
Triplets For The Cold Hearted Alpha King

Betrayed by her beta boyfriend, and then her omega best friend, Cassandra is a young human whose life gets plunged into a couple of complications when she mistakenly spends a drunken night with someone whom she thinks is her boyfriend and unfortunately getting pregnant for said person, who’s none other than the big, bad alpha named Jason. That led to her fleeing the country to avoid losing her life. Three years later, Cassandra isn’t the sweet naive girl everyone once knew. She’s strong, revenge starved and engaged to a wealthy alpha. The only problem is that; she now has three children who are carbon copies of their father– who now wants them back at all cost, along with their mother. ~~~ Excerpt: “Mommy said you’re a horrible person.” Robin said with a tilt of his head, pulling back when Jason attempted to touch him. “I’m not.” Jason denied . “It’s all a misunderstanding.” “Well, mommy said you are and she’s always right.” Justin chipped in. “We shouldn’t even be talking to you, please stay away from us, mommy won’t be pleased by this.” Mason mumbled with a small shrug, while regarding Jason like he was some sort of evil ninja.

Gorgeous_Aliyah · Fantasy
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10 Chs

Mistakes Have Consequences

Cassandra's POV


  After meeting Marcus's sister and finding out what Marcus had been doing to me, it seemed like my world had come to end. Everything was ruined; all my dreams had been shattered, my best friend betrayed me and I was presently pregnant for her boyfriend.


I had to move on regardless of all those happenings and without a single doubt, I knew that I couldn't abort my pregnancy. Even if I were to be offered the whole world and even Marcus, I still wouldn't murder my own blood, not to mention killing my child just to please a friend who betrayed me.


I would have preferred to raise my child all by myself but I was going to need support. Judging by the reaction of my sisters, it was obvious that the only support they would offer would be telling the so-called Alpha Jason about my pregnancy.


I had no one else to trust, which is not only depressing but also completely disappointing.




  After thinking for a while, I finally decided it would be no use struggling with the burden of parenthood all by myself. I concluded that it probably wouldn't be too difficult to find the father of my child and reveal the knowledge of the existence of a child between us since I now worked in a company that belonged to him.


But that was about a week ago...


It was when I began looking for a chance to discuss with the father of my unborn baby that I realized that it was actually extremely difficult to get an audience with him.


I tried arranging a meeting with him through his secretary but was refused with the threat of getting fired. I also attempted finding out his private number or even his office telephone number but all those efforts were unsuccessful. I even came to work really early, leaving late in the night with the hopes of seeing him but that was also to no avail.


At this point in time, I didn't know what else to do so I just got myself to the office everyday and worked absentmindedly. Eating suddenly seemed like an alien activity to me and I only shoved food into my stomach because I knew I couldn't afford to starve since I was presently with a child.


"Miss, please quickly take these files to the financial team." I heard a voice say, followed by the sound of files dropping onto my table before I had even glanced up.


I quickly got to my feet and grabbed the files, and then I began to make my way out of my corner. Soon enough, I had dropped the files with the financial team and was on my way back to the spot  where I worked.


I was still walking when I encountered a group of men who seemed like executives, and so I stopped to allow them pass. My eyes were fixed on the ground as I waited, not wanting to be accused of staring disrespectfully at anyone and getting into trouble.


A familiar voice soon trickled into my ears and I suddenly found myself lifting my head up tentatively. My suspicions were confirmed as my eyes landed on the man in the middle of the procession.


It was the extremely cold alpha!


The one who had put a baby in me!


'Finally, I have found him. He has to be aware that I am carrying his child today', I thought to myself and immediately began trailing after the group of men.


They soon entered one of the nearby conference rooms and the door was shut firmly. I stopped outside the door with an exhale and looked into the room through its transparent glass walls.


"What am I going to do?" I mumbled to myself as I watched the person who had turned my life completely upside down by putting a baby in me with a scowl on my face. 


There was nothing left to do but to wait till the meeting was over and that was what I did. I kept hovering about the conference room, walking back and forth, entering and exiting the restroom on this floor and trying to appear exactly normal to the few people who passed by.


Why is the meeting even taking this much time? .


Luckily, the conference room was around the less frequented areas of the company building so I didn't run into too many people. After a while of waiting though, I was already considering giving up and going back to my corner because I was already starting to feel extremely tired.


"My superior is going to kill me for being out of the office for so long" I lamented beneath my breath just as I found myself landing on the floor all of a sudden.


'Oh shit, I had been leaning against the door of the conference meeting', I realized in horror just as I felt a stabbing pain shoot through my back. 


I hadn't even realized that I had been leaning against the door in the first place, nor had I known that the meeting was going to end any time soon. 


By the look of things, it was obvious that as soon as the meeting finished, the door had been pulled open with people already ready to vacate the office, which is why I'm currently splayed on the ground, staring up at various heads at once who had dark scowls on their faces, making me swallow nervously.


"Would you like to explain what you're doing here?" The steely voice that I just realized I could recognize at every point in time queried and I slowly looked sideways, eyes landing on the alpha who was standing in all his glory with his hands lodged deep in his pockets.



"I..." I stammered, feeling lost and out of something tangible to say, just as the men began murmuring amongst themselves.


"Did she come here to eavesdrop?"


"She must have been eavesdropping!"


"I wonder which of our competitors sent her here to spy on us."


"She's wearing an identity card of the company, and that shows she is a staff member of this company."


"Such a young lady is involving herself in business rivalries, I wonder how much she is going to be paid just for eavesdropping?"


"Silence!" The alpha suddenly ordered and the rest of the men immediately hushed at the order of their boss at once, making me squirm at the force of the alpha which was already filling up the bedroom. 


"I'm giving you one last chance to defend yourself." He growled and I flinched in fear, but my brain chose that exact moment to focus on his facial features.


He was such a handsome man... with a full set of lips paired with an intense gleaming eye color.


It's such a shame that he's extremely rude!


"I... I am..." I finally stuttered as I hurriedly got to my feet and attempted to dust my clothes. "I came to see you, I need to..."


"She can't be serious."


"This one's definitely a spy."


"Silence!" Aman suddenly yelled and judging from the way they quickly obeyed, I was guessing he was the Alpha's second hand or something.


"Call the police station to pick her up." The Alpha finally breathed out and began walking off.


I quickly tried to follow him but before I could get closer, I was grabbed by two hefty men who came out of nowhere. The man I had assumed was his assistant quickly brought out a phone and next, he was speaking to an officer but that didn't matter right now.


"I need to talk to you!" I yelled in desperation.


"Shut up, young lady." One of the men clad in suits snapped out just as the other men followed their boss out.


"You need to listen to me!" I shouted, voice cracking in desperation but they kept on walking off.


"I'm pregnant for you" I finally blurted out.


I couldn't miss this chance.