
treasure : Searching for oneself

An interesting and enjoyable journey for a young man with tremendous intelligence, strong determination and who found himself in young age in mazes that he could not find a way out of, so he got lost in the mazes , so he decided to sail in the wide world to find himself Notices: The maze is a metaphor•__• *This is my first novel *If you are a fan of bloodshed, shock and action, you will enjoy this story *If you like the story, support me morally with a comment or financially *This story contains a lot of comedy, even at the wrong time, so don't be shocked *This novel is pure fiction and does not extend to reality, and I do not intend to offend any beliefs or myths.

Yassin_Slaoui · Fantasy
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32 Chs

the Great Shadow Knight Garden

This is a strong metal for making swords, and now let,s •••••••" Grad said, but his words were interrupted by muscles who did not die despite Claude blowing his head off. "How are you still alive? I blew your head off with this hand."

''hahaha I am muscles the immortal who has the ability to regenerate quickly, how do you think I die from blowing my head?" He says while flexing his muscles, and suddenly something hurts him in the cheek, He looks at Claude and Grad to find that Claude has disappeared, "Where is •••''He wanted to ask, but wounds began to rain on him from everywhere, This was Claude bouncing from one place to another like a ball, wounding muscles, then starting to increase his speed and cutting muscles into thousands of pieces, "Immortal fire, the heat of sun heart ." Grad says and makes a ball of black fire and throws it slowly towards pieces of muscle with one finger, and the ball slowly goes off as if it were a feather falling from a high building, and when it touches pieces of muscle a great fire comes out that turns it into ashes '' Great Shadow Knight Garden Let's get the handle!" Grad says to Claude as he puts his hand on his shoulder Claude pushes away and shouts "There's more!!"

"Of course!" Grad puts his hand back on Claude's shoulder again and takes them to the Great Shadow Knight's garden. 'Well, it,s is more beautiful than a volcano, no, in fact,it,s is the most beautiful thing my eyes have ever seen.' Claude says in exclamation.

'Don't let her beauty charm you. "Ah, great Shadow Knight, before the Pirate Kingdom existed and before energy existed, before the Chamber of Hundreds even fell, humans were the only rational beings and they relied on a system of levels so the more you fight or do any skill the higher you level in that For skill, and in the places where your kingdom was established, there was a prosperous kingdom, and this knight was its chief guard, and on the day that fell in the room of a hundred years, a wave of energy occurred that made the world as it is today, but that wave led to the death of everyone in the kingdom except for that knight, who His level was above a thousand, but due to the intensity of his sincerity, he entered this room to search for something that would prepare the king to life, and he turned into a great shadow knight, taking the souls of people who enter this garden and taking their souls." Claude was shocked by the story of that knight, and he did not know that the earth was existed before the room of a hundred years, After Claude and the grad entered the garden, they began to walk, Claude was shocked by everything he saw, as all the plants were beautiful and bright, and suddenly walls began to emerge from the ground all over the garden. Immediately after that, they knew that it was a maze, so they started wandering to get out, but after five minutes, the maze began to change itself, which made it difficult for them. If the maze was difficult, then with their intelligence, they were able to get out in less than twenty-four hours, but what they met at the exit of the maze It was, the Great Shadow Knight directly Claude attacked but there was a shield of magic protecting him.

"What is that? I didn't feel any kind of energy around him," asked Claude.

"simply because it is not energy. As you can see, the room of a hundred years came with two things, energy and magic, and that's magic." Grad answered,

Claude continued to attack, but it didn't even affect the knight in the slightest, In the end, he asked Grad to help him, and Grad told him that he had to use all his energy. "What is this thing that could kill me?" Claude shouted.

"No, no, this thing kills low-level people and your being here means that you are not." Grad said coldly.

Claude listened to his advice and increased the amount of energy that would be used, and this was the first time he used his aura, and it was black in color, The situation until Claude got fed up and destroyed the shield, and he ran quickly towards him. He was about to cut off the knight's head, but the knight took out a sword and prevented Claude, Claude attacked him again, but to no avail, because that knight was without a body, but a soul inside a Armory, so it is impossible to kill him like this The knight attacked Claude with his sword, but Claude pounced on the sword and landed on it and smashed it''If I can't defeat him with energy, I will defeat him by energy A huge energy descended upone him and killing him Claude then took the handle and left ''Thirty percent of his strength, yet he easily defeated a knight." Grad thought.

When they returned to the doorway, Grad taught Claude a way to make a sword with energy, and Claude did it, It was an orange blade engraved with fatter and a black handle, and it was so sharp that if he waved it at the iron slowly, he would easily cut it, and so strong that if a meteor fell on it, it would explode. The meteor is not even scratched.

Claude then prepared himself to start his fight with Grad, as Grad was only using his hand in his fight.