
treasure : Searching for oneself

An interesting and enjoyable journey for a young man with tremendous intelligence, strong determination and who found himself in young age in mazes that he could not find a way out of, so he got lost in the mazes , so he decided to sail in the wide world to find himself Notices: The maze is a metaphor•__• *This is my first novel *If you are a fan of bloodshed, shock and action, you will enjoy this story *If you like the story, support me morally with a comment or financially *This story contains a lot of comedy, even at the wrong time, so don't be shocked *This novel is pure fiction and does not extend to reality, and I do not intend to offend any beliefs or myths.

Yassin_Slaoui · Fantasy
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32 Chs

Claude vs. Grad «1»

Claude attacks Grad from behind, but Grad turns towards him and pushes him hard"If you don't use full energy, you won't be able to defeat meʼʼGrad said but Claude attacks him again "hell fire the soul of the dragon," Claude said , embodying a terrifying dragon who has strength and heat, Claude waves his sword at Grad, and the dragon runs towards him and hits him that caused a huge explosion resulted in a thick cloud of smoke that Claude thought had killed a grad , but from behind the cloud of smoke A silhouette of Grad appears, and after the smoke clears, Grad appeared and around him a deep hole, but it stood in its place unaffected. It looked as if a hot breeze hit the northern pole.

Grad sighed"I told you, you won't defeat me if you don't use all your energy Well did not leave me no choiceʼʼGrad raises his hand to the top, and dozens of large balls of black fire appear around him. Grad then lowers his hand and directs the balls towards at Claude,Claude tried to avoid it But he did not succeed, and when the ball hit him, he felt as if he had been burned by the sun, but he did not die, and it continued until the balls were over, Claude could hardly stand And he realized that he would not defeat him if he did not increase the energy that he used, Claude raises his energy to sixty percent and feels that he is as light as a feather. He runs towards Grad like lightning and waves his sword, but as soon as he touches Grad a group of spirits vanishes, and gathers again behind Claude, who quickly realizes that, so he changes the direction of his sword towards the ground and as soon as he touches it, a rocky mass emerges Under Grad at an enormous speed that made him fly but his facial expression didn't even change, Claude prepared with his sword, closed his eyes, and imagined the sweet water that was flowing, and focused, and after a few seconds his sword began to be surrounded by water. Claude opened his eyes and waved the sword at Grad, A bow of water came out of the sword , and he did this several times, Those bows headed towards Grad, but But he didn't show any reaction , and when the bows approached him , it evaporated Grad fell after that and Claude attacked him, and he used to make his sword rub against the ground, then he waved it at Grad, and a fiery laser appeared, heading towards Grad, then Mamloud did it from the other side, and Grad easily avoided it, but that was a distraction from Claude to approach him and when approaching him He throws his sword up, attacks Grad with a punch, and moments before touching him, he disappears and appears at the top holding a sword and brings it down on Grad, And a group of rocks comes out of the ground, Grad redeems that easily before Claude even touches the ground. Claude takes his sword out of the ground, then summons three rock golems and makes five meteorites of energy, but they were fixed in their place, and as soon as Claude pointed a sword at Grad They run towards him, the first golem attacks, but Grad avoids it, then kicks it and turns it into a lump of rocks, and before he attacks by the second golem, he smashes him with a look and jumps in front of the third, "Water of the Emperor, the frozen Heart," He said then he hits the golem with his finger, and it freezes and then has crashed,Then he directed his hand towards the meteorites, so he stopped it, then closed his hand So the meteorites gathered into one meteorite, then he threw that meteorite towards Claude Claude felt a painful headache in his head, then he grabbed his sword and waved it and smashed the meteor even though he touched it with the tip of the sword. Grad noticed that Claude's energy was greater than usual, "Why is it impossible?" Then he looked at the doors, seeing that all the locks radiated a strong light. If I don't stop this now, it will be the end of the world," said Grad with concern and looked at Claude's eyes, and they were without any feelings or sparkle, as if he was a zombie, and as if the one behind him was not Claude, so Claude appeared in front of Grad and attacked him. Claude stops to rest a little, and a wound appears along his face. Claude appears in front of him again and attacks him from all directions. Grad suffers several wounds and realizes that he did not stop Claude, because his end will not only be the end of the world as well. He decides to use one of his abilities to control his mind, but he cuts Claude His hand, Grad looked at his severed hand and was in a bit of pain and focused And a rock seemed to be in pain, and a new hand grew for him, Claude attacks him again and attacks with his sword and wounds Grad with several wounds, then he tries to stick his sword in Grad's stomach, But he fades into spirits and those spirits gathered away from Claude, Claude throws his sword with tremendous force to use the same skill that he used on Silver, Grad closes his eyes to focus on that blow, and when that blow approaches him, he moves his head and avoids it because he was wounded in his eyelid, and Claude appears as he lies in the air near the sword and holds and waving it towards grad, but he fades into spirits again and gathers in the sky, he opens both his arms "Zeus's lightning shock electricity" he says and then lowers his hands quickly a huge cloud forms A lot of lightning descends on Claude, and when it ends, Grad looks at Claude to make sure that he has been defeated, only to find him standing without a scratch Claude attacks again and tries to stick his sword into Grad's heart, but Grad repels that blow by placing his hand in front of his heart, then He took out his sword from his chest and wounded Claude, and before he could regenerate he took a drop of his blood and licked it, Explosive energy begins to come out of Grad, and part of that energy is sent towards his sword "the immortality fire, the golden immortality." His sword is surrounded by a great glowing golden fire and the sword is thrust into Claude's stomach, Claude tried to regenerate himself, but Grad realized that and sent another energy to his sword. "Emperor's Water, Crystal Ice," he said, Claude could not regenerate because his blood could not reach his stomach because of the ice, which was so strong that the sun could not Melt it, Claude shouted angrily And he took his sword from Grad's hand and tried to cut off his head, but Grad hits the ground with his foot. "The gluttonous beast of the earth" shouts, A monster embodies from the rock and grabs Claude's hand''Grad let go of his sword and raised his hand to the sky "Zeus's lightning of eternal torment" and a chain of lightning started striking Claude and preventing him from moving, Grad looked into Claude's eyes to see that they were starting to return to normal, so he decided to strike him the final blow, so he prepared to kick him "the last wind, the boosted air." and kicks Claude with a hundred times his normal strength, Claude flies away, and when he falls, he makes a deep hole, after thay Claude returns to his normal "wh....

..where ah." Before completing his sentence, he felt as if he had been stuck with a burning star in his stomach, and in his face was a mountain that hit him, and he could not move because of the lightning, and his hand was broken Also because of the giant Then he passed out