
Triplets For The Cold Hearted Alpha King

Betrayed by her beta boyfriend, and then her omega best friend, Cassandra is a young human whose life gets plunged into a couple of complications when she mistakenly spends a drunken night with someone whom she thinks is her boyfriend and unfortunately getting pregnant for said person, who’s none other than the big, bad alpha named Jason. That led to her fleeing the country to avoid losing her life. Three years later, Cassandra isn’t the sweet naive girl everyone once knew. She’s strong, revenge starved and engaged to a wealthy alpha. The only problem is that; she now has three children who are carbon copies of their father– who now wants them back at all cost, along with their mother. ~~~ Excerpt: “Mommy said you’re a horrible person.” Robin said with a tilt of his head, pulling back when Jason attempted to touch him. “I’m not.” Jason denied . “It’s all a misunderstanding.” “Well, mommy said you are and she’s always right.” Justin chipped in. “We shouldn’t even be talking to you, please stay away from us, mommy won’t be pleased by this.” Mason mumbled with a small shrug, while regarding Jason like he was some sort of evil ninja.

Gorgeous_Aliyah · Fantasy
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10 Chs

Backstabber: Wolf In Sheep Clothing

Cassandra's POV


  I was confident that Ana would tell the Alpha the truth and save me from this mess. Even though she wanted to keep her boyfriend, she definitely couldn't betray me either so she would help me.


She was my best friend after all.


I didn't even care if he refused to marry me, all I wanted was support for my child after all. I'd actually be glad if he remained with Ana but I just needed his support to raise this child. I knew I couldn't do it all by myself.


"What are you doing here?" Ana's voice rang in my ears and I brought my focus back to her only to see that she seemed hostile.


"You know what I'm doing here, Ana, just tell him the truth please. The both of you can continue your relationship without minding me, I just need to be able to raise this child with the father."


"Then, go and look for the child's father," Ana fired back and my brain froze for a moment.


"I don't understand..."


"What's so difficult to understand in what I said? So you would really go this far without minding that you're hurting my feelings?" Ana yelled and I frowned in confusion.




"Don't you call my name, you shameless betrayer!"


"Calm down, Ana," the alpha's voice muttered. "Just calm down and explain everything to me. Don't leave out anything, just pour out all that happened."


"She's just trying to force herself into your life, Jason. Please, don't believe her," Ana cried and my mouth fell open.


I stood there, frozen, as Ana spewed lies about me to Jason. I couldn't believe what I was hearing; my best friend was accusing me of something so heinous.


"... always warned her about her promiscuous activities but she never listened to me," she was saying, claiming that I usually slept with countless men and had gotten pregnant even before sleeping with the Alpha.


I looked at Jason, hoping that he wouldn't believe Ana's lies but the look on his face told me otherwise. He was staring at me with a mixture of disbelief and disgust.


I tried to speak up and defend myself but my voice caught in my throat. How could Ana do this to me? We had been friends for years and now she was throwing everything we had shared away like this?


"Is this true?" Jason asked, his voice seeming even more cold and distant than it had been while we were alone.


"No, Jason, it's not true," I managed to say, my voice barely above a whisper. "Ana is lying."


"You two-faced snake! How dare you try to act like the victim here and say that I'm lying? I've always known that you were envious of the fact that I was dating an Alpha but I never knew you would do this to me," Ana shouted in an emotional tone and I was quite amazed at how well she could act.


"Tell me more about what happened," the Alpha requested, turning to Ana and I watched in horror as she continued to spin her web of lies.


"That night, we had met in the bar section of that hotel to have drinks together before we would both go our separate ways. Cassandra had been so interested in the fact that I was meeting with you that night and asked multiple questions which I easily answered out of trust without knowing what she was planning. I can't believe I was even worried about her and telling her not to drink much since she was pregnant. I cared about you, Cassandra!"




"Shut up, Cassandra. Aren't you even remorseful? How can you be so shameless even when the truth has already been revealed?" Ana queried and I had to admit to myself that she seemed quite believable.


Her eyes were filled with tears and she was speaking like someone who was genuinely hurt. She was even yelling at me when she was the one who brought me and even herself into this sticky situation.


"I was so excited that day, excited that you would be having a child even though you didn't reveal who the father was and that was also when I didn't realize when you drugged me."


"Ana! You and I both know that I didn't do anything of that sort. We even talked about this and you admitted to having set me up with your boyfriend," I was forced to challenge in a wobbling voice.


"Why would I set someone else up with my boyfriend? Does it even make any sense to you? Don't you feel ashamed to be telling a lie that makes no sense? Jason, don't believe what Cassandra is saying, please believe me."


"You haven't concluded with the tale yet," The Alpha only replied with the impassiveness of his voice not even changed one bit.


"It's just too painful to reminisce on," Ana sobbed. "She drugged me that night and I woke up the following day to see myself on a bed I didn't recognize. I was still groggy when you called, asking if I had sent someone to you and it was later on that I realized she could be responsible. I went out to look for her and asked her what she had done only for her to admit it. She said she had hidden me in that room once I got unconscious so that I wouldn't get in her way even if I woke up," She added and bursted into loud wails. "She even shamelessly told me thank you and said she was going to pin her pregnancy on you."


I felt a lump form in my throat as I realized what was happening. I was being set up, by my own best friend. None of it was true, but Jason seemed to be eating it all up.


He didn't even let me explain myself and immediately called the cops to have me arrested. Panic spiraled through me at the mention of the police and I quickly tried to explain myself but he wouldn't listen.


I still couldn't believe what was happening even as the police handcuffed me and led me out of the room. I felt the eyes of all the people around on me as I was led out of the company. They all seemed to be judging me and I wanted nothing but to scream out that I was innocent.


It was no use though; My life had been turned upside down in the blink of an eye, all because of Ana's lies.


As they led me out of the building, I caught a glimpse of Ana standing there, watching me. She had a smug look on her face as if she had accomplished something great. I wanted to hate her, but all I felt was sadness. 


How could she do this to me?