
Twilight: The Children of the Moon

In the Twilight World, werewolves stand among four supernatural species alongside shape-shifters, vampire-human hybrids, and vampires. The Children of the Moon, known as true werewolves, are humans transforming into fearsome wolf-like creatures under the full moon's influence. Unlike shape-shifters, these werewolves possess formidable strength, capable of single-handedly challenging vampires. However, their lack of control over the transformation makes them dangerous. Our main character, a transmigrater, unwittingly becomes a target for vampires after surviving a near-death encounter with a monstrous creature. Little does he know, he's infected with werewolf venom, marking him as prey for the vampire hunters.

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Chapter 3

As Charlie drove the car towards home, Jay found himself lost in contemplation, attempting to unravel the threads of his memories. When Jay learned about Charlie's name, Charlie Swan, he didn't think much of it. However, when he saw the signboard for Forks, everything started to become confusing. The combination of Swan and Forks together still left him uncertain if it was a pure coincidence.

Even more puzzling was Jain's identity as a werewolf, which seemed to match the description. However, what confused Jay was that Jain wasn't like the shape-shifters in the movie series; he was more like a genuine werewolf, closely resembling actual wolves. Since the movie series didn't show true werewolves, Jay had no idea they actually existed. What worried Jay the most at that moment was the bite mark on his arm, fading away. It made him alert, realizing that he might be turning into something else, perhaps a werewolf.

Slowly, they both returned to Charlie's home. Jay assisted Charlie in carrying his luggage, which mostly consisted of clothes and items Charlie had bought for him, a bit embarrassing for Jay who momentarily forgot about his previous shameless request in the past towards Jain to adopt him. Before Jay's discharge, Charlie had already purchased everything he thought was necessary for Jay, including a bed.

Upon entering the home, Jay looked around the hall, searching for clues to confirm his theories. His eyes landed on a photo featuring a kid's picture. Seeing Jay gazing at Bella's photo, Charlie spoke, "She is my daughter, and she around your age." Jay then tried to act confused and asked, "Sir, you said you are living alone?" To which Charlie replied, "She is in Phoenix along with her mom." Internally, Jay felt his theory was verified, but outwardly, he remained calm as Charlie led him upstairs to show his room.

Surprisingly, there were two rooms upstairs. Upon entering his room, Jay found it much better than his former stay. The only words he could muster for Charlie were, "Thank you, sir." But Charlie, with a serious expression, retorted, "You should stop calling me sir." Jay responded with a genuine smile, "Charlie?" Charlie nodded and walked away, saying, "That would be okay, come with me."

Jay followed him downstairs as Charlie explained how things worked in his home. Then, they heard a horn outside. Charlie walked outside, and Jay followed him.

And there came Billy Black and his younger child, Jacob, who seemed to be around 11. Billy appeared to be okay with his legs, perhaps because his diabetes hadn't reached a severe level causing nerve damage. However, when they saw Jay, their expressions changed as if they had encountered an enemy. They felt their magic awakening, recognizing Jay as a natural enemy of their kind. Charlie noticed the sudden shift in atmosphere and said with humor, "Billy, that's enough scaring the child."

Billy attempted to put on a smile, struggling with the effort, but Jay already sensed what was happening. He didn't expect them to be alerted by his presence, but it also confirmed that Jay had become a seed of a werewolf. Jay tried to reciprocate with a clumsy smile as they exchanged their names.