was acting a bit too much like a teen now, even though he was a teen himself. But inside, Jay had already crossed the age of being a teen. Jay joined them, trying to find jokes from Billy and Charlie to put up an honest smile.

The situation didn't escalate any further, and everything returned to normal. Most of the time, Jay remained silent. However, there was someone else who might visit Billy's home. Charlie thought of it as a regular occurrence, even though today a lot of people were coming and going. What Charlie didn't notice were the glances and eyes directed at Jay. In Jay's mind, he was figuring out a way to get involved with the shape-shifter family. Among Billy's daughters, who were twins, Jay wasn't sure if it was Rachel or Rebecca, but one of them seemed curious about him, and they appeared to be the same age as Jay.