
Triplets For The Cold Hearted Alpha King

Betrayed by her beta boyfriend, and then her omega best friend, Cassandra is a young human whose life gets plunged into a couple of complications when she mistakenly spends a drunken night with someone whom she thinks is her boyfriend and unfortunately getting pregnant for said person, who’s none other than the big, bad alpha named Jason. That led to her fleeing the country to avoid losing her life. Three years later, Cassandra isn’t the sweet naive girl everyone once knew. She’s strong, revenge starved and engaged to a wealthy alpha. The only problem is that; she now has three children who are carbon copies of their father– who now wants them back at all cost, along with their mother. ~~~ Excerpt: “Mommy said you’re a horrible person.” Robin said with a tilt of his head, pulling back when Jason attempted to touch him. “I’m not.” Jason denied . “It’s all a misunderstanding.” “Well, mommy said you are and she’s always right.” Justin chipped in. “We shouldn’t even be talking to you, please stay away from us, mommy won’t be pleased by this.” Mason mumbled with a small shrug, while regarding Jason like he was some sort of evil ninja.

Gorgeous_Aliyah · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
10 Chs

Big, Bad Alpha Jason

Cassandra's POV


  That didn't go as smoothly as expected but at least it was efficient because within minutes, I was alone in the conference room with the Alpha.


Let's not mention that I was presently being strangled and pinned to the wall by him though. All that mattered was that I had finally gotten a chance to tell him I was currently with his child.


"Are you crazy?" He snarled and I was forced to wheeze due to the lack of air.


"You're choking me." I coughed out weakly.


"What did you think you were doing; blurting that out in front of so many people? What do you want? Fame?" He continued lowly, anger emitting from him in waves, ignoring my hitched breath.


'But you already commanded every person who was there not to reveal what happened to anyone and they all seemed like they would obey. E- even if they were tempted to disobey, you added a threat to their lives as part of the order', I was tempted to throw back at him but concluded that I still valued my life so I swallowed down the thought.


"Please, let go of my neck." I begged desperately and he gave me an angry glare before flinging me to the ground, and another jolt of pain went through my spine.


Was that safe considering I was pregnant though? I didn't want to lose my child and even if I did, I would prefer not to let its own father terminate the pregnancy.


I coughed and panted as my throat finally got full doses of air and remained on the ground for quite a while before shakily getting to my feet.


"Good... Good day, sir" I stuttered then bowed slightly.


"What could be good about the day after a nonentity like you interrupted my daily affairs?" He hissed out and I shivered in fear.


I really didn't intend to have announced that I was pregnant in such a public place but he was the one who had forced me into doing such. I had been desperate to get him to listen to me.


"I'm sorry" I apologized, knowing I had to grovel if I wanted to get his support with the child I was carrying.


"So what did you even think you were saying then? I slept with you just once and you just had to get pregnant?"


"It was unprotected sex" I protested.


"You're right. But shouldn't someone like you know how to prevent situations like this from happening?"


Someone like you... I don't like the sound of that.


"I have been going through a lot of things so I forgot to do anything to protect myself afterwards." I responded, even though that never crossed my mind because I didn't even remember the so-called sex and how it had felt like.


It was even my first time having sex as well, so it didn't even cross my mind to do anything in the first place.


"What a silly attempt at self-justification." He chuckled sinisterly. "How do I know you are not lying? You got home and after thinking for a while, realized you could permanently attach yourself to me like this, didn't you?"


"Of course not!" I denied exasperatedly.


"Who knows if you aren't even here in this company as a staff because of this plan of yours? You became a worker here just to get my attention, didn't you?"


"Why would I want to get your attention in the first place?" I fired back at him.


"I should be asking you that, shouldn't I?" He growled and I could feel myself flinching.


"I'll tell you what you didn't think about when you developed this shabby plan of yours; you didn't think about the fact that I would immediately realize that you aren't pregnant."


"I am pregnant! I could show you the test results" I suggested.


"Where are they? He asked and my brain had already flipped over in surprise before I realized I wasn't with the test results.


"They're... They're in my bag" I slowly admitted.


"You have two minutes." He blurted out and I immediately bolted out of the room.


How come it didn't cross my mind to get it all along? He was so receptive though, I didn't expect that he would act that way. 


But at least he was having a conversation with me. Maybe I still had a future after all.


"Miss, how come you are just returning?" I got queried once I returned to my corner. 


"I was sent an errand and have been summoned even now." I spat out and snatched the result from my bag then rushed back only to meet him about to walk out of the room.


I was lucky!


"Give them to me." He grunted once I had shut the door behind myself and I handed over the papers.


His eyes roved over the papers and I saw his countenance visibly soften as he looked through.


Maybe I really did hit the jackpot.


"This pregnancy isn't mine." He suddenly blurted out with a dark expression and my mouth fell open.


"This... I'm carrying your child, there's no one else that could be responsible."


"I can't believe someone like you is saying that"


"Someone like me?" I was forced to echo in disbelief.


"Yes, someone like you. Ana has already told me everything about you so don't try to pretend. I know that you live like a slut on a normal day."


"A slut? I have never even slept with anyone before or after you!"


"Keep lying to yourself, I already know the truth." He dismissed and my heartbeat accelerated. "So what were you expecting? Money? Or were you thinking that I would marry someone like you because of this?"


"I guess you could marry me but all I just wanted was for you to know that I'm carrying your child. I'm not going to abort the pregnancy so I might need your help in the future."


"You guess I could marry you? I would never marry a pathetic human like you and I'm not even responsible for your pregnancy, Miss." He declared and my heart almost got stuck in my throat.


"What are you... What are you saying? Do you think I don't know who impregnated me?"


"For someone like you, it's actually possible for you not to know. It's also possible that you know but you're attempting to pin it on me."


"I'm not trying to do that!" I cried out weakly.


I was already exhausted, I didn't know what I could do anymore. This was my last resort and now it was ruined.


"How about I call my girlfriend to come here and hear what you're saying? Would you still lie in her presence?"


"You can call her, she'll tell you I'm right"


"Very well then." He muttered and brought out a phone from his pocket as he sat down on one of the chairs in the room.


I could use a chair too right now.


"She's here." He announced after a while and shortly after, the door to the conference room we were in was flung open.


"Ana!" I exhaled and immediately rushed to her then grabbed her arm. "Ana, I'm sorry I had to tell him I was pregnant but I couldn't hide it. Please tell him the truth, along with the fact that I haven't slept with anyone except him."