
treasure : Searching for oneself

An interesting and enjoyable journey for a young man with tremendous intelligence, strong determination and who found himself in young age in mazes that he could not find a way out of, so he got lost in the mazes , so he decided to sail in the wide world to find himself Notices: The maze is a metaphor•__• *This is my first novel *If you are a fan of bloodshed, shock and action, you will enjoy this story *If you like the story, support me morally with a comment or financially *This story contains a lot of comedy, even at the wrong time, so don't be shocked *This novel is pure fiction and does not extend to reality, and I do not intend to offend any beliefs or myths.

Yassin_Slaoui · Fantasy
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32 Chs

Claude vs Grad «2»

Claude wakes up shocked, his breath was fast, he looks at the stab wound in his stomach and is shocked that it is not there. He touches his face to feel the kick, but he does not find it either, He looks to his left to find Grad contemplating, and when he saw Grad his memory returned to him, but from the moment Grad stabbed him, He holds his sword to surprise Grad with an attack, so he activates hellfire, but the flames were black." "What? How ••••• How do I use the immortality fire?ʼʼIt seems that after his madness and Grad hit him, his energy increased Claude was overjoyed that he could use the Immortality Fire and attacked with the cutting blades Grad dodged that attack so quickly that he didn't appear to be moving, and grabbed one of the blades and hit Claude with it, Claude felt as if his hand had been amputated, but when he looked at it, it had a deep wound and many burns, he smiled and then attacked Grad.

Sixtieth year :

This is Claude's 60th year in the room and he can now match the swordless grad by using ten percent of his energy ''Well now it's time to get seriousʼʼGrad says, then left Claude in his jaw and made him flies, then he took out his sword and slashed a number of swords and attacked Claude with them, every sword that was stabbed in him was as if he was dying and returning to life, but with this pain Not to mention the swords that were wounding, Claude got angry after that and let out an energy that took all the swords out of his body and then landed on the ground and looked at Grad angrily then thought "I will not defeat him as long as I waste my energy on this aura" then he stood up straight and closed his eyes and took He inhaled for a long time, and his aura began to fade gradually, Even the aura that indicates his kindness began to fade away, until it disappeared, And when you exhale a black aura began to evaporate, but it was flowing smoothly and not randomly, as it surrounded his body only, and this saves a lot of energy''It's what I've been practicing and my trump card''Claude said, then softly struck the ground with his sword ''field'' The place around Grad turns into a black void, he looks into Claude's eyes to see that her eggs have turned black, then Claude disappears with an evil smile on his faceGrad begins to receive stab wounds from all directions. "This is the monster that I know. He may think that he has discovered a way to increase energy, but he did not discover anything other than that flowing aura. As for that black aura that multiplied his powers a thousand times, it is the same state of madness that befell him, but he is currently in control. And they are all a leak from one of the doors, which is the oppression door ." Then Grad snaps his fingers and cancels Claude's field and looks at the right side to see that Claude is about to attack him, then a sword comes out and he is about to stick it in Claude but Claude avoids it, Claude raises his head to see that Grad is about to punch him and he did, Claude gets up and directs his hand, towards Grad, and moves it, and a rock falls in the same direction, and continues to do so until Grad jumps high, then throws his sword at Grad. Grad avoids the hit and laughs. "You want to carry out this Skill , so you have to field how to perform it first." Grad avoids it again, catches it, and throws it towards Claude quickly, Claude avoids the hit, but the sword disappears, and attacks him again from behind, injuring him and, This happens again and again, and all of that is only from Grad moving his finger, and in the end, Grad says the word "explosion" and the sword extrudes a black hole that sucks Claude inside it, Claude grabs his sword and pulls it out of the ground, stopping the black hole, and before he gets ready until he sees Grad's sword about to kill him, he avoids him, but Grad appears near the sword, attacks Caude and hits him in the back. Claude gets angry and tries to cut Grad's neck, but Grad stops the Claude,s attack by one his hand, and the blow was so strong that it cut off Grad's fingers, which angered him, so he renewed his fingers quickly and steadfastly, thrusting his hand in different places of Claude's body until Claude collapses from the large amount of blood he lost, but he jumps and moves away from Grad and uses a water skill that removes blood from the body On Grad, but Grad does not have any blood, he attacks Claude to deliver the final blow, and before he hits him, Claude's energy runs out and fell on the ground.

Claude then wakes up to a voice saying, "Don't die, don't die." To see Grad doing CPR, he asks him what happened to him, telling him that he has used up all his energy and that he needs to resClaude did not believe what he heard and lay down on the ground and entered literally steadfastness. He woke up after ten years and his energy level had improved to the point that Grad attacked him with a quick attack, but Claude was seeing him in slow motion and with one finger making him flies, ''Hahahaha, you've really improvedsaidʼʼ Grad said, he sitting down next to Claude to explain his mistakes "The first mistake you used 100 percent of your energy.

The second mistake is wasting your energy on useless things, such as the aura, which you must use to increase the effectiveness of your attack, such as sending it to your feet when running and your hands when attacking.

The third offense is attacking directly without making tight plans and with expected movements.ʼʼ

Claude tried to follow Grad's advice, and because of his intelligence, he was able to implement it on the first try .

This is Claude's ninetieth year, and he was finally able to defeat Grad, but Grad gets up and says to him, "I told you that you would defeat me, but I did not say that I would surrender." Claude smiled and threw the sword near him, then attacked him with blows that shattered his bones. From the ground pierced Grad's body. ''Surrender,'' Claude said But there was no answer from Grad, so he brought out the fire of eternity in those rocks and returned his word, but Grad did not utter a word. Claude sent several blades of wind to him that pierced his body. The pain he was feeling was indescribable, and his blood was flowing like rivers. He got angry and said, "Honogenous pieces." He cut off all those rocks. He went towards Claude, but Claude tasted his shoes and smashed Grad's head,Grad renewed himself quickly, and when he got up, Claude's blade was a few millimeters away from him, so he closed his eyes and said, "Surrender," and He splits into two halves, and from her he hears a voice saying, "I told you I will force you to surrender." He opens his eyes to see that he is still fine. Yes, it was all in Claude's domain. And he opens his hand and breaks the lock on the door, so these skills descend on Claude's mind as the virus descends on phones, and then Grad asks him for one last service, which is combat.

Naturally, Claude won, and then he bowed to Grad out of respect and appreciation, and when he raised his head, he found himself in the middle of the desert again, and that storm again, and the feeling of hunger again, but worse, and he falls to the ground and begins to vomit blood, but when the storm approaches him, he creates winds to drive away the storm And while he was trying to get up, he saw a crown and tried to grab it, but the sand entered his eye, and after he was able to open his eyes, he found himself back in the green pastures and all those random things, especially the sword, he tried to touch it, but There is an energy that prevents him from doing so, After that, the room begins to crack and break, and Claude comes out of it